The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Bellatrix's eyes were drenched in tears from crying at the thought of losing her child. "Thank Merlin, Please hurry and get it." she spoke through sobs. She continued to bounce the baby a little rough, but not to hurt her just enough to keep her awake. "It's okay baby, everything will be okay. Mummy promises." Bellatrix cooed. Bella looked at Krys, then nodded her head. She held the baby, plugging her nose a bit and holding her mouth open. "Hurry Krys!!!"
Krys squeezed the end of the dropper and the liquid poured down the baby's throat, Iracebeth let out a cough and Krys filled the dropper again, when the baby stopped coughing she poured more of the potion down the baby's throat. "That should do it love Iracebeth should be ok now we'll keep an eye on her" ,Krys said. She grabbed the two and held them both for a moment, "I'm reading them now, Bella I have to know who did this so when we go up there I'm gonna find out".
Bellatrix became worried when Iracebeth started coughing, and was forced to drink more of the potion. As soon as Krys said it should do it, Bellatrix wrapped herself around the baby holding her close to her chest. "" Bella said shakily through her sobs. As Krys held the two if them, Bellatrix rested her head on Krys' shoulder still crying. She nearly lost the Dark Lords child, if she had Bella would have been killed probably without being questioned. She nodded her head in response to Krys. "Okay...I wanna know too, they hurt my baby and me. The Dark Lord will not be happy." Bella stated calming down some.
"I love her too Bellatrix" ,Krys whispered quietly as she held the two. "Whoever did this is going to wish they were never born". Krys stood up and looked out the window. "So did you still want to come with me or did you want to wait for me to come back to let you know who did it"? Krys asked, she knew Bellatrix had said she wanted to go but wasn't sure now.
"I wanna go...but we can't leave Iracebeth alone, we'll have to take her with us, if not I'll just stay I want her to be in danger. But I wanna see the look of fear and pain on there faces,for what they've done."Bellatrix stated still tears left in her eyes. She wanted to either make who ever pay or watch it. How dare they threaten the Dark Lord's heir, plus herself the dark lord would be pissed to know something happened to either one of them. Bellatrix started to contemplate who did it. Her first thought was her sister since she had been poisoning Krys, but her sister would never harm her and sure as hell never harm an infant.
"We can all go if you'd like just get you and the baby dressed, don't worry nothing's going to happen to either of you anymore" ,Krys said. "You have a right to get your things from the manor and you're going to get them, plus I know you want to know who did this as soon as possible, honestly I have a pretty good idea who". Krys ran her hand through her hair and sighed, she had never been so upset in her life, Krys may have been evil to the end but she did have somewhat of a heart and hurting a child was something she just didn't tolerate and it being right after the love of her life nearly died.
Bellatrix nodded, she wanted to go, and she planned on it even with the baby. Ever since Bellatrix had been with Krys her emotions were free to roam. Tears were free to flow, though she hated her emotions at times, normally keeping everything bottled deep inside her. The son of a bitch who hurt her child, was going to pay dearly, she didn't care so much that she had been hurt it was part of her job being a death eater and all but they hurt Krys by hurting her and the baby, that's where Bella drew the line, noboby hurts a child, well not a baby anyway. Bellatrix stood up straight then took the baby into her room to change her, then she changed out of her night clothes into her "work" dress, her black dress, then went into their living room.
Krys changed into a pair of loose fitting black jeans and a black tank top and put her boots on. She waited for Bellatrix and the baby before opening the door. Krys held the door open for Bellatrix to walk out then she closed it and locked it with magic so that no one could get in. When they got to the manor Krys walked right in as usual, Narcissa was sitting in a chair reading the daily prophet with her normal cup of tea. "Good morning Krys, Bella" ,she stated looking between the two of them. Krys gave her a simple nod and looked her straight in the eyes, she was innocent as expected, even though she had tried to kill her Krys knew Narcissa would never harm her own sister. "Where's Rodolphus"? Krys asked casually. "He's in his room" ,replied Narcissa. Krys began to walk toward the stairs when Narcissa had realized what she had just done, "Wait....Krys.....Why"? Narcissa said quickly getting out of her seat and grabbing Krys by the arm. "Don't defend him Narcissa.....Your sister and niece almost died due to poison and I'm here to find out who the fuck did it, this is getting ridiculous and it ends today" ,Krys said hotly looking straight at Narcissa. She was in shock with the way Krys spoke to her, Narcissa realized that Krys wasn't just some dumb teenager anymore. Narcissa looked at Bellatrix as if she wanted her to stand behind her but thought it best that she just stopped right then and there. Krys pulled her arm from Narcissa's grip and stormed up to Rodolphus' room and opened the door. "What the fuck do you want? Learn to knock you little shit" ,he snapped. As he was bitching Krys was reading him without him knowing, he had let his guard down quickly due to his outburst. "So you like to poison people Rodolphus.....hmm"? Krys asked after seeing that he was the one responsible, "You make me fucking sick do you know that.....Bellatrix and her daughter could have died and you could care less" ,Krys started to slowly step toward him. He looked at her realizing there was no point in trying to argue and try lying to get himself out of trouble. "Yeah so, the bitch and her bastard child would've deserved it after what she put me through, how could you stand to even take care of her baby knowing it's not yours nor can you ever give her a child of your own, you're pathetic and just a stupid horny teenager that's excited about fucking an older'll get tired of her Krys and eventually you'll want to kill her yourself" ,Rodolphus said in an attempt to fuck with Krys' head. Unfortunately for him Krys wasn't stupid like everyone seemed to think, she kept quiet her hands shaking and her blood boiling as she walked over to him. She thought about reaching for her wand then looked at him, they were mere inches from each other, a cocky smirk spread across Rodolphus' face. He attempted to speak again but was met with a hard right hook to his jaw. Rodolphus stumbled a little then returned the punch to the side of Krys' face. The two traded hits all the way into the hallway. Krys had already busted Rodolphus' lip open and he had for sure bruised Krys' ribs with a hard body punch. The two finally separated for a few seconds to catch their breath, Rodolphus being a lot older took longer and Krys took advantage of it and lunged toward him sending them both tumbling down the stairs. Everything went black and Krys passed out, she had hit her head and busted it wide open, Rodolphus stood up having avoided hitting his head and pointed his wand at Krys. He looked at Bellatrix, "Say good bye to your little girlfriend" ,Rodolphus had every intention of killing Krys right there, thinking Narcissa would back him on it.
Bellatrix nodded at Krys as she held the door open for her. Wrapping a blanket around the baby to lakeside she wouldn't be cold.  She followed Krys in the manor, when Narcissa greeted them Bellstrix returned,"Morning Cissy." As Krys started for Rudolhus' room she had already decided that she wouldn't go up with her not with the baby.  She watched her sister then watched the both of them, she looked into her sisters eyes knowing that she wanted Bella's back, she gently shook her head and held the baby closer to her.  Narcissa walked back to her seat motioning Bellatrix to follow.both sitting down. Narcissa held her arms out for the baby and Bellatrix just stared at her, before putting the baby in her arms.  "She's cute, and looks just like you. "Narcissa smiled. "Thanks Cissy, almost lost her this morning almost died yesterday morning, fed her didn't realize I had been poisoned." She explained to her sister. "Bella you know I didn't..." she was cut off by Bella,"I know Cissy I know." They were quiet for a bit, then Narcissa spoke, "I don't think living in a tree house is suitable for a child, I think you should come back home." Bellatrix's eyes went wide smiling slightly, "I can't Cissy, not when I have to fear for my daughter's life, or Krys' or mine. I love you Cissy but You'll have to talk it over with Krys." She stated, then heard the thumping down the stairs she stood stepping infront of her sister and the baby. Narcissa stood and held the babe close then set her lightly on the couch. As Bella saw Krys hit and not get up, and Rudy's words, her breath increased and her eyes grew wide. She went to grab her wand but must have forgotten it. "Cissy do something!"Bella panicked jumping over the couch lunging for Rudolphus with her claws. She lost her mind he had a wand she didn't but Krys was in trouble and she couldn't let him hurt her. She dodged a spell and Latched her claws into Rudolphus back then sank her teeth into his shoulder.
Narcissa looked at Krys' limp body on the floor as Bellatrix struggled with Rodolphus, she raised her wand to cast a stunning spell on Rodolphus but was interrupted by both Snape and the dark lord popping into the room. Snape looked at Rodolphus then at Bellatrix then his eyes widened as they met Krys, "Rodolphus what in the hell did you do to my daughter"? Snape demanded, he knew Bellatrix had flipped out due to Krys being hurt and Rodolphus was standing there with his wand out. Voldemort looked at everything that was going on he lifted his wand and made a huge bang sound off in the room to quiet everyone down. When he got his wish he began to speak, "I want all of you sitting at the table immediately there are things we need to discuss, Severus revive Krys and have her come in as well" ,he hissed angrily before walking off into the dining room. Krys was woken up by a fowl smell, her father used a magic smelling salt that helped wake people from being knocked out. "Come the dark lord is here he wants a meeting" ,Snape said quietly lifting Krys to her feet. Snape helped Krys walk into the dining room and sit down, on her way by Rodolphus she spit in his face making him lunge toward her. Voldemort hit Rodolphus with a spell that made him slam back into his seat then gave him a death glare, "From what I understand Rodolphus you deserved that so I suggest you sit there and be quiet or I will have to punish you as I see fit" ,the dark lord snapped. He was fed up and he was going to let it out. "I've noticed there has been some trouble within my ranks, I've got people trying to poison others, you two fighting, Rodolphus trying to kill Bellatrix and my heir and today he would have killed Krys if we hadn't showed up" ,he hissed he looked around the table and his eyes fell on Narcissa. "Were you going to just let him kill one of my most loyal followers"? Narcissa bit her lip fighting back the tears that were forming, "M-my lord I was about to stop him I swear to you" ,Narcissa said looking into the dark lord's eyes to show him she was telling the truth. The dark lord read her then snapped his attention back to Rodolphus, "I'm starting to question your loyalty Rodolphus, you've been trying to kill fellow death eaters, makes me wonder if you're working for the other side and trying to take us out from within" ,Rodolphus began to try and defend himself after the dark lord said these words but all that came out of his mouth was a bunch of stuttering nonsense. "Shut up Rodolphus you're going to be tested tonight on where your loyalties lie you see I need to teach young Draco some curses that he will need to know for when he needs to use them in battle and you Rodolphus are going to be his target for the night I will be back around 7pm and you better be here" ,with that the dark lord apparated from the manor.
Bellatrix literally lost her mind, seeing Krys about to be killed. Her teeth and nails dug so far into him blood began to drip. She had forgotten her sister who she left with her child, nothing but revenge. If she had her wand she wouldn't have pounced. Do to her size she probably wouldn't beagle to bring him down but her plan before she just wanted to kill him was that Narcissa would help her. Right as Snape spoke, Rudolphus flipped Bellatrix over his head and she slid landing next to Krys, her nails and teeth were dripping with blood, her nails scratched the floor. She  scampered to get up on her hands and knees, part of her body hovering over Krys to protect her. As soon as Bellatrix heard the loud bang her head snapped to look behind Rudolphus, seeing Severus and the Dark Lord. Bellatrix bowed down next to Krys facing the Dark Lord. Bellatrix's chest heaved, her body shook as she looked up at the Dark Lord, when he spoke. Watching him walk past, Bella shifted her position to look at Krys' face. "Everything will be alright love...your fathers here..." She whispered kissing Krys lightly on the cheek. Seeing Severus approach, Bellatrix scooted away then stood up, looking at Severus sincerely. She could still taste Rudy's blood on her tongue. Bellatrix staggered a bit over to the couch to grab her daughter, she must have pulled or cracked something in her back when Rudolphus tossed her. She held her sleeping child close as she careful gimped over to the table and sat down.  As Krys came in a relieved smile crossed her face, she watched her spit and him lunge, Bella became tense about to leap over the table if she needed too. Then she relaxed when the dark lord cursed him. Bella listened as she cradled the child, her attention snapped to her sister, she could see what Narcissa was doing when she attack her ex husband, hoping after she had asked for help. She read her as easily as Voldemort had. She smiled and reached a hand to her sister seeing her about to cry. Narcissa took Bellatrix's hand smiling at her. Bellatrix didn't want to see her sister suffer and was happy that she was about to help them. Bellatrix glared at Rudolphus the Dark Lord had a point he continued to target her and Krys, who both were cavorts by the Dark Lord, he maybe on the other side. Bellatrix smiled a perfect punishment for him target practice, Draco would have to Chanel all his hate and anger to get the curses to work, and they would hurt. As Voldemort left Bellatrix laid her head down on the table no longer in her crazed state and feeling pain though she wasn't about to say anything. She let go of her sister's hand to get a better hold of the baby. She didn't know what to say. 
Krys watched as the dark lord left, after he was gone she turned her attention to Rodolphus, "I hope you're ready for a long night, Draco's gonna have fun with you" ,Krys sneered. Rodolphus gave her a nasty look and was about to snap back when Narcissa shot him a nasty look, "Get out of my sight Rodolphus" ,Narcissa said quietly. "Go away until the dark lord comes back". Narcissa was upset Bellatrix had been hurt and she had no intention of sticking up for Rodolphus after seeing what he did. Rodolphus didn't question anything he just stood up and walked out of the room and out of the manor. Krys looked over to Bellatrix and knew she was hurt, Krys struggled to get up her vision was still a little blurry from the hit she took. She walked over to Bellatrix, "Give Narcissa the baby for a moment, I need to fix your back or have my father do it" ,Krys said she wasn't sure if she could do it right in her current state and knew her father would be the preferred person out of who was in the room to do it. Krys looked at Narcissa, "I'm sorry for causing problems in your house it won't happen again".
Bellatrix held Iracebeth tighter to her body, as her head remained on the table. Bellatrix hissed at Krys, she didn't want to let go of the baby. "Sit down Krys. Don't worry about me I'm fine, you need to rest.." Bellatrix stated softly and worriedly. "Bellatrix...give me the baby and let Snape help you. Please!" Narcissa pleaded with her sister. Bellatrix looked at her sister, "I said no! Heal Krys first!" she snapped. Seeing Krys how she had scared her half to death, she wasn't sure what she was feeling it was a mix or anger, fear, sadness, and happiness all at the same time.
"I'm fine don't worry about me, you need to worry about you and the baby love.....please" ,Krys pleaded. Even though she was pretty bad of she knew Bellatrix was in pain and possibly more injured then her. "Bellatrix I promise I'll be fine it's just a scrape" ,Krys said jokingly hoping her humor would cheer Bellatrix up a little and convince her to let her father fix her back. "As soon as you've been all healed up I'll fix you a cup of tea ok"?
"The baby is fine...I said No Krys!" she snapped slightly, not trying to be snippy with Krys, but she was scared,worried, and in pain. "You are worse off then I am. You took a crack to the head, I told you I'm fine," this coming from the woman who was basically in a feddle position craddling her baby. "I don't want any tea, I want you to be healed, I don't want you to get me anything until you are fixed. I'm alright see..." Bellatrix stated and she sat up wincing slightly. Narcissa reached out for the baby again, "No Cissy!"
"Damn it Bellatrix just listen to me for once, I am fine plus I can heal myself you on the other hand can't necessarily reach around and point your wand at your back" ,Krys argued. Bellatrix and Krys hadn't argued at all since they got together so it was odd to hear Krys disagree with her. Krys sighed, "I'm sorry for being snippy but please don't be so fucking stubborn I'll heal myself and everything will be fine". Krys refused to take no for an answer, she knew the woman was hurting and she loved her so much that she would risk her being a little angry with her for a while if it meant she would listen.
Bellatrix's eyes grew wide, she turned her head toward Krys, a wicked glint appeared in her eyes. "listen...for once?" she questioned. "I've listened on more than one occasion...Now you listen, I have a minor back injury which can easily be fixed, you've had the shit beaten out of you and almost died, get yourself healed, and don't worry about me!" She was becoming aggravated, though she knew Krys cared and was worried, but she had snapped back at Bellatrix. They never fought, they've had minor disagreements, mostly because of the others health. Bellatrix tilted her head and slowly stood from her seat still holding Iracebeth close, knowing they wouldn't do anything while she held the baby, for if they missed or if Bellatrix dropped her or if she fell. She eyed Krys cardully as she began to walk away. It hurt to do so but Bellatrix barely winced watching the three who were still at the table. "It's okay love..."She stated as she was closer to the door now. Narcissa went to grab her and Bella quickly pulled away making her wince, then she hurried out of the room, heading up stairs which were painful to climb. Bellatrix was stubborn, always had been, that wasn't about to change anytime soon.
"FUCK"! Krys yelled as she watched Bellatrix leave the room, she slammed her fists on the table and looked at her father. "You better go heal her I would follow her but I can't fucking see straight" ,Krys didn't mean to snap at her father but she was irritated at the fact that Bellatrix had snapped at her when she was only trying to help. Snape did what Krys told him to and caught up to Bellatrix to try and convince her to let him heal her. Narcissa looked at Krys and summoned a cloth and wet it, she began to wipe the blood off of Krys' face, she was nervous with every touch thinking Krys could snap at any moment. Krys sat still though she would never hurt Narcissa even if the woman tried to kill her. After Narcissa finished wiping the blood away Krys pointed her wand at her head and muttered a spell to get rid of her concussion and to close up the wound. "I'm going to help my father" ,Krys said quickly as she stood up. She made her way to find Bellatrix and her father, the two would most likely be arguing. Krys had given in and healed herself just so Bellatrix would let someone heal her.
Bellatrix made it up the stairs as grueling as it was, then continued to walk toward her room. With everymovement a sharp pain was sent through her body, she was really starting to feel it now, now that she was calmish knowing Krys was alive and was going to be okay, she wasn't still any more so she was more tuned into her pain. A few tears escaped as she stopped to lean against the wall, sinking to the ground trying to hold herself together while holding the baby. She heard footsteps and quickly wiped away her tears. Looking to see who it was, seeing Severus. Severus hasn't been on her good terms since Hogwarts, before her left her anyway. Though he had healed her several times, after all those years she was still hurt, plus though he killed Dumbledore, she still didn't trust him. They began to fight about her health and Krys, but mostly the situation about healing her. But Bella refused to be healed until she was sure Krys was well.
As Krys made her way to Bellatrix's room she heard her father arguing with Bella about healing her, Krys paid no mind to it seeing the two always argued. When she walked in the room she seen just how badly Bellatrix was hurt, "Bellatrix I'm fine I healed myself and Narcissa cleaned the blood from my head, let me take Iracebeth for a few moments and let my dad heal you.....please love I hate to see you hurt" ,Krys said. She wiped a tear from her eye as she looked at Bellatrix hoping nobody seen her getting upset. Krys walked over to Bellatrix and sat down next to her on the floor, she looked her straight in the eyes, " let him fix you". Krys ran her finger down the side of Bellatrix's face and looked at her with pleading eyes.
Bellatrix became silent as she noticed Krys walking into the room. She hardly had any real emotion on her face, she was hurt, sad, annoyed, she was a mix and didn't want to or know what to show. Bellatrix kept her eyes on Krys as she spoke, she could see that Krys was well and no longer seeming to be in any pain. She also saw Krys wipe away her tear. Her eyes fell and looked down at her lap, away from Krys to where her babe was nestled. Bella could feel Krys by her side, looking at her slowly until their eyes met. Bella's eyes softend, swallowing, gently grasping her baby handing her over to Krys without another word.
Krys took the baby from Bellatrix and cradled her in her arms, "It's gonna hurt a bit love" ,Krys said noticing her father raise his wand behind Bellatrix. She heard a snap and cringed knowing it was whatever had messed up in Bellatrix's back. Krys looked at Bellatrix, "You feel alright, I have a few of those pain killing potions still if you need any, you may not some people differ from others when hit with this spell" ,Krys said. She continued to rock the baby in her arms while she waited for Bellatrix's answer.
Bellatrix tried to brace herself for what was to come. She lightly bit her bottom lip, taking a deep breath waiting for thespell to hit her. Once it did her eyes grew wide, butting into her lip, she helped as her back snapped back into place. A few tears ran down her face and she fell to her side and layed there covering her face with her hair, not wanting to be seen weak and in pain, her logic was she didn't see them they wouldn't say anything about it. Bellatrix shook her head slightly, not knowing if she would, sure she was in pain but hated drinking potions.
The baby had fallen asleep while Krys was rocking her, when Krys seen Bellatrix lay on the floor she looked up at her father. "Thank you, can you give us a moment please"? Krys asked. When her father left she brought the baby over to the bassinet that was still in the room and laid her in it. She ran over to Bellatrix and laid down on the floor next to her, Krys brushed the hair from Bellatrix's face and looked her in the eyes yet again, "You don't have to hide your pain from me love, we all hurt sometimes I would never think less of you for being hurt". Krys moved closer to Bellatrix and kissed her to try and take her mind off of the pain. "I'm not going to move from this spot until I know you feel better" ,Krys told her as she wrapped her arms around her gently.
Bellatrix heard one set of footsteps go away but the other remained. She tried to hide her face further as she felt her hair move. She didn't want to be seen in pain. She shook her head no, she was supposed to give pain, not feel it. Bellatrix looked at Krys' face, then as she was kissed she gave in a bit kissing her back, it was a destruction taking her mind off her pain easily. Bella tensed as Krys' arms wrapped around her.
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