This or That?

Amazingly I would have to actually go with B, though I am sure I would fail horribly and get killed.

Ice Cream Shake or Ice Cream Cone
Corn mazes... the never-ending dance is far more fun than the destination, and keeps romance alive (followed by the hayride ;) )

Planned vacation or something spontaneous?
I'd have to go for the bread-sticks, then all i'll need is someone who cooks the main portion of my meals. For i'm a rather pathetic cook, if you ask me. XD

I'll go with a cliche one....Don't really care if someones asked this or not, just going to shoot...

Better to loved and loss?

Or never at all?
Ginko said:
I'd have to go for the bread-sticks, then all i'll need is someone who cooks the main portion of my meals. For i'm a rather pathetic cook, if you ask me. XD

I'll go with a cliche one....Don't really care if someones asked this or not, just going to shoot...

Better to loved and loss?

Or never at all?

Easy, Loved and Lost


Sheets on or Sheets off?
Sheets on, not having sheets bugs me profusely.

Being inside a coffin underground while still alive. (Burred alive.)

Or slowly sinking into quicksand.
That's a good one. I'd have to say history, I tend enjoy history just a bit more then art.....

Would you rather be:

A jack of all trades, yet master of none? (Knows countless skills, yet is mediocre at all of them.)

Or be perfect at one thing and terrible at all others? (Mastery level skill of one thing, terrible at everything else.)
Neither. Toshiba. :p

Would you rather be in an...

airplane that lost it's engines while at 10,000 feet ASL?
...or a
submarine that lost it's engines while a mile under water?
That's a tough one, because I think both would be awesome in their own ways. However, I don't wanna have to sift through people's minds, or have to hear everyone's thoughts all the time, so I'll go with invisibility.

Would you rather be able sing amazingly or master an instrument?
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