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This or That?

Underwater - much better survival chances if a minor glitch goes major....

You're in the mood for some musical entertainment. There are a blues jamboree and a country-music hoedown being held in your area. Which would you choose to attend?
Blues jamboree.

You have a free vacation, but you must choose one of two destinations. Hershey, Pennsylvania (chocolate galore) or Hell, Michigan (Yes, it's a real place)
^ I guess you either got ransomed or escaped - good for you! ^

Hershey, Pennsylvania - Hell, Michigan is in the middle of nowhere. Now, Detroit would be another matter (Red Wings!).

You receive two scholarship offers to go back to college and take an advanced degree. One's from Vanderbilt and the other from Northwestern. Do you go, and if so - where?

Northwestern University, I would love to live in Chicago. And if it were free, the of course I would go.

Chocolate or a fruit salad?
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