New Job and life(Me & solitaryman)

Rossi nodded, "Morgan you and Reid start there at the gas station, then see if maybe our suspect may have had a bite to eat some wheres, could get lucky and get a license plate too." He watched as Delano got up and headed out of the conference room. "We'll all meet back here." He talked to the secretary at the front desk, to get a copy of the coroner's report and any other files involved with the investigation.

Delano headed out the side door to his vehicle parked in the assigned parking spot. "I'll drive you two out to where she's staying, go easy, she wants to cooperate but it's still sinking in what happened."

Meanwhile Rossi got on the phone to Garcia, "Hey good lookin, seems all these cases are connected. Start working your magic, and look for a common denominator, hopefully when Prentiss and Jarvinson get back we might have a composite of the suspect."
"Of course." Eva replied. She remembered how she had felt and knew this wouldn't be easy. She walked with Prentiss to the house and rang the doorbell. The grandmother opened and Eva and Emily showed their badges. "We'd like to talk to Sarah." Prentiss said. "Of course come in, she's in the livingroom." The grandmother said.
Mera1506 said:
"Of course." Eva replied. She remembered how she had felt and knew this wouldn't be easy.She walked with Prentiss tot he house and rang the doorbell. The grandmother opened and Eva and Emily showed their badges. "We'd like to talk to Sarah." Prentiss said. "Of course come in, she's in the livingroom." The grandmother said.
Sarah was in the living room watching a movie she had rented at the local video store. She was reclined back in the living room recliner. She stood about 5 foot 5 inches tall, red hair to her shoulders, put back in a pony tail. She wore a pair of jeans and button down brown shirt that was untucked, in matching brown socks. Her shoes were out in the foyer where grandma went to answer the door. She heard the doorbell, and paused the movie. She had the chair back in its' normal position by the time she saw her grandmother come to the living room.
"Hi Sarah, I'm special agent Emily Prentiss and This is special agent Eva Jarvinson. We'd like to talk to you about this morning." She said. To both women it looked like Sarah had been just staring at the screen without watching the actual movie.
"We know this must have been a huge shock. But aynthing that you can remember could help us get this guy." Eva said, trying to calm the emotional girl.
Sarah listened to the two agents, kind of sighing at the intent of their visit, but happy at least she was going to talk to a couple of females this time. Not that she didn't like Sheriff Delano. "I told the sheriff earlier, that I had come back this morning from an FBLA [Future Business Leaders of America] field trip to a business college. I was using the trip to see about maybe applying there. Mom and Dad wanted me to continue on the farm, with them, but I kept telling them some business savvy was needed to run the farm too, being they both weren't into computers and such." She paused and took a deep breath. "I was dropped off at the farm, this morning, everything was really quiet, abnormal, because about the time I got home, they'd all be doing chores. Nobody was about."

She paused again, "I...yelled...out, went into the house, nobody was there, coffee pot was on though, radio playing the local station that we always listened to...." then she started to get tearful..."I...found the barn...all...hacked up...strung up on hooks...damn it was gory...I threw up on the spot, then ran into the house to call 9-1-1."
"The sheriff told us you work at the gass station at the weekends. Did you notice anything strange, anything at all." Eva asked and sat down on the couch across from Sarah and reached over to gently squeeze Sarah's arm in a comforting way. She was very detailed, Eva remembered throwing up on the spot as well.
Sheriff Delano was in the the kitchen, with Sarah's grandmother while the interview was going on. He was sipping on some coffee with her at the kitchen table.

Sarah felt Eva's comforting squeeze on her arm, and it went quite a long way to settle her down. She sniffed at bit, and wiped her eyes with a hankie she had held tight in her right hand. She took a deep breath to calm herself down and looked over at Eva, "Yeah I do, its' the Diamond T Truck stop, get a lot of customers in there, both locals and out of town people as well. My daddy didn't like me working there, but mom stuck up for me. I used my computer skills to help Mr. Tompkins with the book work. Not may places to get work about here."

She then thought about Eva's question, "Don't know if I'd call it strange, but there was this one good looking guy that came in, had trouble with the credit card machine at the pump, so he had to prepay inside. Handed me a 50 dollar bill, it took all of it to fill the car...was a Cadillac STS I believe, copper color, I remember that...couldn't tell the license number though, the plate was dirty."
Prentiss was looking around the room and observing Eva's interviewing skills. But now it was time to say something. "Do you think you could describe this man to a sketch artist?" Emily asked. Combine the picture with a copper colored cadillac and it wouldn't be so hard for Garcia to dig him up.

Eva suspected they both thought the same thing, the trouble with the creditcard wasn't an accident, neither was the dirty plate. "How old was this man?" Eva asked, he had to be getting older if he was the same man who had slaughtered her family, seeing Sarah like that, she hated it, but knowing what it was like did help.
Sarah thought a bit before she responded. "I believe he was an older man, maybe mid to upper 40's, not sure. His hair was brown, normal cut, not to short, not to long, there was graying in his hair at places, mainly the edges. He wore a pair of blue jeans, hiking boots, and a button down, what looked like a green shirt. He had a black member's only jacket on, which was zipped up, so only the collar and part of the shirt on the chest was showing. His eyes, I believe were brown in color," she hesitated, "yes they were," they were on me as I rang up the purchase of fuel."

Sarah then grew a bit fatigued, "I'm sorry, but its about all I can do right now, sleep hasn't come easy, and I think I would try to get some rest."
Eva looked at Emily they both knew this wasn't a coincedence. "Alright when you feel up to it we'd like you to sit down with a sketch artist, would that be OK?" Eva said and handed Sarah her card. The fact that this man had watched her while she worked combined with everything else he was looking like their unsub. Eva left with Emily after saying goodbye to her and her grandmother.
"That man sounds like our unsub." Emily said.
"Sure does." Eva replied and got into the sheriffs car.
Sarah nodded, "I will, maybe another time, but soon, I promise." He held their card as she watched the two women leave. Sheriff Delano thanked her grandmother for letting them come, "There may be a sketch artist later, but only when she's up to it." He then went out to the sheriff's car, and got behind the wheel. "Sounds like you two got her to open up," Delano talked as he drove them back to the county building at normal speed. Sarah watched from the living room window as the sheriff's car departed.
"It's part of the job." Eva said. She noticed Sarah was looking at them when they left and wave at the girl.

They soon arrived back at the station and Eva and Emily went to find Hotch and Rossi. "Well Sarah is hanging in there. She did give us some information that could be useful." Emily said.
Rossi nodded, "That's good. I figured you and Prentiss would be able to get something out of her. Morgan and Reid are canvasing the truck stops and restaurants, figured he may have also ate at one of the restaurants. I'd say he's long gone from around here." He looked at Hotch, "After the guys get back, I think we can head back to the city and compile our data."
"She described a man between forty and fifty who put a lot of effort in to be around her for just passing by a gass startion. Trouble with his creditcard, eyeing her while she works to sort it out and a moddy plate to his car. What model was it again she mentioned, sorry I suck with cars." Eva said.
"A copper colored Cadillac STS." Emily said.
"Well if he's driving a Cadillac STS , must have a bit of money to burn," Rossi piped up while he listened. "Copper is not the usual, so it should narrow down who purchased them, muddy plate is definitely interesting, not that easy to pinpoint him down, that is for certain." He then saw the guys come back from their canvas, "Alright boys, you're on, what did you find out. After your report, we can head back to the city."
Besides a whole lot of nothing there wasn't anything useful in it and it was time to return to the city. This felt so frustrating, they still didn't get him, who the hell was this guy? Eva arrived back and began to write her report on the case.
Rossi retreated to his office, after the team returned. He wrote up his report on the case, and after he had sent it to Hotch's computer for review, he printed out a copy before he saved it. He then went into his e-mail, and found the crime report Garcia had sent him regarding the Manhattan open case, the one that involved Eva's parents. He sipped on his coffee, munched on a Kit Kat bar in between sips, as he read the report carefully, and with interest.
After writing her report Eva decided to go home, she felt frustrated, but she figured she'd better sleep on it and look with a refreshed mind to the case again that could help. She went home and got ready for bed, hoping they'd have better luck tomorrow.
Rossi continued to read the report, and didn't know Eva left and went home. He sighed as he rubbed his eyes, and then closed the file and logged out of his computer. Like Eva, it had been a long day, and some relax time and sleep would put a different spin on the case, tomorrow. Rossi headed home as well, and immediately parked himself in the game room, playing the Major League video game, that he had started, between the Cubs and Pirates.

Meanwhile the killer's interest in Eva had not diminished since the day he murdered her family at their Manhattan residence. He had followed her career, with interest, both education and professionally, and had known she had joined the FBI. He decided it was time to 'renew' his interest in Eva, so he got on his cellphone, and called her residence. He held his phone to his left ear, with his left hand as he poured himself a glass of white zinfandel wine.
Eva was about to hit the hay when the phone rang and she picked it up. "Eva Jarvinson, who's this?" She asked, the number on the display hadn't looked familiar to her. Right now frankly she just wanted to get some sleep so she hoped this wouldn't take too long.
He heard Eva answer the phone, "Eva, that you? This is Mitch Edwards, Bailey's father...did I catch you at a bad time?" Her voice again quite familiar to him, whenever she and her daughter would hang around together. He sipped on his wine as he sat in a high back chair in his A frame lodge, outside the city, far enough in the country to be away from the hustle and bustle, but close enough to be able to still go into the city on business.
"Oh hi, it's been quite a while. I was about to go to bed, but we should catch up sometime." Eva said. It had been quite some time since she'd actually been to New York, most of her contact with Baily had been through e-mail or IM.
Mitch listened to her voice as he sipped on his wine, "Oh..I'm quite sorry Eva, didn't realize the time. I do agree we should catch up, it's been quite a long time. Problem is to find some time in our busy schedules. I'm sure you're a busy woman these days."

Mitch then paused, "Hope to talk to you again soon, and get together. Good night." He then hung up and finished his wine, then sighed. "Sooner than you think, Miss Jarvinson." Then he went to bed.
"Good night." Eva said. Though Baily knew about her new job she hadn't told him. Baily could have told him, but he shouldn't know anything about it. Nah, this was Mitch, besides Baily easily could have told him.

The next morning she went to work, stopping for a large cup of breakfast blend at the coffee shop. She grabbed the file and began looking at it, yet again.
Rossi made his way to the office, by way of the coffee shop. He got his breakfast blend in the large Cubs travel mug he always had with him. He smiled when Charlie told him that Eva had already been by. He got the donuts and then headed off to the office.

He saw Eva at her desk when he put the donuts on the coffee table. "Morning, see you're up at it early again," as he noticed her looking at the file. "Finding anything new?" he watched as he sipped on his coffee.
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