The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

"She should be, I doubt that she's left Krys has been glued to that damn bar since the day she was kicked out" ,Severus said in response to Narcissa. Lucius made his way up to Rodolphus' room and searched around, just as the dark lord hinted there was a cauldron full of polyjuice potion sitting in Rodolphus' closet. Lucius brought the cauldron down to show Severus and Narcissa, "It wasn't Krys after all" ,Lucius said with a smirk of satisfaction knowing he was right. Severus mad his way out the door followed by Narcissa the two apparated to the Leaky Cauldron. Severus spotted Krys at the bar drinking like she had been for the past month, "Krys your name was cleared you can come back to the manor" ,Severus said as he placed a hand on her shoulder. Krys looked at her father then to Narcissa, they both looked blurry but she could tell who it was even if she was wasted, "Why would I want to come back? Hmm Everyone fucking hates me Narcissa was probably overjoyed she had an excuse to kick me out and get me away from her sister" ,Krys slurred. It was no surprise she was still upset about everything, "I mean I thought people would think better of me having known me for years and knowing that I loved Bellatrix and fought for our fucking relationship against EVERYONE, but no all it took was Rodolphus drinking a polyjuice potion and pretending he was me, no one looked into it no one cared fuck you guys you can all go fuck yourselves I'll never step foot in that fucking house again" ,Krys took another shot, she spilled a little bit down the front of her already dirty tank top.
"I feel so aweful, Severus I'm terribly sorry, I should have known something wasn't right." She stated beating herself up over it. She felt truly horrible about the whole ordeal, she should have known it was Rudolphus. Narcissa looked at her husband when he came back down with the polyjuice potion, she could see the look on his face. "The only thing still missing is Krys' knife. " She stated not having found it after the attack. She followed Sereverus out the door. Bellatrix laid in her bed as everything swirled around her, she started to pop more random pills into her system trying to ease the pain she felt within her head. If it was the last thing she did she was going to kill Rudolphus. 

"No honey, I was foolish and irrational, I didn't want to kick you out, I felt bad about doing it in the first place, your like my daughter, I've been unfair even before this...I'm sorry I'm truly sorry." Narcissa was sorry for everything she wanted Krys to know that. "Krys sweetie the baby misses you your all she talks about, well you and Bellatrix but Bellatrix hasn't even been able to look at her child, Krys she needs you now more than ever, she's basically killing herself slowly, not eating, sleeping, or moving, not even letting light into her room. " Narcissa stated hoping to convince her to cone home, " The  baby needs you and even the puppy hasn't been himself."
Krys thought for a second about the baby, she loved that little girl dearly, "You can bring the baby to visit me" ,Krys said. She knew that would never happen she lived in a pub and was constantly drunk. Krys drank another shot then looked at Narcissa and her father again, "I've already lost everything that baby will forget me so will the pup just give it time and Bellatrix will find someone better then me, just let me kill myself in peace" ,Krys then took another shot, Severus looked as if he were on the verge of tears. He looked to Narcissa unsure of what to say next. Krys fell silent and fixed her attention on the bar not looking back at the two, she had given up any hope that her and Bellatrix could ever work and she didn't want to make it any harder on herself so she just said goodbye. She fidgeted with her empty glass before slamming her fist on the counter, "I told you to keep this full"! She yelled and the bartender came over and filled it, Krys downed it in one gulp.
"Krys, don't talk like that, With how advanced Iracebeth's mind us she wouldn't forget you and that pup knows you by heart. Bellatrix is...Bella is.....well she's Bellatrix and she still loves you that's why she's lost and hurt. She misses you terribly, that's another reason why she didn't defend herself when she was attacked, thinking it was you she wouldn't have been able to harm you even if it menu her own death. She won't find another, she won't be able to find another Krys out there, she doesn't want another, she wants you.." Narcissa tried to convince her to see reason, it broke her heart knowing Krys wanted to die. Narcissa placed a hand on Severus' arm she saw he was devastated. Narcissa sighed, whispering to Severus "wait here."

Narcissa apperated back to the manor to grab Bellatrix seeing the pills on the bed, and Bellatrix shaking. "Damn it Bella!" She snapped finding something to stop the reaction in the potions cabinet. "Stop trying to die everything will work out. Get your cloak. " She stated taking the pills away. Bella was disoriented, no idea to what was happening. Narcissa sighed and grabbed Bella's cloak, wrapping her sister in it, making sure she was fully covered before appearating back to the Leaky Caldron, Bella's hood was up completely covering her no one could tell who she was. Bellatrix thought she was dreaming, she saw Krys, though her vision was disoriented she Knew Krys, then Severus. Bella reached out and put her hand on Krys' shoulder gently.
Krys kept drinking, tears falling from her eyes at the thought of the baby and even the pup. Why was suicide so hard? She had never had a problem trying to kill herself before so why did she care so much now. Her thoughts were broken when she felt someone grab her shoulder gently, she turned around and seen Bellatrix and began to cry a little harder. "What do want Bellatrix? It's not me you made that clear when you threw that ring at me" ,Krys choked out. She turned her head away from Bellatrix trying to fight the urge to grab the woman and hold her tight, Krys was so afraid of getting her heart broken again that she was confused on what to do, she was dying without Bellatrix but if she went back to her she feared she would just get hurt again.
Seeing Krys the way she was, hurt Bellatrix to the core of her heart. Bella's legs nearly gave out from under her, not used to being up and about, including apperating she was weak. Narcissa stepped behind her keeping her up. Bellatrix could tell Krys was crying, Her words stung Bellatix like a million bees sting her heart angry because it was beating. Bella gasped and held her breath a moment, quickly removing her hand as if she had been bitten. Bellatrix was trying with all her might to speak still unable to find words after not speaking for a month. She stepped, behind  Krys and gently and hesitantly wrapped her arms around Krys. "I....I'm.....s...sss....sooo......ssooorrryy" she managed to say
Krys fell apart when she felt Bellatrix's arms wrap around her, tears filled her eyes as she put her hand onto Bellatrix's. "I.....I'll come home but.....things won't be the same and we both know that" ,Krys said quietly so only Bellatrix could hear her. Krys attempted to stand up but stumbled and nearly fell over, Severus grabbed her before she hit the ground. He helped her out of the bar and apparated her back to the manor and sat her on the couch in the sitting room. Krys leaned her head back and looked at the ceiling she was starting to get a headache from the alcohol.
Bellatrix nodded her head tears in her own eyes, she wanted Krys to come home, she wanted to be in her arms, she was happy Krys agreed to return. She knew things wouldn't be exactly the same, no matter how much they wanted it to be. Bellatrix reached for Krys in turn almost falling as well, but Narcissa grabbed her and apperated back to the manor. Narcissa brought Bellatrix straight up to her room, she needed to rest a bit. "K..krys?" Bella asked as her sister laid her down." You'll see her once you get some rest, ok? She's home and safe now." She assured Bellatrix, who closed her eyes and fell asleep. Narcissa went down to the kitchen to get Krys a glass of water. "Here you are dear." she smiled warmly and placed the water on the table.
Krys looked at the glass of water then grabbed it and took a sip, she looked at her father, "Go get me something that'll sober me up" ,she asked. Severus agreed and made his way to his room and grabbed Krys a potion that would make her sober up without any side affects like a hangover. When he returned Krys took the potion and downed it, she waited a few minutes for the potion to work before standing up. The first thing Krys did was make her way to where the baby was, she had missed Iracebeth while she was gone. When Krys seen her she was surprised at how big she had gotten, Krys turned silently to leave the room seeing Racey sleeping peacefully. Just before she got to the door she was stopped, "L-love....LOVE"! Racey squealed before Krys could leave the room. Krys spun around and smiled at the baby reaching out for her to grab her the puppy perked up as well. Krys walked over to the crib and picked the baby up then put her on the floor and sat down to play with her and the pup for a while to take her mind off of things.
Narcissa smiled when she heard the baby squeak, the little one seemed happy again. Iracebeth was over joyed that Krys had returned, playing with her. She had missed Krys dearly. As she played she looked aroud figuring her mom would be there."Mama?" she asked cutely. Narcissa gave a nod, "I have to go if not she'll start...." she stated but was interrupted by Bellatrix screaming. "....start screaming. " Cissa heading up to bellatrix
Krys heard Bellatrix scream and a confused look came over her face, why was she screaming? Krys thought to herself. Krys stood up and held her arms out motioning for Racey to come to her. She picked up the baby, "C'mon pup let's go see mummy" ,Krys said patting her leg with her free hand. Krys made her way to Bellatrix's room and walked in, "We'll take it from here Narcissa, in about a half hour come and get the baby so I can talk to Bellatrix alone". Narcissa nodded in agreement then left the room, Krys made her way over to the bed and put Iracebeth down and had her crawl up to Bellatrix, the pup jumped up onto the bed and made his way over to her as well. Krys climbed into the bed slowly and laid next to Bellatrix, "Things will figure themselves out love ok don't worry" ,Krys whispered into Bellatrix's ear. She wasn't 100% about forgiving Bellatrix yet but she also didn't like to see her like this.
"'s alright, you're alright, it was only a dream.." Narcissa cooed cradling her older sister, soothing her. Bellatrix clung onto her sisters arm, she had been having herendious nightmares, since Krys was kicked out, on top of the pills she was taking at random. Her chest heaved as she breathed. Bellatrix tried to hold tight to her sister who was moving away from her. Bellatrix finally laid eyes on her daughter, after not seeing her for a month. Iracebeth had grown since she saw her last and she had more hair. Iracebeth cuddled into her mother who in turn wrapped her arms around her baby. Bellatrix pet the puppy when he came over to her she missed them in the same area as her. Bella watched as Krys climbed into the bed as well, She looked at Krys with sorrow in her eyes. Bellatrix missed the sound of Krys' voice, ringing in her ears.
After the half hour passed Narcissa came in and grabbed Iracebeth as Krys told her to do, the puppy followed them out of the room and Krys turned her attention to Bellatrix. "I know you've been drugging yourself" ,she whispered quietly. "I have been do only with different things, I want you to take this potion it'll make you fell better" ,Krys pulled a small bottle out of her jeans pocket that she had gotten from her father, she opened Bellatrix's hand and put the bottle in it. "After you take that you should feel good enough to come take a shower we both need one, then we'll eat something, you need to start worrying about your child love, she needs".
Bellatrix watched as iracebeth was taken out of the room, waving as she went followed by the pup. Bellatrix didn't turn away until after Krys had said that she knew. Bella looked in Krys direction but didn't look her in the eyes. Her head tilted slightly as Krys told her to take a potion. Bella lightly held the bottle in her hand,running her thumb up and down it. "...They...They make the pain go away...but...they make the nightmares worse..." she stated in no louder than a whisper. "I do...and she's fine with Cissy, she more compendent to raise a child than I....How? How can you need...someone who hurts you?" Bellatrix asked. She started to say what had happened, getting emotional. "I couldn't read him in time...when I went to he through me into the wall....I thought it was you, I didn't...I won't fight you....When he stabbed me...with your knife... I thought he was you....I'm soo sorry...." By then she was shaking and crying she should have know Krys would have never harmed her. Bellatrix moved her pillows, where there was a small hole in the bed, she pulled out the bottle of pills wanting to take them, handing them over to Krys, so she wouldn't take them. Bellatrix lifted the bottle Krys had given her, opening it. Slowly and shakily, Bellatrix brought it to her lips downing the bottle of potion.
Krys listened as Bellatrix spoke, she was hurt and Krys could tell. "Bellatrix I'm highly upset but I can't honestly blame you, it killed me when you threw this at me though" ,Krys said holding up the ring she had given Bellatrix over a year beforehand. She started to tear up, "I feel as if I've lost you for good ya know. I tried to kill myself multiple times while I was gone but someone was always there to save me. I didn't want to live without you". Krys watched as Bellatrix took the potion, when she had finished drinking it Krys stood up, "Well might as well clean myself up then, you should too it'll make you feel better". Krys walked out of the room and made her way to the bathroom and turned on the water she stepped into the shower and began scrubbing the dirt and dried blood off of her body.
Bellatrix saw the ring that Krys had given her, which she threw back at Krys. "I thought I lost you too, if I had known that it was him... I wouldn't have thrown it.... you." she stated calming some but still tearful. "You will never lose me, even if we're not together, you still won't lose me." She stated truthfully, even as she thought Krys tried to kill her Bella was still her's. Bellatrix was sad that Krys attempted suicide on multiple occasions, if Krys had died Bella would have been soon after. Bella nodded her head as Krys stood to go take a shower, it would probably make her feel better. Bella slowly stood as she started to come back to normal, after drinking the potion. She walked over to the bathroom and cast her dirty clothes aside. Hopping in the shower removing the filth from her body. The warm water felt wonderful on her flesh. Once she was finished, Bella dried herself and wrapped a towel around her, calling a house elf to change her sheets. Bellatrix then put on her dark Purple dress, she left her hair down for once not having the motivation to pin it up. As soon as the house elf was finished, Bella laid down on top of the covers.
When Krys finished washing up she felt a lot better then she did before, she was clean and refreshed. She threw on a pair of pajama pants and a black tank top, she threw the clothes she had been wearing in the trash. Krys made her way back to Bellatrix's room and looked at her laying on the bed, she was still beautiful to Krys even if she had lost weight and was at her worse. Krys climbed into the bed again and looked at Bellatrix, "I love you" ,Krys whispered right before kissing Bellatrix hard on the lips. No matter how hard Krys wanted to fight jumping back into things with Bellatrix she just couldn't, she needed to feel Bellatrix close to her she craved her, she wanted her. Being without the woman for nearly a month killed Krys and now that she was right in front of her she just couldn't resist touching her.
Bellatrix was starting to feel better already, no longer in physical pain, no more pills, nice hot shower. Bella had closed her eyes for a minute, once she felt the bed move she opened her eyes again, seeing Krys. Bellatrix smiled softly, "I love you too," She managed to say before Krys had pulled her into a hard passionate kiss. Bella wrapped her arms around Krys holding her close. She missed Krys' touch, her kiss, her eyes, and she missed Krys, that was all that needed to be said, she loved and missed everything about her, Bella's life was ruined without her, once they were back on track she was going to murder Rudolphus, for his misdeeds.
Krys continued to kiss Bellatrix not ever wanting to let go, she climbed on top of her and continued to kiss her passionately. She ran her fingers through Bellatrix's hair as she kissed her. Krys made her way from Bellatrix's lips to her neck where she bit down softly, her breathing becoming heavy. She moved to look into Bellatrix's eyes, "I want you so bad right have no idea.....I know it sounds bad but.....I-I want to touch you like I used to, I want to hear you scream the way you used to, I want it all Bellatrix....I-I need it".
Bellatrix continued to kiss Krys back, she was shocked that Krys had climbed onto her without any real thought. Bellatrix didn't mind she was loving every minute of it.  Bella sighed into their kiss as Krys ran her fingers through her hair. She continued to hold onto Krys as she kissed her lips then shifting to her neck, Bella sighed as Krys kissed her neck. Bellatrix let out a squeak as Krys bit her neck. Her breath was heavy as trying to catch up after a long kiss.  Bella stared back into Krys beautiful blue eyes, she could easily get lost in them.  Bellatrix was a bit confused, she wasn't sure if the pills were still in her system or not, knowing Krys wanted to wait, though having no complaints against it whatsoever. as Krys went on the more Bella started to want her as well, missing being anywhere near her. " shall have it...Take me Krys I'm yours and I always will long as you'll have me." she stated grabbing her wand from the side table shutting and locking the door.  
Krys bit her lip when Bellatrix shut and locked the door, the woman did things to her that no one else could. Krys kissed Bellatrix again moving her hand up Bellatrix's dress and grabbing her underwear and taking them off so she could touch her. She threw Bellatrix's underwear to the floor then put her hand back in Bellatrix's dress and rubbed on her clit softly. Her hands were a bit shaky and she was nervous about doing it after so long but she wasn't going to show it if she could help it.
Bellatrix shut and locked the door so they wouldn't have to worry about interuptions or intrusions. She smiled at Krys putting her wand back where it belonged. "Mmmm..." she sighed into Krys' kiss while feeling her snake up Bella's dress, she shook slightly as Krys grabbed at her underware. She sighed again as Krys rubbed her clit which was untouched since Krys hadbeen gone. One of Bella's hands ran in through Krys' short hair, like she always did.
Krys slid one finger inside Bellatrix and moved it in and out slowly, she felt amazing and Krys missed this feeling while the two were apart. Krys bit her lip as Bellatrix ran her fingers through her hair it felt so good to be touched by her again. "Take off your dress love" ,Krys whispered as she continued to touch Bellatrix.
Bella sighed as she felt Krys' finger slip inside of her. She missed being touched by Krys' she missed this amazing feeling, granted she has gone longer without being touched but this was completely different. Bellatrix removed her hands from Krys, and slowly untied the front of her dress, slowly exposing herself to Krys. It had been awhile and Bella loved to play and tease. Finally she removed her dress, smiling at Krys, returning her hand to her hair and the other one began to rub her earlobe.
Krys watched as Bellatrix took off her dress, she ran one finger the length of Bellatrix's body then leaned down and kissed her lips softly. Krys began to kiss her neck again and slowly made her way down the front of Bellatrix's body, it had been so long and Krys was going to enjoy every inch of the woman. Normally the two would be out right fucking by now but this was different Krys wanted to take things slowly she wanted Bellatrix to know and feel how much she really loved her. Krys removed her finger from Bellatrix as she kissed from her thigh to between her legs, she went to work with her tongue moving it in slow circles over Bellatrix's clit.
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