This or That?

Hmm. That's a tough one. I'd have to go with mastering an instrument.

Would you rather spend the night with 5 supermodels (male or female) or would you rather be married to one?
Uhm, IMHO I'm already married to one. :D

Would you rather be in the front seat or the back seat of a roller coaster?
Nightclub if there is no hip hop and sporting event as long as it isn't one of these boring ones which you can't enjoy no matter what you do thanks to the damn competition when you just want to have fun instead of feeling to like you failed when you get just a piece of paper that says that you participated.

Raw fish or cooked insects?

Spending time with someone you like and want to know better at an event that they like, but which will bore you silly OR time by yourself, doing something amazing that you enjoy and have always wanted to do.
Having the actual book in hand. Don't really see the point in getting a Kindle.

Getting your paycheck in pennies or foreign money?
Neither. Haven't touched the stuff since 91.

To go without sleeping for two days or without internet for two days?
Wow. That is a tough one. I guess a toothache. I can put something on that to numb it. With an earache, I'd have to sit at a heating pad to keep it from hurting.

Would you rather have your fingernails pulled off or your hair on your head hot waxed off?
Definitely waxing. Waxing doesn't hurt that much and I'm not vain about my scrawny hair.

Would you rather: spend the holidays with your significant others' thieving smoking stoner family for 3 weeks or sit at home with only your ex and have no money at all for deco or presents?
*Laughing out loud* <~~for real, by the way.
I'd leave my valuables at home and go spend three weeks with my thieving stoner relatives. Although they may not remember a thing, I'll have memories that will last a lifetime and stories to tell all my friends for years to come!

(Wow, I can't even top that one)

Making snow angels, naked or walking across the desert in the sweltering heat?
Naked snow angels, followed by jumping into the hot tub with my naked wife! Whoo hoo!

Would you rather run out of gas or have a flat tire?
Definitely a flat tire. I know how to fix it myself, where as if I had run out of gas I'd have to walk to the nearest gas station while keeping my fingers crossed no one would hit me from behind!

Snuggling by the fire, sipping wine and enjoying a great conversation with someone special or sitting around a bonfire with a bunch of your crazy friends drinking beer?
Most certainly snuggling by the fire, sipping wine and enjoying a great conversation with someone special.

Would you rather have freshly ground roasted coffee with no breakfast, or hearty breakfast with no coffee at all?
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