The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

"I ordered everyone the usual to make sure everyone would be happy" ,Krys said smiling. She continued to feed the baby to let Bellatrix enjoy her breakfast hot and fresh.
"Sounds great thank you love. " Bella stated with a smile and began to eat her breakfast. "It's delishious love. Thanks again." She smiled " What do you thunk Racey?" Iracebeth looked at her mother. "Nummies!" she said smiling brightly.
Krys smiled at the two's comments about the food, "I'm glad you guys like it, what do you think Rover"? Krys said. The dog looked up from his bowl then jumped up onto Krys' lap he made sure to stay out of the way of Krys feeding the baby. "Aw I love you too boy" ,Krys said as she patted him with her free hand.
Bellatrix giggled when she saw Rover jump into Krys' lap. She would have told him to get down but it was just too cute. "Aww somebwady woves yous Krys....other than me." she teased, smiling brightly. Then went back to eating, she was enjoying her hot meal it was normally warm or cool by the time she normally ate.
"Well I wuvs him too I wuvs all of you" ,Krys said cutely. She went to feed Racey another bite but the baby pushed it away. "Are you full"? Racey nodded and Krys put her fork down, "Ok then I won't make you eat no more, will you take a sip of juice for me though"? Krys smiled at the baby as she held the cup in front of her.
"and we wuvs you too." Bella smiled speaking in her mock baby talk just sweeter. Bellatrix watched Racey push her food away from her. Bella looked at her curiously then realised she was full. "That's a good girl, Racey drink some juice pwease. Krys you're so good with her." Bella smiled.
"I try love it's not hard to love you Racey do you know that"? Krys said as Racey took the cup and sipped from it. "So what's on the agenda today guys I have nothing to do so I have all day to be with you".
Bellatrix smiled and giggled happily and Iracebeth mocked her mother before drinking her juice. Bella looked at her and laughed, Iracebeth smiled at her. "I've got nothing planned," Bella stated. "Can we pway outside again today?" Iracebeth asked cutely.
Krys joined in with the laughing and when Iracebeth asked to play outside Krys looked at Bellatrix, "If mommy's up for it then I don't mind going outside today, I think it'll be fun we can teach Rover to play fetch" ,Krys said smiling at the happy baby.
Bellatrix looked at how happy Iracebeth got. "Yeah so long as it's nice out, we can go play outside." Bellatrix stated finishing up her breakfast. They all looked so happy, it made her smile in the outside but she was crying on the inside. So let's get this cleaned up and check outside.
"I agree, ELF COME CLEAN THIS UP AND I WANT A WEATHER REPORT"! Krys stated. The elf came in and began to clean everything up, he told them that the weather was lovely and would be for the rest of the day. "So it's settled the weather's nice so we will go outside".
"Yay..Outside, outside." Iracebeth smiled she felt as if she had won being able to go out and play. Bellatrix stood and grabbed the baby wiping her mouth, then heading outside, with the pup following behind her. "Coming love?"
Krys stood up and smiled, "Of course I'm coming love let's go guys" ,Krys said excitedly following her little family out the door. "Racey you ready to throw a ball as far as you can, we've got to give Rover a challenge" ,Krys said happily. Rover jumped and barked with glee.
Once outside Bella put Iracebeth down and she started to run around. Bella grabbed a near by chair and sat down. "Yeah.." Racey stated reaching for the ball taking it and throwing it for Rover. She started laughing.
"Go get it Rover" ,Krys told the pup who was already halfway to the ball. She also pulled a chair over to sit next to Bellatrix. "I love this ya know, just us four playing around care free, hell I may go run around with them" ,Krys smiled and placed her hand on Bellatrix's. "I couldn't ask for more in my life".
Bellatrix smiled as she watched them play fetch. "As do I Krys, I'm glad we don't have "real jobs" at the moment it would take away from this. " Bellatrix stated taking a gentle hold of her hand. "Go have fun love. Nor could I, I wish life was like this when I was younger."
"I'll go play with them in a little bit they seem to be having fun together and I want to give them a little more time to bond" ,Krys said. "I'm sorry life wasn't like this when you were younger love".
"They're always having fun love, They're kids it's what they do. Bond? They are always together, but that's alright I won't complain that you want to 'hang' over here with me. Oh Krys
That alright if it was I wouldn't be with you now." Bellatrix stated and it was the true, if her marriage and relationships were like this she wouldn't be with the love of her life. No matter how much time was left.
"Very true love, I'm glad you're with me now and I won't ever let you go" ,Krys told her smiling. She summoned the elf to get her something to drink while they sat outside. "Do you want anything"?
Bella smiled, "Yes love me too. I'll never leave you love, not of my own will." Bellatrix stated, she would never stray or leave her expect for death which she'd have no say in. She saw the elf, "Tea..." that's all she said, Watching her baby and the puppy.
The elf went off to grab them drinks and Krys stood up, "I'll be right back love" ,she stated right before walking over to the baby and the pup. Krys asked the baby for the ball and when Iracebeth handed it to her she threw it and told Rover to go fetch it. When the dog ran off then came back with the ball the baby clapped happily.
"Alright love I'll be here." Bella smiled watching as Krys took the ball and threw it for Iracebeth for Rover to fetch. As Iracebeth clapped, she laughed taking the ball from the pup throwing it again. Bella watched somberly as Krys played with the two. The elf returned with their drinks, Bella nodded at the creature, before taking a sip from her tea. "Krys...drinks are here!" She called out.
Krys watched as Iracebeth threw the ball for Rover and smiled she loved it when the baby was happy. When Bellatrix told Krys the drinks were there she looked at the baby and the pup, "C'mon guys let's go get something to drink".
Bellatrix stood up as they headed over to her. Iracebeth took off at a run charge toward her mother. When she got there she jumped into Bellatrix's arms. Bellatrix caught her and spun her around smiling and laughing. "Hey you... Ya thirsty?" Bella asked as Racey nuzzled into her. Bella grabbed her baby's sippy cup sitting back down holding onto her.
Krys walked behind both Racey and the pup, she watched as Iracebeth jumped into her mother's arms. She smiled when she seen Bellatrix spin the baby around, it was nice to see the woman happy. "You want to join us after we have something to drink love"?
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