This or That?

Without a doubt, cure cancer. My grammy died of lung cancer and my great aunt is battling breast cancer right now.

Let someone merge in front of you in bumper to bumper traffic or being stuck in standstill traffic with no heat/ac in extreme weather?
^ Sorry to hear that, D....My Mother is battling Breast Cancer right now as well. *frowns*

I'll be nice and let someone squeeze in front of me during bumper to bumper traffic. It's not like we're going anywhere and hopefully someone will do the same for me one day.

Would you rather be pecked by an angry chicken or bitten by a rabid dog?
I've been pecked by an angry chicken so, hells yeah, I'll take that!

Would you rather have a meal in an expensive restaurant or your quick and favorite delivery/takeout?
I'll take the expensive meal. It's a rarer event for me.

Brand new pair of rocking shoes or the latest cool cell-phone?
That's a tough one. 'Cause it'd be like, shoes, of course, but which ones? The excelent cycling shoes I've been eying? Or boots? And if they're boots do I go for some cool ropers to ride horses in or hiking boots? And if they're not boots then how about running shoes? So... yeah. Shoes.

So, a totally new car but with a high monthly payment, or a used clunker that's paid for?
Someone new! The other person's probably in the past for a good reason.

Would you rather be married to someone you are completely in love with who only thinks of you as a friend, or to someone you think of as a friend who completely loves you?
That's a tough one and hits close to home! I'd say the first one.

Would you rather do something wrong for the right reason or do something right for the wrong reason?
That is a tough one too. On one hand, doing something wrong, like breaking someone's car window, for the right reason, like saving a child who got locked up in there, would be a good thing. But... doing something right, like agreeing to go to my in-laws, but because I wanted to not get nagged, and not because I wanted to go...

Argh. I'd rather do something wrong but for the right reasons. Broken windows are easier to fix than broken hearts.

Would you rather give up (insert favorite vice here, like chocolate, cigarettes, or alcohol) or give up sex?
I would rather give up my beloved chocolate than EVER give up sex.

Iced tea/coffee or hot tea/coffee?
Oh that's a trick question! We all make things for each other and then throw in a gift card for whatever project they like doing. It's not impersonal with my family. If someone gives a gift card that has nothing to do with what we like, it's usually someone's new g/f or b/f lol. Gift card to hobby lobby or my local ben franklin's is great for me!

Do you like,
xmas dogs:

or xmas cats:
Guuu! Can't I have both? ...I guess I'll go with X-mas cats if I have to pick.

You meet your favorite fictional crush and have the choice of either: a single kiss, or thirty seconds worth of hugging. Which do you choose?
Lol, I couldn't choose either because they're both mine!
I'd choose hugging because I could slip in a grope maybe hehe.

Winter at the beach or the mountains in the summer?
Hm, there's something kind of oddly romantic about cold, grey days at the beach, but right now I'm thinking mountains in the summer.

Walking around in the rain with someone you like, or sitting at home by yourself under a blanket watching snow fall?
The rain with someone I like!

Would you rather have your crush take you out to eat at a fancy restaurant or make you a home made meal?
Hands down, my crush preparing a home made meal! Ah, to watch a man slice and dice in the kitchen with confidence...(be still my beating heart!) Not only do I consider it to be quite romantic but having someone willing to spend the time it takes to put a dish together shows how much I mean to them. And skills in the kitchen will always win me over!

Would you rather have one million dollars in your pocket and no one to share it with or have ten thousand dollars to give out freely to random strangers?
I seriously wanna be altruistic, but I'll be honest that I could really use that million $ right now! :blush:

Would you rather have a quiet xmas at home with only a couple presents or an elaborate all out eggnog, carols, giant tree, decked out xmas with tons of impersonal gifts from dozens of people that you dislike and it's mutual?
I'd rather have a smaller christmas at home, with minimal materialistic things.

Would you rather:
produce a rare one of kind pheromone that turns everyone of the opposite sex into mindless horny slaves, that will stop at nothing to have sex with you all day.
Be always incredibly aroused, and never be able to achieve satisfaction ever again?
Oh man, both would be kinda scary I think :s I guess maybe I'd go with the first one though. The second would be pretty much debilitating and agonizing, being constantly distracted by the need for sex, but never able to get off... At least with the first I can potentially find some way to make it manageable :blush:

I'm gonna pass that one on, 'cause I'm curious about other peoples' opinions.
How do I put this nicely? I'm a 75/25 kinda woman who likes men and women so only one gender would be awkward. Though I would take the first one most definitely. Who would want to always be frustrated and never have satisfaction?

Would you rather have 4 intimate genital and nipple piercings in front of your grandparents or clean up 2 nervous, puking, pissing, shitting and howling pitbulls 4 times in a car for 2 1/2 hours on the side of a highway?
I would have to go with the dogs. At least i could just clean up a nasty mess 4 times and it would be over in 2.5 hours. ^_^ not really a fan personally of piercings. But shit-piss-barf doesnt bother me. Long as the dogs are safe.

Would you rather have infinite money, or the power to control people with your mind? An example of what you might do with your choice?
Definitely controlling people with my mind! If I needed money, I could just arrange a meeting with someone who's got way more money than they need and just make them transfer me the dough. It's got waaay more power than just being able to get money though. I could probably find ways to get anything I want, and ultimately reshape the world.

Forced to choose between the two, would you rather suck off a goblin or give an ogre a lap dance? :p
Give an ogre a lap dance, for obvious reasons.
Now I can't think. That mental image of the goblin, and your avatar with the wavy tail...

Would you rather go back in time for a day or be able to go forward to the last day of your life and see how it ends?
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