The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

"As I'm I they were extremely unpleasant, screaming and thrashing, I gave Cissy a black eye one night she was trying to calm and wake me but I was fast asleep flailing. " Bella Informed her, Bella didnt say anything but snuggled closer to Krys knowing for as long as Bella was alive Krys would be there, and even after she's gone.
Krys said nothing she just pulled Bellatrix in closer and held her knowing what it was like to have terrible nightmares. She may have not done time in Azkaban but she had become a death eater at a very young age and had seen a lot, plus she had been hit with curses to make her have nightmares to try and lure her away from the dark lord.
Bellatrix laid contently in Krys' arms though saddened unsure of how many more nights they'd have together. Bella began to trace shapes and pictures on Krys' arms. "I love you." She whispered sweetly.
Krys liked the feeling of Bellatrix running her fingers on her arm, "I love you too" ,Krys responded just as sweetly. "You are my world and I'm so lucky to have you". Krys laid with Bellatrix in her arms and kissed her neck softly as they cuddled, never wanting to let go.
Bella smiled happily, "No baby...I'm the lucky one." She stated softly, if it wasn't for Krys she'd be trapped still with Rudolphus. Krys saved Bella from her misery, her nightmares, and helped her with the baby. Bellatrix would be lost without Krys.
Krys smiled at the older witch's words, she finally felt loved and needed and that's something she had wanted for so long. "I can't wait to call you my wife Bellatrix" ,Krys whispered softly.
Bellatrix smiled at her statement. "Krys....Why should we wait...? Though we're not married you can call me your wife. If we weren't hiding from Aurors and such I'd say we could marry now...or sooner." Bella stated thinking about it.
"Bellatrix Snape" ,Krys said with a small laugh. "My father would be thrilled, although it does have a nice ring to it doesn't it"? Krys ran her hands down Bellatrix's side as they cuddled.
Bellatrix smiled at the thought. "I know he would be love." she laughed then thought back for a moment. "You before he ran off to Lily, we spoke of marriage. Once he left my parents forced me to marry Rudolphus. Yes it gas a beautiful ring to it. Love." Bellatrix told Krys, if that had happened everything would have changed and they wouldnt be here now.
"Well I'm kinda glad he didn't marry you because then we wouldn't be together or you may have been my mother" ,Krys said in response. She laughed a little bit at the thought. "I couldn't handle having you as a mother you know why? Because I'd want to do things that would be so wrong in so many ways so yeah I'm kinda glad you guys didn't end up married because I want you for myself".
"My thoughts exactly love, plus I was upset for quite awhile, but now I don't care I've found someone better. Oh why couldn't I have been your mother?" She stated and asked curiously, waiting for her response. upon hearing it she began to laugh, "I'm sure if I had been your mother our relationship would be vary different. Oh I see you you don't want to share. Quite frankly I don't want to share you either, you're till death do us part."
"Yes until death do us part and that won't be for a long time so I'm ok with that, I'll protect you and the baby for as long as I live and breath" ,Krys said in response. She felt her eyelids get heavy and let out a yawn.
Bellatrix smiled though it felt as if her heart stopped. "Alright my love, I know you'll take good care of us. When I die I'll watch over you all, but like you said that's a while from now." she stated she didn't like lying to Krys but has no choice. Bellatrix yawned softly.
Krys' breathing slowed as she fell asleep holding Bellatrix in her arms, she had no idea what the future held for the two but right now she felt perfect. Krys snuggled into Bellatrix's neck as she slept.
Bellatrix could tell Krys had fallen asleep, snuggling into her holding her arms. Once she was sure Krys was asleep Bella let her tears fall from her eyes all this talk about their future was beautiful except when the fight came Bella was to die. That night she cried herself to sleep.
Krys slept decently that night completely unaware of Bellatrix's crying, she had no idea that the love of her life was supposed to die. When Krys woke up she called the elf to make them breakfast and then made her way into the shower to wash up.
Once Bellatrix fell asleep, she slept soundlessly. In the morning she didn't feel Krys get up from the bed. Nor did she hear her speak to the house elf. Bellatrix woke hearing the shower, but she felt disoriented from crying so she turned over and put the pillow over her head falling back to sleep.
When Krys finished in the shower she got dressed and made her way back to the bedroom, she could hear Racey in the other room so she went to go get her. "Good morning little one" ,Krys said holding her arms out, the baby reached up for Krys and she picked her up and brought her into the bedroom followed by the pup.
Bellatrix heard nothing as she was passed out in the bed. The pillow still over her head, blocking out the sound and the light. Iracebeth held onto Krys when she was picked up. Racey sucked on her thumb then saw her mother in bed, the covers still on. "Mommy's sweepy..."She cooed cutely.
"Yeah she's sleepy, let's get you changed and fed how's that sound"? Krys replied to the baby as she walked over to the changing table. She was quiet not wanting to wake Bellatrix up but the puppy had other intentions as he jumped onto the bed and began to nudge Bellatrix lovingly.
"Yeah...kk...nummies....hehe" She giggled a bit, as Krys took her over to the changing table. Bellatrix still out didn't expect a fun living pup to wake her up. Bella felt the nudging and giggled a bit, then moaning softly. "Krys...." she went to nudge Krys but didn't feel her, then touching the pups fur. Her eyes still closed, "Krys? umm You need a hair cut... And you're nose is cold and wet...Hm" She opened one eye, morning little Rover..." she stated and he replied with a bark and licked her nose his tail wagging. She sat up wrapping the sheet around her still naked. "Morning love."
After Krys finished changing the baby she put her in her seat facing away from Bellatrix so that she could get dressed. "C'mon rover come sit" ,Krys said patting her leg signaling for the dog to come to her. She smiled at Bellatrix and walked over to her, "Want me to grab your clothes"? She whispered right before kissing her forehead.
Bellatrix smiled gently, "Please Krys." she stated afriad to move with her baby there granted Racey came from her, Bella still didn't want her to see her naked. "Good ol' Rover..." she stated jokingly Bella still felt tired, she stood with the sheet before her running to the restroom to change.
Krys went and grabbed Bellatrix her clothes then handed them to her she watched as Bellatrix made her way to the bathroom. When the elf came into the room with their food Krys set the table and made everyone's plate, she began to feed Racey while Bellatrix was getting dressed.
Bellatrix smiled, "Thanks Krys," She stated slipping into the bathroom, she washed her body quickly not wanting to have a full shower right then, she'd take it later. Once she felt clean she dressed. It took her a few minutes. When she wa done she returned to her family. Kissing Krys' cheek, Iracebeth's forehead, and pet the pup before sitting down.
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