New Job and life(Me & solitaryman)

Mera1506 said:
Eva drew her gun and pointed it at Rhodes, but the other one was out of sight. "Drop it and put your hands up. FBI." Eva all but yeld, which was so damn ironic since she knew he too was FBI. But with her heart pounding in her throat made tryng to hear the other one pretty damn hard.
Rhodes looked at Eva his face still covered by the large hood that miraculously stayed on during the fight. He dropped the hankie and put up his hands as she instructed. He said nothing and just kept his eyes focused on her.
Eva knew Parker was there, most likely sneaking up behind her and yet her own ears could only seem to hear her own fast heartbeat. "Get on the ground, hands behind your back." Eva said. Once he was down she took the cuffs out, sliding the key secretly into her right sleeve since she was expecting Parker to do something to knock her out.
Parker was there, in the dark shadows, watching as Eva ordered Rhodes on the ground. Rhodes complied as told, he knew Parker was just waiting for the right time, for Eva to have her full attention on him. Parker watched her retrieve her cuffs. He came out of the shadows, his right hand held a pirate's club that he had obtained via an antique dealer. It was similar to a billy club, though shorter handled, the end round and heavy. He slipped up behind Eva, raised it in his right hand, and bonked her across the back of her head.
Crap. Eva thought the moment he hit her before passing out. She had known Parker had to be around, but the pounding heart in her ears had kept her from hearing him in time. Putting the key in her sleeve had something to do with the fact that she hoped he'd handcuff her with her own cuffs, since Rossi had referred to the in your face attitude of the new undertaker.
Parker put the club away under the brown monk's robe he was wearing, and crouched down beside Eva. He saw her face down, out cold, and her hands over her head, and her gun just out of reach of her right hand. He put her gun in his trousers' hem line under his robe, and then started to search her. He rolled her over and saw her blouse ride high out of her pants, her pant slid down off her hips, bottom buttons of her blouse undone. He spotted her deep inny belly button, fully exposed and stretched in a vertical oval when she was flat on her back. As he continued to search her, he spotted her cuffs on the ground away from her left hand.

Rhodes got up, and retrieved the chloroform hankie and clamped it over her nose and mouth to make sure she was out cold. By that time Parker had the sliding side door of the van opened, and he returned to Rhodes. He saw her belly rising normally, and then started to drag Eva to the van. Once they had her inside the van, they cuffed her wrists behind her back, and then duck tape gagged her mouth. Finishing up, she was blindfolded, the door slid shut, and they were on their way. They left the parking lot at normal speed, not to attract any attention, and drove away.
Eva was out cold, the ride long in the van. A few times she barely regained consciousness only to be drawn back into the darkness by a splitting headache and the rough movement of the van, or maybe that it was it seemed like to her. But from the moment they had engaged her she feared she'd wake up buried alive, she could only hope the others would find her soon since these two were unlikely to slip up.
Some time had passed, and Rossi paused the baseball video game he had been playing. His eyes needed break from the large screen TV he had the Play Station hooked up to, as well as he needed to stretch his legs. He sat the control down and stretched. He was still in his clothes he wore to work, save that he had taken off his suit jacket, and shoes. His jacket was draped across a nearby chair and his shoes on the floor in front of the chair, where he sat in front of the TV.

He looked over at the end table and saw his cellphone flashing. "Hmmm....wonder who tried to call." He picked up his phone, looked at the screen and saw it had been Eva. He hit the call button and waited for her to answer, and heard her phone just go to voice mail. After three more times, the same thing happening, he raised his right eyebrow. He looked at his watch, then brought up Garcia's number and called her.
The blond technical analist had just fallen asleep and reached for her phone. "Garcia." She said, sounding sleepy. She sat up, she wasn't sure who was calling, however usually this hour meant bad news and she had a feeling she wouldn't be getting too much sleep.
"Hey good lookin, it's Rossi,......just tried to call Eva Jarvinson, keep getting voice mail...are you two still Jarvinson there with you?" The hair on the back of Rossi's neck started to stand, a kind of sixth sense that told him something wasn't right.
"No, we both went home about two hours ago." Garcia said, suddenly wide awake. Someone had already try to kidnap her earlier that day. "I'm gonna head back to the bureau and track her phone." Garcia said as she was looking for something to wear, her phone on speaker.
Rossi looked at his watch, "Damn, something definitely isn't right...I'm heading to her apartment. Call Hotch on the way..." he hung up and quickly got his coat back on as well as his shoes. He looked at the TV screen, "Sorry guys, duty calls..." he then opened the top right hand drawer to a desk in the game room, and pulled out his 45 automatic from his days in Vietnam. He checked the clip in the gun, then put it under his jacket against his back, in his trousers' hemline. He hurried out of the condo, and got into his BMW. He headed towards Eva's apartment at faster than normal speed.
"Of course, if you find anything, let me know." Garcia said and hung up. She was greatful she lived close to the bureau and that there was little traffic on the way. She called Hotch and told him the situation, he was coming in too. She all but ran to her computer room and got the search for Eva's phone started. Then she called Rossi. "Rossi, her phone should be around there still." Garcia said.
Rossi had just arrived at Eva's apartment building. He brought the BMW to a screeching halt and got out of the car, already on the cell phone with Garcia. "Looking for it now," he pulled out a flashlight and shined it about, as he held it with his right hand, his left hand held the cellphone close to his left ear. He followed the light as he looked about lot, that held few cars, lucky for him. He had parked near Eva's car, and then his light picked up a glare from under a nearby car. "Found it," then got down on his hands and knees, reached under the car and pulled the cellphone out from under the car. "Got it, inform Hotch she's been grabbed, get a CSI team out here, and meantime go into the Undertaker data base, find the location of his first crime."

Parker was driving the van as they had changed places at a convenience store stop. Rhodes was back in the van with Eva. She was still out cold, and Rhodes' right hand moved about her fully exposed belly, and his eyes watched her deep inny belly button rise and fall as she breathed, it's shape in a perfect oval, like an orange. Rhodes whispered, "Nice body Jarvinson, you're going to make a perfect victim...he spoke as he unbuttoned her blouse one button at at time, and watched her blouse fall away to either side of her.

Some more time passed and they had arrived at the cemetery where the first Undertaker crime had happened. The hole had been dug at a remote part of the cemetery, two shovels still sticking in the pile of ground. The simple wooden box was opened, and ready to put Eva in. A flashlight was there for when she came to, and would provide light as long as the batteries lasted. Parker backed the van up to the box, and stopped. He got out and opened the back door of the van. He paused while Rhodes had re-cuffed her wrists in front of her. He got her cuffs open with his cuff key, law enforcement cuffs were universal lock wise. He nodded to Parker and he pulled her out of the van, then he and Rhodes lifted her into the box. Rhodes removed the blindfold and looked down at Eva, "Nice knowing you Jarvinson, wish it could have been different." The box was then closed up and lowered into the hole. Parker and Rhodes then started to shovel the dirt back into the hole.
"On it." Hotch said and opend another line to call the CSI team. This was one of the worst nightmares of a team leader, he also called the rest of the team in.

"Rossi, she opened an audio recording. It's still running." Garcia said as she'd hacked into Eva's smartphone. Then garcia set to work on the cemetaries as Rossi would listen to the audio.

When Eva woke up. Her blindfold gone, shough she couldn't see yet, but she knew where she hid the key and reached for it, undoing her cuffs. Then she pulled off the ducktape and removed the gag so she could properly breathe and she felt something lying on her chest. A flashlight, the bastards. She turned it on and as she had feared before she was indeed burried alive. Her hands alone couldn't possibly breach the wood. She reached into her pockets so find her wallet, and keys. She had to admit she was terrified and struggled not to give into fear, taking deep breaths. Were they still around?
As Rossi waited for the CSI team to arrive he listened to the audio recording that Garcia had opened from Eva's phone. He gritted his teeth as he listened, his suspicions confirmed. "Download that recording, voice definitely Rhodes.." as he continued to listen.

Rhodes had put a small open intercom speaker into the corner of the coffin where he could speak to Eva from above ground, as well as she could talk back to him. Rhodes tapped on the small mic, "Eva, Eva Jarvinson, you awake yet?" He looked over at Parker and smiled as he listened for a response. He nodded to Parker as he was hearing the sounds of her undoing her cuffs as well as taking off the duck tape from her mouth.
"On it." Garcia said and downloaded it. She hated listening to it, it seemed Eva had done alright for a little while. Unfortunately two had proven too much. She began running it through a sound analizer sperating the different sounds and voices.

The rest of the team arrived shortly. They had to be briefed and Hotch called them into his office where he told what had been going on. "Damn. Any leads?" Morgan asked.
"One so far, Eva dropped her phone while it was recording audio, one of the voices is definitely Rhodes." Hotch said.
"Smart, let's hope we find more soon." He said.

"I won't listen or speak to the dog, only to its master." Eva replied, blatantly insulting Rhodes, knowing it was him, recognising his voice. The only thing that might help her get out were her keys. She put her handcuffs away and hid the key to them in her left sleeve and put two keys to poke out from her right fist. Here goes nothing. She thought to herself and began punching at the top of the wooden box.
Rossi had finished listening to the audio recording, then talked to Garcia, "CSI team has arrived, what's going on at your end...any luck on that cemetery, we have a small window to work with, considering her air supply in that coffin." He sure hoped that Eva was keeping them busy to buy him some time as well.

Rhodes smirked, "I resemble that remark, Special Agent Jarvinson, or is it Eva, has Rossi gotten that far with you should know he's quite the hit with the ladies, just ask Garcia..." he then heard more sounds in the coffin, and smiled at Parker, "I'd sure not do a whole lot of activity down there, uses up oxygen, and all you got is in that coffin. Besides you'd be buried even if you got that lid open."
Rossi finished listening to the audio from Eva's phone, then talked to Garcia, "CSI team has arrived, what's going on at your end...any luck with that cemetery yet, we have a small window to work with, given the oxygen she has in that coffin."

Rhodes smirked at her remark, "I resemble that remark Special Agent Jarvinson, or is it Eva? Has Rossi got that far with you yet? You should know he's quite a hit with the ladies, just ask Garcia." He looked over at Parker as he listened through the speaker above ground, "I'd lie quite still if I were you Eva, activity takes up oxygen, and you have to conserve yours. Besides even if you got the lid to that box open, you'd be buried for sure. So, lets just talk, nice and calmly."
"Well I found the cemetaries he used and there are four unused ones in his comfortzone, one is close to the federal building." Garcia said, she had picked up a thing or two from her profiler friends and as Rossi had pointed out at some point this 'undertaker' had the in your face style.

Eva didn't respond to Rhodes, the asshole could hate it all he wanted. She had to try and the adreneline was once again her ally, it numbed the pain as she was scrachting her hand open and it increased her strength. She'd have to crawl up through the dirt while holding breath and find a way to deal with both of them. She was serious she wasn't going to listen to the dog on the leash and she sure as hell wasn't giving up on her one maybe chance of getting out alive. There were cracks appearing in the wood....
Rossi listened, "That one, the one close to the Federal Building, that's the spot, it fits Rhodes to a tee. I'm on my way there now." He got into his BMW, and squeeled tire out of the parking lot, as he headed for the cemetery where he knew Eva was being held.

"Eva Eva Eva, you're bullheaded and stubborn, just as your personality profile pictured you," Rhodes talked in a sing song type voice. "It was Parker's idea, my father, to pick up where the Undertaker had left off. Too bad he isn't alive to loathe in my accomplishments. He played cat and mouse with Rossi, and always stayed a step ahead, unfortunately he is no longer able to do that. I watched Rossi and his antics, figured it was time to shove it in his, here we are...I knew that the resurrection of the Undertaker would pique his curiousity. And thanks to my dear old dad, it has happened."
"I know I'll warn the others." Garcia said and rushed over to Hotch's office. "We think they took her to the cemetary closest by." She said, panting and they brushed by her. "Thanks Garcia." Hotch said as he was leaving.

If he's so fucking smart then why does he insist on telling me what I already know, hopefully this is recorded. Eva thought. She never stopped her trying, the wood was common place, she only stopped knowing it would break at the next punch. By now her right hand a bloody mess. Here goes nothing. She took a deep breath and punched for the last time, as the dirt came crumbling down she began clawing upward, fortunately for her the dirt was loose and the graves were only about six feet deep. There would be a big difference when she faced them, this time she truly was fighting for her life and she'd get them, no holding back.
Rhodes heard the dirt start to invade the casket, "You wouldn't listen Eva, you're a goner now, won't even make it to the top, too bad," Rhodes shook his head and looked at Parker, "Another one bites the dust, this time she brought it on herself."

Rossi kept his phone open to Garcia, "Hurry them up, and no sirens if you get the locals involved, want this bastard to be quite at ease...I'm getting close." He slowed up as he approached the cemetery, and then turned through the open iron gate. "They're here, he muttered," as he knew the gates of the cemetery were always closed after dark, then let the car idle as he started to look about. "Come on Rossi, think..." he muttered again. He then slowly started to head for the back end of the cemetery, which was where the Undertaker always put his victims.
A goner, not so much, she did manage to reach the top, though it seemed a miracle. With them thinking she was dying she might get a moment or two. She managed to get air and crawled out, looking for the two men she knew were there, her breathing loud as she was trying to catch her breath while looking around to find them, keys still clutched in her hand to use as a weapon.

Hotch and the others quickly followed, guns drawn as they were looking for Eva. "I hate this case." Morgan whispered, any case in which one of their own got was especially bad.
Rossi stopped the car and killed his headlights...he saw the headlights of the van, and was far enough away that Parker and Rhodes did not spot his approaching lights. He got out of the car, and just shut the door enough to make sure the dome light would go off. He drew his 45 from under his jacket and started towards the van, staying in the shadows, not knowing that Eva had made it to the surface.

Parker and Rhodes were packing up to leave as they stored their shovels, and the base station of the was a common type that they could get wireless speakers for anywhere. They also were not aware that Eva had made it to the surface.
Eva couldn't find them, maybe it was best to hide for the time being. Most people looked two dimensional she knew and there was a large tree nearby. With them away she needed to gather her thoughts and climbed into the tree, hiding behind the leaves, but seeing flashlights in the distance for a moment. Could that be them?

Morgan heard sounds. "This way." He said, it wasn't leaves, it was metal on metal. Hotch nodded. "Rossi, go with Morgan, JJ and I will secure the van." Hotch said and headed with the blond to secure the van.
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