The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

"You're right love I dunno why she's advancing so quickly but she is, I'm sure there's nothing wrong with it" ,Krys told Bellatrix. "Yeah look at the pup isn't he cute"? Krys said to the baby who was giggling. "You two sit tight and I'll be back with the food unless you want me to just owl my order it'll just take longer" ,Krys looked at the baby again, "What would you like little one"? She asked jokingly.
"You're probably right, I guess I'm just a worried mother. She's probably fine." Bellatrix stated with a soft smile.  When Krys asked if the puppy was cute the baby hissed, trying to say yes, then laughed. "No love if you're hungry and it'll be quicker, you go on ahead we'll be fine." Bellatrix stated she didn't want to keep Krys from eating, Bella on the other hand wasn't that hungry so she'd be fine for a bit. The baby smiled brightly at Krys when she was asked what she wanted, Iracebeth made a face as if she was thinking. "Love.." she stated and reached out for Krys. It was the cutest thing to be seen. "I think she thinks your name is love dear."  Bellatrix stated then giggled. "It looks like she wants you." Bella smiled. 
"I think I'll send an owl, I can't just leave the little one when she wants me" ,Krys said smiling. She thought it was cute that Iracebeth called her love. "I'll be right back I'm gonna go send the order out then we can play" ,Krys told the baby. She walked into the other room and wrote out what she wanted then returned to Bellatrix, "So what do you want for dinner love"?
"Okay, I like that idea anyway. " Bellatrix smiled, she loved being with Krys, plus she didn't like being left alone. Iracebeth laughed at Krys, but as she walked away her smile faded and began to sniffle when she could no longer see Krys. "Shh little one, she'll be right back. Don't cry." She said softly bouncing the baby gently. "Krys I'm really not that hungry, just get me wantever your getting Kay." Bella said, she knew if she was hungry or not Krys would still have her eat. Though not actually forcing her too if she didn't finish she could put it up.
"Alright love I'll write it down" ,Krys said scribbling down the order on the paper, she walked over to the window and whistled. A large black owl appeared at the window and Krys tied the piece of parchment to it's leg and sent it off. She walked back over to the baby and held her arms out, "Can I take her for a few minutes"? She asked Bellatrix.
"Of coarse Krys, you don't have to ask, if she wants to go to you she will." Bellatrix said with a smile. The baby reached out for Krys, but was just out of reach until Bellatrix moved closer. She let her daughter go to Krys, when she was sure Krys had her, she let go. Once Iracebeth was close enough she latched onto Krys, laughing.
Krys grabbed the baby and smiled when she giggled, Krys tickled the baby's belly to make her laugh harder. "You're just all smiles today aren't you"? Krys asked Iracebeth, "Come on let's go see the pup" ,Krysv said excitedly as she carried Racey over to where the puppy was laying. She sat down with the baby next to the pup and pet his belly making him turn over and wake up, he yawned then slowly made his way over to the baby and sniffed her then licked her face. Krys looked at Bellatrix with a worried expression, she didn't know how the baby would react to the pup's affection.
Bellatrix loved hearing her baby laugh, it was so adorable. Bellatrix watched unsure if bringing the baby to the puppy was a good idea or not. Bellatrix bit her lip at Krys' expression, the worry in her eyes. Bella turned her attention back to the puppy and the baby. Iracebeth smiling still, reached out for him,while the puppy sniffed her. Once the pup licked her her smile faded, blinking her eyes looking at the pup, her lips came together squirming them as she stared at the puppy not sure of what happened. The puppy then licked her face once more. Iracebeth looked at her mother, over to Krys then back to the puppy, her smile returned and she giggled.
A sigh of relief escaped Krys' mouth as she watched the baby laugh, seeing Iracebeth laugh made her laugh. The pup began to start playing with the baby and Krys made sure he didn't get too rough. He then ran around the room and Racey crawled after him, it was as if they were playing tag or something. "Smart pup huh"? Krys said as she walked over to Bellatrix still watching the two play around.
Bella sighed as well, her baby was a bundle of joy and nothing seemed to faze her. Bellatrix watched closely as the pup and the babe played together. Nervous the puppy would be too rough while playing. They had to have some level of understanding with each other playing tag. "Yeah he is I just hope he stays gentle with her." Bella replied.
"Don't worry I'm watching him and if he wants what I ordered him he'll behave" ,Krys said. The pup continued to let the baby chase him as he ran around the room, the two seemed to be having fun. "This is kinda amusing if you ask me they're playing with each other like two kids" ,Krys walked over to the fridge and grabbed a drink and opened it. She then walked back over to Bellatrix and continued to keep an eye on the baby and the pup.
"You ordered the dog food?" Bella questioned curiously. It was quite cutethat they were running around, well crawling around after each other. Bellatrix looked at Krys, "That's because they are two kids..." she stated though one was a dog and the other a witch, Bella watched them carefully as Krys left for a moment to get a drink. "Can I still a sip love?" Bellatrix asked.
Krys bit her lip and gave Bellatrix a look like a child who had gotten caught for doing something wrong. "Yeah I got him a little something, he's been a good boy lately" ,Krys said in response. She handed Bellatrix the bottle of juice, "Take as much as you want love" ,Krys said smiling. After a little while the food came and Krys went to the window to grab it, she then carried it over to the table and set it down, "Food's here whenever you're ready love".
"I hope all the normal food you give him doesn't make him sick." she stated know too much regular food can make an animal sick. "Thanks love," she stated taking a sip of juice. "Alright love, but you might wanna talk to Iracebeth about that that she's still playing." Bellatrix stated watching her child, with the pup.
"I didn't get him regular food I bought him dog treats" ,Krys said with a smirk. "I can wait until they're done playing to eat I don't mind I'm not too hungry right now". Krys made her way over to the pup and the baby and got on all fours and surprised Iracebeth when she came around the corner of the couch, the baby looked shocked at first but then laughed when she noticed it was only Krys. She began to play a little bit with the two the dog ended up tackling her after a few moments and licked her face.
Bellatrix pouted, "Smart arse. " she stated smirking. Bellatrix moved and sat down on the couch. "Alright love, don't forget she's been napping on and off all day, she may not tire for a while." Bellatrix stated. Bella watched as Krys scared and confused the baby, it was priceless Iracebeth didn't know what to do. Bella laughed with Racey thinking it was funny. Bellatrix laughed again as the dog pinned her, they were all so cute. She laid down streching on the couch getting comfy.
Krys laid on the floor and let the dog play, after a few minutes the baby came over and climbed on Krys as well. "Ok you guys definitely win" ,Krys said laughing. She was having fun and she couldn't deny it, the baby was a little bit rough and bit Krys a few times but she didn't mind it as long as Iracebeth was smiling and laughing she was happy. Krys got up as the dog and baby went back to playing and made her way over to Bellatrix and sat down on the floor next to the couch and leaned against it. "Those two are going to be at it for a while".
Bellatrix giggled, "You were beaten by a baby and a puppy. The big bad Krys, was defeated by children," Bella teased, she thought they were all so cute. Bellatrix saw Iracebeth bite, "Racey 'no' bite." Bellatrix tried to correct her daughters behavior. "Love if you wanna sit I can more over. "
"No it's ok love I'm fine right here you relax a bit you deserve it" ,Krys said as she grabbed Bellatrix's hand and laid her head down near her lap. "I'm probably going to eat soon anyway so as soon as I feel like getting up I'm gonna go grab my food". Krys watched the baby play with the pup it was amusing, anyone could tell they were bonded together just by watching how they acted with each other.
"Are you sure baby?" Bellatrix asked, it wouldn't be a problem for her to move over a tad, she didn't take up much room. She held on to Krys' hand, placing her other hand on Krys' head, running her fingers through Krys' hair. "Okay love whenever you're ready your food is waiting for you. The two will be fine, I'll be here, watching them." Bellatrix replied continuing to watch the wee babe and the tiny pup, they were the best of friends already, they were friends while Iracebeth was still in the womb. It was amazing to see, you can just feel the bond between the two. with this pup and Krys she knew her baby was well guarded.
"Alright love I'm going to grab the food and bring it in here so you can pick at it too ok" ,Krys said. She stood up and walked into the kitchen and grabbed the bag of food off of the table and brought it back into the sitting room. When she got in there the pup and the baby came over to her looking curiously at the bag. Krys opened the dogs bowl and put it on the floor then reached into the bag again and pulled out a hard pretzel, "Here this should help with your teeth little one, my father used to give them to me all the time" ,Krys said handing it to Iracebeth. She looked at Bellatrix, "I hope you don't mind I gave her that, I'll watch her with it".
"Okay babe." She stated sitting up as Krys went to grab the bag. Bellatrix smiled at Iracebeth's curiosity, it was adorable granted anything she did she thought it was adorable. Bella watched as Krys gave the baby a pretzel her first real piece of food. "It's okay as long as she doesn't choke," Bella stated. Iracebeth sniffed it and put it in her mouth sucking on it.  Bellatrix didn't take her eyes off her baby being slightly over protective of her already, her only daughter given to her by the dark lord, she knew she probably wouldn't get to have another one if something happened to Racey.  
"Don't worry love if I notice her struggling I know exactly what to do" ,Krys told Bellatrix in a reassuring tone. Krys grabbed both hers and Bellatrix's food out of the bag and handed Bellatrix hers. "I hope I did good". Krys had ordered a decent sized meal for both of them figuring they could pick at it during the night whenever they were hungry. "You like the pretzel Racey" ,Krys asked the baby who was drooling all over the place, she looked up at Krys and smiled with approval. "You do good with that and I'll give you more good stuff like that if mommy says it's ok of course".
Bellatrix shifted her gaze for a moment to look at Krys. Bella sighed softly, "Okay," she didn't know what to say, she didn't want to think of harm coming to the baby. "I'm sure you did just fine love." She stated with a soft smile, picking at her meal watching the baby with pretzel. As if Iracebeth clearly understood what Krys had said she looked over to her mother and smiled brightly with pretzel in her mouth.
"You are the cutest baby ever you know that, you get your looks from your mum" ,Krys said in a cute voice. She ate until she was full then packed up the rest of her food. Krys stood up and looked at Bellatrix, "You think the baby is big enough to go out on the deck? It is closed off and I can summon a carpet onto the wood so she won't get splinters, I figured we could go outside for a bit before bed". Krys looked at Bellatrix and waited for her answer.
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