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This or That?

Experience to be savored :D It's been years since I've last been on one too (last one was to the Grand Canyon~)

Blind or deaf
Deaf. I think I would lose it and kill myself when I couldn't read any longer. Sure, I'd have to watch my shows like Doctor Who and MlP with undertitles, but at least I could see them instead of only listening to the sounds and voices.

Poor and healthy or rich and uncurably sick?
Poor and healthy. Health is the 1 thing money cant buy. Ever.

Live 120+ years, vith healthy macrobiotic diet, regular exercise, no smoking or other vices, living by a strict set of rules? Or live 65-70 years, vith "normal" fast-lane modern unhealthy lifestyle?
Vhichever is more comfy, unles I'm on a beach and vant to seduce everyone around me :) In that case, thongs.

Car or motorcycle?
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