Under the soft snow. [ Jugger82 X Ketsu]

Kibishii took off to Amaya's house where she knocked on the door waiting, the red headed woman walked to the door in nothing but a sheet wrapped around her body. "I thought you guys would be gone longer... oh well, go find something amusing to do for the rest of the day and night or something. I'm busy." She says with a grin before shutting the door. Kibishii blinked softly before turning to look at Nathan. "Do you think Amaya-sensei could be having sex with someone right now?" She asked her eyes widened slightly, having never thought of what her sensei did in her free time.
"I will see for you, partner." He said as he began to walk around the house that Amaya-sensei lived in. He eventually found a small window and peered in.

(Sorry for the short post. Didn't want to just auto assume she was having sex with someone and sorry I'm a bit distracted at the moment while I RP lol.)
Kibishii gasped and followed after him before grabbing him by the ear and tugging on him. "Nathan!"She hissed. "That wasn't a command, I told you we're going home now." She says grabbing his arm and starting to drag him away from the window.

(it's alright)
"I am sorry. I assumed it was what you wanted. By logic I should have simply just looked to tell you the information." When she began to drag him away from the window, he began to walk on his own free will with her, rather than having her pull him along to follow her. "Where are we going now?"
"To your house to get you some clothes." She says softly while leading him back to his house, once there she waited outside the door. "Go get some clothes and come right back to me. Alright?" She asked making it clear. "Get yourself clean clothes, then come back."
He nodded. "As you wish." He said as he turned to begin walking into his house. He began to change his clothes into something fresh. Soon he left his house and began to wonder. Was he being a blight to his comrades? They seemed to be annoyed, and his purpose, or at least what he thought, was for him to follow his teammates and try to make things easier for them. Shrugging off the feeling, he began to approach Kibishii. "I have done as you asked."
Kibishii sighed, seeing he had changed his clothes. "I didn't say wear your new clothes Nathan. Never mind, lets go back to my house, you can change back into them after your shower." She says before grabbing his hand and leading him to her house, where she walked in. "Go take a shower and I'll make dinner alright Nathan?"
(Happy new year!)

He nodded. "I will do as you have ordered me to. Partner." He said as he turned to head toward the bathroom. When stepping inside, he walked into the shower and began to take a warm shower to clean his body off before getting out to dry and put on his clothes once more. He walked out, his hair still wet from the shower, and walked over and sat down at a table near Kibishii. "I have showered."
(Happy new years!!!)

Kibishii took a towel from her kitchen and walked over, his face nearly in her breasts as she began to dry off his hair. Her mind drifted to what the old Nathan would have done, he might have tried to felt her up, which brought a smile to her face. She left the towel on his head before backing away, she headed back to the fridge. "Anything you'd like to eat?" She questions curiously.
He did not care that his face was almost in her breasts. He sat there and allowed her to clean his hair. "Anything you have would be alright." He said as he watched her, thinking about what he would have done if he had emotions and an actual personality at that time when she was drying off his hair. It made him go into a deep wonder as he tried to understand why he would do such a thing.
She started to pull out some food, starting to cook some rice, cooking up some beef and making some gravy. She put on the kettle she had, warming up some water for tea. "What kind of tea would you like Nathan?" She asked while she worked on stirring the gravy so it wouldn't burn. She watched the meat as well, that would need to be turned over soon, least she let it burn as well. The rice was being steamed right, hardly a way to do that wrong. "Would you like some kind of vegetables?"
He shook his head. "No. I am alright with just the meat and rice." He said as he stood up and walked over to her, frowning as he looked to her. "I do not wish to be a bother to you...So I have a suggestion to give to my teammate...If you really wish for me to return to the way I was in the quickest way possible...It is possible for me to emulate how I acted before, without actually feeling anything. My actions will still be based off of logic and order...but at least 'socially' I will not be as much as a hassle as you have all thought of me to be."
She sighs softly. "Don't worry about it Nathan, really. I just want you to be you. To be the perverted, happy you." She says while shaking her head slightly, she turned the meat over, all of them had already been cut into small strips of food to go over the top of the rice. She stirred the gravy once more, taking a taste really quickly before smiling and turning the gravy off. "So back to the tea, what kind do you like?"
"Be perverted and happy...I will be as you ask." His bland face turned happy, a small smile, not a large creepy one that most of his people would do to simulate happiness. He knew what she meant. "I do not prefer tea usually but whatever you have is fine." He said before getting up and moving over to her, reaching forward and cupping her breasts in his hands as he hugged her from behind. 'Be perverted and happy...Is that how I truly was before??' He thought in his head as he began to squeeze.
She gasped as his hands cupped her breasts and squeezed. "N-nathan, I didn't mean be perverted with me right now." She barely got out before pushing him away with one hand. "I'm in the middle of cooking." She says softly while pointing at the table. "Go sit down and wait for the food. What do you usually drink if not tea?" She asks curiously.
"My apologies." He said as he moved to sit down at the table. "I don't usually drink tea because I never made it for myself or treated myself out for it before. I usually drink water or milk, sometimes sake when I'm alone so no one can nag me about how too young I was." He looked to the food and his stomach began to grumble. "I will drink some if you are willing to make some for me."
"I can make it, I always drink tea, its the usual for me." She says with a nod as she turned the kettle off as it began to whistle, she put some tea leaves in the pot and let it sit while getting out two plates. She places rice on each plate, put the beef on top of the rice and then put the gravy over the beef and rice as well. She brought the plate over to Nathan on the table, setting it down in front of him. "Go ahead and start eating, The tea will be done in a few minutes." She says setting her plate down as well.
He nodded. "If that is what you want." He said as he began to eat the food, smiling an empty smile at the food. "Its delicious, Kibishii." He said as he smiled to her gently and continued to eat. "Do not rush for the tea. I'll be fine without it for a while." He said to her to let her worry less about getting him some tea.
She poured two cups of tea, making her way to the table, she set one in front of him and sat down. "There is your tea. Don't fake your smiles, Nathan.." She says while looking down at her plate and beginning to eat. Sipping on her own cup of tea.
"Emulation of emotions is nothing but being fake." Was all he said as he continued to eat. "I wish to help you...But...I cannot regain my emotions back so easily. They must be earned back by following the most deadly of orders...I might have a suggestion, however...I must be ordered to do something that I would be so against if I were alive...A suicide mission...or killing someone close to me, or something of that nature. It would prove I would be loyal and follow orders and the curse would be removed."
Kibishii sighed, looking down. "Then i guess you'll stay the same. Amaya-sensei would never tell you to go on a suicide mission nor would she tell you to kill someone close to you." She got up, not finishing her food. "I'm going to shower and then to bed." She says while turning away and heading into the bathroom, closing her door while stripping and turning on the water, after it warmed, she went in.
"It was just a suggestion. It was not required...Though...I do not wish to be a burden to you all. You are not my people, thus you are not trained to handle a warrior in the state I am in. It is nothing but a burden to you all...I believed that if I did this I would be less of a burden and would not cause as many problems as I did in the cabin that night, but it seems I was wrong." He shook his head. "What is done, is done. I have to figure out how to regain my emotions once more...For you. And for Amaya-Sensei. I will attempt...an assassination."
Kibishii heard nothing of what he had said, no longer listening as she showered, after she was finished she toweled off, before wrapping her towel around her hair. She walked out naked, there was no need in being shy anymore, he had seen her naked already. "Nathan.. what do you think of my body?" She asked walking in front of him so he could see her naked body again. "Do you still find it amazing?"
"It looks grabbable." He said as he reached forward and squeezed her breasts once more, playing into the perverted emulation he would do for her. "Your body is and always has been amazing, Kibishii. I know not why I argued with you...I have always fantasized about this, but knew that you'd put up too much of a fight should I try to do something. Not that I would have ever raped you, honestly."
She gasped as he so boldly grabbed her breasts again, she moaned softly. " Don't act like this if you think it's what I want Nathan. You don't have emotions anymore, so you couldn't be turned on by this. I know that much." She says with a straight look. She pushed his hands away from her breasts before she pulled her hair put of the towel wrapping it around her body. She sat down and started to eat her cold food. "I wish the old you was back, I would rather share my bed with him sexually."
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