The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Iracebeth looked at her plate, then at Bellatrix. Bella caught the hint, put her utensils down, scooted closer taking Racey's fork, and started to feed her. Bella stopped so Iracebeth could talk. "We played, and ate...and we took a nap...and we tried to visit mummy but she was sick and sleeping...took another nap then we saw mummy again wif you...then played Auntie Cissy read us a story until we fell asweep and now we eating wif yous." She stated giving a run down of their day. She took another bite. " not yet..." she stated still trying to think of a good name.
"Ah sounds like you had a fun day and don't worry about the name just yet I know you'll think of something great" ,Krys told Iracebeth. She watched as Bellatrix fed the baby and smiled, "You're such a good mum you know that love". After Krys finished eating she waited for everyone else to be done before ordering the house elf to get them their dessert. "I got something good for you Racey, you're gonna love it" ,Krys told the baby, she had the elf get her a piece of cake and some milk.
Iracebeth nodded her head, she enjoyed her day. "Okay..." she stated thinking of names for the dog. As Bellatrix fed her she continued to eat her food, once she was finished, Bella stopped feeding her, going back to her own plate. Finishing what was left. Bellatrix smiled brightly at Krys' complement. "Thank you dear." she stated before taking a sip of her drink. She wondered what Krys put in for the baby's dessert. Once the elf brought it in she smiled. "Ooo yummy, I'm jealous." she playfully stated. "..and you are good at spoiling her." Bella smiled, she was glad that Lrys' spoiled and loved the baby.
Krys finished her dessert rather quickly as well, when she was done she sat and waited for everyone else to be done. "So what do you want to do after dinner love"? Krys asked Bellatrix right before taking a sip from her glass. "I know I'll have to change the room back soon but other then that what do you think we all should do tonight"? Krys looked at Bellatrix and waited for her answer, she wanted to do something with the baby and Bellatrix and of course the pup seeing it had been a while since they had all been together.
Before Bellatrix ate her own dessert, she broke up the baby's slice of cake, and fed her a piece at a time until she didn't want anymore. Bellatrix then handed the baby her bottle of milk, so she could wash down the cake. As Iracebeth was pre-occupied she began to eat her dish. Looking over at Krys who was practically finished with her's. "Um...hmm..We could play a game...I'm not sure what though." She replied taking another bite. She was happy that they were all together again.
Krys sat and thought for a moment before coming up with an idea. "We can teach the dog to fetch" ,Krys suggested. It wasn't a bad idea, she knew Racey could throw and it would be nice to teach the two how to play together. "We can either go outside, depending on how the weather is or I can just swap the room again and make it like the outside".
"That sounds like a good idea...seeing as we've had it a bit rough this month maybe we should rest a bit, rearrange the room to look as though we were outside." She stated, being away from each other torturing themselves. Bellatrix being not as young as she used to be, didn't bounce back as quickly.
Krys nodded her head in agreement, "OK love I'll switch the room as soon as everyone is finished eating" ,Krys told her. She waited until everyone was finished then waved her wand, the room changed over to look like a yard with a bunch of toys. "There we go now let's have some fun eh guys" ,Krys grabbed a ball and motioned for the baby to come over to her when she did Krys handed her the ball. "I want you to throw this as far as you can then watch what the pup does".
Bellatrix watched as Krys gave the ball to Iracebeth. Iracebeth took the ball and smiled then threw it as hard as she could, falling on her bottom and laughing. Bellatrix smiled and sat next to Iracebeth waiting to see what the puppy would do. The pup ran after the ball as fast as his little legs could carry him, graving it and chewing on it.
Krys whistled at the dog, "Alright pup bring it back to Iracebeth" ,Krys said. The pup looked up and ran back to them, when he got up to Racey he dropped the ball at her feet. Krys picked it up and wiped it off before handing it back to the baby. "OK throw it again". Krys watched as Racey played with the pup, the baby was laughing so hard and it was cute.
Bellatrix continued to watch the game. "That a girl, Racey." she stated happily. For a baby her through was pretty good. Seeing her baby laugh made her smile and giggle slightly. The pressed on Iracebeth threw the ball and the puppy chased the ball. "This was a good idea love, you're so good with her." Bellatrix stated with bright smile across her face.
Krys returned the smile to Bellatrix it was nice to hear that she was doing good with the baby. "Thank you love I'm trying, I just think of things I liked to do when I was younger ya know" ,Krys said in response. "I love you guys and I love seeing you all happy, so I do what I can". Krys moved closer to Bellatrix and put her arm around her as they watched the two play together.
"It's working and better than what I liked to do...I yards to torture small animals then feel bad that I did it then did it again." She stated Bellatrix loved animals so she didn't like the fact she used to hurt them. "I love you and so they, I was told Iracebeth kept calling for you and me over the month, and she cozied up to your father." she informed her. Bellatrix laid her hands on Krys as Krys held her, smiling she was home.
Krys smiled when Bellatrix said that Iracebeth cozied up to her father, "Did he do the knee bounce thing? If so that's cool he used to do that with me all the time when I'd get upset or when I was bored, he used that tactic until I was like seven years old" ,Krys told Bellatrix. "I do love Racey very much Bellatrix and I want to make you all happy and be here for you". Krys kissed Bellatrix's neck softly then rested her chin on Bellatrix's shoulder as she continued to hold her and watch the baby and the pup have fun.
"I don't know dear, you'll have to ask Lucius or Cissy, I was in here at the time." She stated smiling softly. "I know you do love, you spoil her like no tomorrow, and you're always around her." Bellatrix knew that Krys loved the baby with all her heart, and she knew the Krys loved her as well, she was with her every step of the way. "You already do love just being with us makes us happy, I'm sorry sorry about what happened a month ago...I was frightened sidnt know what was going on, but if you need proof of our happiness I think Cissy bugged the house to watch us all, if you see the tapes from your absence to your return there is a big difference. " She explained resting her head on Keys' watching them.
"I believe you love I was miserable, my father found me nearly dead from alcohol poisoning more then once" ,Krys told her. "I was stupid and selfish". Krys leaned into Bellatrix more so that she could whisper into her ear, "I'm not going to just kill Rudolphus, I'm going to torture him until he begs for death". Krys meant it she hated the man for what he had done. " me" ,Iracebeth shouted noticing Krys wasn't looking. "I'm so sorry sweetheart you have my full attention from now on" ,Krys said with a smile. Racey smiled back then threw the ball to the pup again.
"We can't separate, we love each other to much.  If I had known it wasn't you Cissy wouldn't have thrown you out..." She held Krys' arms tighter. Bellatrix smiled as Krys whisper the Rudolphus was going to pain slowly and painfully. She couldn't wait until then. Bellatrix looked up at her daughter when she yelled from Krys. "Hm...I'm not sure if I like that...My daughter is stealing you away from me." She stated then laughed it was cute. 
Krys laughed when Bellatrix said the baby was taking her away, "Don't worry love I love you both equally and you know that". Krys was happy that she had them, she loved Iracebeth as if she were her own daughter and she wanted to marry Bellatrix, Krys had never really known love until her and Bellatrix got together then after the baby was born she got even more love and it felt nice. "I'll never leave you guys again, I promise".
Bellatrix pouted playfully,"But that's not were mine first!" she whine playfully as well. Then laughed, it was funny. Bellatrix had known both love and heart break, before Krys. But now she was happy again, never thinking she could love again, especially her ex-lovers daughter, plus the fact that they hated each other at first. "I know you won't, and we won't leave you."
When Bellatrix pouted Krys giggled a little bit, "You know what, later when we're all alone I'll show you lots and lots of love a kind of love that only you get the privilege of getting from me" ,Krys bit Bellatrix's ear playfully. She turned her attention back to the baby and the pup, Iracebeth was making her way toward the two holding the ball out, "Mommy you do, then Love's turn" ,Racey said grabbing Bellatrix's hand and putting the ball in it.
Bellatrix listened to Krys talk about the 'sercet love' that only Bellatrix's can receive from Krys. She smiled "..Okay I feel better now." She giggled, and continued to do so as Krys bit her ear playfully. She looked over at the baby who was coming towards her, giving her the ball. Bella smiled and bit her lip, she looked at her bany, then at the ball then up at Krys then back to the ball. "Ewww...doggy spit." she joked them threw the ball for the pup.
Krys laughed when Bellatrix took the ball the look on the older witch's face was priceless when she felt the doggy spit. "You're so cute love" ,Krys told her. She watched as Bellatrix threw the ball, the pup grabbed it quickly and ran back to them, he dropped the ball directly in front of Krys as if he knew what Iracebeth had wanted him to do. "You're a smart pup eh? We better watch out or they'll be plotting against us" ,Krys joked right before throwing the ball for the pup to fetch again.
Bellatrix looked up at Krys as she laughed at her. "It's yucky..." she stated pouting again making Iracebeth laugh. Which was Bella's aim. "they're very smart, shhh don't give them ideas love." she stated. Watching the two play watching as the pup ran for the ball. Bellatrix rubbed her hand on her nighty, wiping away the spit.
Krys' smile hadn't left her face, she was so happy to be back with her family, yes she considered them all her family. When the pup came back with the ball Krys had thrown she looked at Iracebeth, "You wanna throw it again"? Krys asked the baby. Racey shook her head, "No I wanna do somfing else" ,Iracebeth said cutely. "Ok what do you wanna do"? Krys replied. The baby sat and thought for a moment, "I wanna....I wanna uhhhmmmm....I want you and mommy to read me and pup a story" ,Racey finally decided. Krys looked at Bellatrix, "What do you say love? I'll change the room back and we can all lay on the bed and read a story".
Bellatrix watched her daughter intently when she no longer wanted to play fetch anymore. Listening as she tried to think of something to do. Bellatrix smiled softly, at the idea that Iracebeth wanted a story. Looking to Krys, "it sounds like a wonderful idea love." She stated standing waiting for Krys to change the room back to normal and once it was, Bella grabbed her baby, walking over to the bed climbing in. "Well let's see...Once upon a time, in a far away land lived a happy little family...." she started.
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