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This or That?

KFC (I find LJS just toooo greasy!!)

Does the picture below make you instantly think of:


Football? orrr...something else? (If something else, tell us!) :p
Mm, the thigh is a much tender meat, but the breast is oh so malleable.

For the ladies~
Unbelievably big and thick (♡) or just right?
Happy, your ava Makes. Me. Crazy. in love!

I'll say just right--I need n like a little wiggle room. ;)

Better eye candy: luscious full mouth or seductive bedroom eyes?
Naw, shucks ♡

Seductive bedroom eyes most definitely.
I don't mind the mouth too much especially when muffled with a gag, but it's the eyes that stare up at you and beg you to continue that I love more than anything else.

A woman in heels and stockings or combat boots and short shorts? (Think Lara Croft style ♡)
Lace gets caught in my devices too easily, it's hard to untangle it all.
So slinky satin all the way.

Collar and name tag or necklace and pendant to claim ownership?
I agree, especially if it's a nice leather collar with solid metal clasps.

Sexy satin, it's like a sexy second skin.

Silk lined, leather hand cuffs or soft, durable rope?
Two words Happy--Do. Me.

While rope is nice, I most definitely prefer silk lined, leather hand cuffs.

Super tight leather corset or thigh high shiny heeled boots?
Four words Dogged - Come. And. Get. Me.

Super tight leather corset of course~
Give me that curved waist line and forced up chest any day of the week.

EDIT: Opps, forgot to add a question.
Physical domination or mental?
Life without what?
I'm going to let my imagination run wild and say sex.
So in that case, death by hanging... As long as I can have a last meal.

Probed by Aliens or raped by tentacles?
Yikes I live 40 minutes from Boston and hate it--Columbus any day!!!

End of the workday preference: A quiet glass of wine at home or a few beers out at the bar with the guys?
Sex can occasionally BE magical if both (or all) parties want it to be, and have the necessary skills. Still working on the converse.

Friday morning: You're headed back to Chicago (from Detroit) for the fifth game of their Stanley Cup Playoff series. Train or plane?
Train, more time to think, more time to do other things.

In a tragic twist of fate you wind up in a weird science experiment that mutates your body to grow features from a farmyard animal (Tail, ears, fur, basically you've been turned into an anthropomorphic creature).
Which animal would you prefer to mutate with?
A bull or a horse?
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