New Job and life(Me & solitaryman)

The move caught Mitch totally by surprise, the pain over the bridge of his nose from her headbutt, plus the pain on either side of his neck forced him to the parking lot pavement.

About that time, Rossi drove into the parking lot, and stopped the car behind the blue Taurus, the driver's side of the car towards Eva's car. He quickly got out of the car, 45 automatic drawn, and kicked the stun gun away from Edwards. "I'd stay down, unless you want to sing soprano." He looked at the driver's side window, and nodded to Eva as he kept Edwards covered.
Eva couldn't help but smile. "Now that's what I call timing." She said.
"You're welcome." Mogan said as he knelt down to cuff the man while Rossi held his gun trained on him. "Mitch Edwards, you're under arrest for 24 counts of first degree murder. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to a lawyer, if you can't afford one, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand?" Morgan said, he was pissed.

Hotch and Emily arrived a little later and saw Morgan push Edwards in the car handcuffed. Both were relieved. "Are you alright?" Hotch asked.
"I'm fine, thanks for the help." Eva replied.
"Any time." Hotch said.
Edwards listened, and then shook his head 'yes.' Rossi put his gun away as he watched Morgan put Edwards in the car, then got in beside him. "Another one bites the dust, though this one I'm sure will try the mental insanity route." He nodded to Eva, "Timing is everything," then he winked as he saw Hotch and Emily arrive. He got in the car and rolled down the drivers' window electronically, "We'll get him booked, see you back at the office." Rossi then pulled away and out of the parking lot, turned left onto the street running by the apartment building, and headed back to the Bureau.
Eva realized she'd have to go back too and her freaking appartment would be a crime scene now, just great. She got into her car and drove after Emily and Hotch, knowing she'd have to give her statement. "This really isn't my day, good thing it's almost at an end." She muttered to herself in her car. Once there she headed to her desk, tired and not in a good mood.
Rossi and Morgan got Mitch Edwards back to the Bureau, where he was booked. He got his phone call, and later, his attorney, Lee Baldwin, came to the building. Edwards was led, cuffed, to Interrogation Room 1 for he and his attorney to consult before the US Attorney on call arrived. While that was going on, Rossi was in his office, and doing his report on the investigation. He munched on a Kit Kat, in between typing at the computer's keyboard. His report, as always, was quite thorough. While taking a break, he made a couple of calls, one to Sheriff Delano, and the other to Sarah, via her grandmother's house, to let them know an arrest had been made.
Emily approached with a sour look. "Let me guess, he lawyered up." Eva said and Emily nodded. "No surprise there." Eva said and rested her head on her arms on her desk. "They're about to question him." Emily said.
Eva got up and walked with Emily to the observation room.
Rossi finished on the phone, and the report, that he sent to Hotch via the computer, saving it to print off his copy later, after he had electronically signed it. Now came the interrogation process. The US Attorney on call, was with Hotch when Rossi went to the Interrogation Room. He walked in and looked at Edwards and his attorney, "I'm Special Agent Rossi, you must be Attorney Lee Baldwin," he shook his hand out of courtesy. "And I already know you," he looked at Edwards as he sat down in the interrogation chair. "Mr. Baldwin, your client has been advised of his rights, and I see you have the booking paperwork in front of you. Let's cut to the chase, your client has been charged with 24 counts of first degree murder, as well as the attempted abduction of Special Agent Eva Jarvinson of this office, earlier this evening. Is your client willing to cooperate, or is this done before it has begun?"
The attorney shook Rossi's hand and was glad to get this over with at such an ungodly hour. "On the account of the attempted abduction yes, but your avidnce for the other crimes is laughable." Mr. Baldwin said and eva saw Mitch grinning. Oh he'd get it if he'd propositioned her so long ago there was a chance he had been inappropriate with other girls on the team or in her class. It would be a good way to at least discredit him. "Well at least he's willing to co-operate on something. A week before he slaughtered my family he came on to me, I said no. Thin is after that he transferred away, the other cases could have a similar link." Eva said.
"We'll get right on that, the attempted kidnapping should keep him in custody, when it's not in the middle of the night let's go talk to the other girls." Emily said and Hotch nodded at them, agreeing.

Garcia was relieved to finally have isolated the damn virus and saved it on a disc for trial, it was very advanced, but Mitch had the background to make it. Then she rebooted her system and saw what the hacker had accessed, Eva's home address. This too she saved of course.
Rossi listened, "Laughable, well we'll see. We've already secured a warrant to search Mr. Edwards' residences for a copper colored Cadillac STS with a dirty license plate, that was placed at a gas station in the town of the latest murder scene, an eyewitness who waited on Mr. Edwards at that gas station, who paid particularly keen attention to her, for starters. Laughable, we'll let the court decide that. In the meantime, your client isn't walking free with regards to tonight's incident. His action puts him a dangerous risk to be on the street." He looked at Mitch, "So get used to your new residence at the City Jail."
After giving her statement she knew her appartment would be a crimescene. Maybe she could bunk with Garcia? But at least Mitch wouldn't be on the streets for a while she stepped out of the observationroom when the interview an over. She sat back down behind had desk and continueing to observe them.
Mitch was taken back out of the Interrogation room by the Federal marshals, and back to the jail. Rossi watched Attorney Baldwin and the US Attorney talk on their way to the elevator. He smirked, wishing he could be a mouse and overhear that conversation. Making his way back into the BAU main area, he went back into his office. "Laughable, yeh right," he then made sure a sketch artist was dispatched to get Sarah's information as it will be needed for Mitch's arraignment. He then e-mailed Sheriff Delano to be available for testimony and provide records for the US Attorney. He then sighed and leaned back in his high back desk chair.
Eva went to the crash area. A room holding some bunk beds in case agents had to work very late. Hopefully when the workday was over tomorrow she could go home again, right now she just needed some damn sleep. She dropped herself on one of the beds.
Rossi secured his office for the night, and then started to leave. He saw a light on in the crash area, then stopped, holding his attache case in his left hand as he leaned against the doorway. He tapped on the door, and looked in at Eva, "I hated those damn bunks, even in the Marines. Sure was a motivation to make Sergeant Major." He smiled slightly. "I have a guest room that has a more comfortable bed than that, even has it's own bath. Yours if you wish. Even the rent is cheap."
"Sounds good to me, if I sleep on this I won't have a back left." She joked. She got up and grabbed her go bag. "Thanks." She told him, she was tired, but she had a feeling she'd be sleeping like a baby on a good bed.
"Splendid, the taxi is leaving." Rossi stepped aside and then went down to the parking garage, via the elevator. He opened the passenger door to his BMW, and then got behind the wheel. Soon on the way out of the parking garage, and towards Mountain Terrace at normal speed. He glanced over at Eva, "Good night's sleep always puts a different light on things." He then slowed to stop for a traffic light. "This should start to bring some closure, I hope, to what happened to your family." The light turned green, and then Rossi eased the pedal down, the car moved again at normal speed along the street.
Eva followed and got into the car, he really was being a gentleman. She wasn't sure what to say and her brain felt foggy. "Indeed, let's hope it will." she said and then looked out of the window. The man responsible was finally behind bars, it was comforting, but it still didn't get those damn pictures out of her head.
Reaching the Mountain Terrace District, Rossi hit a button for the garage door opener as he approached his condo at 23801 The Old Road. He slowed down in the driveway as the door opened, then pulled the BMW slowly inside. The door closed automatically when the car was in the garage, as well as the lights came on inside the garage. The garage was neatly organized, as was Rossi's nearly OCD demeanor. He got out of the car and opened the passenger door. He looked in at Eva, "Welcome to the Rossi Arms," then pointed to the steps leading up stairs. The garage also turned into the basement, complete with a laundry chute with a basket under it, beside the washer and dryer.
Eva could see the neighbourhood change, the houses becoming mroe and more expensive. She got out of the car and looked around, it was as neat as his office. "Thank you." She said and walked up the stairs, it looked really homey, warm. She smiled. She hadn't bothered really decorating much since she wasn't home that much, her appartment lacked personal touch with the exception of a few pictures.
Rossi followed and shut the door to the basement. He sat his attache case on a nearby table and hung his jacket on a coat stand. He took his 45 automatic out from against his back, unloaded it, and put it in its box along with the clip. He then showed Eva about the house, kitchen, dining room, living room, and game room, on the bottom floor, which also served as his study. Upstairs he showed her the guest room, as well as the master bedroom, master bathroom, and linen closet in the hallway. He pointed out the separate bathroom in the guestroom. The house was full of pictures and mementos from Rossi's day in the Marine Corps as well as plaques from the Bureau, the Criminal Investigation Division of the military, as well as works of art and other artifacts he had purchased over the years. One wall of the game room was one large bookshelf, of his own writings as well as other books of history and mystery writers. The the other wall as shelf of video games that went to his PlayStation.
The whole house told a story, it was like an open book, besides the fact that it was really big. She followed him on the brief personal tour, a place decorated like this was in the line of their work a profiler's paradise so to speak. "This is a really nice a place you have here." She said. Maybe she avoided adding too much of a personal touch because of her work or maybe she thought she wouldn't need it because she was there so little or both. The one thing she hadn't expected was the play station.
He then showed her to the guest room, "I'll let you settle in, go to bed, whatever, I'll be downstairs for a bit." He then headed downstairs, and into the game room, where he checked his messages on the answering machine at the large handcrafted oak desk in the room. The messages were book related, from his publisher, and then he thumbed through the mail he had received. He opened the mail that was bills, and tossed the mail that was third class, or 'junk' mail as he referred to it. He then poured himself a glass of white zinfandel wine, and settled in to the PlayStation to continue the baseball video game he had been playing, each night, before he went to bed.
Eva dumped her go bag in the guest room, honestly she wasn't sure what to do, it was getting late and after that run in with Mitch it might be best to head to bed, yet she wasn't sleepy. She headed downstairs again after a little while. She heard game noises and headed towards the game room and saw him playing baseball. "Hi." She said and stepped inside.
Rossi looked back and saw Eva, "Hey, come on over, just playing a little baseball to relax." He paused the game and offered her a glass of white zinfandel wine, as he refilled his glass. He then brought his wine glass over to his game chair, sat down, and pointed to the chair beside his. "You ever play video games, they are quite relaxing, and somewhat addictive too." He muttered that part softly, as he started to play the baseball game again.
"No thanks. I'm not a wine drinker." Eva said and sat down in the chair. "Usually solitary or minesweeper on my phone or home computer. I did buy a nintendo DX some time ago, but it's been collecting dust." She admitted and looked at the baseball game. Honestly she tought it would be more fun outside with some friends playing the real deal.
"Well, it's your lucky day," Rossi quipped, "It happens over on that shelf," he pointed to the game shelf, "is minesweeper. I'll get out of this, and we'll see how good you are." He batted his eyelashes as he got up, and removed the disc for MLB 13 and took the case over to the game shelf on the wall. He then returned with a case containing a disc for minesweeper. "Now let's see how good you are," he handed her the toggle after he had booted up the game on the PlayStation.

"Meanwhile, I'll get you what you like to drink, since you're not a wine drinker, while you warm up."
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