The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

After Krys finished in the shower she got dressed, this time in something that would keep her cool. She put on a pair of shorts and a tank top then made her way out of the bathroom. Krys walked up to Bellatrix and wrapped her arms around her waist and kissed her neck softly, "All yours love" ,she whispered. Krys watched as the elf finished making the bed and sat in a chair while Bellatrix took her shower.
Bellatrix didn't think she had anything to do so she pulled out one of her nightys. As Krys wrapped her arms around Bellatrix, she smiled and giggled slightly as she kissed her neck. Bellatrix quickly hopped into the shower, and washed herself off, wringing out her wet hair, drying off putting on a clean pair of panties and her black nighty. Stepping out waking over to where Krys was sitting.
Krys bit her lip when she looked at Bellatrix, "You are so beautiful my love, everything about you is amazing" ,Krys told her. She grabbed Bellatrix and pulled her onto her lap, "Are you hungry love? I know neither of us have eaten in a bit well I haven't I know that". Krys wrapped her arms around Bellatrix and kissed her on the cheek. "We should eat something love or at least try to".
Bellatrix smiled and blushed as Krys completed her. "Thank you my love, means a lot coming from you." she continued to smile, as Krys pulled her into her lap she giggled. Bellatrix went to answer Krys but paused. "Umm... I'm not sure." She stated having been ignoring when she was hungry or not for so long she couldn't really tell. "I haven't eaten much either..." she stated she had been to upset to eat. Bella placed her hand atop of Krys' nodding her head slightly. "Alright live what are you in the mood for?" she asked curiously.
"I think I want lasagna with a salad and bread then maybe something for dessert" ,Krys replied. She had also been ignoring her hunger and now that she was less depressed she realized how hungry she really was. "What are you in the mood for love"? Krys continued to hold Bellatrix, it felt nice having the woman in her arms again. "Oh one more thing" ,Krys reached into the pocket of her shorts and pulled out the ring. "I know we still have a lot to think about and a lot we have to decide but would you be willing to wear this again? Even if we decide against being together I want you to have it either way".
As Krys said the items she wanted Bellatrix's stomach growled, she looked at her belly, "That sounds really good love, I didn't realize how hungry I was..." she stated with a smile. "Maybe for dessert, we could have Creme Breule?" She stated thinking of something light to go with the lasanga. Bellatrix missed being held, granted her sister held her from time to time, but not like Krys did. "hm? What that dear?" she asked unsure of what Krys was up too. Bellatrix gasped slightly as she saw the ring, her heart melted again, and she wanted to cry. "Yes, of course I'll wear it again, for as long as I live even if we decide other wise." She stated holding her hand up for Krus to place it on her finger.
Krys smiled and placed the ring on Bellatrix's finger, when it was on her finger securely Krys pulled her in for a kiss, "I hope we decide to go through with it Bellatrix I really do, a month without you nearly killed me I couldn't imagine any longer" ,Krys admitted. "So do we eat here or do we order out or go out what do you want to do love? And your suggestion for dessert sounds amazing".
She giggled as Krys placed the ring on her finger. Kissing Krys softly. "As do my darling, life wasn't to pretty on this end either. I don't know what would have happened if you chose not to come home. I couldn't function, I couldn't even look at Iracebeth...and I love her, my own daughter I couldn't look at her. I laid in the bed, in the dark, I didn't deserve to see the light..." She stated getting lost in her thoughts before snapping back out of it. "Hmm.." She thought for a minute, you can eat fast still right? I might be able to keep up with you for once, if not I'll have it wrapped, I think we should go you know if you're father has any polyjuice potion left? We could borrow Cissy's and Lucius hair and we can go out for a night.... Maybe it's a back idea." she was excited then she thought it over and with there luck it would run out too soon. "I'm glad you like the dessert idea." she smiled softly, " We could always eat here seeing that everything is starting to become normal, again."
"Tell you what we'll eat here but..." ,Krys grabbed her wand and waved it making the room they were in turn into what looked like a very fancy restaurant. "Don't worry I'll bring everything back to normal after dinner, just figured we have a nice dinner and relax without having to disguise ourselves and we can have Iracebeth come in and have dinner with us along with the pup, she is eating food now right"? Krys asked unsure of how much the baby had grown in a month.
"Krys...." She gasped in awe. "It's beautiful..." She looked down at herself, "...and I am so not dressed for this." she stated being in her nighty, though it was only her room, it didn't look like it anymore. "That's a wonderful idea love having the pup and the baby..." she stated them went to continue, but paused. "...I don't know the last thing I saw her eat was the pretzel you gave her... I assume so, she no longer feeds from me, I no longer have anything to feed her so I think Cissy weaned her..." She stated that was the day before everything went wrong. "I don't even know where she is at the moment..."Bella said.
"You look absolutely fine, don't worry about dressing all fancy or nothing tonight we'll just relax and be comfortable" ,Krys told Bellatrix. "I'll have the elf go tell Narcissa to bring Iracebeth in here, the pup will follow like he usually does". Krys ran her hand up and down Bellatrix's back in a soothing way, "Let's just have fun tonight love".
Bella smiled as Krys said she looked fine, and not to worry about it. "Alright love, unlike the sound of that, I didn't feel like changing for a third time tonight." She stated playfully. She changed during her first shower, then undressed, then another shower redress, and if she did it again it would be her third outfit that evening, more than she had changed in the whole month. "Okay then, we should tell them to make food as well." She stated, knowing they were both hungry. "No problem love, we can have great fun tonight. You,me, the baby, and the puppy who still needs a name."she stated remembering Iracebeth was going to name him.
Krys summoned the house elf and told it to have Narcissa bring the baby up and then make them dinner. The house elf left and did what it was told, within minutes Narcissa showed up with the baby who looked as if she had just woke up. The pup of course was soon to follow. "Hi Racey, how was your day"? Krys asked with a smile. Narcissa put the baby on the floor and Krys got out of the chair to go play with her and the pup until their food was ready.
Bellatrix stood once the baby and pup came into the room. Once Krys stood to go over to Iracebeth. Bellatrix sat back down on the chair and watched them play. She was afraid she'd hurt someone, with the way her nails were she didn't want to hurt any of them. Bella smiled and watched them play on the floor, they were so cute together. When Iracebeth first came in she was half asleep, having been just awoken from her nap. She smiled brightly,"Love...good." she stated understanding the question just unable to say certain words. Iracebeth continued to play with Krys and the pup.
Krys smiled when Iracebeth responded to her question, "You're getting so smart" ,she said excitedly. "You gonna eat some dinner with me and mommy"? Krys sat and played with the pup and Iracebeth until the elf came in the room and set the food up on the table. "Come on lil' one it's time to eat". Krys summoned a booster seat for the baby then put her in it and pushed her chair up against the table so that she could reach her food.
Iracebeth smiled and clapped her hands, as Krys got excited over her intelligence. Bellatrix continued to watch them smiling until the elf came into the room with the food. Bellatrix stood from her chair and walked over to them, petting the puppy, who knew he'd get some as well. As Krys stood up and put Iracebeth in her seat, Bella wasn't too far behind standing up and walking over to the table. "Who''s Mummy's smart little girl?" Bella asked, Racey looked at her mother and smiled, "Me." Racey started to laugh. Bellatrix smiled, "Yes, you are." she stated smiling sitting down at the table.
Krys laughed with the baby, "She's growing up so fast" ,Krys said as she sat down at the table. She began to hand everyone their food as they sat at the table. Krys made a bowl for the dog and set it on the floor next to the table, "Here ya go pup, enjoy". Krys poured everyone a drink as well before she started to eat. "It's nice to be able to sit down and have a nice meal with the family" ,Krys said. She hadn't realized what she had said until after she said it. Krys wanted to correct herself but didn't know how.
"Yes she is...she needs to stop...she's not even a year until a couple months she stated. "Thank you," Bella said as she was handled food, Iracebeth watched her mother and when food was given to her she said "Tank you" with a smile. Bella smiled as she began to cut the baby's food up for her. When Bellatrix finished she grabbed her cup and took a sip. She then began to cut her own food she smiled at what Krys had said, until she saw the look on Lrys' face as if she regretted saying it or that she hadn't meant to say it. Her smile faded, and instead of playing with her food like she normally did, she just dug in too hungry to really care.
Krys ate a few bites then took a sip from her cup, she then put her hand on Bellatrix's and looked at her. "It's good to be here with you guys again it really is" ,she told Bellatrix. Krys was happy to be back with the three she had missed them while she was away. "How are you doing over there Racey? Is it good"? Krys asked looking at the baby who was working on her plate.
Bellatrix was quiet, looking at her plate while she ate chewing her food. She turned her attention to her hand as Krys placed her hand on top. She smiled slightly, "It's good to have you back here, with us...where you belong." Bellatrix stated even if they made the choice to pull apart or take a break Krys was still abart of them, and belonged safe in the manor. Iracebeth played with her food stabbing it with her fork but as she tried to copy Love and her Mommy, it slid off her fork. "Can't do it..." She pouted then grabbed a piece with her fingers and placed it in her mouth, "Yummy..." she stated then swallowed. She put her fork down and looked at Bellatrix, "Mummy..? Where's daddy?" she asked inoccently she knew Krys wasn't her dad, she didn't know how she knew but she knew. Bellatrix paused and looked at Krys.
When Iracebeth asked where her father was Krys stopped eating, she looked at Bellatrix noticing she was looking at her. "I-uhm I dunno how to respond to that love" ,Krys admitted. She had no idea what to tell Racey about her father, he was the dark lord Krys knew he wasn't exactly the loving father type but he was her father and Krys hadn't prepared herself for this situation. "Bellatrix what do you think we should tell her"? Krys whispered.
Bellatrix didn't know what to tell her daughter. She didn't think she'd have to worry about it so soon. "Uh umm..." bellatrix shrugged at Krys she had no clue then it came to her. "Um Daddy is working love, he's very important and very busy, so Krys is here to help Mummy care for you." She stated sweetly insure of what to tell the baby and hoped Krys was okay with that answer. "Krys loves you very much just as much as I do babe." Bella stated softly.
Krys let out a sigh of relief when Bellatrix answered her daughter, "Yes I do love you Racey very much" ,Krys said. She looked at Bellatrix and smiled, "Thank you, I couldn't have explained it if I tried" ,Krys whispered. She was glad Bellatrix had explained it the way she did, it was the best way to explain it after all and she wasn't lying.
Bellatrix smiled she knew if anything ever happened to her Iracebeth would be in safe hands. She turned her attention to Krys, " No problem...I'm shocked I could answer it." She stated softly. Iracebeth watched the two talk secretly to each other. "When is he coming home?" she asked curiously. She wanted to see her father unable to remember what he looked like. Bellatrix wasn't sure what to say to this one, it was never clear when he was coming.
"Soon love, soon as soon as he has a break from work" ,Krys said trying to help Bellatrix out. She continued to eat her food and tried to talk to Iracebeth to take her mind off of things for the time being. "Racey what did you and the pup do today, do you have a name for him yet"? Krys asked in an excited tone. She wondered if the baby knew of anything to name the pup yet.
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