The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Bellatrix pouted and looked at the pathetic man on the ground,"Oh no sounds like you've upset my lover,sucks to be you doesn't it?" She stated with a smile and cackled wickedly watching as Krys kicked him in the ribs and cursed him she thought she heard something crack. "I'm growing bored with him I know what to do Crucio...follow me. " she said grabbing the man apperating to the mental ward, walking in she went to the front desk. 'Hello how may I help you?' the woman behind the desk asked. "Hello, I found this man and he keeps bababling about witches and how he was them, that's all he seems to say, then he hit his head, knocked himself out.." Bellatrix explained. 'Witches huh? Poor buggar we'll take good care of him' Said the woman taking the man. Bellatrix walked right out, waiting for keys laughing.
Krys apparated to where Bellatrix was and smiled, "A mental ward eh? He's going to have loads of fun here" ,Krys said as she put her arm around Bellatrix's waist. "You know after tonight I have no doubt in my mind that you're the one I want to spend my life with, we have something that is way too perfect to disrupt or tear apart". Krys looked at Bellatrix and a nervous smile formed on her lips, "That's if you'll still have me" ,she said. She looked at Bellatrix and waited for her reaction.
"Well I figured he would, I know I did." she stated sarcastically her and her sick humor. As Krys's arm went around her waist her's went around Krys' shoulder. "Your right...we bounce back quick too...but their is something special between us..." Bellatrix smiled warmly, "Yes I do, I long as you still want me too." 
"Of course I want you too love, there's nothing that I want more" ,Krys said in response before kissing Bellatrix softly. "I love you and always will". Krys held Bellatrix close for a little bit before looking into her eyes, "So do you want to head home or is there somewhere else you want to go before we end our night"?
Bellatrix smiled brightly at Krys as she reassured her that she wanted her as well. Bella kissed Krys back softly, "As will I," she smiled brightly. As Krys held her close she cuddled into her, looking into her eyes. Bellatrix thought for a moment, "Unless you have anything you want to do, I'm finished, we'll just need to grab the paper to see what they say about the crazed and the stiff," She stated wanting to know what would be said about the murder and a man ranting about witches. "I'm ready to head home if you are."
"I'm ready to head home as well love, let's go" ,Krys said as she held out her hand for Bellatrix to grab. "I'd like to just lay down for a while and relax with you I think we both deserve it, what do you say"? Krys looked at Bellatrix and waited for her answer. She really did love the woman and their time apart only made her realize it more.
"Alright love, let's go home." She grabbed ahold of Krys' hand gently. Bellatrix looked at her and smiled, "I'd like that love. We both do deserve it, it will be nice to relax together. " She was happy all seemed right with the world. Holding onto Krys, Bellatrix apperated to the manor.
When they got back to the manor Krys looked at Bellatrix, "So do you want to attempt to move the little ones or do you want to just sleep in my room tonight"? Krys asked. She smiled a bit at the thought of the two sleeping on Bellatrix's bed. "We might have hell if we wake them up".
That was a good question, Bellatrix thought about it. Wake the two sleeping angels up and recieve hell for it or let them sleep nice and sound, and sleep in Krys' bed. "We might or we might not...I'm not sure what to do...What do you think love? I don't mind sleeping in your room.." She smiled softly still trying to work out what they could do.
That was a good question, Bellatrix thought about it. Wake the two sleeping angels up and recieve hell for it or let them sleep nice and sound, and sleep in Krys' bed. "We might or we might not...I'm not sure what to do...What do you think love? I don't mind sleeping in your room.." She smiled softly still trying to work out what they could do.
"We can try and sneak into the bed and sleep with them but I dunno how well it'll go over, I wouldn't mind getting you in my bed though" ,Krys said. A cheesy smile formed on her lips, she was joking around of course but in all reality she just wanted to hold Bellatrix, the woman she loved and wanted to be with for the rest of her life. "So the decision is yours love, if we sleep in my room I'll keep getting up to check on the kids so you can sleep if you chose my room".
"Yes I assume we could always do that...but they still might wake up..." Bellatrix smiled back at her knowing she was joking, "I don't care love your's or mine so long as I'm with you I don't care." It was true just being with Krys would make her happy."I don't want you to have to keep getting up need your rest too. Let's try my room that way we're all together, okay?"
Krys smiled at Bellatrix's answer, "Sounds great love, I'm just gonna take a quick shower to wash the blood off of me before the little one's see it I don't want to expose Racey to this lifestyle just yet she'll learn in her own time" ,Krys replied. She walked into Bellatrix's room to grab some clothes for herself seeing she basically moved into the woman's room after they got together.
"Okay baby....Don't be too long...I'll miss you." Bellatrix smiled at Krys, then went and poured her a drink in the kitchen while Krys went to shower. Once Bella was done she went into her room quietly changing into her night dress, gently crawling into bed not waking either of the kids, wrapping her arm softly around her baby,as she waited she drifted off to sleep having had a busy day plush having a rough month.
Krys washed up relatively quickly, she made sure she got all the blood off of her body before getting out of the shower. When she got out she got dressed into something comfortable then made her way to the kitchen to get a glass of water then made her way back to the bedroom. Krys laid down in the bed on the opposite side of Bellatrix, when she laid down the pup stirred and opened his eyes. He snuggled up to Krys and fell back asleep. Krys looked over at Bellatrix and smiled, she was happy that they were together again, now they could both focus on work and family.
Bellatrix slept straight through till morning, feeling the sun on her face. Bellatrix opened her eyes, seeing her family all curled up on the bed, the sight made her smile. She slid out of bed and silently went  to shower, since she was too tired last night. Bella summoned a house elf once she was dry and dressed to start making breakfast.  
When Krys woke up breakfast had already been made, she smiled when she seen Bellatrix. "Good morning love" ,she said quietly noticing the baby and the pup were still asleep. Krys climbed out of bed slowly and got dressed, when she was finished she heard a pop and turned around noticing the dark lord standing in front of her. She bowed to him and then waited for him to speak. "Krys I need you to go and listen in on a meeting the Order is going to be holding this afternoon some of my sources gave me the location of the meeting and I need someone I trust to go and get me any information they can" ,Voldemort instructed Krys. With a nod of agreement from Krys Voldemort left the room and made his way down the hall.
Bellatrix was standing by the dresser, when she heard stirring. She smiled brightly, "Good morning my love." She whispered softly. Bellatrix was about to go and wrap her arms around Krys when there was a pop, turning to see the Dark Lord. Bella bowed low to him when Krys did. Bellatrix looked to the two on the bed while listening to the Dark Lord's words. Once he was out of sight Bellatrix approached Krys, "That was brief..." She stated the hugged Krys gently. "He must have other business...probably with Lucius since he didn't leave..." Bella concluded if he needed her to do something he would have said so she doesn't hide from Krys. 
"Yeah that was pretty brief he usually drills the mission into people heads and explains exactly what he wants done, guess I do have his trust" ,Krys said with a tone of happiness. She had always wanted to earn his trust and she felt proud of herself for doing so. "So I guess we'll be apart briefly today but when I get back I promise we'll all do something great ok".
"It's very strange...Yes and what a wonderful thing to have his trust, when he trusts so little." She stated the two were in his favor though she was curious to why he chose Krys to go and not her, probably so she could watch the baby. "Alright love I can't wait, till you come home...I miss you already." she stated it was sappy but after not being with Krys she missed her. "Be careful.."
"Don't worry love I'll be careful I always am, I'll pick up a few things on my way home perhaps a bottle of wine for after the kids go to sleep we can sit by the fire and relax like we used to" ,Krys suggested right before kissing Bellatrix on the forehead. "It is a wonderful thing to have his trust and I won't let him down, we do have a few hours before I have to leave let me make you guys breakfast before I go".
"I know...just a reminder..Mmm alright sounds like a marvelous evening ahead. I'd like that as soon as we can get them to sleep that is." She stated smiling.  "True..I know you won't baby... You never do. Yes we do...the house elf had made breakfast but I won't turn down your cooking, if you wanna remake it."
"Alright I want to make Racey an omelet I think she'll like it I know the pup will" ,Krys said happily. She made her way to the kitchen and started to cook, the house elf had already gotten the stuff out to make breakfast but ended up being side tracked and had to clean up a nasty spill in the sitting room. "Ms. Snape I am so sorry please let me finish it I will make it quick" ,the elf squeaked. "No go finish doing what Narcissa needs you to I'll cook for my family then it's off to work" ,Krys told the elf who bowed then made his way back to cleaning up the rest of the manor. After Krys finished cooking the elf returned to the kitchen to help her carry everything up to the room. "Alright guys I hope you're hungry because I've cooked the ultimate breakfast for you all" ,Krys said as she opened the door.
"Alright love, I'm sure they'll love it. I know I will.." Bellatrix smiled, watching as Krys took off for the kitchen. Bella stayed there with the baby and the puppy watching as they slept, waiting until Krys came back before waking them up. Bella heard Krys coming and nudged the babes awake, they looked around and yawned. "Krys has made you something special, for breakfast." she stated watching as Krys and the elf walked into the room. "Oh love you spoil us too much...what would we do without you?"
Krys smiled at Bellatrix, "Of course I spoil you guys I love you crazy people" ,Krys said. She made her way over to the bed after setting the food down. "I made pretty much everything anyone could want for breakfast, I made Racey an omelet with ham and cheese and some blueberry pancakes with lots of butter and syrup" ,Krys turned and looked at the pup. "And for you pup I made a nice steak with some vegetables I know how much you like it". Krys then looked at Bellatrix, "And everything else is up to whatever we want, the tea will be up here shortly the elf just went to get it".
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