New Job and life(Me & solitaryman)

"Yeah, I couldn't really sleep." she said and got up to grab a donut ad then went back to her desk. "Not yet. On the bright side I got a call last night from Mitch, he's Baily's father. We used to be best friends back in the day, right now it's mostly online contact since we both have busy careers." Eva said.
"I see, what is Bailey up to career wise," Rossi inquired after sipping his coffee. He then got a donut as well, and then went back into his office. He logged onto his computer and checked his e-mail, then opened up the file Garcia sent him about the Manhattan open case. As he perused the file, he saw the name Mitchell Edwards in the report. He nodded as he saw Bailey's name as well. His interest piqued as he continued to read that Eva was at their house for a sweet sixteen party, when the murders of her family occurred.
"She's an ADA in Manhattan. Right now it's just minor crimes but she plans to work her way up." Eva said. "So what's in the file?" She asked. she wasn't finding anything new in what she had so maybe the file he held could help?
Rossi nodded, "Sounds like she's doing well for herself." He looked at her as he held the file, "Garcia sent this to me, it's about the open case in Manhattan, I'm sure you know about that," he continued to peruse through it. "Just trying to see if there's anything in this case file that we're overlooking. It seems though that the investigation was pretty thorough, but turned cold. I see the investigating officer was a detective named Murray Stone. Looks like he left no stone unturned," he quipped, trying to make a little bland humor, which was his specialty."
"True. He was very thorough indeed. Very ivolved too." Eva replied. Of course she knew all about it, she'd looked into it some time ago and the pictures of what her home looked like she wished she could forget. She sipped her coffee and looked at the file again, though she doubted they'd find anything.
Rossi sipped on his coffee, as he watched her take the file. "What did Mitch Edwards do for a living at that time? As thorough as the file was, apparently Detective Stone didn't include that in the report." He shrugged his shoulders and then looked at Eva, "I need to attend an in bureau meeting, will be back soon." He headed into his office and then departed the BAU area with his legal pad, it's cover having a Chicago Cubs emblem pasted on it. The meeting was a weekly administrative/housecleaning type called by the facilities manager to make sure all was well with the tenants of the building. Hotch had designated Rossi to represent the BAU, considering his nearly OCD characteristics.
"He was an IT. teacher at highschool and he coached the swimming team. It was sort of strange to have my neighbour as teacher and coach." Eva replied. "Good luck with that." She said and smiled and took a bite from her donut. So far they didn't have new cases, the others were now coming in and helped themselves to coffee and donuts.
Rossi headed down a floor to the building manager's conference room. He was there, in person, and did listen where it was appropriate, and doodled about in his legal pad. It was truly a boring meeting. He spent the time mostly processing what he had read in the file. He did note what Eva had told him about Mitch Edwards' job at the high school, being an IT as well as swimming team coach.

The meeting downstairs ended, and Rossi was the first out the door. He stopped by Hotch's office, rolled his eyes, as a signal the meeting was boring and worthless; nothing said that would effect their end of the building. He went back into his office, got on his desk phone and called Garcia's workstation. "Hey good lookin, I just got out of a boring meeting Hotch saddled me with, hope you have something from all that data we gave you."
At the end of the day Eva went home, it had been a long and frustrating day with no new leads. She got out of her car locked it.

"Oh I do I crosschecked copper colored cadilacs Sts' with male between 40 and 50, that's an awful lot of names, there's however one who fits the profile already mentioned in the casefiles, a Mitch Edwards." Garcia said.
Rossi put the call on speaker phone as he went through files that were put on his desk. His right eyebrow rose when he heard Garcia mention Mitch Edwards' name. "That so, does Jarvinson know about this yet?" he continued to peruse files and sign at places where it was marked by a sticky arrow.

In the apartment parking lot, the driver of a Blue Ford Taurus four door sedan watched as Eva got out of her car and locked it. The driver was Mitch Edwards, he had rented the blue car and drove to Eva's apartment complex after using his IT skills to get into the BAU data base and find her address.
Garcia's screens just went black. "No she doesn't and we got a problem, I'
ve been hacked I have to completely reboot." Garcia said and hung up and set to work, she'd be there all night.

Eva noticed the blue car, but walked right passed it, just wanting to go inside and draw a hot bath ro try and relax from this day.
Rossi heard Garcia say that Eva didn't know, yet, about Mitch owning a copper Cadillac STS, then caught that she had been hacked. "How the hell did that happen," but it fell on deaf ears as Garcia had already hung up and started to work on the problem.

Mitch got out of the car, after Eva had went by. He followed her into the building, and discreetly up to her apartment. He watched her at her apartment door and, at the right moment, slipped up behind her and used both palmed hands to karate chop her on either side of her neck, at the base of her neck.
Eva noticed someone there, but for all she knew it was someone who lived in the building. She only grew suspicious when a shadow from the hallway caught her eye. She wanted to turn when two chops hit her, hard. She remembered what they were for only to pass out after seeing mitches face for a brief moment.
Mitch watched Eva slump to the floor outside her apartment door. He took her keys and opened her apartment door quickly, then dragged her inside by her ankles, as he watched her blouse ride high out of her slid down pants. Her deep belly button, perfect ovaled like an orange, in a vertical oval as he let her ankles down quickly. He move her arms high over her head, and then shut the door quickly, after taking the keys out of the door knob. He put them on a nearby end table, then crouched down and started to search her.
Hotch was working in his office, not yet aware of the situation. He was writing resports and looking over possible future cases.

Garcia in the mean time was panicking as she was trying to get her computer to work again.
Mitch slipped her gun out of her holster, and unloaded the bullets from the clip and magazine, and then put it back in her holster. He then found her cellphone, and turned it off. His intentions were to make it like he came upon her after an intruder had knocked her out. He worked quickly, as he knew he didn't have much time before she might come to.

Rossi walked down to Hotch's office, and tapped on the open door. "Just got off the phone with Garcia," he spoke as he walked in his office. "She ran a crosscheck of owners of copper colored Cadilac STS's between 40 and 50, and the name Mitch Edwards came up, Eva's best friend's father, the place where she was at the time her family was murdered in Manhattan." He sat down in one of the chairs, kind of relaxed, then smirked, "Garcia went into a panic, seems she got hacked, everything shut down."
Eva came to as the gun slid back into her holster. He was turning off her cellphone, bullets lying on the floor. "Turn that back on please." She said, probably having woken too soon as she stood up. She had seen his face just after the chops, she knew he had been the one to knock her out and remembered that even back in the day he had a copper colored car, she wouldn't be surprised had that been a cadillac. But she wasn't sure what he was up to, so she'd play along for now.

"Hacked? the best friend's father? Call her." Hotch said as he called to gather the team together. It seemed this one was personal.
Mitch nodded, and pretended to turn the phone back on, but it was still off. He watched her stand up, and inside gritted that he didn't pick up the bullets in time. "You alright Eva? I saw somebody attack you just as I came up the stairs, and chased them off."

Rossi nodded, and took out his cellphone, and hit Eva's speed dial number on his phone. He listened for an answer, and then got her voice mail, "Jarvinson this is Rossi, when you get this message, call me, it's important. Mitch Edwards came out on Garcia's crosscheck on copper color Cadilac STS owners. Make sure you call me back ASAP." He then hung up.
"I'm alright, I'd like my phone back please." She said, she picked up the bullets and put them in a drawer together with her gun, a sign of trust to him since he was pretending to play the good guy. He had removed them, her gun felt too light. "So you really couldn't wait to see me." She joked, trying to ease a tension that was thick enough to cleave with a knife.

"Voicemail? He may already be with her. Without suspision he coul get to her easily. Take Morgan and go to her place." Hotch said.
"Sure, here it is," Mitch handed her phone back after he had watched her put her gun in the drawer, with the bullets. He smiled slightly, "Well...not really the way things happened, but I'm glad I showed up," his voice and mannerisms cool, calm, and collected. "I was going to ask you out to dinner, but maybe we should just have a drink here until you settle down."

Rossi got up, nodded, "On my way," then headed out of Hotch's office in a hurry. He motioned to Morgan, "You're with me," then headed for the elevator to the parking garage. He got in one of the BAU unmarked cars, and started it up, having a set of keys with him being in charge, then squealed tire as he headed out of the parking garage, up the ramp and onto the street towards Eva's apartment complex.
Eva put her phone in her pants pocket, only then did she turn it on again, sure he hadn't actually turn it on. She thought about the offer, on the bright side, dinner meant a public place, however their way there was private. "Thanks for your concearn, but I'm alright. Well I had dinner on the way here, but I still haven't had dessert, I know of a great pleace and they have the best donuts I've ever had." She suggested. She was thinking on the coffeeshop Rossi had shown her.

Hotch went with Prentiss, soon following Rossi and Morgan. He was worried, second case and once again the unsub came after his new agent.
He watched her put her cellphone in her pants' pocket. "Interesting place to have dinner, but why not? I'm always up for some good coffee and donuts." Though, in his own mind, they weren't going there, once he got her to the car.

Rossi looked at Morgan, "Try Eva's cellphone again," as he kept the pedal pressed with his right foot. He activated the siren, as they approached an intersection, to hold traffic to go through. Once through the intersection, he shut off the siren and continued towards her apartment complex.
Eva knew she had to play this right and for one she couldn't let him take his car. She could hear his discomfort. "Then let's go." Eva said. The phone was on mute, but it could be traced again. Eva walked to her car and got into the driver's seat. "Come on, Mitch." She said. She knew for one he had to have come from the blue car, which meant it was a rental, at least when taking her car it would be easier to trace should things go south, which she was expecting it to.

"It's ringing, but she's not answering. I'm afraid she can't answer, either she can't reach her phone or she figured out it was him and is now playing a dangerous game." Morgan said.
Rossi looked over at Morgan, "If I know Jarvinson, it's option 2. She saw the file today and could have put two and two together. She's not going to let him get away, no matter what." He continued focused on the street as he neared the apartment complex.

Mitch sensed that Eva was stalling, and his notion was confirmed when she insisted on taking his car. While Eva was knocked out cold, he had powered up a stun gun in his right suit jacket pocket in the event he needed it. He had opened the passenger door to his car for Eva, but instead saw her get in hers. Since the driver's door to her car was still open, he sighed, "If that is what you wish," then shut the front passenger door to the Taurus. He moved the stun gun out of his pocket, slyly, as he came back to her car, and quickly jolted her on her neck behind her left ear.
Eva closed the door on her side of the car, but she had to suspect he would try something and yes he did. She grabbed his arm, pushed it to the side and headbutted him in the nose before quickly using his move, two chops to the base of the neck. It should at least disorient him enough to use that stun gun on him.
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