The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

"It's hard not too, Krys..." Bellatrix replied. She nodded her head to taking her mind off of things. "Okay...okay love." Bellatrix agreed softly, kissing her back. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you upset."
"I know it's hard not too and don't worry about making me upset I don't care about me right now, you're all that matters to me love you and the baby and the pup" ,Krys told her as she stood up. She held out her hand and waited for Bellatrix to take it, "Let me make you feel better".
"I always worry about you i love you therefore i must worry about you." She stated. Bellatrix wiped the rest of her tears away before taking Krys' hand. "Okay love."
Krys helped Bellatrix to her feet then wrapped her arms around her, "Tell me what I can do love I'm here to stay so you don't have to worry about that, just tell me what I can do to make you smile, please" ,Krys said. She looked into Bellatrix's eyes as she waited for her response.
Bellatrix snuggled into Krys' embrace. Bellatrix tought about it for a minute there really was nothing Krys could do to rid Bella of her pain."Just stay with me...oh would you mind loosening the knots in my back?" she asked with a soft smile.
"Of course I can love" ,Krys said returning the smile. "Lay down on the bed and I'll get to work". She smiled again as she waited for Bellatrix to lay down. Krys refilled Bellatrix's glass before she got to work on her back.
"Thank you love," Bella said then laid down on to the bed, getting comfy. She took a sip of her glass before Krys got started.
Krys leaned down and began to massage her back trying to work out all the knots and kinks. "Am I getting rid of the knots love? Just tell me what to do ok"?
Bellatrix sighed as Krys massaged her back, if felt amazing. "Yes love you are, alittle bit higher please?" She asked enjoying the feel of Krys' fingers loosening well formed knots.
Krys did as Bellatrix asked and went a little higher up on her back, "Right there"? Krys asked softly as she put a little more pressure down to work out some more knots in the woman's back.
Bellatrix gasped, "Yesss, right there, love." feeling the pressure on her back as Krys applied more, pressure. Bella moved slightly reaching her glass taking another sip of it.
Krys smiled when Bellatrix gasped, knowing she was making her feel good made Krys happy. She ran her hands up and down Bellatrix's back after she had worked out the kinks at the top. "Are you feeling better love"?
Bellatrix arched her back slightly feeling Krys' hands run up and down her back after she removed the knots. "Much better love, thank you." Bellatrix said and smiled.
"Good I'm glad you're feeling a bit better love" ,Krys said in response returning the smile. She leaned down and kissed Bellatrix's neck softly, still massaging her back.
Bellatrix smiled and giggled as Krys kissed her neck while still rubbing her back, "So so am i love...I'm sorry sometimes my thoughts just get ahead of me."
"Try not to worry so much love, when you get upset just tell me you don't have to tell me what's wrong you just tell me you're upset and I'll figure out a way to cheer you up" ,Krys told her. When Krys heard Bellatrix giggle she smirked then kissed the woman's neck again, then tickled her sides trying to make her squirm.
"Alright love I can do that,I'll tell you neck time." she smiled.Bellatrix giggled which quuickly turned to laughter as Krys tickled her, Bellatrix started to squirm and wiggle.
Krys laughed, "I think it's the cutest thing when you wiggle around like that" ,Krys told her. She tickled her for a few more minutes then stopped, she got out of the bed really quick and poured herself a glass of wine and took a sip. "You know you look amazing in that nighty, makes me all hot under the collar looking at you" ,Krys told her. She smirked before taking a sip from her glass then setting it down on the bed side table.
Bellatrix continued to laugh as Krys tickled her, still wiggling unable to responed to Krys. Once Krys had stopped she quickly rolled over trying to catch her breath. Once she did she downed the last bit of her wine. "Oh does it?" She whispered playfully. Bellatrix was laying on her side looking at Krys.
"Yes it does very much so, you are amazingly beautiful and I am the luckiest person alive to be able to call you mine" ,Krys said in response to Bellatrix. She grabbed her glass and took another sip while she admired Bellatrix's beauty.
"Thank you but no babe I'm the lucky one." She stated and smiled. Bellatrix sat up, "Come sit with me?" She asked cutely.
"Of course I'll come sit with you love" ,Krys said in response. She made her way over to the bed and sat down next to Bellatrix, she planted a nice passionate kiss on the woman's lips after she sat down. "Mmm I love kissing you" ,she told her after breaking the kiss.
Bellatrix did have her younger moments and this was one of them. Bellatrix wrapped her arms around Krys' neck as Krys kissed her passionately. "As do i love" she giggled then kissed her again.
Krys returned the kiss sliding her tongue into Bellatrix's mouth, she found herself wanting Bellatrix yet again. She laid down on top of the older witch and ran her hand up her bare leg.
Bellatrix welcomed Krys' tongue, as her tongue met with hers. Bellatrix gently fell backwards as Krys laid ontop of her, kissing. Bellatrix ran her nails up and down Krys' back.
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