(Karo x Krys)

She smiled a bit brighter. "I'd like that." she said. "I don't really have much to do on weekends." she said. She sat up slowly, letting the blanket slip off of her shoulder. "Would...it bother you if I didn't tell my parents? At least not right away." she said.
"Of course it wouldn't bother me I know how people can get I've been in a few fist fights due to my sexuality and I know how it is to be disliked for who you choose to like" ,Krys told Rosalyn. She sat up and pulled the blankets off of herself, "We should probably get dressed and get to Filch before he comes looking for us". Krys stood up and put her clothes on, she kissed Rosalyn passionately before opening the door, "I really don't want to be away from you, I have half a mind to come and kidnap you when everyone falls asleep" ,Krys joked.
She smiled, the kiss unexpected as she looked up from putting her shoes on. She smiled a bit, still buttoning her shirt as she opened the door. She laughed a bit as she followed her. The halls weren't scrubbed, but she doubted that anyone would really notice. "Should I expect you, then?" she teased, picking up the unused bucket from the floor.
"Hmm depends do you want me to come get you"? Krys asked playfully even though it was a slightly serious question. She really wouldn't mind sneaking out to go get her now girlfriend and bring her back to her room, the thought alone excited her. Krys waved her wand making the floor clean and shiny, "There now if the old grump checks it he'll be satisfied".
She smiled a bit to Krys. "I'd like that." she said to her. "A lot." She smiled a bit brighter than she usually did. It was like a weight had been lifted from her, really, finally feeling open and accepted for something she had kept hidden for so long.
"Alright then meet me right outside your common room after everyone goes to bed I'll be there waiting" ,Krys told her quietly just in case anyone was around. When they got to Filch's office Krys opened the door and put the bucket on his desk, "All clean" ,she told him. He just grumbled and motioned for the two to leave. Krys looked at Rosalyn and mouthed the words 'See you later' before exiting the office and making her way back to her room to set some stuff up for later.
Rosalyn smiled to her, and made her way back to the tower. She idled away the time until everyone had gotten ready for bed, herself included. Once she had given everyone a long chance to fall asleep, she snuck down out of the dormitory and out of the common room, and into the hall, wearing just an oversized button-down shirt and pair of shorts as her pajamas.
Krys cleaned her room up and had the elves make a platter of snacks and bring it to her room along with a pitcher of juice. She waited impatiently as time seemed to go by slowly. When it was close to time for all the students to be in bed Krys made her way to Gryffindor tower to meet up with Rosalyn, she hid in the shadows until she seen Rosalyn come out of the portrait. "Hey love, c'mon let's go" ,Krys whispered holding her hand out for Rosalyn to take it so she could walk with her back to her room.
She smiled a bit, and took her hand. She had to admit, she was slightly nervous. She had never dared set foot outside of the common room after they were supposed to be in bed. At every little sound, she turned, craning her neck as she peered around corners, expecting to be caught any minute.
Krys was a little amused by Rosalyn's nervousness, when they finally reached Krys' bedroom she opened the door and let Rosalyn go in first then followed her in and shut the door. Right after Krys locked the door she grabbed Rosalyn and kissed her like she hadn't seen her in days. "I got us some food and stuff, oh and I have a radio if you want to listen to some music, don't worry it's been bewitched to be able to work inside the castle" ,Krys told her after breaking the kiss.
She smiled a bit as she pulled away, not expecting the sudden, passionate kiss. "Music would be nice.' She said, picking up a bit of the food that was on the table before she sat on the bed. She gave a bit of a chuckle as she nibbled on it. "So, is this our first date or something, then?" she asked.
"Yeah I guess you can call it our first date but I do plan on nicer stuff in the future" ,Krys said in response. She grabbed some food for her self then pointed her wand at the radio to make it play music. Krys made her way over to the bed and sat down next to Rosalyn.
She smiled a bit, and moved a bit closer to Krys, settling her head against the other girl's shoulder. "This is nice." she said. "I've never really felt like I could get close to someone like this before, you know?" she said.
"Well I'm glad you feel that way with me, I really am" ,Krys told her. She had never really had a steady girlfriend just friends with benifits so to speak. "So what do you want to do? I mean if you're tired we can fall asleep and if you're not we can do whatever you want".
"Honestly, I don't know.' she said with a bit of a laugh. "I didn't really give it any thought." she said. She cuddled up a bit closer to Krys, and leaned up, and kissed her cheek once.
Krys smiled at the kiss then wrapped her arms around Rosalyn, "Well we can sit here like this as long as you'd like" ,she told the girl. Krys never showed affection in public but she did enjoy it very much.
She nodded to the other girl. It did feel nice, just sitting there like that. She hadn't felt so comfortable or relaxed in a long time. She sat there for a while before leaning up to kiss Krys's cheek again, then leaned in and placed another soft kiss to her lips.
Krys returned the kiss and smiled, "I can do that as long as you'd like as well" ,she told the girl. Krys put her fingers under Rosalyn's chin and kissed her again, moving her hand to the side of the girl's face.
She smiled at the soft touch, leaning in further to deepen the soft kiss. It was nice, and she found herself not wanting to break away, not in the least. She continued to pepper Krys's lips with tiny, soft kisses, shifting so she was straddling the other girl's lap, her arms wrapped around her shoulders.
Krys' breathing got heavy as she kissed the girl, she to had no want to let go. She wrapped her arms around Rosalyn's waist and rested her hands on the girl's backside as she deepened the kiss sliding her tongue into Rosalyn's mouth slowly.
She parted her lips for Krys, lacing her fingers through her hair. She kept her body pressed close to hers, and by the time she pulled back, she was panting softly, but not before giving a light, playful bite to Krys's lower lip.
When Rosalyn bit Krys' lip she smiled, she ran her hands up the girl's body and began to kiss her neck. There was something about the girl that made Krys want her more and more. "So what do you want to do now"? Krys whispered when she got to Rosalyn's ear. She bit down softly as she waited for the girl to respond.
Rosa let out a tiny little moan, then a quiet, content sigh. She tilted her head to the side, allowing Krys access to the sensitive skin at the side of her jawline.

"I don't know.' She replied with a bit of a grin. "What we did before was fun...I wouldn't mind...well...messing around like that a bit more."
Krys grinned and let her hand slide underneath Rosalyn's shirt, she grabbed the girl's breast gently as she kissed her neck. "I think that's a great idea" ,Krys whispered. She wanted Rosalyn just as much as Rosalyn wanted her and the two had a whole night alone together.
Her fingers traced down Krys's neck, and she let out another stiffled moan as she arched her back up to press herself closer to the other girl. "You know..." she said quietly. "I've been thinking, and...well, did you ever...you know, finish before? Yourself, I mean." she said, a faint blush creeping to her skin. "I don't...think it's fair if I'm the only one getting all the pleasure from this..."
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