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This or That?

Quiet dinner and drinks at home with my lover.

Taking it all or taking none?
Long-term, with the principals getting laid often enough to stave off neuroses....

Enjoyability factor: working with your partner to write the synopsis, or actually cranking the role-play out?

You're in a typical role-play, in which there's a significant amount of sex, and your partner's character crosses a previously-set line, but you're so turned on by the scene that you shrug it off and co-operate?
I have made exceptions before and with the right person, I can try it if it really turns me on.

An Futuristic tale or a Historical tale?
Shy sweet girl

One hearty paragraph of a response or eight paragraphs describing everything down to the number of blades of grass in the field.
A long, wicked, cryptic message.. Leave them wondering, with watery mouths!

Bungee jumping, with a obviously broken string. Or heartbreaking divorce?
Admissions to being a slave of romance.. Seems to fall in good grounds, however. So guess it's working out pretty well, in my favor.

Hmm.. Sports car, n' cache full of gold. Or Old Nissan n' a heart full of gold?
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