The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Bellatrix rolled off the bed, it was more fun that way, rolling to the end, swinging her legs over the side and stood up. She unpinned her hair, letting it fall, her hair was so long it reached her butt, if she didn't pin it up it would probably get snagged on things. She layed out both of of their clothes before walking into the bathroom leaving the door open to keep an ear out for the baby. Shemoved the curtain aside and stepped into the warm water with Krys she lathered a cloth with soap and began washing Krys' back.
Krys sighed when Bellatrix began to wash her neck, "Mmmm love that feels so good" ,she said biting her lip. Krys loved Bellatrix's touch the woman made her feel amazing and most important appreciated. Krys turned to face Bellatrix and began washing her as well, she kissed the older witch as she let her hands roam her body.
Bella's hand moved over to wash Krys' sides, leaning in closer to Krys she purred in her ear. Bellatrix smiled at Krys as she turned around beginning to wash Bella. Bellatrix moved to Krys' stomach then up in-between her breasts, but not washing them, well not yet....Bellatrix was playful she always had been. She washed her shoulders then down to gently wash her breasts. Bellatrix continued to wash Krys until she was completely clean.
Krys bit her lip and a let out a soft moan when she felt Bellatrix touch her breasts. She hadn't been touched like that in a while and it felt nice. Krys leaned in and kissed Bellatrix again letting the water run down their bodies, Krys loved the feeling of their bare skin touching. "You're amazing love, I can't say it enough" ,Krys whispered after she broke the kiss.
Bellatrix smiled when Krys moaned, she was doing something right. Bella had never really fondled a woman before, her and Krys got together even while together Krys did most of the fondling. As Krys leaned in to kiss her Bellatrix leaned in as if a magnet pulled them together. Being in the shower with Krys was nearly magically there was something about it. Whatever it was she loved it. "Aww thank you love so are you..I love you." She said softly with a smile.
"I love you too" ,Krys said as she held Bellatrix close. "No one can compare to you, nobody in this world" ,Krys ran her hands up and down Bellatrix's back as she hugged her. She meant every word, Krys loved Bellatrix more then anyone she had ever been with she knew that Bellatrix was definitely the one she wanted to be with, forever.
 Bellatrix snuggled into Krys as she held her. Her words gave Bellatrix comfort she'd be happy till the day she died, she knew that, for the rest of her days she'd be with Krys, and her daughter.  Bella arched her back slightly as Krys ran her hands up and down it, in theory Bellatrix might be part cat, she was very cat like in fighting or cuddling in whatever she did even walking. 
When Krys finished washing up she got out of the shower and dried off, she looked at Bellatrix and admired her body for a moment before exiting the bathroom to get dressed. She put on the tux that was laid out on the bed then spiked her hair like she usually did when she was on the job. Krys made her way back into the bathroom to brush her teeth, when she finished doing that she sprayed herself with a vanilla scent that was probably the only thing that was girly about Krys. When she finished she heard the baby whimper and stir, "I got it love you get ready" ,Krys told Bellatrix as she walked toward the baby's room. She walked over to Iracebeth's crib and her eyes widened at the smell that was coming from the baby, "Merlin Racey you're stinky" ,Krys said as the baby laughed at her. "Bare with me little one I'm new at this, I've never changed a diaper before" ,Krys whispered as she pulled the baby out of the crib and placed her on the changing table. She removed the baby's bottoms then opened the diaper. "MERLIN WHAT THE HELL IS THAT"! Krys shouted, she was grossed out and had no idea what she was doing but tried her best. The end result wasn't too great, the baby's butt was clean but Krys couldn't figure out how to put the diaper on so she carried the baby into the bedroom and looked at Bellatrix and shook her head, "I tried love, I really really tried but you have to be a fucking genius to figure out how to put that diaper on". Krys stood there waiting for Bellatrix's response, she knew she was probably going to get laughed at.
Bellatrix stayed in the warm water for another second or two, before climbing out of the shower. Bellatrix began to dry herself off, wrapping the towel around her, before leaving the bathroom. She went over to her night stand grabbing her wand to dry her hair, if not it would take forever. Then she removed the towel and began to dress herself. As she was halfway done she heard the baby whine. Bella looked at Krys when she said she got it. "Okay love." she smiled and finished dressing. A couple minutes later she heard Krys yell, she had a feeling the baby needed to be changed, and she'd see them in a moment. Sure enough they were in there but the baby had no diaper on. Bella was trying to lace her corset, but was having a problem. Bella just looked at them, biting her lip lightly, she started laughing she couldn't hp
Help it, it was too cute. "At least you tried love, and there is 'no' duper on her head so... Plus you survived the hard part..." She stated "Alright, give me Racey and the clean diaper I'll do that but hounded to lace my corset, well tie it is already" She proposed she grabbed the baby and put the diaper on with ease. "When we get home it's bath time...yes it is." Bella cooed.
Krys tied Bellatrix's corset tight then waited for her to finish putting the baby's diaper on before heading to the door to open it. When they got to the manor the dark lord hadn't arrived yet, Krys took a seat next to Draco and patted him on the back, "You ready mate"? She asked, Draco looked at her and smirked, "Of course I can't wait to hex that bastard" ,Draco said bitterly. He was still pissed off at Rodolphus for leaving them the night they were attacked by aurors.
"Thank you love." She stated. Bellatrix grabbed warm clothing for the baby the night air would be too chilly for her. The stroller was too much so Bellatrix decided she would just carry the baby. This time Bella made sure she had her wand. Walling over to the door which Krys held open for them. Bellatrix and the baby took a seat across from Krys and Draco sitting with her sister who wanted to hold the baby. Bellatrix handed Iracebeth over to her sister. She smiled wickedly at Draco,"That's my boy." she cooed, though he was her nephew Bellatrix had taught him a lot of spells and fighting statigies so she was excited to see if he remembered what she had taught him.
Krys sat and waited for the dark lord to arrive, after a few moments he came through the door and went straight up to Rodolphus' room and dragged him down the stairs. Krys bowed in his presence as did Draco, she sat back down and waited for Draco's lesson to start. Voldemort made Rodolphus stand in front of Draco and told Draco to hit him with the first spell that came to mind.
Bellatrix's head snapped towards the door as the Dark Lord came through it. As he returned dragging Rudolphus behind him, down the stairs. Bellatrix and Narcissa stood up with the other two bowing to their lord. They than sat back down, and the baby played with Narcissa's hair. They watch egarly for Draco to curse the man in front of him. Draco looked at everyone around the room, looking at Bellatrix last. She nodded at him, he faced forward his first curse if choice was Avada Kedavra but he wasn't supposed to kill him knowing Krys or Bellatrix was after the battle. So he shouted the next one. "Curcio!" that made Bellatrix smile brightly. Watching Rudolphus in pain.
Krys watched as Draco stepped forward aiming his wand at Rodolphus, a smirk came across her face when she seen Rodolphus fall to the floor in pain. "That's it Draco" ,the dark lord hissed. "Put all your feeling into it". Krys watched as Rodolphus screamed louder, Draco must've been channeling his hatred for the man right into the curse.
Bellatrix always did love a good torture, and the fact that it was happening to Rudolphus made it even better. Seeing him writhe in agony as Draco punished him for his misdeeds. By the screams emitting from Rudolphus, Draco was channeling a lot of his emotions into it. She looked ofer at her baby who was smiling, Rudolphus screamed louder Iracebeth started to laugh. It was the cutest thing Bellatrix had ever seen.
Krys looked over when she heard the baby laugh, it made her laugh. Iracebeth was like her mother in ways, it seemed as if the baby enjoyed the torture as much as everyone else with the exception of Rodolphus of course. The torture continued for a few hours and Draco used a number of different curses and hexes on Rodolphus. When it was finished and the dark lord had left Krys stood up and looked at Draco, "Good job mate" ,she told him. "Whenever you're ready love, we can leave I'm sure you'd like to visit with your sister for a bit though".
Bellatrix loved her little bundle of joy, they were so alike in many ways. Bellatrix loved torturing and it seemed her baby did too. A permanent smile seemed to rest on her face. The baby eventually tired and fell asleep in Narcissa's arms. By the way she looked at the baby, it seemed she wished for another. Bellatrix was amazed by how many spells Draco was taught in just a few hours time. He was a quick learn like her and both of his parents. "Well done sweetie," Bellatrix stated, happy with the job Draco did. Once the torture was finished the baby reawoke and wanted to play, so she grabbed a hold of Narcissa hair. "Alright dear, Oh Cissy doesn't want to see me..she just wants to play with the baby..." Bella teased, she knew it wasn't true, but she knew her sister loved children.
"Well let her visit with the baby, me and Draco are gonna go sit outside and have a drink, don't worry it'll be non alcoholic" ,Krys said looking at Narcissa. "We'll be outside whenever you're ready love" ,Krys and Draco made their way out the door and sat down on the porch. The elf brought them both a bottle of butterbeer and the two sat and talked while Krys waited for Bellatrix to come out.
"Have fun love, Cissy, Racey, and I will be here." She stated smiling, then watched as her sister played with the baby. It was adorable to see. "So did you think about my offer?" Narcissa asked still playing with Iracebeth. "Yes I have..." Bella replied. "And...?" Narcissa looked at Bellatrix waiting for a reply. Bella smiled warmly at her sister, "Thank you Cissy but Krys, Iracebeth, and I are just fine. We won't be in the tree house too much longer, I promise. As soon as The Dark Lord is in power Krys and I are going to get our own place." Narcissa's smile faded holding the baby. "Bella...please...come home." Narcissa pleaded. Bella shook her head, "No Cissy...I don't want to talk about it anymore." Bellatrix stated holding her arms out for the baby, she didn't have much to say to her sister. Bella finally felt free, no azkaban, no longer tied to someone she never loved. "I love you Cissy." She stated turning to leave. "I love you too Trixie" Narcissa replied. Bella stopped and turned and smiled softly bouncing Iracebeth. Bellatrix then walked out to where Draco and Krys were. She smiled at Krys, "You almost ready love?"
Krys and Draco talked for a little while about random things when they heard the door open. The two turned around to see who it was, it was Bellatrix holding the baby. "I'm ready if you want to go love, of course" ,Krys said standing up. She looked to Draco, "I'll see you sometime soon you know where to find me". Krys stepped off the porch to let Bellatrix go by with the baby then she followed behind them. When they got home she took off her jacket and loosened her tie before sitting down in a chair.
Bellatrix smiled softly at Krys, nodding her head some. "Draco don't forget your welcome any time sweetie." Bellatrix said she loved Draco so in her heart he was always welcomed. Bellatrix stepped down from the porch passed Krys. Her and the baby began to walk down the hill, hearing Krys a bit behind them, she was happy to be back in their house, it was a nice feeling knowing they had somewhere to go. Once inside Bellatrix took the baby to her room, changing her clothing and her diaper. Once she was all clean and changed Bellatrix brought her back out and put her in her swing to sit and play. Bellatrix,was acting sneaky, she was creeping almost on the prowl, not noticing if she had been seen or not, hopefully she hadn't then she crept around and "pounced" popped up behind Krys' chair grabbing her shoulders firmly, starting to massage her back.
Krys had closed her eyes for a little bit, so she jumped when Bellatrix snuck up on her. When she felt the woman's hands massaging her back she smiled, "That feels amazing love" ,she told her, it was just the thing Krys needed after the day they had. Krys place her hand on one of Bellatrix's, "What do you want for dinner love? I can cook or I can go order something at the Leaky Cauldron seeing that's pretty much the only place a death eater can go for food now a days" ,Krys laughed a little bit at her own statement she thought it was funny the Order hadn't caught on to the things that happened in that old pub.
"Scared ya?" she asked continuing you massage Krys' back. At Krys' words Bella purred in her ear, she was glad her love was enjoying it. Bellatrix stopped as she felt Krys' hand rest upon hers. "It's not my turn to pick love, I chose lunch so you can chose dinner." She smiled. She wasn't picky or finicky when it came to food, though she hardly ate, since she's been with Krys her eating habits have changed drastically for the better. "Either is fine with me love, if you don't want to cook we can order out if whatever you want love." She stated then continued rubbing her back. She looked up at Iracebeth who in turn looked up at Bella then reached her hands up in the air grabbing at it. "Hold on a minute love." Bellatrix stated referring to Krys. She grabbed the baby picked her up as she settled Iracebeth on her hip, Racey smiled gently grabbing Bella's hair, "Mama." Bellatrix's eyes grew wide turning to look at Krys. "Did you hear that?"
"I think we'll order out tonight, I'll go grab something in a little while" ,Krys said in response. She watched as the baby reached up for her mother and smiled. "She likes attention it's cute". When Krys heard the baby call Bellatrix mama she turned her head quickly to look at the two of them, "Of course I heard it that was clear as day" ,Krys said excitedly standing up to walk over to the two. "You are getting so smart you know that, pretty soon you'll be able to name that pup over there" ,Krys said pointing to the dog who was laying on his back sleeping by the fireplace. Krys smiled then kissed Bellatrix on the cheek, "Watch out pretty soon she's gonna be running around".
Bellatrix wasn't sure what to feel, she was thrilled her baby had spoke and that her first word was mama, but she was shocked. "Krys, Iracebeth is only several months now, she shouldn't be speaking yet, besides typical baby noises, you know like goo goo and gaga." Bellatrix stated looking at he daughter. Iracebeth looked over to where Krys was pointing after hearing the word she repeated it. "Pup!" she stated and giggled. Bellatrix bit her lip, "that's what I'm afraid of her running around she's not supposed to walk until about 2 years and certain words take a year and a half, but she's speaking and acting twice her age." Bellatrix informed Krys this wasn't normal for a baby her age.
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