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This or That?

...Those are men's shoes right? I don't even know what they are...*flips a coin and picks a random ones*

$1000 dollars to spend on groceries for the family? Or $800 dollars to spend on whatever you want?
Manga. They are usually rendered better.

$1000 to spend on on the homeless and otherwise poor, or $1 to spend on yourself?
1000 dollars to spend for the poor of course. And I prefer manga too, they don't need filler and are much farther in the story than the anime.

Subbed or dubbed?
Dubbed. Although it is painfully obvious (very soon) that the actors aren't really saying what you're hearing, it's much less distracting than having to read lines of text while watching the movie.

French onion soup or Scotch broth?
That's right, I prefer to watch the movie instead of reading what they are saying. I can't ignore the sub-titles and keep on reading them.

French oion soup because I never had Scotch broth.

Rum or cigarettes?
Fried ants are tasty, but hell, I'd go for the adventure. I'll have bull balls, waiter. Medium well. (I saw these in a supermarket once packaged in sets of three. Hmm.)

Supermarket or Farmer's Market?
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