The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Bellatrix followed Krys downstairs, seeing her sister. "We'll be back in a bit. " she stated then was out the door. Walking with Krys and Iracebeth to their treehouse. "Thank you dear, pasta sounds great, I'll go feed Iracebeth in the mean time. "
"Alright love I'll make something up for us" ,Krys said smiling she kissed Bellatrix on the cheek before making her way into the kitchen. She grabbed the ingredients to make the pasta and got to work, she made two types of sauce unsure of what Bellatrix would like. While making the pasta and sauce she baked some bread. When everything was done she set it on the table and waited for Bellatrix to finish feeding the baby. Krys grabbed a bottle of wine and set it down on the table and grabbed two glasses, "Food's ready whenever you are love" ,Krys shouted as she sat down.
 "Okay love." she stated walking into the other room with Iracebeth to feed her. She sat down on the bed and undid her top some so Iracebeth could eat. After a bit Iracebeth bit down hard on her breast, Bellatrix yelped and yelled "No!" then the baby started to cry. Bella cradled the baby until she settled down, and Bellatrix's breast was bleeding. She tied her shirt back up, and ignored the fact that her shirt bled through a bit. She laid the baby down and changed her before returning her to the crib. "Coming..." she called. Then walked into the kitchen, smiling slightly. "It smells delicious, dear. " Bellatrix smiled warmly sitting down at the table. "Did you...did you make fresh bread?" she asked curiously. 
"Why yes I did love, my father taught me the recipe" ,Krys said in response. She noticed the blood on Bellatrix's shirt, "She bit you again eh"? Krys grabbed the two glasses and filled them then put pasta onto two plates, "I made tomato and chicken alfredo sauce, which one would you like? I didn't know what kind you preferred so I made both I for one like the chicken alfredo" ,Krys said with a smile. She walked over to the fridge to grab some butter and set it on the table.
"I love fresh bread, so warm and toasty." She smiled. Bellatrix contemplated how Krys knew Iracebeth bit her, either she had heard her scream or...Bella looked down and there was blood on her shirt. She sighed, "Yeah, she did. Thank you dear. " she stated. Bellatrix was shocked with how much she had made. "You've made too much've out done yourself... I like both but let's go with the chicken alfedo." Bellatrix replied then took a sip of her wine.
"I can pack it up and we'll have left overs I eat like a pig so it'll probably be gone in a few days" ,Krys said laughing a little bit. She put some of the sauce onto Bellatrix's pasta and then onto her own. "So did Racey fall asleep again? She must be going through a growth spur eh"? Krys thought it odd that the baby was taking a nap again but she figured it was just because she was growing. Krys took a sip of her wine then looked up at Bellatrix and smiled, "So love what would you like to do after lunch it's your turn to choose, we need to do something to pass the time before we return to the manor".
"You have a point." She smiled and started to laugh lightly. When the sauce was placed on her pasta, Bella said, " Thank you." before taking a bite. "She was awake when I let her I gave her a doll to play with. She might be, though it seems strange she seems to be growing like twice as fast as a normal child. Then again maybe it's just me..." she stated. "I don't know love...we should probably unpack our things..."She stated.
"You're absolutely right we should unpack" ,Krys said as she gave the dog a piece of chicken. She had almost forgot they had went to get their things. "She is growing a bit fast I mean I dunno much about how fast children should grow but I'm pretty sure she is growing a bit fast". Krys took a bite of her food then a sip from her glass, "She might just be wicked smart though ya know"?
"This is wonderful love...thank you. Yes we should," Bellatrix complemented and agreed with Krys. "She could just be smart, I'm mean look at her parents...but something doesn't seem right she's only a few months but she seems to be acting like she's closer to a year old. It's probably nothing." Bella stated and continued to eat her pasta.
"You're right she does seem to be unusually advanced for her age but like you said look at her parents you both are brilliant" ,Krys replied. When she was finished eating she sat and waited for Bellatrix to finish, "I'm gonna go start unpacking our things if you'd like to relax feel free I can put the stuff away love" ,Krys told her. She liked to do things for Bellatrix and liked to see her relaxed.
Bellatrix smiled at the complement, "Thank you love." She stated continuing to pick at her food while Krys was already finished as always. "Alright dear, I'll be in in a minute. Oh I couldn't let you do it all love." She objected at times she felt as if she did too little for Krys.
"Alright then love I'll meet you in there" ,Krys replied. She stood up and made her way to the bedroom and began putting thing away. Krys continued to put things away until Bellatrix came in. She sat down for a few moments on the bed and waited for Bellatrix, she had been moving at a decent pace and she remembered how Bellatrix said she had wanted to help.
Bellatrix finished up her meal, clearing the table and washing the dishes, so Krys wouldn't have to worry about it later. Bellatrix walked into the room to find Krys sitting down, "Looks like you've got most of it done." Bella smiled and reached into the truck pulling out some clothes hanging some in the closet and the rest folded and placed into the dresser. 
Krys watched as Bellatrix put stuff away, she stood up and walked over to Bellatrix and wrapped her arms around her waist. "I love holding you, did you know that"? Krys whispered into her ear. She kissed her on the neck softly before resting her head on her shoulder. "I love you so much".
Bellatrix smiled and her back arched as she felt Krys' arms wrap around her waist. "I had a good feeling about it." she said with a light giggle. She sighed softly as Krys' lips met her neck kissing her. Bellatrix rested her hands on top of Krys' as they rested on her waist. "I love you too honey." Bella replied leaning her head on Krys'.
Krys unwrapped her arms from Bellatrix and made her way back to the trunk and pulled a few things out and hung them in the closet. She looked over and smiled at Bellatrix and bit her lip, "So we're almost done unpacking.....and I think the baby is sleeping you want to mess around for a little bit"? Krys asked in a cute voice, she bit her lip again and made her way back over to Bellatrix, "Please" ,she said smiling widely.
Once Krys let her go she turned around and went back to the trunk, pulling out some more things, putting books on a shelf and such. Bellatrix turned and saw Krys looking at her, she smiled back. "Indeed we are almost finished. " She stated. Then thought a moment, "Probably knowing her child she'd be sleeping she normally does after she eats." Bella replied. Bellatrix raised an eyebrow at Krys, hearing the cuteness in her voice she smiled. "You're so cute how could I say noto you, yes we can." Bellatrix smiled at her lovingly.
Krys smiled at Bellatrix's response, "Well then I better move a bit faster" ,she said grabbing more stuff and putting it away. When the stuff was finally put away Krys made her way back over to Bellatrix and wrapped her arms around her waist again only this time she went right to kissing and biting her neck. "You are so sexy" ,Krys growled into Bellatrix's ear.
Bellatrix smiled and chuckled a bit as Krys said she'd have to move faster now. Bellatrix grabbed a bit more to go on the shelves. Placing them on there neatly. As Bellatrix was putting the last item on the shelf she felt Krys' arms around her waist again. Bellatrix sighed as Krys bit and kissed her neck she loved it. Arching her back slightly, placing a hand on Krys' hands and the other went back resting on Krys' head, giggling at her comment.
Krys ran her hands down to Bellatrix's thighs and rubbed the inside of them as she continued to kiss her neck. She grabbed Bellatrix through her clothes and rubbed her between her legs hard. Every time Krys got this close to Bellatrix she felt amazing, it was as if all her problems disappeared with every touch and kiss that was shared between the two.
"Mmm..." She hummed as Krys rubbed her inner thighs. Bellatrix loved the young witch's touch, Krys knew how to make Bellatrix feel desirable, sexy, wanted, and was amazing that one girl can do all of that. Bella gasped and her breathing started to increase some, as Krys  grabbed and rubbed Bellatrix hard. Bella moved her hips a bit as she was touched, making her feel wonderful. Most of Bella's problems would melt away because of their intimacy and love for one another.   
Krys continued to rub Bellatrix, Krys reached her hand up and grabbed Bellatrix's breast hard and bit down on her neck harder then she did before. She then turned Bellatrix to face her and pushed her up against the wall and kissed her passionately.
Bellatrix whined as Krys continued to rub her, she then yelped when Krys grabbed Bella's breast and bit hard on her neck, it hurt so good. Bellatrix turned as Krys turned her ending up pinnied against the wall, holding Krys close as they kissed passionately. Bella wrapped her arms around Kry's neck.
Krys grabbed a handful of Bellatrix's hair and pulled her head back so that she could bite at her neck some more, she bit and kissed Bellatrix's neck hard but not hard enough to break the skin. Krys grabbed Bellatrix dress with her free hand and ripped the fabric that was covering her breasts, she then grabbed her through her bra and squeezed hard. "Mmmmm you're mine all fucking mine" ,Krys growled. Normally Krys was gentle and nice but something had come over her, she wanted to be rough and fuck Bellatrix hard and she wanted Bellatrix to be just as rough with her.
Bella could feel Krys' hand in her hair, breathing deeply as her head was pulled back for Krys to bite at her neck hard, making her yelp again. Then as Krys ripped her dress she looked at her sensitive breasts from nursing her baby. Bellatrix whined as Krys grabbed her nice and hard. Bellatrix dug her nails into Krys' back, "Ohhh...Damn straight babe, but if you ever stray and I see of find out I'll fucking kill you." she growled. This wasn't the normal routine, normally Krys was gentle but today there was a fire burning in her, Bellatrix could tell, pent up anger no doubt, as much as she liked being gentle she loved roughness.
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