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This or That?

Sky-walk on the glass platform at the rim. (I've been to the Grand Canyon, but it was over 10 years ago, and they didn't have the glass platform then.)

Fingers up and down your spine or combing through your hair?
...That's a hard one. Combing through hair while making out, and fingers up and down spine during sex? c: If I had to pick, comb through hair.

Slow, sensual sex in the privacy of your own home? Or hot explosive sex somewhere with a chance of discovery?
The first, slow sensual sex in the privacy of my home. :)

Hot wax (for play) or massage oil?
Steak. God I want some steak right now. Second person to remind me today. T__T

Chinese or Korean food?
Chinese (No Sushi, though. Is that Chinese or Japanese? lol)

Steak: Medium well or well done? (Teases and tantalizes Krimson some more about the steak I'm having for dinner!) ;)
(Sushi is Japanese).

I...kind of dislike both. Medium well I guess. Medium preferred. :c And I swear to god I have one piece of beef left, I might have to cook it now. Orz. TnT

If you HAD to pick:
1. Go to work fully naked for one day.
2. Go to work topless for one week.

Assuming you won't get arrested and stuff.
^ You'd rather be out there with the ants and mosquitoes than comfortably ensconced in a warm, foamy tub? ^

Tubing. On a slow-flowing Gulf Coast river. With nowhere to be and no time to be there.

Chinese or Italian?
^ Maybe she's an "outdoorsy" kind of gal! ;)


Spaghetti noodles: Al dente? or soft?
While the art of finger-fucking is in a most regrettable decline, largely due to the introduction of pantie-hose, there's nothing like the main event!

Spanked bent over a table or stretched out across a lap?
Bare hand - because the hand knows to stop short of actual damage, and the paddle does not. Also, the hand will enjoy a little rubbing between strokes, while the paddle doesn't care.

Charging through the gears in the mountains or sailing along a smooth freeway?
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