(Karo x Krys)

She shrugged. "I honestly have no idea; I had myself braced for a night of hard labor." She chuckled, rolling onto her side, still propped up on her arm. "I hadn't put any thought into it, really." she said.
"I usually don't have anyone in here with me when I get detention you're the second person to ever come in here with me" ,Krys told Rosalyn. "So I really don't know what to do either, I mean last person I had in here was Luna she got in trouble for dress code too, we ended up...." ,Krys stopped where she was not wanting to say anymore remembering that she had promised Luna she'd keep her mouth shut.
She looked up to Krys expectantly, waiting for her to finish her sentence. "You ended up...?" She asked slowly, obviously completely dense as to what she had hinted at. She was quite innocent, it seemed, as any sort of flicker of understanding didn't seem to even cross her mind.

After a brief pause, once she was sure Krys wasn't going to finish, she changed the subject. "You know, it's...nice, getting this off my chest." She said. "I've never told anyone before, that I'm...that I"m gay." She said quietly.
Krys looked up from her magazine and smirked, "Well I never expected that from you, I really thought you liked guys well that's how it seems any way and the way you got mad at me for saying you were my girlfriend I thought for sure you were straight" ,Krys said in response. "I don't believe you, if your gay then prove it" ,Krys said in a challenging tone, she knew the girl probably wasn't lying but she was a Slytherin and a perverted one at that any girl she could potentially sleep with she tried for.
She looked up to her. "Prove it?" she asked slowly. She really was innocent. She looked up to Krys. "What do you mean?"
Krys smiled at the girl, she knew the girl was nervous and she seemed sweet and innocent. "I mean prove it, make a move that's if you find me at least a little bit attractive, which most girl's tend to" ,Krys said. She realized she was being a little bit cocky and that's what turned the girl away before. "Sorry I'm being an idiot, forgive me old habits die hard ya know".
Rosalyn couldn't help but blush. She reached up and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "I..well..." she stammered out. "I've...never really been one to...to 'make a move' on anyone really..." she said. "I mean, it's not that you're not attractive, I mean..." The more she tried to explain herself, the deeper her blush got. "Shit..." she whispered, the expletive odd coming from her lips.
Krys noticed Rosalyn blush, she smiled as the girl tried to explain herself. Deciding that she didn't want the girl to feel anymore embarrassed Krys moved closer to Rosalyn and put her finger on the girl's lips to quiet her down, "You don't have to explain yourself I understand how you feel" ,Krys whispered quietly before moving her finger away from Rosalyn's lips and kissing her softly, she pulled away rather fast then looked at the girl. "There I made a move so you don't have too".
She fell silent immediately as Krys's finger landed on her lips, cut off mid-sentence. At the sudden kiss, she froze and tensed for a moment before relaxing suddenly. As the Slytherin girl pulled away, she blushed just slightly again. It had been a good feeling. Slowly, she moved just a bit closer to Krys, but hesitated to move any further.
"You're so shy, don't be I'm not going to do anything bad to you I promise" ,Krys told her right before kissing her again this time she deepened it and waited a little longer before she pulled away.
She let out another quiet sigh into the kiss, slowly moving her hands up to rest on Krys's shoulders before she broke their kiss.

"Sorry..." she said quietly. "It's just...I've never done anything like this before." she said.
"Don't worry I'll stop if you tell me to just let me know if I go to far ok" ,Krys told her. The last thing Krys wanted to do was scare Rosalyn or push her to do something she didn't want to, Krys may be a jerk sometimes but she did have a heart it just didn't show too often.
She bit her lip, then nodded. "Alright." she said quietly, reassured by Krys's words. "I'm...not exactly sure what to do." she said quietly, realizing her hands were still on the other girl's shoulders. She removed them at once, clasping them in front of herself nervously.
Krys let out a small laugh when Rosalyn moved her hands, "Don't worry you can touch me I don't mind" ,Krys told her. She leaned in and kissed Rosalyn again this time on the neck, she moved her way up the girl's neck until she reached her ear. Krys bit down softly, "Lay down so I can lay on top of you it'll feel better I promise" ,Krys whispered into the Rosalyn's ear right before kissing her neck softly again.
She tensed at first, at the kisses along her neck and even the soft bite to her earlobe. She breathed in a quiet sigh, then stifled a moan as the second round of light kisses began. It was a good feeling, and she gave a pleased little shiver before she shifted on the bed slowly stretching out on her back at Krys's request.
Krys got on top of Rosalyn slowly and kissed her softly, she ran her hand up and down the girl's thigh as she kissed her. Krys had always liked the girl but never wanted to admit it to anyone but at this point she didn't care what anyone else thought, her best friend Draco could walk in and start giving her crap for it and she'd probably tell him to piss off. Krys broke the kiss to look at Rosalyn for a moment, "Like I said if you want me o stop at any point just tell me ok" ,she said quietly she wanted to make sure Rosalyn was still ok with everything.
Rosalyn nodded to her, shivering slightly at the light touches. She had never thought she'd be in a position like this, or more importantly, that she'd be enjoying the feeling so much. She had been under the impression that Krys had some sort of grudge against her. "I'll let you know." she said with a bit of a smile.
Krys smiled then bit her lip before moving in to kiss Rosalyn's neck again, she wanted to make the girl feel good. Krys moved her hand underneath Rosalyn's shirt as she kissed her neck, she stopped right before touching Rosalyn's breast and looked at her and waited for some sign of either approval or rejection.
As she felt Krys's hand brush over the bare skin of her stomach, muscles jumped and twitched lightly at her touch. She breathed in another soft sigh before looking up at Krys, giving her a tiny nod as a sign to keep going.
When Krys noticed the nod she smiled and moved her hand up and rubbed Rosalyn's breast softly then went back to kissing her. Rosalyn was soft and Krys liked it she kissed Rosalyn passionately as she continued to gently squeeze her breast. Krys broke the kiss and looked at Rosalyn again, "How far do you want to go"? Krys asked. She wanted to know and was hoping Rosalyn would say she wanted exactly what she wanted. "I-I want you....now....and....for as long as you'll have me....what I'm saying is....will you be my girlfriend"?
She let out a bit of a moan, muffled by the kiss. Slowly, she moved her hands up, resting them on Krys's shoulders before letting her arms drape around her neck lightly.

"I...' she started. "I'll let you know if I need you to stop." she said quietly, then smiled a bit. "I've...had a bit of a crush on you for a while.' she admitted. "I thought you hated me, though, and...I mean...with not really being out..." she said quietly.
"We can keep it quiet if you want I understand how you feel trust me I do" ,Krys told her. She was in the same boat once before when she was scared of what people would think if she came out of the closet. Her father was the first to find out and when he accepted it she didn't really care what anyone else thought. "I've always liked you too I just didn't know how to show it ya know, you're the first girl I've ever been nervous around and it scared me a bit so that's why I was mean, I never hated you at all". Krys then kissed her softly again and pulled back away, "How about we just go with the flow ya know do what we want to do, if I push my limits just smack me I can be a bit of a pervert sometimes". Krys laughed a little bit before leaning down to kiss Rosalyn deeply and continue to rub her body, she started to grind her hips between Rosalyn's legs as she kissed her.
She nodded slowly. She liked the sound of that, to just see how things felt as they went. She was prepared to stop Krys, but for some reason felt like she wasn't going to need to. She seemed unsure of what to do with the sudden, passionate kiss, but relented to Krys easily, allowing her to take control. She found her own hands running down Krys's sides, and she let out the tiniest of moans as the other girl began to grind against her, her hips arching up just slightly to match her.
Krys' breathing got heavier as she felt Rosalyn's hands move down her body, she began to get hot and wanted more of the girl. Krys broke the kiss to sit up for a second, she removed her shirt exposing her toned body to Rosalyn. She still had her black sports bra on so she wasn't completely nude on her upper body, "Don't worry this doesn't mean we have to have sex or anything you're just making me a little bit hot" ,Krys told Rosalyn smiling. She leaned back down and kissed the girl again loving the way it felt.
She nodded a bit, blushing just slightly as her gaze wandered down Krys's body. For a moment, as she let out another tiny moan, muffled again my Krys's lips pressed to her own, she brought her hands up to rest on the other girl's back. Soon, though, she found herself panting softly, squirming a little underneath Krys's toned body. Her blush spread just slightly, and she slowly opened the buttons on her shirt, first the top, then the next one down, revealing a cute, laced bra under her top.
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