The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

"OK love just wanted to make sure" ,Krys said in response. She gave Bellatrix a warm smile then walked over to her. Krys placed her glass on the table then stood behind Bellatrix and gently massaged her shoulders. "You do seem a bit tense love maybe you should do something relaxing after we put the kids to bed like take a warm bath or sit by the fireplace". Krys continued to work on Bellatrix's shoulders as she spoke.
Bellatrix returned Krys' smile. As Krys began to massage her shoulders, she sighed enjoying her touch, plus Bellstrix had gained some new knots in her neck and back. "Mmm...they both sound lovely..." She stated softly as Krys continued to message her shoulders. She looked to the side seeing Iracebeth petting the pup, smiling at the sight.
"Hell I could use a nice bath right about now" ,Krys said with a small laugh. "Whatever you'd like love just let me know and I will give it to you". Krys continued to massage Bellatrix's shoulders trying to work out all her knots and tension.
Bellatrix sighed again her mind distracted with the current pleasure of a back massage. "Alright love, I'll figure it out once they fall asleep." She smiled.
"Alright sounds good" ,Krys told her as she continued to massage her back. She looked over to the baby and the pup and smiled the two were being all cute and lovey, the baby really did love the pup and Krys was glad she had picked him up that day in the shop.
As Krys continued Bellatrix started to drift away, slowly falling asleep relaxing. Bella was falling into a depression, starting to feel over worked and over tired and sad though hiding it, as much as she could.
As Krys massaged Bellatrix she could sense that something was wrong, "Come on love let's get you to the bedroom I'll put the baby and the pup to bed" ,Krys told her. She kissed her on the cheek then looked at the baby, "You two ready for bed"?
"Hm? Alright love." She stated she continued to just sit there a minute. she smiled as Krys kissed her cheek. Iracebeth could tell something was wrong with her mother, she normally didn't act like this. Racey shook her head she wasn't ready for bed. "Nummies? Mummy I'm hungry..." She stated. Bella looked at her baby, " Where's that blasted elf with her food?" Bella asked remembering that Krys told it to make dinner.
"You're absolutely right Racey I nearly forgot it's been so long, USUALLY THE KIDS ARE IN BED BY NOW" ,Krys shouted so the elf could hear her. Shortly after the house elf appeared looking a bit shaken, "S-sorry it will be done soon" ,he squeaked.
Bellatrix looked at Racey, "Don't worry baby you'll get your Nummies soon. I promise." She stated with a smile. "Well HURRY IT UP! The kids are tired but they need to eat first." Bella snapped at the shaky creature. Iracebeth started petting Rover again.
After a little while more the shaky elf returned with the food and set it on the table. Krys made everyone's plate then put the baby in her seat. "Here we go you finally got some food" ,Krys said in a silly voice to make the baby laugh.
Iracebeth laughed as Krys spoke in a funny voice, "Yay! Nummies." She stated as sshe took her fork and started eating. Bellatrix wasn't all that hungry, She sat there and played with her food which was normal for her. After a bit Bellatrix began to eat trying to act as if nothing was wrong. She wish she knew at least when they were going to war exactly so she could make sure they'd all be alright.
Krys noticed yet again that something was wrong but didn't say anything, she didn't want to pressure Bellatrix into talking if she didn't want to. After the baby finished eating Krys looked at Bellatrix, "Want me to clean her up and put her to bed or do you want to"? She asked. Krys looked at Bellatrix with a hint of worry in her eyes.
Bellatrix swallowed the bit of food in her mouth looking at Racey then to Krys, she could see the worry in her eyes. "I can do it," She stated putting her fork down, leaving her plate which still had a bit of food on it. "Come on Racey, let's get you cleaned up and put into jammies for bed." She stated playfuly picking up Iracebeth, "I'll see you in a bit love." With that she left the room, bathed the baby, and put her to bed. Not seeing Krys yet Bellatrix drew a nice hot bubble bath so she could both bathe and relax. She got in and closed her eyes resting in the tub.
"Alright love I'll meet you upstairs, good night Racey" ,Krys said. She finished her food then made her way up to the bedroom. Deciding she should do something to help Bellatrix relax she lit some candles then set the fire in the fireplace and made the bed. She then poured Bellatrix a glass of wine and set it on the bedside table, then she sat down in a chair by the fire and waited for Bellatrix, Krys was beginning to worry about her.
Once she was finished in the tub she emptyed the water and dried herself off. She put on one of her nighty's. Cleaning up the bathroom, then going into the bedroom see the fire, and candles, glass of wine. She walked in grabed her robe and the glass of wine sitting down in another chair, next to krys, infront of the fire. "Hey love." she stated with a smile
"Hey" ,Krys said in response. She sighed and looked at Bellatrix, "You know you can tell me anything right"? She said in a worried tone Krys knew something was wrong and it was starting to bother her. "I love you very much and I can tell you're troubled, you don't have to tell me what's wrong if you don't want to but if you need me you know I'm here". Krys looked at the fire and fell silent, her mind was racing with possibilities of what could be wrong.
Bellatrix took a sip of her wine looking into the fire place. "Hm? Yeah of course I know that Krys." she stated she could hear the worry in her voice. She knew Krys was on to her, she was hiding something not purposely, she was ordered to hide it. "I love you too Krys...more than you could ever know, just as I love Iracebeth..." She stated then nodded her softly, She knew Krys was there she wanted to crawl into her arms and tell her everything but she could and she had been trying to think of ways to tell her what really happened for if she doesn't come back. Bellatrix finished offf her wine rather quickly, and her heart started to race Bellatrix felt like she was about to cry. This was so painful and Krys knew something was up.
Krys looked over at Bellatrix again, she got out of her chair and walked over to her and knelt down so that they were face to face. She ran a finger down Bellatrix's jawline right before kissing her softly, she pulled away for a few seconds then kissed her again this time harder.
Bellatrix was confused to what Krys was doing at first she looked into her beautiful blue eyes. she watched as Krys' hand came to her face trailing down her jawline. Bellatrix kissed her back softly, then again a bit harder matching what Krys was giving her running her hands through Krys' hair.
When Krys broke the kiss she leaned her head against Bellatrix's, "I'll never leave you I promise not unless you kick me to the curb" ,she smiled then kissed Bellatrix again.
"I know you wont, I'd never do so except for by accident, I love you so much Krys." She stated as tears started to fall from her eyes she couldn't hold them in anymore.
Krys noticed immediately that Bellatrix was crying, she wiped the older witch's tears away and looked into her eyes. "Bellatrix talk to me what's bothering you, what can I do to help"? Krys said almost pleadingly.
Bellatrix was shaking, from her crying. This was just too big to hide from everyone. Bellatrix shook her head softly, thinkinf quickly, "What if we lose? What if we don't win this war? What's going to happe to us? Stay with me... please thats really all you can do" she stated Krys could do nothing for her. Normally she could keep her composure but when you're around the person you love 24/7 it's hard to balance the facade and the reality of things.
"Don't think like that love" ,Krys said softly. "Come on let's take your mind off of things, let me give you a nice massage and then we can go from there love I just want to see you happy It kills me to see you so upset" ,Krys told her right before kissing her softly again.
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