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This or That?

Paradise Island sounds lovely!

Which Island would you rather be on: Gilligan's? or Fantasy? :p
It's been a rough week for me...bring on the rum cake!

Holding me in your arms, feeling my warm body molded next to yours while we share lots and lots of soft kisses? Or, banging me like a screen door in a hurricane?

I'm a country gal, so give me some biscuits and gravy, please!

A one night stand: Do you leave right after the sex? or, do you go ahead and spend the night, leaving in the morning?
Stay the night; I tend to enjoy seconds, and if I "stay over" I'm well positioned for breakfast should the offer be forthcoming.

Cherry Coke or Vanilla Coke*?

*For ONE SUMMER there was a "Cherry-vanilla Coke" but it apparently didn't catch on. Damned if I know why; it seems like a natural to me.
Cherry Coke (I use to order up a "cherry-vanilla Dr. Pepper" at the local Sonic. They were AWESOME!)

Flip flops or "thongs"? :p

Wet t-shirt? or wet dream?

(And here's a little sumpin sumpin for Prince!) hehe :p

Cheetos (even if they do turn your fingers orange and icky!)

A malt? or a shake?
So a guy wakes up one morning, goes in to take a piss, and his cock is bright orange!

When he stops screaming, he jumps in his truck and heads for the emergency room.

The triage nurse looks at his dayglo-tinted member and asks, "What you been doin' with that thing, honey?"

"Nuthin!" he replies.

The nurse gives him the grandma of all skeptical looks and asks, again: "Nothing?"

The guy says, "Nuthin'! I was home all night! My wife is out of town, so I bought some Chee-tos and a twelve-pack and turned on the Playboy Channel!

I'll take a shake if it's you doin' the shakin', sugar!

A guy gives you his plane as collateral for a big loan, then skips town. Do you sell it, or take flying lessons?
Barbecue. Has anyone ever got drunk and laid on a pizza party? Yeah, didn't think so.

Dinner at the white house or bunga bunga with Berlusconi?
Hearse, it is probably the cleaner less likely to smell like carbage.

Would you rather be werewolf or vampire?
Would you rather...get married to a monkey or pull people's toenails off for the rest of your life?
Random, I know - it just sprouted, nothing I could do except write it down XD
Never saw a monkey which seriously turned me on, so... pass the pliers, please!

Season tickets to your favorite hockey team (hint: Red Wings) ~or~ tickets to all the major museums in North America?
That's an easy one - I would take the museum tickets, and I don't even live in North America! Hockey is just to damn boring.

Having sex with Sarah Palin or getting married to Nancy Peloci?
Sarah Palin. I don't fuck with Nancy Pelosi in any sense of the word.

OK: you're on vacation in Arizona, and time is running out 'til you have to fly home (out of McCarran Field). In your remaining half-day at the Grand Canyon, do you take the mule ride to the bottom, or do the sky-walk on the glass platform at the rim?
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