The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Bellatrix smiled brightly and Iracebeth clapped her hands. "Yay!! Love!!!" Racey stated happily smiling and clapping her hands faster. "We've spoken about this you're going to make me bigger than the manor...if you keep cooking for me.." she teased she loved Krys' cooking. "Sounds great my love, okay...everyone to the table last one there is a blood-traitor.." She stated as a game slowly introducing her baby to how the world is. Bella didn't run quickly giving her daughter a head start. , picking her up when they got to the table. 
Krys laughed at Bellatrix's joke and watched as they ran to the table, she began to make everyone's plate and set it on the table. She then put the pup's plate on the floor in between her and Racey's chairs so that he could eat with them. "So Racey hunny have you come up with a name for our furry little friend here"? Krys asked smiling at the baby as she put her plate in front on her. Krys loved the little girl as if she were her own and was always looking forward to seeing Iracebeth learn new things.
Iracebeth's happy face became serious when Krys asked about the pup's name.  She looked as if she was in deep thought. Bellatrix watched her daughter wondering why she had such a hard serious face, never seeing her look that way. Racey then looked to Krys. "...Rover..." she stated sure of herself with the name then smiled again. 
Krys smiled, "Rover it is" ,she said as she looked at both Bellatrix and the baby. The pup barked as if he were confirming the name and Krys gave him a nod before looking back to Bellatrix, "She's getting very smart love". Krys took a sip from her cup and sat back enjoying the moment.
Bellatrix looked at the baby then Krys before turning her attention to the pup that barked. "Rover is a great name for the pup." she smiled at Racey. Bellatrix began to plate her daughters food and cut it up for her, "Yes indeed she is...and she's not even a year old yet."
"It's amazing you know,I'm really proud of you Racey you're growing up so fast" ,Krys said as she cut up her own food. "So Bellatrix love what's on the agenda for tonight"? Krys asked not having anything planned.
"She's growing up too fast..." Bellatrix stated she was happy her daughter was intelligent, but sad at how quick she was developing the time just flew by. Once Iracebeth's pancakes were cut, Bella fed her a few bites before giving her the fork. She then grabbed her own meal. "Tonight? Well....After breakfast you have your'll probably be out a couple of hours, I figure tonight will be a quiet evening after dinner and the kids are asleep, we can go to the study or stay here and cozy up by the fire...if you'd like.." she stated not really having a plan coming up with that on the spot.
"Sounds good to me, speaking of my mission I've got to get going" ,Krys said as she stood up. She gave both Bellatrix and the baby a kiss on the cheek before heading out the door. When she got to the end of the walkway she apparated to where the dark lord had instructed her to. Krys waited a while before she spotted her target she listened in on the meeting between the Order members and took notes as they both spoke.
Bellatrix smiled brightly, "Alright love we'll see you later, be careful. " she stated watching her walk out the door. "Mama...? Where's love goin'?" Iracebeth asked curiously. Bella looked at her daughter, "Krys is going to work dear she'll be home later. Come on finish your breakfast and we'll go outside." She stated to both Racey and Rover as a result they ate faster once finished as promised they went outside. Bellatrix sat on a chair watching the kids play, she jumped feeling a hand on her shoulder, looking up to she the Dark Lord. Quickly she jumped up and bowed "My Lord..." She stated. "Relax Bellatrix...I have a mission for you as well..." Voldemort stated in that cool velvet voice of his. "You see to ensure that we will be successful in this battle. We need to get them to let there guard down. I want you to one prove your skill and battle multiple foes then attack the young Weasley girl, I'm sure her mother will intervene and fight you. Drag that on for a while then  I want you to take a dive...." Voldemort explained to Bellatrix, who thought he was going to say to kill Molly. She was in complete shock, and disbelieve, eyes wide and it felt like her heart had dropped. Bellatrix had her child, she was in the Dark Lords favour, and She was finally happy with the live of her life, everything was great until now. Bellatrix could no longer bare to stand sitting back down in her chair. "Don't worry, after you fall and the war is over and we have won I will revive you, and you, Iracebeth, and Krys will be in the highest honor at my side." He stated reassuringly. Bellatrix thought of this and everything that has happened over the past year and a half. " Lord..." she stated shakily for once she had her doubts normally she would follow him to her death, but now it was different. "Bellatrix you mustn't tell a single soul of this, no one not your sister, or Krys, or Draco, No One...Understand?" He asked. " Yes... My lord." Bella replied. "Good," and with that he was off. Bellatrix deep in thought watched the kids. 
After Krys had finished taking down everything that was discussed she made her way to a few places and picked up a few things for Bellatrix and the baby and the pup of course. When she finished she apparated back to the manor and walked inside to look for Bellatrix. She found the older witch outside. "Hello love I...." ,Krys began but stopped when she seen the look on Bellatrix's face. "What's wrong love"?
Bellatrix hadn't heard Krys walk over, "hm?...oh it's nothing Dear...I was just thinking that's all. " Bellatrix stood up and smiled at Krys. Hiding what she was told deep in her mind shutting it away fir now. "So how'd it go? Did you find any thing interesting as you spyed if the order?" she asked curiously.
When Bellatrix told her there was nothing wrong Krys brushed it off and didn't press any further. "I didn't find too much out it was the same old stuff as usual but I wrote everything down anyway" ,Krys said in response. "I bought you something". Krys put the bag that was in her hand down in front of Bellatrix and smiled. "Check it out".
Bellatrix sighed, "It was the same old boring information can't they say anything new?" She asked slightly annoyed that the order was dull and boring. "That's good the..Dark Lord will be pleased.." She stated smiling softly. "You did? Krys you didn't have to get me I've said you spoil me enough, though I love every minute if it." Bellatrix smiled and looked into the bag, she gasped at seeing it. Then she held it up a beautiful black form fitting dress. "Krys it's beautiful...I love it, I'll wear it tonight."
Krys smiled when Bellatrix said she would wear the dress that night. She leaned down and whispered in Bellatrix's ear so that the baby couldn't hear her, "And maybe with your permission I can have the pleasure of taking it off of you" ,Krys wrapped her arms around the woman's shoulders and kissed her softly on the neck. "I love you so much Bellatrix".
Bellatrix held still as Krys whispered into her ear, smiling brightly with a soft blush. "Since when do you need my permission?" she whispered just as quiet, then giggled. Bellatrix wrapped her arms around Krys' waist, sighing as Krys kissed her neck, smiling as if she hadn't a care in the world. "I love you more, Krys."
"Oh yeah you wanna make a bet love"? Krys said in response. "I do believe I love you more" ,Krys said in between kisses to Bellatrix's neck. She finally stopped kissing Bellatrix's neck and looked to the two playing in the yard. "Well they look as if they're having fun eh, why don't I have the elf go get us something to drink some iced tea sounds nice right about now".
"Oh a bet? What kind of bet? I love you most." Bella responded tilting her head slightly giving Krys better access to her neck. When Krys stopped she looked in the same direction, seeing the kids running and playing one laughing the other barking. "Sounds lovely dear, and I'm sure they're thirsty. "
"Elf come here"! Krys shouted. When the elf appeared Krys told him to get a pitcher of Iced tea, two glasses, a sippy cup, and a bowl of cold water. Krys decided to kiss Bellatrix as she waited for the elf to return, when he did Krys broke the kiss and looked Bellatrix in the eyes, "You are in for it later love" ,Krys whispered right before turning to the two playing in the yard. "Racey, Rover come get something to drink guys".
Bellatrix stood there and listened to the elf and Krys, while watching her child and the pup. Bellatrix was caught off guard when Krys kissed her. They shared a passionate kiss until the elf returned and Krys broke it. "Is that a threat or a promise love?" She questioned playfully. Iracebeth came running up to them with her best friend to get a drink.
Krys took the glass from the elf and took a sip from it then gave Bellatrix a seductive smile, "Oh love you should know by now that I don't make threats" ,Krys said playfully. She grabbed the baby's cup and gave it to her along with the pup's bowl the two drank their drinks down rather quickly then ran off to go play again. "Well it was nice seeing you guys for a bit" ,Krys said jokingly. She put her arm around Bellatrix and held her close as she watched the two continue to play.
Bellatrix playfully rolled her eyes at Krys. Bellatrix watched the two chug their drinks and run. "Just think when she's older we'll hardly see her." she stated then remember she might not be around that long. Felling Krys around around her she snuggled into her smiling. 
"I know so we best enjoy having the two around all the time while we can" ,Krys said in response taking another sip from her glass. "They're so good together, that pup will guard her with his life I can tell". Krys smiled as she watched the two run around, Racey was laughing and Rover was barking playfully.
"Yes and they're no trouble so it's fine. They are...well he's bound to do that. " She stated in life and in death that dog will guard her till the end of time. Bella rested her head on Krys' shoulder, still holding onto her sipping at her tea.
It seemed like only minutes but hours had passed as they stood watching the two friends playing. The sun began to set and both Racey and Rover looked a bit tired, "Alright I think it's time to go inside and have some dinner then go to bed, what do you say love"? Krys asked Bellatrix as they stood there.
"Hm? Yesthe sun is setting and we can come back out tomorrow." She stated seeing two sleepy babes. "Let's go eat super." she picked up Racey "Krys cam you get dinner going I'm gonna go bathe Racey." She asked then started inside.
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