Under the soft snow. [ Jugger82 X Ketsu]

Kibishii shivered as he began to rub her panties softly, she kept shivering though, from the cold. She kicked out, kicking him in the leg. Before rolling away from him her back now facing him. "Touch me again and I'll kill you." It was an empty threat, she was still to cold to move to much. She hoped he wouldn't realized it though.
He began to laugh. "Meh. I was wondering how far you would let me go. Knowing your stuck up ass, I would've expected you to melt from actually feeling some pleasure to your body." He taunted as he looked to her with a smile, it was gentle and sincere and not perverted at all.
"Go molest yourself right now Nathan. I'm to cold to deal with you right now." She says softly while staring out the far entrance of the cave watching the rain fall. It looked like normal rain now, but she couldn't tell, her body was still nearly frozen. "Go check and see if the rain is normal rain. I need to get to the cabin soon."
"Tch. Like I'm gonna fall for that." HE said as he looked outside. "I can feel how cold that rain is too you know. Even from here...Damn. You really killed yourself didn't you?" He murmured as he looked at how charred her skin seemed after feeling how cold the ice water was. "You need to rest in a warm area soon...but we can't go out in that rain...Gah..."
"The longer we wait, the colder it will get, as it is right now we're more likely to freeze and die out from the cold. We need to risk it unless your afraid to get a couple of cuts and would rather freeze without getting any sex at all?" She says while struggling to sit up before standing up, she needed to move around to keep her body warm otherwise she would freeze before he would.
His eyes flashed suddenly when he heard her. "So...There would be a chance if I do this for oyu eh?" He said with a smirk. Walking over to her, he picked her up in his arms and pulled his jacket to be over his head. He tried to remember where she had told him where the cabin would be before he made sure that Izanagi was safe. Sighing and bracing himself, he began to run out into the blistering cold rain toward the cabin, crying 'ow' continuously as he ran, feeling the pain from the rain.
Kibishii stared up at him as he ran, risking it for them all, soon enough she seen the cabin, she pointed out at it. "There!" She cried softly to him, the windows were dark, no smoke coming out of the chimney. "It should be open and plenty of firewood inside as well." She tells him once more.
He didn't listen to her, or rather he didn't care. He was just running. Looking up, he saw the cabin coming up and rammed into the door with his shoulder to break them in and bring them into safety. He had dropped her in the collision, though she would land inside with him. The jacket lay over his entire upper body, covering his head as he just laid there as the rest of his clothes were tattered and torn in places from having been frozen and broken off.
Kibishii laid under him as he crashed into the door bringing them into safety, she leaned up placing her lips against his softly. Before crawling out from under him. She made her way to the door, closing it again, locking it as well, before shivering, making her way to the firewood and starting to create a fire, which blazed brightly after it got going. She turned back to Nathan, tugging on his clothes. "You need to undress.."
Nathan did not know that she had kissed his lips. His eyes had been closed ever since he crashed through the door. The only thing that made him get as far as he did through the rain was sheer willpower because he knew he had to get Kibishii to safety, for at least one of them had to live...not counting Izanagi. Even as she told him he needed to undress, he would still lay under his jacket, unconscious.
Kibishii, noticing he wasn't answering her, checked, she gasped finding him unconscious, she would owe him big time. She pushed him onto his back, and started to undress him before taking him to the fire and laying him down, she then found one of the many blankets and covered him, keeping him warm. She herself undressed into nothing, though she wrapped the sheet around her body, easy to move around in while she lit a couple of candles and started to cook some of the food, checking on Nathan every couple of minutes. The wet clothes set to dry, were wrung out and hung up to dry near the fire.
Nathan awoke silently. His eyes only opened slowly as he looked up to the roof as felt the warmth of the fire and the blanket against his bare skin. He wondered why he was naked, but didn't question it. Sniffing the air, he smelled some food and turned his head to see Kibishii cooking food for him. 'Am I dreaming...? Kibishii...cooking...? It might just be for her or something...But...' He looked down and continued to think in his head. 'Why the hell am I naked...?'
Kibishii kept doing as she was, making hot, warm food along with some tea to drink, she turned around seeing his eyes opened, she rushed over kneeling next to him. She set her hand on his forehead checking to make sure he didn't have a fever. "Good your awake, you were unconscious as soon as you stepped in. Do you need anything right now? The food is still cooking and the tea was just put on to brew a bit."
'I must be dreaming...Kibishii is actually caring about me...?' He shook his head and remained silent. Turning so his back was toward her, he watched the fireplace as it kept the room warm. He wondered if he was truly dreaming, or if he was dead and in some sort of paradise he always wanted. The last few thoughts he remembered before passing out was just the continuous shrapnel of rain hitting his body as he shielded Kibishii before he felt something hit him, it would be when he crashed into the door. Turning toward her, he began to watch her as she prepared everything.
As he turned away from her, she made her way back to the stove, where the tea was now ready, she poured him a cup bring it to him and setting it down. "It's hot... sip carefully, it will warm you.." She says while turning back to the food, she poured herself a cup, the sheet around her way old and flimsy, nearly see-through no matter how many times it was wrapped around her. She knew he would see through it if he really looked and she was in the firelight, so she stayed away, soft blush across her face as she finished stirring a simple soup to keep them warm. She dished it out into a bowl for him and brought it to him with a spoon before backing into the darker area of the kitchen, where she got her own bowl off food and sat in the kitchen.
'She isn't wearing any clothes either...?' Nathan thought in his head as he saw through the sheet that she had wrapped around her. The mere thought of her naked with him being naked made him blush slightly, and he began to slowly erect, though he hid it. Taking the tea, he sat up and began to drink it slowly and carefully as he felt the warm waters against his lips. Turning to her, he saw the soup and smiled as he took it and began to slowly eat. It was divine. It brought a small smile to his face...It felt like he was living with her. Maybe he really was dead. He could taste and feel everything, so it couldn't be a dream...and no heaven would be true if he couldn't feel anything that would happen to any of the five senses. "Thank you..." He said weakly.
Kibishii smiled softly at his words. "The bed over there has the rest of the covers, once your finished eating and drinking the tea, you should lay on it." She says softly while starting to eat her own soup from her bowl, it really wasn't much but it was food, she could make better. Her legs sat off to the side of her body, pulling the sheet tight against her breasts,showing the soft color of her Aeriola's through the sheet even as far away as she was.
His eyes were distracted by her breasts as they hugged against the fabric covering her. He was slowly losing control so he looked away and stood up, making sure to have the sheet cover his erection by having his arms crossed to have the sheet push out a little more. Laying down on the bed, he turned his back to her with a large red flush on his face as he tried not to imagine him having sex with her. It may be heaven but he wouldn't do something like that so suddenly unless she gave more clear signs. It was just new to him, despite how much of a pervert he really was.
Kibishii moved to the kitchen curling up near the fire while eating her food, once she finished she took both bowls and his empty cup of tea. She washed them while turning the soup off, she poured herself another cup of tea. "Nathan.. would you like another cup of tea?" She asked curiously.
"N-No thank you..." He said shyly as his leg shifted, trying to hide his erection without hurting himself. He bit his lip as he tried hard not to turn around, but curiosity got the best of hi mand he turned around and watched her as she began to make the tea. She looked so amazing...see through clothes that hugged her body. "Kibishii...Um...Why...Aren't we wearing clothes....?" He asked, just having to ask otherwise the suspense would kill him.
Kibishii was so glad she was faced away from him, because a blush as red as fire spread across her face. "I had to take your clothes off to get you to warm up faster, your clothes were soaked and staying in them any longer would have gotten you very sick.. that's why I'm in the sheet as well... our clothes are up here by the fire to dry."
"You didn't have to do that..." He murmured as he felt embarrassed. "But..." His perversion and true self would start to kick in now. "Its not fair...now that I think about it Kibishii..." He said as he sat up to look at her. "You saw me naked before...Don't you think it would be unfair if I didn't get to see your body naked...?"
Kibishii paused, it really was unfair to him, she had no other choice though, she stepped away from the kitchen and made her way into the firelight. She had a blush on her cheeks as she cleared her throat. "Y-your right.. don't tell anyone.." She says while she starts to unwrap the sheet around her body, soon enough it was unwrapped and her pale skin was shown. She had a patch of light blue hair covering her slit, it was nicely trimmed, close to her lips, her breasts were not too large only a B cup right now, her belly was small and muscled softly, she stood there shyly not looking up at him.
He simply muttered a small 'wow' as he looked at her and blushed. "You look amazing..." He said as he didn't notice that he let his erection go ahead and poke its head out out of the covers slightly as he looked at her. "You...Just...wow..." he continued to say. "Well...You can...um...cover yourself now...If you want." He said as he blushed. He couldn't help but continue to just stare.
Kibishii didn't look up at all, she nodded picking up the sheet once again wrapping it around her while she went back to the kitchen. She didn't notice his erection at all, she grabbed her cup of tea and sat on top of the kitchen table across the cabin from him. She sipped it not saying anything, she couldn't believe he had seen her naked, he sounded impressed though, she wondered why slightly.
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