New Job and life(Me & solitaryman)

"Nothing that I can think of right now." Eva replied. But with the adreneline rush wearing off her head wasn't all that clear. "Of course." She said and took a few moments to relax before stepping out of the room, she wasn't sure how Hotch and Rossi would react to this story. As they seemed to be talking to the other two men she walked back to her desk and sat down exhausted.
Hotch took McCoy back to his office to confer a bit more, the stenographer departed. Rossi went back to the BAU office, and walked over to Eva. He was behind her and started to massage her shoulders softly. "You did well, your statement was quite detailed. Gives the US Attorney lots to work with." He then stopped and looked at her, "When you're finished up, how about I buy you breakfast." Rossi gave her a 'thumbs up' as he went back into his office to complete his report.
"Good." Eva said and relaxed when he massaged her shoulders, he was quite good at it and she was rather tense. "I'm done. Is it that late already? Sure, breakfast sounds good." Eva said. This meant this would be a day on coffee and with a little luck nothing too bad happening, a quiet day would be nice.
Four weeks went by quite quickly about the BAU...Rossi watched as the cast, then the sling finally disappeared from Eva's right hand and arm. The reports had been complied, the evidence reports and bags sent to the US Attorney, and the case against Rhodes was well along by that time. Rossi had even taken a bit of time off to deal with book business...he had completed his latest crime novel, and had been on an autograph tour to promote it.

He had just came back into town and and, the following morning had arrived at the Federal Building. He went into his office, after he had left a box of donuts on the coffee pot table, then hung up his jacket and sipped on his coffee from the Cubs travel mug as he started to go through the files that had formed a small pile on his desk.
Four weeks behind a computer and counciling. She had to deal with getting rid of the claustrofobia the encounter had given her, though it was pretty much gone now. The cast was finally off her arm and she had begun to do excersizes to get that particular part of her back in shape. She had had time to get to know the rest of the team better especially Garcia, the two were now close friends. But it had been rather quiet for four weeks and she had a feeling it was the quiet before he storm and she wasn't the only one.
Rossi got up from his desk as he heard noise out in the main BAU area, he figured members of the team were drifting in to work, gradually. He saw Eva had arrived, and walked over to her desk, "Your favorite coffee from the coffee shop, on me," he smiled as he sat the large cup down on her desk. "Donuts over at the coffee pot table too. Glad to see you got rid of that cast, last I remember before I took off was you were in therapy and counseling. Hope all is well."
"Thanks." She said, she already had a thermos full of it in her bag, but that would stay warm. She sipped the coffee. "It's getting there." Eva said and walked to the coffee table and grabbed a donut, before walking back over to him. "So how did it go with your tour go?" Eva asked him.
"It went quite well, the book was very well received," he remarked as he watched her go over to the coffee table and get a donut. While she was there, he slipped a wrapped gift on her desk. It was a specially autographed copy of his latest book, which he entitled, "All In A Day's Work." He then sipped on his coffee as he watched her return to her desk. "And what did I miss while I was gone, except the small pile of files on my desk?"
Eva was surprised at the gift. "Thanks." She said, she was beginning to think this was more than wanting to know the people you work with routine. She opened it and found the book. "Nothing much, it's been remarkably quiet the last four weeks. But with Halloween approaching....It's probably the quiet before the storm." she said and put the book in her bag, she'd read it some other time.
"You're welcome, I thought you might want to see what keeps me busy other than work, and video games." He smiled as he sipped on his coffee, and nodded in agreement to her statement, "Yeh..." he sighed, "there will always be someone or something more than the usual trick or treating, that is for certain." Rossi did look forward to the trick or treaters that came by in the Mountain Terrace District. He had stocked up on the treats he usually handed out, plenty of Kit Kat Bars, which he himself dipped into as well. He turned and headed back into his office, sat down behind his desk, and then munched on a Kit Kat as he continued to look over the files that were left for him to peruse through.
Well they wouldn't have to wait long Hotch knocked on Rossi's door before entering. "We got a bad one." He said and handed the file to Rossi. Two families slaughtered, cut in pieces while alive and even tortured more than that.

Eva in the mean time enjoyed her coffee and donut and got annoyed when Morgan started teasing her with her friendship with Rossi and eventually ignored the comments related to that. She got to work on some files she needed to finish while things were still calm.
Rossi had just finished the files and looked up when he heard the knock on the door. He stacked the finished files aside, intending to give them to the file clerk after he talked to Hotch. Rossi opened the file, and looked through the crime scene photos. "Almost resembles the Texas Chainsaw Massacre," he remarked calmly as he perused the photos. He looked at the location of the crime scene, then back up to Hotch, "We're on it," He smiled slightly, "Think you can make a stop by the file clerk with these on your way back to the office," then handed Hotch the reviewed files.

He then went into the main area and whistled, "Gather round, we're going to work." He sat the file down on the conference room type table, and sat out the photos. "Looks like we got a dicey on this time, within driving distance of us, small town of Markleysburg. Morgan get us the wheels, and program the address into the GPS. Rest of you get your gear, we meet in the parking garage in 15 minutes."
"Indeed." Hotch said. He nodded and made a stop at the clerk before making it to the office. Eva was quite excited to be going back into the field again at first, but when she saw the photos she turned pale she composed herself after a few moments. The sight all too familiar, she had found her mother, father and baby brother like that. "Alright dicey is one way to put it. This killer slaughters the father, mother and younger brother, in both cases the bodies were discovered by the older sister." Hotch said. Eva had remained rather quiet throughout the meeting and just grabbed her go bag and met with the team in the garage.
Mera1506 said:
"Indeed." Hotch said. He nodded and made a stop at the clerk before making it to the office. Eva was quite excited to be going back into the field again at first, but when she saw the photos she turned pale she composed herself after a few moments. The sight all too familiar, she had found her mother, father and baby brother like that. "Alright dicey is one way to put it. This killed slaughters the father, mother and younger brother, in both cases the bodies were discovered by the older sister." Hotch said. Eva had remained rather quiet throughout the meeting and just grabbed her go bag and met with the team in the garage.
Rossi got into the front passenger seat of the SUV, then looked over at the driver, "Let's go, first to the County Sheriff's office in the town, the sheriff there, John Delano, requested us to come out, seems like they have hit a stonewall." He then got on the SUV phone, and called Garcia back at the BAU, "Cross check this case with any other unsolved cases similar, see if we have a pattern. We'll be at the county sheriff's office, as well as the crime scene."

He then looked back at the rear seat on the SUV. "Agent Jarvinson, you were particularly quiet earlier, cat got your tongue or maybe you're not up to a quick return to field duty? Or is there something else that I don't know about?"
Even in the car Eva was quiet and staring out of the window. When Rossi spoke to her she looked at him, not sure how to tell him. "You could say the cat got my tongue." She said, she just didn't know how to tell him, to find the words and Garcia would soon find it anyway. Ten minutes later Rossi's phone rang, it was Garcia.
Rossi took out his cellphone, saw it was Garcia, then answered, "Hey, you're quick on the draw, must be all those donuts, coffee, and compliments I feed you." He glanced out the window as he continued to talk to her. He held his cellphone with his left hand, notepad open on his lap and pen ready to write, "Okay, fire away, what did you find?"

Markleysburg was nestled in farming country, also a junction between to major highways for truckers as well as a stop for the freight train to pick up grain cars that were loaded at the local feed store. Rossi listened to Garcia as his peripheral vision caught a road sign that showed him they were getting closer to the town.
"I found five more cases, one of them was right here in DC and two more New Yorkcity, one in Manhatten and one in Jersey. And I got more bad news. The one in Manhatten, it was Eva's family. I sent the files to your e-mail." Garcia said.

Eva had a feeling she wouldn't have to tell anymore, he now knew. That was a relief, they'd probably take her off the case too, this really wasn't her day.
Rossi nodded as he wrote down the information, "Interesting, looks like our city slicker moved to the country on this one, plot the cases on the map, we're almost in Markleysburg right now." He hung up, then looked over at Morgan, "When we hit town, you and Prentiss to the Sheriff's office and start the conversation with Sheriff Delano. I need to confer with Agent Jarvinson on her part in this investigation."

The SUV pulled up and parked at the County Sheriff's office. Once Prentiss and Morgan exited the SUV and Rossi saw them go into the County Building, he looked back at Eva, "Figured out why the cat got your tongue, care to talk about what happened in Manhattan, and are you going to be able to maintain a clear mind in this investigation. Personally, I think so, but I need to know."
He knew that was good. Once prentiss and Morgan had left she looked at him. "What happened back then. I went to a sleepover, my best friend's sweet sixteen party down the street. I come home the next morning and I found them like that." Eva said, trying to keep her composure it was still very hard for her to talk about. "I'll do my best. No way he's getting away with it." She said, she was determined, though it would be anything but easy.
Rossi could tell the events happened quite a long time ago, when she was 16 years old. He could only imagine it wasn't easy for her to carry that as long as she had. "Come on, let's catch up with Prentiss and Morgan," as he got out of the front passenger side of the SUV. He then looked at Eva, "There's unsolved cases in DC, Jersey, and two in New York besides the Manhattan case, and this one. We're going to have to revisit these other cases."

He held the door open to the County Building, "I want you on this, and whoever it is won't get away with it, I promise, but this will not turn in to a revenge hunt. Otherwise, I'm gonna have to bring Hotch into it." He opened the door to the outer office of the Sheriff's Office and walked in, his badge already showing, the badge wallet open and the other half tucked in the chest pocket of his suit jacket.
"Don't worry whoever this is will be sent to prison to be someone else's bitch for a very long time." Eva said. She showed her badge when entering and catching up with the others. This wouldn't be easy, but she'd be happy when they got this bastard.
Rossi nodded in approval of her statement, glad she was going to maintain her professionalism in this investigation. Sheriff Delano greeted them, a tall muscular man of six foot four, built like a high school tackle, wearing a brown sheriff's uniform, and carrying a 357 short barrel revolver in his pistol belt, a veteran of the state police, who turned county sheriff. He led them to the conference room, and sat down at the head of the table where his coffee mug was located, a porcelain mug from his days in the state police.

"Frankly folks, I sent for you because I am totally baffled, we have no solid leads, and this family had no enemies, least around here. He showed them the photos of the family before the crime, "Seth Adams was a farmer, like his father, and grandfather. His sons were top students and highly involved at the farm and in the Future Farmers of America, his daughter was on a high school business field trip and was to graduate this year. She found them when she came home, she's staying with relatives. His wife Lucy was his high school sweetheart, they never lived anywhere else except here. I'll give you everything I got, but right now the trail seems quite cold on this end."
"That's because this case seems to be connected to others similar to this one." Reid started.
"And in all cases it was the daughters who found their family's dead after coming home from an outing of some sort, also all of the daughters share a similar apearance." Prentiss said.
"This means that the killer's grudge could be aimed towards the daughter rather than the father or mother." Morgan said.
"It also means that these families are surrogates for the one he really wants to get to." Eva concluded.
Rossi sat and listened to the interaction between Delano and the members of the BAU team. "I'd say whoever did this was passing through. We have five other open cases with similar MO. Question now remains why this family, was it a random thing, or what?" He sat up in the chair and looked at Delano, "I'd like you to coordinate Agents Jarvinson and Prentiss to interview the daughter," then looked over at Reid and Morgan, "check the restaurants and trucks stops out by the highways, you're looking for anything that may have piqued anyone's interest in someone out there that may have been passing through." He looked at Delano, "Did the daughter work anywhere, say maybe one of the restaurants or truckstops?"
"All the families consisted of a mother, father a younger brother ages 8 to 10 and an older sister between the ages of 15 and 17, also the daughters and mothers were all red heads, that's a pretty specific MO." Reid chimed in.
"She worked at the local gas station in the weekends." Delano replied.
"So that's how he found her, once he found a girl who looks like the one he wants to kill he only has to follow her home to see if the rest matches too." Morgan replied.
Eva wasn't looking forward to talking to the daughter, but they were probably the best choice. "This way ladies I'll give you a lift." He offered and both Emily and Eva followed him to a car and got in.
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