The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

""You guys having fun?" Bellatrix asked. Iracebeth nodded her head than drank her juice. Bellatrix smoothed the young child's hair. Bella smiled and looked at Krys, "Sure love, I'll join you guys." She stated though she never really played with animals, having issues with them as a child, torcturing them when she was young.
Krys smiled when Bellatrix agreed to play with them, she sat down next to Bellatrix and the baby and Rover jumped up onto her lap and snuggled up to her after he drank some water from his bowl. "You're such a good boy" ,Krys said as she patted his head.
As Iracebeth drank her juice she twirled her fingers in her mother's hair.once she had enough she gave the cup back. "Mommy...we go play now?" she asked wanting to go play ball. "Yes so long as Krys and Rover are ready." Bella replied.
Krys drank the rest of her drink and looked over at Bellatrix, "I'm ready, let's go how about you take a turn throwing the ball love"? Krys asked Bellatrix as they walked with the baby and the pup back into the yard.
"Sure...all I do is throw the ball right? and he goes and gets it?" Bellatrix asked curiously. Bellatrix carried her baby back to the yard waiting to throw the ball.
"Yes just throw it and he'll do the rest, Rover will bring the ball back to whoever throws it" ,Krys explained with a smile, she knew Bellatrix wasn't used to this kind of thing and liked that she was at least giving it a try.
"Alright then Bellatrix through the ball as far as she could for the pup to go get. She watched as the pup's tiny legs took him as fast as they would allow him. He grabbed the ball and ran back to Bellatrix, who inturn took it from him. "Eew it's all wet...puppy spit...yuck. " Bellatrix made a big deal knowing Racey would laugh which she did. "Here honey," Bella handed to ball to her baby to throw.
Krys laughed along with the baby and watched as the pup jumped up and down excitedly, "Look at him he gets so excited when Racey has the ball" ,Krys said smiling. When the baby threw the ball Rover darted after it to get it for Racey to throw again.
"Well she's his best friend of course he's excited for her to play with him."!Bellatrix replied, itbwas cute After Racey threw the ball she clapped her hands together. She was having fun playing with Rover.
"Of course, I'm glad I picked him up that day" ,Krys replied. She had to admit she had fallen in love with the pup too and was happy she decided to buy him. "I wonder what the next plan of action is ya know with the war".
"Me too love. Life wouldn't be the same without him." She smiled happily wrapping an arm around Krys. A lump formed in Bellatrix's throat, "I don't know soon as the Dark Lord is ready we'll follow suit." She stated like nothing was wrong.
"Yes we will I can't wait to win this war, no more hiding, no more having to bite my tongue, it's going to be great, we'll finally be able to do what we want when we want" ,Krys gave Bellatrix a warm smile then put her arm around the woman's waist.
"Yes, and we'll be wed, we'll be on the top of the food chain, and we'll be happy. Nothing will stand in our way. We'll have it made just as soon as Potter dies. All will be ours." Bellatrix stated smiling back at Krys, laying her head on Krys' shoulder. Granted Bella knew that parts if tgis would not happen, but itbwas nice to dream and to keep Krys happy. Even though she's basically on death row, waiting just to fight and die for their noble cause.
Krys held Bellatrix close as she watched the baby and the pup play, she had a smile on her face as she thought about their future. "I can't wait love we've done so much and we've worked so hard we deserve it" ,Krys told her.
"Neither can I dear, neither can I. We've worked long and hard for this, life will become easier soon enough." She stated, Bellatrix wanted to cry but wasn't about to let herself. "I live you so much."
"I love you too" ,Krys stated softly right before kissing Bellatrix on her forehead. She couldn't wait for the war to be over so that she could marry Bellatrix and kill Rodolphus. Krys had plans for the bastard after what he put them through.
Bella smiled and kept a hold on Krys nit wanting to ever let go. She wondered what keys would do once she died she was young and full of life, she might move on. How was the baby going to deal with the loss of her mother? So many worries so little time.
Krys stood with Bellatrix still smiling completely oblivious to how Bellatrix really felt and what was going through the older witch's mind. She refused to read her because she trusted her and seen no need to anymore. "So what do you think will happen after the war love, I mean I know what we all want but what's your honest thoughts about it"? Krys asked to make conversation.
Bellatrix held onto Krys standing with her watching the two little ones play. "Well, pure bloods on top like we've always been, muddbloods and half breeds will serve us, all we have to do is keep order and control. The muggles I'm not too sure but the well behaved ones they may end up as slaves and servants like the house elves. While the bad ones will probably die. If not just kill them all, maybe spare the children. We'll be praised for putting life back on track. Our lives will become easier, being right besides the Dark Lord, married. I think everything is going to work out." Bellatrix told Krys about what she thought what the wizarding world would be like once the won, excluding her death, and the possiblity of failure.
Krys smiled as Bellatrix talked, she loved every word that came out of her mouth. "That sounds wonderful and I can't wait for the day to come" ,Krys said in response. She stood there with Bellatrix and watched the pup and the baby continue to play until it started to get dark out. "Well I think it's time we went inside before it gets too cold out what do you say love"? Krys asked Bellatrix.
"Nor can I baby, I'm sure that day will be soon. " she stated smiling thinking of her vision, even if she wouldn't live to see it. She continued to watch the pup and her daughter. "Yeah it is getting chilly, Come on you two time to go inside!" She called and Racey raced with the pup jumping into her mothers arms. Bellatrix laughed and tickled her making Racey laugh.
Krys laughed when Bellatrix tickled Racey, it was nice seeing her be so playful and happy. When they got inside Krys yelled for the elf to make them dinner then grabbed something to drink. "You guys want anything"? She asked as she turned to face Bellatrix, Racey and the pup.
Bellatrix walked inside the house with the baby, who had finished laughing. Iracebeth smiled and said, "Juice...!" Bella looked at Krys, "I'm fine love, The pup probably wants water, and Racey wants juice." Bella stated smiling softy.
"Alright then, coming right up love" ,Krys said in response. She grabbed a bowl for the dog and filled it with cold water and placed it on the floor, she then poured the baby a cup of juice and herself one. Krys looked at Bellatrix, "Is there something wrong love"? Krys asked. It seemed as if Bellatrix was bothered by something and Krys figured she would ask.
Bellatrix sat down on a chair holding Iracebeth. Racey cuddled with her mother while drinking her juice. ZBella watched Iracebeth, as she drank her juice. "Hm? Oh no love everythings fine I'm just tired," she stated, granted she was, but she had lots on her mind.
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