Under the soft snow. [ Jugger82 X Ketsu]

Amaya slapped herself upside the head. "You idiot, that's not right to do with a young woman! You scared her, you were probably close to her vagina, and you were holding her against her will, she was scared you might enter her and hurt her. It's not right to do that here, you don't just force someone to lay with you, while your both naked, Nathan... Jesus Christ. No wonder she ran away..." She says while sighing deeply and frowning. "I have to talk to the village, maybe having her have a break is a good idea..." She says while running her hand through her hair.
"Tch...Excuse me for going by my peoples' customs." He said annoyed as he watched Amaya walk off. "I didn't even fucking enter her. I was careful about it." He said moreover to himself now that she was pretty much gone. He shook his head. He just lost his partner and the respect of his sensei. 'To hell with all of them...' He thought in his head as he stayed where he was on the bench, ignoring anything that even remotely seemed of interest. He was just wallowing in anger that he was bottling up.
Kairi collapsed onto the ground, it was still raining and her body was shaking badly, her eyes closed shut as she fell into unconsciousness. Amaya had sent out a team to look for her, they found her after a while, her body had started to turn blue, the wet clothes nearly frozen to her body, her breathing came out in soft gasps that told she was having a hard time breathing. They brought her back to the hospital and warmed her up, waiting how things would go in the morning. Amaya found Nathan again, still in the same place. "She was found. Just so you know, she's alive but fighting right now. If she makes it through the night, you can see her if you want."
He didn't say anything to Amaya. He stood up and walked past her, not even bothering to look at her. He would, however, pay Kibishii a visit...To apologize for everything. After some walking, he finally found the hospital and forced his way in to go and see Kibishii. When he had found her, he sighed and sat down next to a chair near her bed and held her hand. "I'm so sorry Kibishii..." He said in a blank tone, his eyes still seeming to be empty as he held her hand. "This is the last time I'll fuck up..." He said to the unconscious girl. He began to perform some handsigns before he said the forbidden jutsu, and slammed his palm onto his chest. A small puff of smoke appeared followed by a small blinding light, and it would seem as if nothing had changed, but Nathan had sealed away his emotions...He would now be a tool, used to only do what he was supposed to do and not let emotions and opinions get in the way.
While she was unconscious she could still hear him, she willed her body to respond, all that it would do was weakly squeeze his hand which held hers. She watched, an out of body experience as he did the forbidden jutsu, she tried to cry out, to yell for him to stop, but she had no voice. She wasn't attached to her body right now as she fell back into her body, black surrounding her once again.
Standing up, he placed her hand on her chest and turned to leave. He would leave Kibishii where she was and allow her to recover from everything. He began to make his way to find his sensei, and after some time he eventually found her. "Sensei...I am ready to fulfill any orders you have for me." He seemed to be completely different and lifeless...just a walking doll for anyone who owned him, just for their amusement.
Amaya turned to look at him, taking in the lifelessness of his eyes, the way he talked she rubbed her forehead with a sigh. "What have you done now?" She questioned, expecting no answer as she grabbed him by the arm and marched him straight to the village head, where they talked about examining him and finding out what he had done. He was put in the hospital himself and checked over.
No matter what they would do, they wouldn't be able to find out if he was on some disease or a drug or any sort of jutsu. His people specially made the jutsu, as they were supposed to be the perfect war-bred ninja, and those who were not obedient were stolen of their emotions. He just sat in bed, looking straight ahead and not saying anything...even though he was in the same room as Kibishii.
Amaya gave up leaving him in the room, the next morning Kibishii awoke in the hospital, in the room with her was Nathan, she got out of her bed and made her way to his poking him softly. "Nathan..." She whispers before crawling onto the bed with him. She had been scared, she didn't want to be naked and close to him because she had been frightened, but it had hurt him, causing this.
When she poked him, he turned his eyes to look at her. His face was blank and his eyes were empty still. "Good morning Kibishii...I hope that you managed to make yourself better than what happened before. Do you need anything? Water? Food...?" He questioned as he didn't even seem to blink the whole time. It was as if he were truly just a walking, talking doll.
Kibishii cuddled into him with a sigh. "I'm sorry Nathan... I was scared.. I didn't know better.. and you had been perverted earlier the night, and I don't know.. but I'm sorry... for everything." She whispers softly.
"It is quite alright Kibishii." He said gently as he had laid with her, seeing as how she wanted to cuddle. "I am a better man now...I can no longer harm you nor others with the distraction of the emotions I once had."
"Your emotions weren't a distraction, we merely didn't understand what the other was trying to do. I just didn't understand for you what you were doing was normal. It was what you had been taught. I'm sorry... Is... there anyway to get your emotions back Nathan? I want to old you back, the perverted one who hated me.." She says softly, it was early in the morning, still dark outside. No one would be awake, let alone inside of the medical hospital unless truly needed.
He shook his head. "I know not of a way...My emotions are to be earned back...That is the curse of this jutsu...To create soldiers who do not let emotions bother them when they perform in their line of work...And only if they are truly able to do so, will emotions flow back to them. I must earn it...But I had thought that you would like this version of me. I have no emotions, meaning I cannot hate or love you. Is that not what you want?"
Kibishii shook her head, light blue hair tumbling out of her ponytails. "I liked you how we were, the only reason we didn't get along was because we didn't understand each other, and we never talked, it was us at each others throats. But I know you, or did for a little while. So you have to earn them back.. do you know how long it will take to earn them back?" She asked quietly.
He shook his head. "I don't know. My people's ultimate goal when it comes to being teamed up with others is to become as compatible with one another as possible so that there will be less complications. Should that prove to be a problem...We are forced to have this jutsu used upon ourselves until we are earned our emotions back. It is just like being grounded, if you wish to go to children's standards." He looked her in the eyes. "Please try to get used to this form. I may be here indefinitely."
She nodded softly. "Well, I'll do my best to get use to this you and like this you as well. Thank you for saving my life earlier by the way." She says softly, kissing him on the cheek before slipping off the bed. "Try to get some sleep, its still early." She says before making her way to her own bed again.
He did nothing when she kissed his cheek. Hearing her order, he nodded. "Yes ma'am." He said in response before laying down and closing his eyes to fall asleep. He would awaken somewhat after she would awaken. Sitting up, he looked around and turned to look to her. "I hope you had a wonderful sleep. Is there anything that you need?"
She awoke, and laid in bed a few minutes, light streaming into the room, the curtains were open. She frowned slightly as he asked her if she needed anything. "Nathan, your not my servant. Your my partner, we help each other. Just relax in bed for a while, they'll bring us food soon, and you might be able to go home today. I'll probably have to stay another day though..." She says looked down at her fingers, which were a normal color, but were tender.
"I do not understand why I am to be here. I have no illnesses or injuries. There is no point if I am not used." He said as a reply regarding when he'd be released. He stood up and walked over to her. "Kibishii...Is there nothing for me to do? If not, I can go see sensei and ask if there are any missions to undertake while I await for your recovery."
She shook her head. "I don't have anything for you to do right now, go home, get something to eat, change, shower and then go see sensei. Those are your orders from me, alright?" She says while looking up at him. She patted his arm lightly before smiling. "You can handle a mission without me."
Nathan nodded. "If that is what you want." He turned and began to leave the hospital. He began to start heading home, and did exactly as she said in the same order. He went home first, grabbed something to eat in the refrigerator and ate it, changed his clothes into something more street-wise, and then afterwards he began to roam the streets in search of Amaya. When he had finally found her, he approached her. "Sensei...Is there a mission you would like me to undertake?"
Amaya looked up, she crossed her arms over her chest, her red hair was down for once, it looked messy. "I have a couple of simple missions you can do while Kibishii is resting up. The first one is catching some frightened animals around the village, the storm last night scared a lot of them, scattering them. The second one is to start repairing a couple of fences, and lastly, that cabin you and Kibishii were in last night. Go make sure it didn't burn down."
"Oh yes...I forgot that we did not put out the fire. Yes Sensei. I will do as you command." He began to do each mission in order. First, he went around and gathered up all the animals that had ran away from their owners when the storm had hit. It took him a long time to do, and by the time he was done, it was already orange-tinted around him because of the sky. He then proceeded to work on the fences, repairing each one to the best of his abilities and with what supplies he could gain. Lastly, he turned and began to walk into the forest toward where the cabin Kibishii and he stayed in. It would take him until it was dead at night before he reached the area.
Kibishii was stuck in the hospital bed, eating bad food while being checked on like crazy, they finally told her she could be out tomorrow. Which she had figured, she would be back to working with Nathan, she sighed, snuggling into her blankets with a frown, she felt so bad for him. She had caused him to loose his emotions, it brought tears to her eyes, but she blinked them away before turning her back from the window and laid down, her eyes closing.
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