New Job and life(Me & solitaryman)

"Sure, come in." Hotch said, the look on his face was stoic as usual, but a profiler would notice the miniture changes telling that Hotch was expecting not good news.

Eva was a profiler and she looked around her and she did notice the male nurse when she walked inside. In the bathroom she re-checked her gun before heading outside again. She had a bad feeling about this. The conversation with Mrs. Rhodes had been confusing at best, the woman did recall memories but got them mixed up sometime and the timeline was all mixed up too. She was heading to her car, paying extra attention to her surroundings and the creepy nurse she could no longer see, it had been an hour, but she felt a pit in her stomach.
Ever since she came out the bathroom she had her car keys at the ready and was on edge now.
Rossi picked up the nuances, he could read Hotch like a book, since he spent time with him outside of the office, when they coached his son Jack's soccer team. "How's Jack these days, " Rossi asked as he sat down and saw a picture of the three of them together on his file hutch, after a soccer game. He looked across his desk, "We may have something brewing that you need to know about, and for now it needs to stay as 'need to know'," he then handed the Undertaker file with the information gathered so far including the information found out about Rhodes and Parker. He then decided to let Hotch digest the information before proceeding further.

The male nurse watched Eva from near her car, out of sight as she approached. The parking lot she was in was nearly vacant, and nobody about. He watched her approach and then quickly slipped up behind her, clamping a hankie laced with chloroform over her nose and mouth with his right hand.
"He's doing great." Hotch replied, a slight smile crossed his face for a moment as he thought about Jack, but it faded after just a moment. He opened the file and his gut feeling came true. "I take it you know where Agent Jarvinson is at?" Hotch said, it wasn't really a question.

Unfortunately he'd given himself away before and with her on edge and the adreneline pumping in her system he wasn't quite as quiet as he thought. Yet when he moved he was too fast, but she held her breath when she saw the cloth coming. She wore a modest heel and immediately dug it into his right foot hard and elbowed him in his gut equally hard so she could turn free. Only then drawing breath as she drew her gun and pointed it at him. "FBI, drop the cloth and put you hands up, NOW!" Eva ordered now about three feet away from him, having held her breath she hadn't been exposed to enough chlorophorm to knock her out.
Rossi watched him open the file, and he answered honestly, "I do know where she is, at the nursing home mentioned in the file, following a lead." He was not going to keep Hotch out of the loop, he needed to gauge his view of what he showed him. It truly was something brewing, and he needed Hotch to kind of run interference while Rossi and the others deal with the situation.

The male nurse was caught totally off guard, a groan from his mouth when Eva dug into his right foot, which he felt even though he had the white hospital shoes on, as well as a louder groan when she elbowed him, though he was of medium and muscular build. His face told the failure, as he dropped the cloth and held his hands high. He glared at Eva but said nothing, since he saw her gun pointed directly at him.
"Rhodes' mother." Hotch said. "Any idea when she's going to finish there?" He asked. He was worried about the development and thus about the agent out there alone currently.

Eva noticed the defiant glare. "Get down on your stomach, hands behind your back." She ordered. Once he was down she handcuffed his hands behind his back then opened the door to the back seat of her car. "Get in." She told him, then got in the driver's seat. She decided it was time to call Rossi and dialed his number.
Mera1506 said:
"Rhodes' mother." Hotch said. "Any idea when she's going to finish there?" He asked. He was worried about the development and thus about the agent out there alone currently.

Eva noticed the defiant glare. "Get down on your stomach, hands behind your back." She ordered. Once he was down she handcuffed his hands behind his back then opened the door tot he back seat of her car. "Get in." She told him, then got in the driver's seat. She decided it was time to call Rossi and dialed his number.
Rossi looked at his watch, "She should be pretty well done by now, and probably on her way back by now. She seemed the best to send, you know, female to female, good bedside manor, all that stuff."

He heard his cellphone ring in his right side suit jacket pocket. He took it out and answered it, "Rossi, talk to me," he then mouthed to Hotch, "It's Jarvinson" as he held his cellphone with his left hand against his left ear.
"We're definitely getting warm. One of the male nurses just tried to kidnap me. I handcuffed him, but let's just say I wouldn't be surprised if Parker or Rhodes or both of them were behind this." Eva said, she never took her eyes off him.

"What's going on?" Hotch asked as he saw his friend's face drop and apparently what she had said turned out to be a bit of a shock.
Rossi listened, "It's getting warm for sure, make sure you read the skunk his rights and if you have him with you, which I assume you do, bring him on in for questioning. I'll clear Interrogation Room 1." Rossi hung up, then looked at Hotch. "Seems one of the male nurses attempted to kidnap Jarvinson. She's on her way back. Looks like we might be on the right track." He got up and retrieved the file, "Until we know what's going down, you've never seen this, and would appreciate you running interference. I'll be in Interrogation Room 1." Rossi then left the room, and headed back towards his office.
"Attempted, well it's good to know she's alright. I'll run interference." He said, he needn't worry about her anymore, she obviouly could take care of herself well.

"Of course." Eva said and hung up. "Well Mr...Johnson is it? You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney, if you can't afford one, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand your rights?" She asked, though she doubted he wouldn't understand.

After that she took off on her way back to the bureau. By now the morning traffic had gone and fortunately she could get there in just five hours, the longest five hours, having this man in the back of her not too big car. She brought him straight to the interrogation room once they got there and she hadn't had a bathroombreak for at least five hours and left him to Rossi. "Have fun. I'm heading to the bathroom." She said, she couldn't take a bathroombreak either.
Rossi watched Eva bring him into the interrogation room, pointed to a chair. "You earned it, and Hotch said good job." He watched the door shut automatically and took a look at his wallet that had been tossed on the table as well as a cellphone and car keys. Rossi looked in the wallet at his drivers' license. "Mr....uh...Charles Johnson, I presume? He got on the phone in the interrogation room, "Garcia, run a Mr. Charles Johnson through NCIC...his drivers license number 155166678." Then he hung up. He looked at the male nurse, "Mr. Johnson, you are in a shitload of trouble, now is the time to turn to Jesus. You have been informed of your where do we go from here?"
"I'll watch him squirm from the observationroom." Eva replied and headed to the bathroom for a few minutes before entering the observation room. This oughtta be good. Her coffee was now cold of course, she looked through the one way glass with a slight smile.
Rossi took a look at the other items on the table, and made sure the intercom to the observation room was open. "Let's see here Mr. Johnson, we have one hankie laced with chloroform, and look at this, one 8x11 piece of paper with a bunch of pasted words, Back off or you won't be lucky next time, now that my friend is a terroristic threat, against a Federal officer to boot. I would say, scum bag, that you can kiss your employment goodbye at Meadowview." All the items Rossi mentioned were in evidence bags.

Johnson looked at him, his face showed no emotion, not replying back, at the moment. "Let's see here," as Rossi propped his shoes up on a chair he moved out form the table, "You have been in and out of trouble, pretty much shoving your weight about, that something you do to the elderly at that home you been working at," he sat his crime rap sheet down. "So what is it Johnson, wanna tell me about that stuff on the table?"

The nurse glared at Rossi, and smirked, "You ain't got nothing, all I was supposed to do was make sure the woman didn't get too nosey...that's it." Rossi quipped, "Looks like the woman came out on top, huh?" He chuckled and then banged the table with his right hand, "Who put you up to this," as he glared deep into his eyes. Johnson smirked, "Got a letter in the mail, which I burnt, told me to go to the bus station, open a locker, the key was in the envelope, and back at the bus station locker. I got my instructions, and my money, and then went about doing what I was told."

About that time, a lawyer from the public defender's office walked in, and looked at Johnson, "Say nothing else," then looked at Rossi. "Thank you Mr. Johnson for your cooperation." He looked at the public defender, "He's been booked, and duly charged, it's all downstairs." He sighed and then watched Johnson and the lawyer walk out of the room, escorted by uniformed Federal officers.
Eva smiled as she watched the interview. Too bad it was cut short though. Obviously whoever had planned this was good in leaving no trace which pointed once again back to Rhodes. She exited the observation room. "Well we both know who was behind it, he did say I was too nosy and it's their business we're nosing around in." She said.
Rossi gathered up the evidence bags, and the file on Johnson, then shut off the intercom to the Observation Room. He walked out in the hall, and met Eva, "Glad to see you're alright, shows me you can handle yourself which is quite good." He walked along the hallway back towards the BAU, and glanced over at Eva, "Yeah, only problem is he didn't confess to it. Least we do know we must have hit a nerve. Needless to say Johnson is small fish."

Rossi sighed and walked into his office, and dropped the materials on his desk. He took a small Cubs nerf basketball and tossed it through the hoop over his office door. Then he picked it up and put it back in the container he kept it in. He sat down, behind his desk, and sipped on the coffee left in his Cubs travel mug. He then put the evidence bags and the file on Johnson, as well as the investigation file so far, in his wall office safe, then locked the safe door.
"He was staring at me way too much when I went inside I was already expectig something to happen." Eva told him. She walked with him to his office and watched the little basketball spectacle. "Even though we know who it is most likely, how do we draw them out?" She asked.
Rossi nodded as he watched her come in the office, then pointed to one of the chairs in front of his desk. "I briefed Hotch on what we had so far, he's agreed to run interference while we continue. In fact I was in his office when you called," he tapped a pen on his desk blotter, "and it kind of confirms he was small fish by his staring at you, a pro wouldn't have tipped himself off like that."

Rossi looked at Eva, "We still have to establish some things, so that when we go to the US Attorney with this, it's not tossed out. Have Garcia start crosschecking Rhodes' visits with any other unsolved crimes wherever he was, that fit the Undertaker's MO. Do the same with Parker. Have to know if this is a father/son, father only, or son only endeavor. Meanwhile, start thinking about how to draw them out. Only way I see it right now is set someone up as bait."
"True. Lucky me then." Eva said. "Alright I'll be with Garcia." She said and sighed. "Right now that seems to be the only way, but let's gather more information first." She said and headed to see Garcia. It was a long and dreadful computer search, though Garcia had a way of keeping things fun.

After that it was time to head to home and bed. The FBI parking garage was a secure place, however the parking lot outside the building where she lived was not.
Rossi nodded, "Don't stay too long, you've already had a long day." He watched Eva leave the office, and then secured for the day himself. He got into his car and headed home to his condo in the Mountain Terrace District.

At the parking lot where Eva lived, a dark blue panel van pulled into the lot and parked. Inside were two men, both dressed in brown monks' robes. Rhodes had gotten into the FBI data base and had secured Eva's home address. He and Parker had rented the van, under an assumed name, and drove to the city. Rhodes checked his watch, and glanced over at Parker as they kept watch for Eva.
Everything seemed normal until she heard a van drive up. In her line of business that was an alarm, or maybe she was just on edge because someone had already tried to kidnap her today. Eva locked her car and looked at the van closely, unfortunately she'd have to walk by while on her way to the building. She began walking, in her hand was her phone recording audio in case something happened she could drop it.
Rhodes nudged Parker, "There she is," as they watched her car. The two got out of the van, both dressed in brown monks' robes, the hoods up over their heads and large enough to cover their faces. Both of them walked humbly in the direction of Eva. The parking lot quiet, just the sound of an occasional dog barking about the neighborhood. The traffic on the street was light, an occasional vehicle passed the parking lot.
Monks coming out of a van? If she hadn't been on edge before she sure was now. She had a feeling of who they could be or most likely who they were. She was expecting an ambush yet again, though she feared getting away from both of them would be hard, that was where possibly her phone could come in as she dialed Rossi's number with speed dial, though making no effort to hear if he picked up.
Rossi was busy playing a Major League Baseball video game, and quite into it. His team, of course was the Cubs, and this time they were playing their rivals, the Pittsburgh Pirates. The sound was turned up, and Rossi didn't hear his cellphone ringing.

The two monks approached, humbly, Rhodes' disguised voice, "Peace be unto you," as they started to walk by Eva. Just as they were by her Rhodes turned and moved his left hand around her, just below her breasts, and his right hand clamped a hankie of chloroform over her nose and mouth.
Rhodes wasn't that much taller than her and she rammed her head backwards. The cloth once again not unexpected as she held her breath and stamped her foot into him and elbowed him to get away ad rolled away from him, tossing her cellphone under the nearest car, the audio was still recording, she could only hope Rossi had picked up. Though she hadn't breathed in much of the chlorophorm she was feeling a little whoozy, but yet the adreneline was pumping again too. This was fighting smart on her part at least. But with two targets to keep track off it would be impossible, but if this was who she thought they were she'd have to focus on the one who just attacked her, was younger and physically fit, Rhodes.
Rhodes and Parker didn't even know, or suspect that Eva had been recording audio on her cellphone as the parking lot was dimly lit. Everything happened quickly for Rhodes, he felt Eva's head butt back into his face, which caught the bridge of his nose. Then the stomp of her shoe into his foot, plus his elbow combined to break his hold on her. He staggered a bit then picked up the chloroform hankie and started towards her again, after trying to clear the cobwebs from inside his head from the head butt.
Eva drew her gun and pointed it at Rhodes, but the other one was out of sight. "Drop it and put your hands up. FBI." Eva all but yelled, which was so damn ironic since she knew he too was FBI. But with her heart pounding in her throat made trying to hear the other one pretty damn hard.
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