Under the soft snow. [ Jugger82 X Ketsu]

When he would arrive to the cabin, he had found it to be in perfect shape still...or rather, in 'perfect' shape being that it was exactly as it was before. He headed inside, to double check to make sure the fire was gone. Upon entering, he found that the fire was indeed out, even ashes were put out with water. Someone had been here. He shrugged, thinking it was someone else who used the cabin for warmth or shelter in the rain. Turning around, he was met with a ball of fire that hit him and sent him into the fireplace, bringing the bricks that made the chimney fall down onto him. Some rogue ninja appeared and snickered as they approached the boy in hopes to getting some good money from him.
Kibishii awoke to a fear, something had set her off, a dream, it had showed her Nathan, she grabbed her weapons, on the side area, she opened the window, jumping out, only to disappear in a flurry of blue flower petals, she landed softly atop the cabin, her eyes white. It wasn't raining, but there was plenty of water all over the ground outside, she shimmed on her stomach to look inside the cabin.
Inside the cabin would be dead bodies of the bandits. Nathan had taken care of them...mercilessly. They were charred in fire as well, as a little revenge from him. When he saw that they were all done for, he dusted himself off before walking out of the cabin to slowly begin treading back to his village to report on his results to his sensei. He had no idea Kibishii was there.
Kibishii watched Nathan go with her white eyes, they slowly bled back into the blue they usually were, after he was out of her sight, she jumped down gathering the body's out of the cabin and into the woods to be gnawed on by animals who were hungry. She then swept the bit of char from the body's out of the cabin, took out the burnt logs and soot from the fireplace and then closed the door again. Once done she was gone in a shower of flower petals before being back in her room, she shut the window, before laying back on her bed.
It would be the middle of the night and everyone, or usually everyone, would be fast asleep by now. Nathan had approached his sensei's home and walked in...without her knowing anyway. He approached the girl slowly as he reached down and grabbed Amaya's shoulder and shook her gently. "Sensei. My mission is complete. I have completed all three tasks, as instructed."
Amaya awoke with a start, her hand grabbing his neck, until she realized who it was, she sighed. "Alright, got to bed now. report to me tomorrow afternoon. Kibishii will be joining us in our usual place." She says before rolling over and going back to sleep.
"If that is what you want." He said as he crawled into the bed with her and fell asleep. He did exactly as she ordered, went to bed and reported to her tomorrow afternoon. He figured here, he would be swifter for when he would report to her and that it was the best course of action based on what she ordered him to do.
Amaya awoke with Nathan next to her, her eye twitched as she pushed him out of her bed, she would have to be very literal when telling him what to do. "Go HOME and sleep Nathan." She growled before stomping to her bathroom, locking the door and showering, getting ready for the day.
"If that is what you want of me." He said as he stood up and said his good-bye to her before returning to his home. Upon arrival, he laid down in his bed and forced himself to sleep again...even though the morning had just come and he had to be prepared, but he was just doing what was being told of him.
Amaya finished her shower running a hand down her face, maybe she'll make him stay with Kibishii. She went to the hospital to pick up Kibishii, who then went home to shower, change and go get Nathan. Kibishii made her way into Nathans house, where she laid on his bed, poking him in the cheek, like she had down the other night. "Nathan, wake up."
His eyes opened slowly as he sat up. "Good morning Kibishii. It seems you have made a full recovery and are back from the hospital." He turned and sat on the edge of the bed as he looked to her. "Is there anything that you require that I do for you, partner?" He said as he seemed to look into her eyes once more as he waited for an answer.
Kibishii shook her head slightly. "You should take a shower and change your clothes. Then we have to go to training. Would you be willing to stay the night at my house tonight?" She asked curiously, Amaya had questioned her about it earlier, she said she would try to deal with him.
"I will shower and change my clothes...then I will train with you. It is your choice whether I am to stay at your residence." He said as he stood up and began to strip as he headed toward his bathroom to begin showering, and afterwards, changing into a new set of clothes before walking out to meet her. "I am ready to go out and train with you, Kibishii." He said as he walked over to her and held his hand out to help her off the bed.
Kibishii nodded slightly taking his hand and getting up, she wasn't fazed by the fact that he had stripped in front of her, she had seen him naked already, and he her. "Would you like to Nathan? Give me a true answer. I want to know what you want to do." She says while walking with him out of his house.
"If that is what you ask of me...I believe it would be best if I were to stay with you, as if you are required to issue me an order, I will be there already to achieve its accomplishment." He said as he walked with her out of the house. "Where is it we are required to go to train? And with who?"
"We have to go to the meeting spot to find Amaya-sensei, she will tell us what we will be doing to train today." Kibishii says making her way to their usual spot, once they got there. Amaya was leaning against a tree, she nodded. "Today you'll be going into the forest to gather wood for the elder villagers. Be careful with bandits and rouge ninja." She says before disappearing.
"I have already dispatched a group of bandits and rogue ninja from the night before. That will be one less group we will have to deal with later on during this mission." He reported to Kibishii as he looked to her after Amaya had left. "I will follow your lead, Kibishii." He said as he began to look down into his coat pocket to see Izanagi poke his head out and chirp. He flew over to Amaya and began to peck her head gently, like he always does.
Amaya laughed at the small owl who pecked her on the head, she petted his head. Kibishii nodded with a smile. "That was a good job you did, lets continue doing a good job." She says leading him into the forest, where she let go of his hand and began picking up firewood.
Upon arriving in the forest, he began to pick up the firewood. Looking to Izanagi, he ordered him to turn into his war form, which Izanagi did and he transformed into his huge war-hawk form. "We can place the firewood on Izanagi. Then use him to bring the wood back to the elders and complete the mission. Is that an acceptable suggestion?"
"Yes, it is." Kibishii says with a nod of her head while loading the firewood onto the back of the large hawk. "I guess the sooner we get this done, the sooner I can get to cooking dinner. We'll stop by your house so you can get a change of clothes." She says while still picking up some and placing them on Izanagi.
"I do not understand..." He said with a frown. "I am confused at your actions...You used to never cook for me until recently. Why is this...?" He said as he cocked his head as he tried to make heads and tails out of it, but couldn't quite figure it out with the state of being he was in. "Nevermind...Let us not delay this any longer than how long it is currently going. Shall we be off then, Kibishii?"
"Someone has to be very clear with you, how you are now, if we do not tell what to do and how, you will do as you see is what was right. That is why I will be watching after you from now on, I'll either be at your house, or you at mine. And I would be rude if I made dinner only for myself while you stayed the night." She said while turning to him with a nod, carrying a load of wood in her arms as well. "Let's go."
He shook his head. "That is not what I mean...My memories are still here. I can still remember the times I have once had emotions...I remember you cooked for me before...Back in the cabin." He shook his head. "You are right. Lets go." He hopped onto Izanagi and helped Kibishii get on once all the firewood was loaded. Kicking his heels into Izanagi's neck signaled the bird to take flight and soar back to the village. "It is as I said. We do not have to worry about bandits, for have I taken out a rag-tag team already."
Kibishii rose an eyebrow. "I told you good job, I said nothing about disbelieving you." She says as they get back to the village, she jumped down and started handing out firewood to the old in the village.
Once they had finished their unloading of firewood and after giving them out to the elders, Nathan turned to Kibishii. "We must report to Amaya-sensei. We have completed our mission." Looking to Izanagi, he nodded and allowed the bird to shrink down to pocket-size and land in his coat pocket. He turned to look at Kibishii. "I shall follow you once more, partner."
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