The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Krys smiled as Bellatrix began to tell the story, when Bellatrix paused Krys looked at her and sighed but smiled. She wasn't good at telling fairy tales but for Iracebeth she'd give it a shot. "The happy little family lived in a huge castle that had a humungous swimming pool and a hippogriff for every member of the family" ,Krys laughed at herself silently thinking that she sounded stupid but when she noticed the big smile on Iracebeth's face she knew that the little girl enjoyed it.
Bellatrix smiled at Krys as she picked up where she left off. Watching her daughter wide eyed and smiling. "The family did almost everything together, they played together, laughed together, ate together... They were unable to be separated, by any force in the whole wizarding world. The family consisted of three grown-ups two girls and one boy, then two children a boy and a girl, and their dog." Bellatrix continued the story she wasn't great at them but she knew how to spin a few tale tales.
"Their dog wasn't just any old dog, he was special for he had powers that normal dogs didn't have, he was ten times stronger and one hundred times faster then a normal pup and he was there to protect the family from all harm" ,Krys continued. She looked at the pup who had his head perked up and his tail wagging happily it was as if he was enjoying the story as well.
"The family including the dog of course was a very powerful family, they were the most respected family in all of the wizarding world. Everyone looked to the family for guidance and wisdom. They were in charge and there were no muggles to inturpt their happiness." She stated smiling going along with the story making things up on the spot, making the perfect world within this story.
Krys smiled at the thought of no muggles then continued where Bellatrix left off, "There was only magic people left in the world and that was due to the leader of them all who had gotten rid of all the muggles that were ruining our existence, he made sure that all witches and wizards were finally free to do magic whenever they pleased without any muggles to ruin it". Krys grabbed Bellatrix's hand and looked at her waiting for her response, Krys was liking the story so far. She looked over at Iracebeth who seemed to be enjoying it as well.
Bellatrix listened to Krys' continuation of the story. Only magic prevailed throughout the world, how perfect life was going to be. Bellatrix looked at Krys as she took hold of her hand, and smiled softly. "Setting a new life for most to settle down, raise a family together, without judgement or war. No muggles or muggle lovers in the way, to ruin and annoy others all pure bloods. The noble houses on top, or the food change two families will be held in the highest of honors. " She said to keys then faced the pup and the babe. 
Krys loved thinking about the future and how it would be once the war was over and they had won. She looked at the pup and the baby who were waiting patiently for her to continue. "The family were held high because they were the main people to help wipe out the muggles and muggle lovers during a war that took place a long time ago" ,Krys paused she was stuck, she had no idea how to continue. She looked back toward the baby and the pup who were both laying down on the bed, looking tired. Krys then turned to Bellatrix to see if she could pick up where she had left off, "I'm rubbish at this I'm so sorry" ,Krys whispered into Bella's ear.
Bellatrix could see they were getting tired. Bellatrix looked at Krys, "uhhh.... Because the parents of the family works so hard in the war they didn't have to work as much and they could play and read stories and spoil the baby and her puppy giving everyone a happy ending. "Bellatrix stated she never had to really tell a story before, but her daughter wanted one and was now asleep with the pup. "It's alright you did great. " She whispered with a soft smile. 
When Krys noticed the two sleeping she smiled, they looked adorable together. "So we're going to have to move them to their room without waking them up, which one do you want"? Krys asked Bellatrix with a smile. "Or we can just let them sleep in here and we can stay up all night and go torture some muggles, I'll ask Narcissa to keep an ear out and I'll put some rails on the bed". Krys bit her lip it had been a while since she had gone out to do some damage and she knew it had been a while for Bellatrix too.
"Oh just let them stay if they wake up they may be up all night long." Bellatrix stated and now they were asleep she wanted them to stay that way. "You know that sounds like fun as long as we aren't needed in the morning we should be fine." She stated though she wasn't sure if it was a good idea or not they had just gotten togetherish again and had a long grueling month. But it has been a while since she had tortured anyone like such. "Hopefully Cissy won't mind. "
"Are you sure I mean we don't have too if you don't want too just thought we'd celebrate being back together" ,Krys said in response. "I'll go ask Narcissa if she can keep an ear out for the babies" ,Krys turned and left the room to ask Narcissa to babysit the answer was yes like it always was and seeing the reason Krys wanted her to babysit was to torture muggles and possibly find out some more information Narcissa seemed even more willing. Krys made her way back into the room and the first thing she did was summon some rails around the bed so that the baby couldn't roll off. "She said yes and if we're needed in the morning I can make an energy potion for us".
Bellatrix nodded, "Yes I'm I want to it sounds like fun." she stated. "I'll be here," Bella smiled at Krys then to the babe and pup. Bellatrix slowly slid off of the bed trying not to awaken them. Sitting in a chair waiting for Krys to return, keeping an eye on the bed. Bellatrix smiled when Krys returned, "Alright love. Sounds like we have a date." She smiled brightly standing up walking over to wrap her arms around Krys. 
Krys wrapped her arms around Bellatrix and looked into her eyes, "Let's go then love, it's due time we did something like this together" ,Krys said. She kissed Bellatrix softly then let go of her, "After you love". Krys waited for Bellatrix to take the lead, she knew the older witch liked to be in charge so she let her have the satisfaction.
"Alright let's go." She stated smiling, letting go of Krys. She then took her wand and apperated to to the muggle world. Serching for somewhere they could go to torture someone, Harry Potter's home town was a no since the dark lord didn't really send them on a mission. So she went passed and into the next town.
Krys followed Bellatrix past Harry Potter's home town and into the next one, she looked around for her first victim when she saw him. He was sitting inside a bar right by the window. Krys had only seen him once and that was in a muggle courthouse when she was five, the day that filthy fuck got away with murder. She could remember her father crying silently as the man walked free, the smell of her father's suit as she buried her face into his chest as she cried. Krys' eyes widened and all emotion left her face, her blood boiled but her eyes were colder then they had ever been. It was as if time stood still for a moment as she watched the scumbag down shot after shot, one word escaped her lips quietly as she stared at the man, "Imperio". The man stood up and walked out the door willingly without a word, he got a few looks from other people at the bar.

When the man walked over to Krys she stared at him for a few moments before making him walk into a secluded place where no one would see him. She let off the Imperius curse as soon as she walked up to him, the man looked around confused. "Where am I and who are you"? He asked loudly. Krys just looked at him, "Crucio" ,she whispered. The man dropped to the ground and started screaming in pain, Krys didn't even smile like she usually did while torturing someone, her face stayed cold and emotionless. After about five minutes she let the curse up and glared at him.

"I don't suppose you'd remember me, after all it was fourteen years ago when you last saw me" ,Krys said coldly. She looked into the man's eyes, he shook with fear scared that he was going to have to suffer more pain.

"You l-look so familiar those eyes yes I remember those eyes" ,The man began, Krys knew he was trying to make excuses so that he could get away.

"Of course you remember these eyes, after all they're the same eyes you must've looked into the day you killed Carrie Stevens, the same eyes you stared into briefly as you passed me by in that filthy muggle courthouse, the courthouse that let you get away with killing my mother" ,Krys gritted her teeth and cracked her neck. "She had three weeks, THREE FUCKING WEEKS before she would have been released, all my father talked about was how he was finally going to get married and I was finally going to meet my mother, I was so happy and you ruined everything, how do you sleep at night knowing you murdered a five year old child's mother before they even got the chance to meet them"? Krys stared as if she were waiting for an answer, the man stayed silent his jaw dropped and he looked as if he had seen a ghost.

"Tonight you're going to be punished for what you did I promise you you're death is going to be slow and painful, you're going to wish that your fucked up legal system had found you guilty fourteen years ago".

Krys put her wand into her pocket and pulled out her knife, she twirled it open and ran her finger up the blade before walking over to him and slashing his face. She then cruciod him again and after that she stabbed him a few times, the blood stained Krys' hands as she stabbed and sliced at the man. After about two hours of brutal torture on the man Krys took a break just to look at the man suffer. She then looked to Bellatrix, "Do what you please with him before I kill him" ,she muttered in almost a whisper. Krys sat down on a cement block that was near by and waited for Bellatrix to make her move, Krys was sure Bellatrix was probably going to get her own muggle to have fun with but she figured the man needed to be tortured further and Bellatrix would have more fun with it then she was. In all honesty Krys wasn't having much fun at all every time she looked at the man she thought of her mother and all the darkness he had brought on her and her father after he killed her. Krys wasn't out to have fun anymore, she was out for revenge.
Bellatrix looked around to see who she wanted to play with about to continue out to hunt she notice Krys had her eyes on someone. Bellatrix smiled wickedly and playfully at Krys, but something didn't seem right. Something was wrong, Bella's smile faded rather quickly eyeing Krys and seeing her target. Seeing Krys' eyes grow wide, and she could tell all life had left her, she looked so cold hearted in that moment she hadn't seen that look in quite some time. She looked again to the man, wondering why, she was having trouble figuring it out. "Baby...? Sweetie? You okay?" She asked softly wanting to touch her to sooth her but figured she'd let Krys cool a moment. Her eyes went back to the man. Watching as Krys brought him outside. 

Bellatrix followed along keeping watch so no one saw they go into hiding. She saw as the man came to he was confused and demanding information. It only made Bellatrix smile wickedly. Bellatrix smiled brightly as he fell to the ground then it softened seeing that Krys wasn't smiling. This wasn't normal they both equally loved a good torture. Bellatrix watched and listened in silence, as Krys spoke. Bellatrix loved the fear that shone brightly in his eyes. '14 years ago? What happened 14 years ago....' she wondered and then it hit her like a tone of bricks, this was the asshole that killed her mother. Her eyes grew wide with this knew thought.  Bellatrix wanted to hold Krys  knowing she was in pain, but not in front if this ass. 

Hearing Krys' words and her pain made her want to cry. Even if he had chosen this woman after he failed her and unable to get with Lily the story was still sad. Keys had to live without a mother which was horrible. 

Bellatrix watched his torture with great enthusiasm. This had to be one of the greatest tortures she's witnessed. The blood excited her, the more blood often meant the more pain involved.  Two hours had passed and the man was pitiful looking and Krys needed to breathe. Bellatrix wanted to kill the man herself but she refrained this was Krys' fight. Bella looked at Krys, then to the man. She slowly walked over to him and bent down. "You hurt my Krys, that wasn't very nice at one hurts my love. She stood and kicked him hard in the ribs. Then pointed her wand and yelled "CRUCIO!" after the man flopped around for a few minutes she stopped if she did anything else she was afraid she'd kill him. Turning to Krys, "It's your fight love you need to finish it."
Krys watched as Bellatrix tortured the man, he looked near death by the time she was done. When Bellatrix told Krys to finish it she stood up and walked over to the man and without any emotion on her face slit his throat. She watched as the blood drained from his body Krys stood and watched, listened as the man choked on his own blood. When the man was finally dead Krys walked over to Bellatrix and looked at her a small smile formed on her lips, "Go find yourself a muggle to torture I've always loved watching you work, gives me goosebumps" ,Krys told Bellatrix. She looked at the woman in front of her and realized just how much she really loved her, the painful memories that haunted her were somewhat at ease now that the man that murdered her mother was dead and now she could give her full devotion to Bellatrix, the baby and pup, and the dark lord's cause.
Bellatrix watched as Krys slit his throat, both watching the blood poor from him while he choked. As he died and Krys came over to her, Bella smiled softly, wrapping her arm around Krys' waist and caressing her face with her free hand. "Alright love we'll go hunting for mine. Are you okay? Do you feel better?" She asked softly he was now dead a part of her life that had tormented her was dead. "I Love you, you know that don't ya?" Bellatrix smiled kissing Krys softly.
Krys kissed Bellatrix back then looked into her eyes, "Yes I do know and I love you as well, I'm feeling a bit better that I can focus on what's important in my life" ,Krys told Bellatrix. She smiled then kissed Bellatrix quickly before looking into her eyes again. "Come on love let's go get you a muggle to play with".
Bellatrix smiled, "I know you do, love. I just love hearing it. I'm glad you feel better love." She smiled brighter kissing Krys again. Some my think it odd or gross to kiss in front of a dead body but there was something magical about it too. "Alright let's go." She stated and looked around and in buildings, she didn't want some random drunk who wouldn't feel half of it. Then she saw some stechy man on the sidewalk who looked good. Bellatrix turned toward Krys and whispered, "Don't get jealous..."Then suductively approached him "Hey there, fella...lookin' for a good time? Well follow me." She stated leading him into the alleyway, and he followed right behind her. He turned the table and pinned her against the wall. She let him think he was in charge. Then she pushed him and hit him with a curse that knocked him off his feet. Smiling wickedly she curcioed him watching him twitch. As he looked at her with pain and confusion she pounced ontop of him and took her wand carving into his flesh 'muggle' he screamed and she enjoyed it. Bella then casts a spell causing burns. She laughed wickedly in enjoyment.
Krys was confused when Bellatrix told her not to get jealous until she seen her hit on the guy to get him in the alley. When the man put his hands on Bellatrix Krys nearly lunged at him but then seen Bellatrix take control and sat back. Krys started laughing as the man screamed while Bellatrix cursed him, she loved watching the woman work it was always fun and exciting. "Love don't be rude, why don't you introduce him to our other guest"? Krys said with a huge grin on her face.
Bellatrix saw that Krys wanted to attack the man for putting his hands on her, then saw her settle back. Bellatrix looked up at Krys when she spoke about the dead bloody body. Bella smiled, "Oh yes, I nearly forgot, how rude of friend this is our other friend.." She said pointing the dead man out, "Unfortunately he wasn't fun to play I hope you'll be more entertaining." She stated in a sweet voice. The man looked at the three in horror, fearful of his life. He started to crawl away. "Awww don't you wanna pway wif us?" Bella asked in her mock baby voice. 'You're both fucking nuts!!' he cried out. Bellatrix laughed cursing him again, this time a shear pain to the eyes. 
Krys laughed when the man freaked out, "I'm not fucking nuts I'm perfectly sane actually I just don't like filthy fucking muggles, quite frankly you all disgust me" ,Krys said bitterly. She watched as Bellatrix cursed the man again and a look of complete satisfaction came across her face. "Oh how I love watching you work love, look how pathetic you've made the poor bastard look" ,Krys started laughing again, a cold twisted laugh.
"She may not be nuts but I am.." Bellatrix cackled madly watching as he writhed in agony. 'What the fuck is a muggle, how the hell are you doing this shit?' He questioned. Bellatrix turned to Krys smiling, she was glad Krys was enjoying the show. "Would you like a turn baby?" She asked willing to share him. As the man started to leave again Bella crused him again. 
Krys looked at Bellatrix and laughed when she asked if she wanted a turn, "Of course I want a turn, this fucker touched you inappropriately and I don't like that" ,Krys said walking over to the man and kicking him hard in the ribs. Krys was a brute and everyone the knew her knew that she liked to torture with physical violence just as much as cursing someone. She kicked the man again then crucioed him for a few minutes before turning back to Bellatrix, "Have at it love".
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