New Job and life(Me & solitaryman)

"Alright." Eva said and smiled. Batting eyelashes, apparently he really was coming onto her. She'd never seen him do it during work. She looked at the screen and accepted the controller. "I'd like some hot coco please." Eva said and began to try out the different buttons to see how the game worked on the play station. It seemed simple enough.
"One cup of hot coco coming up." He left the game room, and went into the kitchen. He returned some minutes later, with a cup of hot coco for her. He sat the cup on a coaster that was on a table beside her chair. "Looks like you're getting the hang of the controller and the game." He then sat down in his chair as he watched the screen and sipped on his wine.
"Thank you." Eva said. She put the controller down and took a sip from her hot coco. "I'm not used to this type of controller, but it's not that hard." Eva said and began playing clearing levels starting at beginner, making it to advanced. "Now let's see how far you can make it." Eva said with a smile and handed him the controller and grabbed her cup of hot coco.
"Heyyyyyyy....quite well," Rossi was definitely impressed with her score, even considering it was a different controller. He sat down his wine, and took the controller back. He started working his way up the ladder, from beginner. It had been quite a while since he played minesweeper. Yet, it was like riding a bicycle. He never forgot. Rossi moved the controls like clockwork, not even looked at the controller, his eyes focused solely on the screen.
Of course he knew the controller better, no surprise there, but would he make it all the wa through? Eva sipped her hot coco as she watched him play the game, he wasn't bad, not bad at all. She wondered if he could best her score.
Rossi looked over at Eva, quickly, "First game I played on one of these was minesweeper. Been quite a long time." He continued to play, his eyes glanced at the score and it was getting close to Eva's. As he progressed along, however, he hit a mine. "Drat," he grumbled, and looked at the screen. His score was tied with Eva's. He looked over at her, "Looks like a standoff," he smiled as he sat the controller down, and then sipped on his wine.
"It does." Eva said an sipped her now not so hot coco, finishing the drink. "But I think we should at least try to get some sleep now." Eva suggested it was past midnight and there was work tomorrow. She wasn't that sleepy, but she knew better than to stay up.
Rossi glanced up at the clock, "Wow you're right, it's past midnight, time flies when you're having fun." He finished the last of his wine in his wine glass. "Glad you enjoyed the cocoa, I'll clean up down here and then I'll hit the sack." He stood up and collected his empty wine glass and her empty coffee mug to take them to the kitchen. "Still remember the way to your room," he winked and then headed out of the game room and towards the kitchen.
"That it does." Eva agreed. She was feeling a bit sleepy now and hopefully it wouldn't be a sleepless night. "I think so." She told him and smiled before heading to the guestroom and went to bed. She changed into the big shirt that functioned as her nightgown with Garfield on it and got in bed wearing that and panties. The bed was comfortable and honestly she hadn't realized how tired she really was, she fell asleep almost immediately.
Rossi smiled, she did remember the way to the guestroom. He cleaned up the dishes in the kitchen, via the dishwasher, and headed upstairs. He walked by the guestroom, and heard nothing, he figured that Eva was a lot more sleepier than she thought. He went into the master bedroom, used the master bath, and then changed into a set of sleep pants, no shirt, his hairy chest quite visible as well as his belly and belly button. He sat his cellphone on the nightstand by the bed and slipped under the covers. He fell asleep quickly as well, and slept peacefully and soundly through the night.
Eva woke up in the morning around seven, no alarm to wake her since they had the day off. She'd slept quite well, but didn't feel like getting up yet. She dozed off again, deciding to sleep in today.
Rossi woke up to the sound of his Chicago Cubs alarm clock playing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame." He got up, still in his sleep pants, no shirt, and stretched before he went to the bathroom. Afterwards he left the master bedroom, and then peeked in the guest room. He smiled as he saw Eva still sleeping. He went on downstairs, and started a pot of coffee, then went into the game room/study to check his e-mail and messages. He sipped on a fresh brewed mug of coffee with french vanilla creamer added.
Eva freshed up a little before putting on a pair of slippers before heading downstairs still in her big shirt. She followed the smell of fresh coffee and heard a few computer bleeps from the game room so she decided to go and say good morning first. She found him in just pants behind a computer, a nice sight indeed. "Good morning." She said and smiled a little, looking a bit sleepy still. The big shirt reached to about mid thigh and she still wasn't wearing a bra.
Rossi looked up and his eyes immediately were brought to the Garfield emblem on her night shirt. He also saw her beautiful exposed thighs, half of them as he smiled, "Good morning Eva, hope the bed was comfortable enough for you." His hairy chest fully exposed to her as he stood up and walked over to her. "Nice to have a day off or two from that place," he smirked, "nothing much message wise, mostly publishing stuff that can wait. You're welcome to check your messages as well. What would you like for breakfast? Then we can figure out what we want to do with our day off." He had already logged off and could also see her deep inny belly button outlined under the fabric of her night shirt.
"Very comfortable." Eva said. Maybe it was just her, but it felt like he was looking her over. Honestly he wasn't bad looking either, but she didn't dare look for too long. Even if he had a crush on her, good chance he wasn't going to act on it since it could ruin both their careers. "Thanks, though I doubt there's much to go through." She said and thought for a moment when he mentioned breakfast. "Surprise me." Eva said, seeing his eyes aimed at her body rather than her eyes. When he was out making breakfast she checked her messages and found nothing interesting and signed off .
Rossi watched her sit down at the laptop. It was then that he saw her nightshirt ride up even higher. He truly thought Eva was quite beautiful, she caught his eye the first day he took her to Charlie's coffee shop. He wasn't worried about his career being ruined, he wasn't strapped for cash, he did the job at the BAU as an aside from his book writing. Needless to say, however, it was Eva that he was concerned about. How would she react if he did ratchet things up a bit? Rossi always thought in his mind that the fraternization rules were a bit archaic anyway; anything they did outside the office was, in his view, nobody's business but his and Eva's.

"I'm rustling up some eggs bendedict," he called out from the kitchen, "coffee or tea?" he was working on getting a pitcher of fresh squeezed orange juice as well.
Eva thought he was cute, charming and handsome. However she wasn't sure if he liked her that way or that this was playflirting like what Morgan and Garcia usually do. She knew enough to know that he was flirting. Somehow coming down in just her big shirt and panties was a way of flirting from her side, she seemed to have caught his eye. "Coffee please." Eva replied loud enough for him to hear as she checked her messages, deleted a few spam mail and the rest wasn't anything interesting either. She logged off and walked to the kitchen where the delicious smells were coming from.
"Coffee it is, and the blend you like," Rossi called from the kitchen. He was at the stove finishing up the eggs benedict, the table already set with two plates, two glasses of orange juice, the pitcher on the table, and the utensils. His six slotted toaster was full of toast that had just finished. He had a carousel of different jellies on the table as well. He turned and smiled as he watched Eva. "Right timing, breakfast is served." For Rossi, it was more then a play flirt, it was more serious, and he hoped that Eva would feel the same way.
He sure was fast. And some breakfast this was. This was flirting alright. "That's fast. It smells delicious." She said with a slight smile and took a seat. The only thing bothering her was what could happen if someone found out and with a team of profilers that couldn't possibly take long. They probably already noticed the flirting at least from Rossi's side. However he was quite the guy and right now she wasn't sure what to do she did really, really like him.
Rossi divided the main course on their plates and sat his plate down first at his spot at the table. There was also some fresh cooked bacon on a plate for them as well, that he had put down earlier. He then put Eva's plate down in front of her on the table. He paused and then massaged her shoulders softly, and then whispered as he looked down at her over her left shoulder. He enjoyed the outline of her body in her night shirt. "Don't slap me Jarvinson, but I like you, really like you a lot. This is the first time I've cooked like this in quite a long time." He then kissed her neck softly, at the base on both sides of her head, and then massaged her shoulders a little more before he retreated to his side of the table.

"Let's dig in," he smiled as he picked up his knife and spread some grape jelly on a piece of toast. He then started to eat of his Eggs Benedict, in between sipping coffee and eating his toast.
Eva looked at the plates and they were full with delicious food. Then he went behind her and she looked up at him. She was a bit surprised, but not much. When he began to massage her shoulders it felt good and she relaxed. It had been rather stressful the last case and she had quite a few knots. When he looked down next to her ear she knew he was admiring the view. She blushed at the comment, lost for words at the moment, but she definately enjoyed the massage and the sweet kisses.
She agreed with digging in and got started on the eggs benedict. It was absolutely delicious. "Maybe you can teach me to cook sometime." Eva said and smiled a little.
He saw her belly button's outline more clearly under her nightshirt as she relaxed from his massaging her shoulders and his kisses to her neck, as he could tell Eva was more relaxed. He continued to eat his meal, in between sips of coffee and munching toast and bacon. "I'd love to teach you to cook, anytime you want," Rossi smiled at her desire to learn to cook. He would love for them to cook, both ways, in his mind, as he finished his meal. He cleared his side of the table of the empty dishes, putting them in the dishwasher. He brought the coffee pot over to the table and refilled his cup, "More coffee?" he offered her a refill as well.
Eva was indeed relaxed, she knew now he was serious about this, she did like the idea, a lot. It would be asking for trouble it wouldn't take their colleagues long to figure it out after all. She ate her breakfast, the eggs benedict, bacon and toast, along with a glass of orange juice and a cup of coffee. "Yes please." Eva said with a smile. Breakfast had been wonderful, but she should do some serious running or she would have gained five pounds before she went back to work on Monday.
Rossi looked at her as he refilled her cup of coffee, then sat the pitcher back in the coffee dispenser. "I know what you are thinking, but outside the BAU, our time is our time, simple as that." He sat down and sipped on his coffee, after he cleared away her empty plate and utensils. He could tell she liked breakfast. "You run? I usually run about Mountain Terrace Park, so if you want, we can go out and run our breakfast off." He smiled as he sipped on his coffee.
Tell that to Straus. Eva thought to herself, but she agreed with him. She sipped her coffee, enjoying the somewhat bitter taste, it was always a great way of waking up. "I think we should. The view sure beats the one around my neighbourhood." She told him. She'd have to change first though. Coffee was relaxing and after a little while she finished that cup. "Alright I'm gonna go change." She said. A bit later she came downstairs in an army colored legging with a white tank top that left her belly button exposed and of course she was wearing sneakers.
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