(Karo x Krys)

RE: (Karo x Kris)

Krys heard the commotion from where she was sitting, she looked up to see Rosalyn being hassled by some Ravenclaw boy. Krys stood up and began to walk toward the table that Rosalyn and the boy were sitting at, "Where you going mate"? Draco asked with a curious expression. "I'll be right back ok" ,Krys replied. Draco didn't ask any further questions instead he just continued his conversation with Blaise. When Krys got to the table she sat down across from the two and gave the boy a dirty look, "You making moves on my girlfriend"? Krys asked the boy who got a terrified look on his face noticing who was talking to him. Krys was only claiming that Rosalyn was her girlfriend to make the boy piss off, Krys had a reputation of being a brute and she was decently muscular and had height on some of the guys in the school so nine out of ten times people she confronted were afraid of her, plus her father was Snape so if they didn't fear Krys they definitely feared her father.

Krys looked at the boy again, "You gonna answer me mate"? The boy just looked at her still, Krys began to get aggravated. "Maybe I should ask her, love is he making a pass at you"? Krys looked over to Rosalyn and waited for her answer, she grabbed an apple and bit into it as she looked between the two sitting across from her.
RE: (Karo x Kris)

The boy looked between the two girls. Before Rosalyn had a chance to respond, he muttered something about how 'he should have known', and then sulked off.

Rosalyn was blushing heavily, her head down as she noticed a few people looking at them. She brushed her hair back before standing.

"Thanks, but..." she stammered out. "I wish you wouldn't have said that. Really." she said, then stood, and hurried out of the hall, leaving her books and half-finished lunch on the table in her hurry.
RE: (Karo x Kris)

Krys shook her head then got up and followed Rosalyn out of the great hall, she ran to catch up to her. "Hey what the hell is your problem, I got that creep to leave you alone and this is the thanks I get" ,Krys snapped. "I was trying to be nice to prove that I was genuinely sorry and you snap at me, I should've fucking known all you Gryffindors are ungrateful". Krys turned on her heel and left before Rosalyn could respond, she punched a suit of armor on her way by it.
RE: (Karo x Kris)

She bit her lip. It wasn't that she was ungrateful, it was just...

"Krys, wait." she called after her. She didn't move from her spot. "I..." she started, stammering over her words.

"If my parents find out they'll disown me." she continued, just loud enough so Krys could hear her from the end of the hall. "I...I don't want that getting back to them..."
RE: (Karo x Kris)

Krys stopped dead in her tracks when she heard what Rosalyn said, she spun around and walked back over to her. Krys definitely had the intimidating walk her father had a few first years that were coming out of the great hall jumped back as Krys walked pass them. When Krys got up to Rosalyn her expression changed from angry to a more soft expression, "Sorry to hear that, don't worry it won't get back to them not if I don't want it to, I'll make sure nothing's said, I got mad cuz' I thought you were a homophobic I fucking hate that shit ya know" ,Krys admitted quietly.
RE: (Karo x Kris)

She stood her ground, tucking a bit of hair back behind her ear as Krys approached her again.

"Yeah...yeah, it's...not like that at all." She said quietly. She bit her lip again before speaking, a nervous habit of hers.

"I really do have to thank you, though; that guy's been pestering me since the beginning of last year." she said, and offered a bit of a smile to Krys. "He just wouldn't take 'no' as an answer."
RE: (Karo x Kris)

Krys smiled when Rosalyn bit her lip, it was cute. She looked at her when she told her about the boy, "Want me to rough him up a bit" ,Krys asked jokingly. She stood there silently trying to find something to say, "Erm well if you need anything you know where to find me right"? She finally said, she thought to herself how stupid she must've sounded.
RE: (Karo x Kris)

She nodded a bit. "Yeah." She said, her smile brightening slightly. She started back towards the great hall, then stopped, and turned back to Krys. "I'll see you in class."
RE: (Karo x Kris)

"I'll see you in class as well, have a good one" ,Krys stated as she watched the girl leave. Krys made her way to the Slytherin common room to change out of her school robes for the day, she usually got warnings whenever she did this in the middle of the day but she didn't care. After she was done changing she made her way to her next class, she got a look from Professor McGonagall when she walked in.
RE: (Karo x Kris)

"I'll need to speak with you after class." McGonagall said to Krys as she sat down, her lips pursed tightly, obviously not amused by her breaking the dress code. "I told you last time that this behavior was unacceptable." she said, then proceeded to start with the lesson. Not ten minutes later, the back door burst open, Rosalyn nearly tripping into the classroom in her haste.

"You'll be staying as well, young lady." She said as Rosalyn sheepishly made her way to an empty seat. "This is the third time you've been late this week alone!"

The rest of the class went by rather quickly, McGonagall motioning both Krys and Rosalyn to her desk after dismissing the class.
Krys just shrugged her shoulders at McGonagall's statement, she was used to lectures by now and wasn't too concerned about a punishment. When she heard that Rosalyn was going to have to stay after class to she was pretty shocked not expecting that to happen. Krys finished her work rather quickly then sat in her seat as the rest of the class left, waiting for her lecture from the Transfiguration professor.
The older woman looked between the two girls, shaking her head. "I've had enough trouble from each of you today already, first skipping class, and still more trouble here." she said. "I think a detention is in order. You'll both report to Filch's office after supper."

Rosalyn sighed a bit, then nodded. "I..." she sighed. "Alright."
Krys snickered at the mention of detention with Filch, the man hated Krys and the two argued every time they were stuck together. Krys never had a dull detention when serving with Filch, he never got her to do anything and would always eventually give up trying after a while. When dinner came around Krys took her time eating and socializing with her fellow Slytherins before making her way to Filch's office. When she got there she sat down and put her feet on his desk. He gave her a look, "Get your feet off my desk you little brat" ,he yelled. Krys laughed a little bit and pulled her feet off then looked at him. "Are we going to have to go through this again or are you just going to give up now" ,Krys sneered. Filch didn't look to happy with the arrogance from Krys, "Oh no Snape this time it's going to be different you will do as I say or I'm going straight to your father" ,Filch threatened. Krys' eyes widened, "Oh no not my father" ,she said sarcastically. "If you do go to him make sure to tell him I said hi". She put her feet back up onto his desk and leaned back in the chair.
The door opened slowly after that, Rosalyn slowly poking her head inside of the old man's office. She bit down on her lip again as she hurried inside. She had changed out of her school uniform-something she didn't do often-and was instead in a pair of slacks and a fitted button-down shirt, the sleeves rolled up past her elbow. She glanced between the groundskeeper, then to Krys briefly.

"I...uh..." she started.

"Yeah, detention." Filch grumbled, still fuming at the Slytherin girl's attitude. "I got nothing special. The floors on the third floor need scrubbing." he said, shoving a bucket and brush into Rosalyn's arms, and slamming another down on his desk next to Krys with a grumble.
Krys started snickering again, "I'm not scrubbing the floors that's servant work" ,Krys said looking at the old man with a cocky smile on her face. Filch grumbled a bit under his breath then slammed his fists on his desk, "I've had enough Snape just do as I say or I'll...." ,A smug grin came across Filch's face, "I'll go get McGonagall and let her deal with you". Krys' eyes widened and she took her feet off of Filch's desk and stood up in a huff.

"That's a low blow old man, I'll get you back for that" ,Krys said turning on her heel and walking toward the door. "C'mon Rosalyn".

Not a lot of people knew that Professor McGonagall was the only person that could keep Krys in line but Filch did and he used it to his advantage every now and then.
She stammered a bit, but turned and followed behind Krys quickly. As they walked, she bit down on her lip again, thinking for a moment before speaking.

"You know..." she said quietly. "You can call me Rosa, if you'd rather...most of my friends do." She said to Krys, climbing up the seemingly impossibly tall staircase up to the third floor.
Krys turned and smiled, "Alright then Rosa I like that" ,she said in response. When they got to the third floor Krys put her bucket on the floor, "We don't really have to clean ya know, it's not like he's watching us, I can cast a simple spell and this whole floor will be clean within seconds no need to bust our asses for the next two hours, Filch just likes to try and throw his weight around". Krys opened the door to an old classroom that hadn't been used in years, she motioned for Rosalyn to come in. The room didn't look unused, in fact it looked like a teenagers bedroom, "Welcome to where I spend my detentions and some of my nights, my father talked Dumbledore into letting me have this old room it used to be the Charms classroom until Flitwick upgraded".
She blinked a bit as she set her bucket down next to the other girl's. "Are you sure?" She asked slowly, obviously afraid of getting in deeper trouble than she was already in. However, she followed Krys into the room, looking around. "If only everyone was so lucky to have someone to pull strings for them." She said with a bit of a laugh. "I have to say...it's far better than scrubbing the floors.' she said with a smile.

She paused for a moment to look around, then back to Krys. "Listen...I still feel awful about what happened earlier, running out like that after you stepped in to give me a hand." she said. "Is there any way to make it up to you?"
"It's fine honestly, I shouldn't have stepped in like that I should've just threatened to kick his ass and left it at that" ,Krys said in response. "But if you really feel you need to make it up to me then do as you please I'm not picky". Krys sat down on the bed and leaned up against the head board. She opened a magazine that she had sitting on a table and began to flip through the pages.
She shook her head. "Well, I'll think on it for now." she said as she took a seat on the foot of the bed, sitting cross-legged. She bit her lip again, chewing on it slightly before speaking again. "Does this mean you're not going to be giving me such a hard time anymore?" She asked quietly. "I...I'd really appreciate it."
"Yeah I'll leave you be, I don't even know why I messed with you in the first place" ,Krys said in response to Rosalyn's question. "You know you don't have to sit at the edge of the bed you can make yourself comfortable, I don't bite or anything".
She smiled a bit, then nodded. "Thanks." she said again, picking up a stray magazine from the table before scooting back a bit, leaning back on one elbow. "It must be nice.' She said after a while. "To be able to get away from everything, all the gossip and drama and just school and life in general.' She laughed. "You're lucky."
"Yeah it is, and I am lucky" ,Krys replied. "Sorry I only have muggle magazines, I'm quite fond of the sport they call MMA I guess it's because I like violence a little bit" ,Krys smirked a little bit then went back to flipping through the pages of the magazine.
"Oh, it's fine.' She replied. "I used to sneak them into my house; my parents don't think it's appropriate for me to be reading muggle magazines. They think it'll make me a worse witch somehow.' She sighed, thumbing through one of the magazines idly. "They're a little old-fashioned."
"Oh I see" ,Krys said with a small laugh. "My father spoils me, I know he don't seem like the type but he does don't tell anyone I told you, he needs to keep his reputation ya know". Krys closed the magazine then put it back on the table, "So what do you want to do for the next two hours"?
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