Under the soft snow. [ Jugger82 X Ketsu]

"Tch...Fine. Lead the way. Dammit...Why did we get paired up? I don't understand how someone like me could get paired up with you." He was always rather annoyed of her due to the fact she was so...bossy, in his opinion. He felt that she thought she was better than him and could boss him around, even though they were equal ranked team mates.
Kibishii walked along the way, feeling more then seeing, when she stopped dead in her traces, she pushed him down and landed on top of him, kunai landing in his spot a moment later. "We're being tracked, hunted." She says before rolling off him and getting up into a crouch.
When she fell on top of him, he blushed lightly as he stared at her, eyes wider than normal until he noticed what she had said. When she rolled off of him, he got into a battle-ready stance all the while Izanagi's size minimized as he hid into a coat pocket in Nathan's jacket. "You're right.....but where? I can't see anything past this fucking fog that's drifting in...You think its a jutsu or just nature?"
"I think its normal, I sense no jutsu, then again it could be a weather controlling bloodline though." She says before sighing and looking up into the sky, she started hand signs while her eyes were closed, saying the signs in her mind. She opened her eyes, where were now white as she stared straight up into the sky. Clouds rolled in, dark, angry clouds, she reached out and grabbed a hold of his arm, blindly as she stared up still. Soon enough rain poured down, ice cold, stinging, biting rain, she turned her head away from the sky as she glanced around before dashing off, pulling him with him. "Come on."
As she pulled him to run with her, he tried his best to run with her all the whle he endured the icy sting of the rain that she had called down. "Lets hurry and find some cover before my skin freezes!" He said as he held his hand over the pocket that Izanagi was hiding in so no rain would hit him directly.
Kibishii found a cave, she ran into it, shivering, the cold rain had cut her to the bone, nearly literally. Her eyes stayed white as she looked down at her arms finding a couple of cuts on them, she figured she might have been cut by kunai as they were running, or as she was calling the rain forth. "Well now we're safe." She says while sitting down on the cave floor and staring out into the forest area, the fog getting denser.
"That was a dangerous move you just pulled there." Nathan murmured as he glared to her. "You could have killed us both. I mean, look at yourself. You're pretty fucked up." He moved over to her and began to tend to her wounds with some medical supplies he had. "Don't do something so drastic next time. You put yourself and your team in danger with that."
Kibishii didn't say anything as she looked down, nothing except a meek. "I'm sorry." Her eyes turned back to the deep blue they normally were, at least the storm would cover them for a while. She held her knees tight to her after he finished bandaging her up.
He sighed and looked outside to watch as the ice-cold acid rain began to fall down from the sky. "Well...we'll be stuck in here for a good while..." He said with a shrug, letting Izanagi out of his coat so that he could fly over to Kibishii and begin pecking her head once more. "How are you? Is your wounds still burning or anything??"
Kibishii blinked slightly. "I can't feel them really. They don;t hurt.. I don;t think." She says with a soft shrug while lifting her arm up to pet Izanagi. "Sorry for doing something stupid. No wonder you hate me." She mumbles softly to herself mostly.
He didn't say anything to her after she had said that she knew that he hated her. He stayed silent as he looked out and watched the icy rain pour down outside and saw some small icicles forming at the top of the mouth of the cave. Eventually the cave would slowly begin to grow colder and he sighed, standing up and moving over to Kibishii where he put his coat around her. "Here. Don't catch a cold. Don't worry about me, I prefer cold weather."
Kibishii looked up at him, her wet hair hanging down her face and into her dark blue eyes, she smiled softly. "We're going to freeze if the rain gets any colder, and we have no fire.." She says averting her eyes back to outside. "Maybe we can keep going? I think I know where we are for sure now, an old cabin should be close by. If we can make it there, firewood should be inside, a couple of blankets and shelter. What do you say?" She asks softly, almost expecting him to call her stupid and say no.
"No. Thats a stupid idea. The rain is getting colder and it was already tearing up your skin when it first began. If we go now, that would be suicide." He sighed and picked her up forcefully as he began to walk deeper into the cave. "We stay away from the rain and go deeper into the cave. It'll still be cold...but it won't be full of ice water...hopefully." He said with a shrug as he continued to walk until they were a good distance away from the mouth of the cave. He laid her down and sighed once more as he sat beside her. "We wait until the rain ends. Then, if its safe, we go out there."
Kibishii had expected as much, though him picking her up blew her away, she struggled, fighting not to let out a scream in surprise. As he walked farther into the cave she could feel the chill getting colder, as he set her down she was already shaking, her teeth chattering away. "I-I h-h-hope it s-sto-p-ps soon then.."
"You're really starting to become a pain..." He murmured as he saw how cold she was. "You're an ice ninja that can't even handle the cold. Its times like these that make me wonder what village you're REALLY from." He knew she was an orphan, though he never teased her about it. Though, he did always bring it up in conversation whenever she would confuse him and say how she was so alien compared to the rest of the village. He moved over and wrapped his jacket around her, and Izanagi just cuddled next to her as it tried to warm her up.
Kibishii pulled Izanagi close up to her and cuddled him. "Its not the cold that's affecting me, I mean it is a part of it." She says while looking down, she slowly stopped her teeth from chattering. "Just because I'm an ice ninja doesn't mean i don't get cold, I get cold just like everyone else... this rain is just... bone eating cold.. something I've never called up before.."
"Just don't die on me. I can't do this alone and you're the only partner I've got." He said as he looked to her. "Don't you die. You're my team mate, and I won't let anything happen to you. Despite how much you annoy the hell out of me." He chuckled a bit and held his head. "Dunno why...But thats just the way it is."
Kibishii looked down at the owl on her lap. "I'm sorry I annoy you so much, I don't try to..." She says before looking up at him, flashing a smile. "Me? Die? Yeah right, as if I would die from something so silly!"
"Glad to hear that your passion in living is still there." He said with a smirk as he sat back and looked to her. "Now we just wait out the storm you made...So...Should we rest or should we use this time to get to know each other better?" He said with a small laugh, showing he was just joking on both matters.
Kibishii nodded slightly. "We could and should actually do both, waiting it out while learning about each other, then when the rain lightens to normal rain lets head for the cabin and rest there." She says while leaning back against the wall closing her eyes to relax.
NAthan smirked. "Then if there is one thing you must know about me...Its that when I'm not near the sensei, I'm more open than cold hearted...And by that, I mean my attitude and personality can change pretty quickly." He moved closer to her, now sitting right next to her as he turned his head to look at her. "So...What about you?"
Kibishii's eyebrow raised slightly. "I'm the same, normally. I'm pretty quiet normally, no matter what. I'm not sure what to say really.." She says with a soft shrug.
His grin widened as his face was hidden now. He remained silent as he placed a hand on her leg and remained quiet as it slowly began to move up her leg toward her pelvis, wondering how far he could go before she'd retaliate.
She stared down at his hand on her leg as it slowly made its way up towards her pelvis. "This is sexual harassment, you realize that right?" She stated while turning her face to look at him, but she made no move to stop him. She doubted he would actually touch her, he didn't have the guts, and if he did, she was honestly cold enough still. That she wouldn't be able to do much about it.
"Heh...So what? What are you going to do? Tell the sensei? Do you think she would believe that me, quiet and hot-headed Nathan who is serious about being a ninja, would become a pervert in the snapping of fingers?" He smirked as he began to rub her panties around the area that was outside of her pussy. "Tell me...What do you think of the me who wants to come out when he isn't threatened to get beaten to death by an upper-class ninja?"
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