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This or That?

Bad-ass Coupe.

The Zombie Apocalypse is here, your choice of weapons are:
A. An ample supply of grenades (Both frag and flash), a 24 caliber hand gun with one magazine of bullets, a hunting knife and a length of rope.


B. An AK47 with an almost unlimited supply of bullets, five frag grenades, a chrome baseball bat, a box of nails and a standard Swiss army knife.

Keeping in mind that these zombies are attracted by sound, but gather in large groups.
Have no idea about zombies. *Closes eyes and points* "A" it is!!

Early to bed? or early to rise?
I get up at four-thirty, not terribly early, but sufficient to my needs... getting to bed early, however, can be problematic.

A nice, relaxed bedtime fuck, or a spring-torturing mid-afternoon session that ruins all the neighbors' naps?
*Stretches and yawns before removing her nightie and tossing it to the floor beside her bed* A nice, relaxed bedtime fuck sounds perfect! ;)

Top or bottom?
After forty, life on the bottom takes on a definite appeal! But, if you're lookin' for a take-charge guy, well, that might be different!

A nice, tidy fuck where all fluids stay where Mother Nature wants 'em - or a messy, splashy screw with come (yours and mine) EVERYWHERE?
I take the messy, splashy fuck, especially when it's his place and his job to clean up afterwards. ;)

Nice, 'secure' fuck or risk of pregnancy?
The idea of risking it is such a turn-on in my fantasy world. However, at my age, a secure fuck would be my preference.

Bondage? or Spanking?
Two girls and a guy.
Preferring myself as the only male in the room. =)

Let's say Disease free for the next question -

Sex unprotected with a sterile/ barren partner OR Making love to someone with 'live rounds' with standard protection?
What's the use of 'live rounds' when they don't have any chance from the beginning? So I would go for the unprotected guy for the unlimited fun. ;)

Oral sex with swallowing or spitting out?
Deep throat. :blush: *Coughs, sputters and ....gags!) :p

Porn with a story/plot? or just "doing the deed"?
Definately stay at home where it's warm and comfy to watch the Derby.

Bet on the favorite? Or take a long shot?
Well, Verazzano went off at nine to one and may cross the finish line before Mothers' Day; do we see a trend working here?

See if there's a seat on another charter to Pimlico, or cut losses and go golfing?
Top Bottom