Under the soft snow. [ Jugger82 X Ketsu]

Eventually, Izanagi finally peered his head out from the hole in the ceiling that led to the attic. He saw the two of them and chirped as he fell down, squished to a pancake before popping back into his ball-like body before hopping over to Kibishii, pecking at her clothes and tugging on them.
Kibishii looked down at Izanagi as he pulled on her sheet, she squeaked softly as it pulled the top down slightly nearly exposing her breasts again. "What is is Izanagi?" She asks curiously, holding her sheet tightly around her body.
Izanagi continued to chirp, already knowing how the two were feeling for one another as this went on. Eventually he used his strength to tug the sheet away from her and fly up toward the attic, pulling the sheet up with it. When it was up there, it began to curl itself around in the sheet to keep himself warm as he fell asleep to let the two below do what they wanted. Nathan, however, was only smiling with a small blush on his face the whole time. "Um...Do you need help?"
Kibishii blushed deeply as Izanagi took her sheet exposing her body once more to Nathan. She wrapped her arms around her chest while crossing her legs to hid her patch of light blue hair. "I-I'm alright.. why did he steal my sheet?" She asks while glancing up at him, blush on her face.
Nathan chuckled a little and blushed as he looked to her. "This is the only one left...So...We could always share. If you want." He said as he showed how baggy the one he had now was. It had plenty of extra room, though they'd have to sleep right next to each other on the bed if they both wanted to be under the sheet.
Kibishii blushed herself before nodding slightly. "I guess I'll have to.. Just keep your hands to yourself.." She says softly while getting up and making her way over to the bed, her arms covering her breasts still. As she walked he would be able to catch sight of her little patch of hair again, she sat on the edge of the bed before picking up the sheet and turning her back to him she laid down.
When she would lay down and turn her back toward him, she would feel his cock brush against her butt. He turned red and white at the same time, in lust and in fear that she would hit him. He wanted to reach forward and pull her close to his body, just to cuddle with her, but he felt she would probably attack if he did something like that since they were both naked.
Kibishii blushed deeply while scooting away from him a bit more, hardly having any blanket. "This is very awkward for me Nathan.. I'm sure it is for you as well.." She says softly while laying on the bed, his cock was still just barely touching her butt.
'Fuck it...' He thought in his head as he reached forward and grabbed her, pulling her close into a hug, despite his cock pressing against her buttocks. He held her close in a warm hug, but he did not do anything sexually to her. "Kibishii...We're a team...We can't be so uncomfortable around each other...We have to learn to be comfortable with each other no matter what..."
Kibishii nearly, okay not nearly, she screamed loudly in the shock on him pulling her close like he had not to mention his cock was between her buttocks very close to her vagina. "I'm not uncomfortable around you, but we're both naked Nathan. Team members aren't suppose to be naked in the same room let alone in the same bed! Let go of me Nathan, please.." She mumbled while starting to struggle against him.
"Tch...Whats wrong with you? What happened to that ice queen who was stuck up?" He murmured as he let go of her, feeling a bit annoyed now and hurt. "We might be naked but that shouldn't change a thing. You don't think this is awkward for me...At least I'm trying to make it less awkward by having us get used to it." He got up from the bed and left her alone on the bed, walking away naked into another room and closing the door behind him. He was in the bathroom now, sleeping in the bathtub.
Kibishii sighed before getting out of the bed and walking over to the bathroom, where she opened the door. "Get back in the bed now." She says, she was naked again, her hands on her hips. "You want us to just be naked in a bed together, alright fine. This is a little more awkward for me considering I kissed you earlier as a thank you, but you were already unconscious. I'm sorry alright?" She asks with a huff.
"Don't care if you kissed me. Shut up and get back in your bed." He said as his back was turned to her. "Just get back to sleep and don't wake me unless you've got something important to say." He seemed to go back to the Nathan that always seemed to hate her now for no reason. Izanagi listened to them. He chirped silently and sadly as he watched Nathan and Kibishii through a small hole in the ceiling. The cabin was really old...so the place's foundation wasn't exactly the best. At least the very top of the roof was good enough to hold out the rain.
Kibishii's eyes narrowed as she walked in and climbed into the bathtub with him. She sat on his side, she no longer cared that either of them were naked. "Get back into bed with me Nathan, right now." She demands while turning his face to look at her.
He glared at her. "Why? I told you I don't want to." He continued to glare at her, his eyes seeming to look right through her as he did so. He wanted to snap. He wanted her to say something to make him snap. But he wouldn't do it unprovoked. He had enough self-decency to contain himself and let out all that he wanted to say when she drove him over the edge. "Get your ass back in the bed and off of me." He ordered, venom in his voice.
"Or else what Nathan?" She asks calmly, his glare was not affecting her. She continued to sit on him. "We both need to stay warm, and you have a point, we need to be comfortable with each other. So come back to the bed, we can cuddle up and wait out the storm i created."
"No." He said simply, feeling his anger slowly begin to die as she remained calm. He sighed and looked away from her, forcing his head to look away from her even though she was forcing him to look at her. "Just get away. I'd sooner freeze than lay with you anymore."
"God damn it Nathan! Why are you such a fucking asshole!" She growls before getting up and slamming the door behind her and punching the wall, she cut open her hand before she growled and grabbed her still soaking clothes and put them back on opening the door to the cabin and walking out slamming it behind her and walking back into the forest. She would rather walk to the village in this weather and fail the mission.
Izanagi began to chirp panickingly as he saw her begin to walk out into the cold weather, enhanced by the long-gone yet still lingering rain, whilst in the nude. He continued to chirp, not knowing what to do. He wanted to stay with his master but he hoped that Kibishii would be alright, he wanted to go with her. Nathan remained in the bathtub, holding himself as he still felt hurt at the first rejection. He was opening up to her and was just being himself around her and she rejected him and was struggling against him. True...It would have been awkward for her, but she had already seen him naked and was already sleeping in the same bed with him. It wasn't like he was asking for sex...Just for them to be comfortable around each other no matter what. With her rejection...He felt he couldn't become the best teammate for her.

Eventually he stood up and grabbed his clothes and walked out, leaving Izanagi to do whatever he wanted. He could take care of himself. Nathan began to follow her footsteps slowly, as well as seeing the trail of a few drops of blood from where she cut her hand.
Kibishii was making her way back toward the village, she had put her wet clothes back on, her cut fist still fisted up in her anger, she started to run towards where the village would be. She cried, the rain hiding her tears, it wasn't afraid of him nor was she uncomfortable. They were teenagers and he was asking her to lay there naked with him hard against her and try to act as if everything was innocent. She slammed her fist into another tree before screaming loudly in her anger. She felt dirty now.. he had been so close to her entrance. He just didn't understand how something like that would make a girl feel, she looked down at her hand again, she could nearly see the bones in her knuckled right now so she got up and started to run towards where the village should be. She would leave the village the next chance she got.
Nathan didn't run like she did. He just walked slowly...knowing he had caused the failure of this mission with his actions. He felt a part of himself shut close that day. He felt lonely in the world, even though Izanagi had caught up and perched itself in his jacket pocket, chirping gently and cooing, trying to cheer up Nathan who was silent the whole time. His eyes were now as empty as he felt and he would reach the village three hours after she would even get to her living quarters in the village. He sat down on a nearby bench and remained quiet as he looked down in the snow, not saying anything and just waiting for his sensei to appear to go ahead and kick him out of being a Ninja.
As Kibishii made it to her house she grabbed all of her stuff before leaving again. She would rather be a rogue ninja. Amaya showed up in front of Nathan with her hands on her hips. "What the hell happened." She demanded, she had just found out that Kibishii had been seen leaving the village, going rogue. She wouldn't tell Nathan that though, whatever happened had obviously been bad for the both of them.
"I fucked up alright..." He murmured, showing complete disrespect toward his teacher. "Mission failed because of me, not her. Last time I ever try to open up to someone and show how I really am." He said as he stood up and began to walk away from Amaya and headed into the village. He punched a pillar holding the gate up and grumbled. "I don't understand...This is how I always knew to treat people I need to work with, to be the most comfortable as we can be. But she goes and doesn't trust me to not do anything to her..." He seemed to be talking nonsense if someone didn't know what he was talking about.
Amaya appeared in front of him, only catching his mumbling her eyes widened slightly. "What happened, tell me everything, there is something you don't know about Kibishii. What. Happened." She growls in anger, she needed to know what was going on. All the while Kibishii headed towards Konoha.
He turned and glared at her before sighing deeply. He began to explain it to her, and how his customs in his village were that if you were partners in something, and you weren't on the best of terms whatsoever in terms of how comfortable you were working with each other, the best way to do it was to simply lay together in bed, not doing anything to each other, all the while in the nude. Izanagi also grew up on this tradition, which was why he took the blanket on his own rather than by Nathan's orders.
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