The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

"Sure thing love, c'mon Rover let's go inside" ,Krys said in response to Bellatrix. She followed Bellatrix and Racey inside and made her way to the kitchen and began cooking dinner. When she finished cooking she set everything on the table and waited for Bellatrix and Racey to return.
Bellatrix went to one of the bathrooms to bathe her babe. Everything was fine until she got in the water deciding Bellatrix needed a bath too. Iracebeth was splashing and laughing as she soaked her mother. Once Racey was clean Bella grabbed a towel and a pair of pjs for her baby. A dry Racey ran out of the bathroom and straight for the kitchen. Bellatrix came out all wet behind her, "Krys did you bring the dress in?"
Krys watched as Racey ran into the kitchen in fresh pajamas and when Bellatrix followed shortly after Krys had to hold back a laugh. "Yes love I did it's in the bag right over there" ,Krys said in response pointing in the direction where the bag was. "I'll keep everything warm for you while you change". Krys cast a spell on the plates to keep them warm until Bellatrix came back.
Racey was laugh as she ran to Krys. Bellatrix saw that Krys wanted to laugh, "Thanks..." She grabbed the bag and went back to the bathroom to change. About 8 minutes later Bella came out dressed and dry with her hair pinned nice. She walked back to the kitchen and looked at Krys, " do I look?" she asked. "Pretty Mommy!!" Racey smiled and clapped her hands.
Krys looked up when she heard Bellatrix ask how she looked. Krys bit her lip and looked Bellatrix up and down, "Good enough to eat love" ,Krys said in response right before licking her lips. She stood up and pulled out a chair for Bellatrix to sit in, Krys had already made Racey her plate and had her situated she also had the pup eating. Krys waited to eat until Bellatrix came back, she poured them both a glass of wine then sat back down.
Bellatrix blushed at her response, "Thank you, love you may want to stop looking you'll spoil your appetite....or increase it I'm not quite sure" Bella teased. Bellatrix sat in the chair Krys pulled out for her. She raised her glass to toast with Krys then took a sip. Putting her glass down she began to eat her meal. 
Krys laughed at Bellatrix's teasing, she took a sip from her glass as Bellatrix did then began to eat her meal. She looked around the table at the little family and smiled. "So what did you all do while I was gone this morning? Anything Exciting happen"? Krys asked.
Bellatrix smiled as Krys laughed, things felt alright at the moment. Bella swallowed what she had been eating, in order to speak. "Nothing much love these two played the whole time." she stated. "Yeah Rover and me ran around and chased each other and rolled in the was fun." Racey stated.
Krys smiled at the three, "Well that sounds fun, wish I was here for it" ,she said in a mock jealous voice. Krys continued to eat her food, after chewing what was in her mouth she looked around the table. "Well work was ok I told you it was nothing new right love? The order keeps talking about the same old crap they do all the time, it's getting annoying".
Bellatrix smiled softly, "Watching them play was very enjoyable... And adorable." She stated. Everything was fine when the kids were playing, until The Dark Lord came to speak with her. What was worse she couldn't tell Krys. Bellatrix couldn't tell the person she loved the most that she was going to die, granted Voldemort said he would bring her back, she was doubtful of this. "Yes dear, you did. Doesn't matter they won't be around much longer anyway, once we win this war, our lifes will be made." She smiled brightly granted the likelyhood of it coming true was slim.
"Yeah it will" ,Krys said in response. She looked over at Bellatrix and could tell something was bothering her, she leaned in close to Bellatrix so that no one would hear her. "Are you alright love? You seem upset about something"? Krys whispered.
Bellatrix kept her smile, "Yes. Everything's fine love I assure you." She whispered back to Krys. "I'm just a little anxious, you could say. Or see what I'm in for... later." Bella smiled seductively whispering even softer than before.
"Alright then" ,Krys whispered back returning the smile. She sat quietly for the rest of dinner for the most part. When she finished her plate she waited for everyone else to finish before getting up.
Iracebeth had finished shortly after Krys, since she had had her food before Krys but she was like her mother, she liked to play with her food. Bellatrix realized her daughter, her lover, and Rover were all or almost finished, granted so was she. Bellatrix ate a bit faster then finished her meal.
When Krys noticed that everyone else was finished she stood up, "I'm gonna go take a quick shower I'll meet you in the bedroom" ,Krys told Bellatrix. She then looked over to the baby and the pup, "And if you two aren't asleep before I get back I'll come say goodnight". Krys gave them all a smile before heading towards the bathroom.
"Alright love...come on you two let's have us a story, eh?" Bellatrix said standing grabbing Racey and having River follow. "Tell us the happy famwe one...? Pwease Mommy.." Iracebeth asked, "Of course baby." Bellatrix got them situated in their crib, and told them the same story as the last time. She had moved the crib to the room across the hall. "If you need Krys or me knock on my door okay babes, this is your room, for big girls and pups." she stated and they yawned and agreeded they tried to stay awake and wait for Krys but they fell straight to sleep. Bella stayed with them to make sure they were okay.
When Krys finished in the shower she put on a pair of short and a tank top and made her way out of the bathroom and down the hall. She looked into the baby's room and noticed the two sleeping and Bellatrix sitting by the crib. "I guess I took too long eh"? Krys whispered when she got closer to Bellatrix.
Bellatrix turned her head toward the door, seeing Krys, she smiled. "They tried to stay up for you live, they really did but with full belly's they couldn't last." She whispered back standing up slowly. Seeing Iracebeth cuddle with Rover. "They're so cute, together."
Krys smiled, "I'll have to make it up to them tomorrow then" ,she said quietly. She watched Bellatrix stand up and then put her arm around the woman's waist and looked into the crib at the two. "Yes they are love" ,Krys said in response to Bellatrix's statement.
"Yes, Yes you will, They love you soo much." She stated softly smiling at her. "Granted not as much as I love you though, but they're up there." Bellatrix teased. Then kissed Krys softly on the lips, before turning her attention back to the kids.
Krys kissed her back softly then returned her attention to the kids as well, "I love you too" ,she said quietly so she wouldn't wake the kids. Krys stood there with Bellatrix just watching the kids sleep, they looked so peaceful.
They stayed like that attached to each other, watching them. The little angels being who Racey's parents are you'd think she'd be a monster or a terror but no she was a sweet little one. Bellatrix was going to miss them terribly she'd have to wait many years to see them to hold them, she really didn't think she was going to come back when the time comes, but she knew they would win the war this time. Bella also knew that Krys would take good care of her daughter and the pup, eventually finding another love to replace her, Bella wouldnt care so long as she was happy. Bella rested her head on Krys' shoulder.
"Come on love let's let them sleep" ,Krys said quietly. She motioned for the two to head to their room. "Unless you wanted to stay for a little while longer". Krys kissed Bellatrix's head, "I don't mind as long as I'm with you".
"Alright love," She stated and looked at her. "No it's fine they'll be up and about tomorrow. Tomorrow is another day." She stated looking at the two walking other kissing their foreheads. Then walking toward the door waiting for Krys.
Krys kissed the two's foreheads after Bellatrix did then followed the older witch out the door. When they got out of the room Krys grabbed Bellatrix into a loving embrace and kissed her passionately. It was as if she hadn't seen the woman in years, every time Krys kissed Bellatrix she fell in love all over again.
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