The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Bellatrix sat weakly in the chair trying to remain awake, but her head felt so heavy. Bellatrix swallowed the liquid as it was poured into her. Bella watched as the one blur left and returned, holding onto Krys's hand as she spoke to her. Bellatrix looked at him and smiled softly. "thank you.." she states weakly. Withing the 5 minutes Bellatrix was able to see again, Krys never looked so good to her as she did then. As time went on, she began to feel better, her breathing became normal again. "Again...dying hurts." She stated with a joking tone from the last time.
Krys sighed with relief as Bellatrix began to feel better, "I thought I was going to lose you again" ,Krys said as she knelt down and laid her head on Bellatrix's lap. "I'm going up to the manor in the morning and I'm going to read ever person in the place until I find out exactly who poisoned you, then when I do I'm going to torture them until they're begging me to stop" ,Krys said bitterly, she was pissed. "But for now I'm going to sit here with you and enjoy it, Merlin it's been a long fucking week" ,Krys went and grabbed a cup of juice of her own then a bottle of rum from the liquor cabinet that she figured Lucius had put in. She made her way over and sat next to Bellatrix and mixed herself a drink, when she finished she took a sip and leaned back in the chair.
"This time I was scared too," she stated smiling softly. Bella looked at her as she placed her head on her lap. Starting to pet her hair. "It's okay love. I understand, you don't have to do that there's no need for it. It's over and done with." Bellatrix stated. Bella rested her back on the chair. "I'd like that, and yes it has been a very long week, but everything will be okay." she smiled and drank the rest of her juice.
"I suppose your right busting through the door of the manor and interrogating people will probably only cause more problems" ,Krys sighed. She took another sip from her cup then leaned forward, she couldn't sit still for some reason she felt really antsy, maybe it was due to the fact that she almost witnessed Bellatrix die again. Krys truly loved the woman and it scared the hell out of her to think that she could've been ripped from her life so quickly. Eventually Krys stood up, she looked at Bellatrix, "I'm gonna go sit outside for a bit I need some fresh air" ,she told her. Krys grabbed her drink then walked out onto the deck, when she got out there she set the glass on the table and walked over to the railing and leaned against it looking at the ground below.
"Most likely love, it's really not worth it. Again I've almost died many times before this, it comes with being a death eater." Bellatrix stated. She pulled her knees up into the chair. "Okay love I'm going to sit here for a few more minutes. Be careful." she smiled at her watching as she went out to the deck.
Krys stood out there until she finished her drink, she walked back into the house and knelt back down by Bellatrix. She leaned against the chair and looked up at Bellatrix, "I don't know what I would do without you love" ,she stated. Krys put her hand onto Bellatrix's leg and smiled, "I love you, whenever you're ready we can go to bed I dunno if you'd be tired though I'm not sure how the poison works if it actually gives you rest while you sleep or if it's just a side effect" ,Krys was ranting a bit and her words weren't coming out the way she wanted them to. She wasn't tired but she was full of nerves and just needed to keep busy.
"Are you alright my love?" Bellatrix asked when she came back inside, Bellatrix was worried about Krys. "Well you'll have to figure it out one day, promise me when that day comes you'll care for Iracebeth and take care of yourself." Bella stated running her fingers through Krys' hair. Bellatrix took her free hand and placed it a top of Krys'. "I'm not tired well I'm not as tired as I was, plus we just woke up. What do you wanna do?" Bellatrix asked curiously.
"Yeah I'm alright love just nerves getting to me, I don't want to think of ever being without you for now let's just pretend it will never happen" ,Krys said. She looked up and gave Bellatrix a cheesy but cute smile. "I will always be there for Iracebeth though and you know that" ,Krys told her honestly, she looked over at the pup who was now sleeping on the floor in the room they were in, "And so will he". When Bellatrix asked Krys what she wanted to do a smirk came across her face, "You" ,she replied jokingly. "I'm only kidding love what do you want to do"? Krys asked with a small laugh.
Bellatrix smiled, "Alright love, we can pretend for now but one day we'll need to talk about it, I won't live forever." She stated her smile faded slightly. "Just wanted to make sure that you would." she smiled at her love, she was glad that Iracebeth was well taken care of. "I know he will but I'd rather than just a dog." Bella stated sincerely. "hmmm....maybe later" Bellatrix smirked at Krys then it softend to a smile. "I don't know love, I'm not the one to ask, I never know what to do..." She replied.
"Hmmm how about I light the fireplace and pour us some wine, I can grab a couple of blankets and we can set them up in front of the fire and cuddle for a little while" ,Krys suggested hoping she didn't sound too cheesy. "I mean I would enjoy just holding you by the warm fire, I know I probably sound like a freaking softy right now huh"?
Bellatrix made a face as if she was thinking about it. "It sounds lovely babe. Besides I like when you're cheesy." She grinned. She loved the idea, just to be in Krys' embrace infront of a warm blazing fire. "I enjoy your soft side, I love all your sides, I love you."
Krys smiled then stood up, "I love you too, I'll go grab the stuff and we can start our evening" ,she said right before she disappeared into the other room. She grabbed a few blankets then brought them back to the sitting room and laid them on the floor. She muttered a spell to make them more comfortable so they wouldn't feel like they were laying on a hard floor, she then lit the fire and made her way to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of wine and two glasses. When she returned to the sitting room she sat down on the blanket and patted the spot next to her motioning for Bellatrix to come sit down.
Bellatrix nodded when Krys said she'd set up. Bella remained in her seat not wanting to chance the potion since she was just saved from death again. She watched as Krys came in and out of the room, as Krys settled herself and patted the blanket, Bellatrix stood gentle and walk over sitting down next to Krys with a smile.
Krys poured two glasses of wine and handed one to Bellatrix, she looked at her love and smiled. "You are everything I could ever want my love, I love spending moments like this with you" ,Krys said right before taking a sip from her glass. She reached over and put her arm around Bellatrix's waist and snuggled up to her, she pulled the extra blanket up onto them and watched the fire as it danced in the dimly lit room.
Taking the glass,"Thank you," she stated before taking a sip. "As I you, to be honest I never thought I'd find what I was missing, one in a woman, two in my "enemy's" daughter who's only 18. And third who I hated when I met you." She smiled back it was true, but she was in love with the young witch if she could give Krys the stars she would. Bellatrix kissed her cheek as she was pulled closer then rested her head on Krys' shoulder and watched the flames dance in front of them.
Krys smiled at Bellatrix's words, "A lot of things have happened this year that I didn't expect, I was dead set on finding the right woman for me and I honestly gave up after the whole thing with Pansy's friend" ,Krys told her. "I was so stupid I didn't realize who I needed was living in the same house as me" ,Krys laughed a little bit and took another sip from her glass. She kissed Bellatrix on the head then leaned her head against hers.
Bella repositioned her head so she could take a drink. Then put it back, she smiled at Krys words. "Oh yes I never knew how much could happen in a single year." She stated with a soft sigh. Bellatrix smiled brightly, "No you weren't stupid, you didn't realize because I was a an evil bitch who'd hex you if you looked at me wrong." She giggled remembering how they used to fight.
Krys laughed, "I remember that one time you cruciod me and Draco so fucking bad because we used that flaming door charm on your bedroom door" ,Krys said remembering back. "We were little shits towards you but it was really only because I had a crush on you ever since you moved into the manor, Draco only did stuff because he followed me, looking back I kinda deserved some of those hexes". Krys held Bellatrix close and rubbed the older witch's leg. "I'm happy that we're together though Bellatrix I truly am".
"You set my door on fire you deserved to be punished and Cissy was never good at that. So I did it. And yes you were Draco was never like that to me until you, he learned though." Bella stated then paused for a minute,"You tormented me...because you had a crush on me?" She questioned trying to make sense. "Well I guess it was one way to get my attention." she smiled at her. "So am I Krys."
"Yeah I know it sounds bad but I wanted your attention whether negative or positive as long as your focus was on me that's all that mattered" ,Krys admitted. "I was immature then, I have grown up a lot though even just in this year I have I'm glad with the decisions I've made though, I couldn't be happier I have every thing I need right in this little house".
"Well it worked, you annoyed the shit out of me, a year ago I swear you were worse than Rudy. " She stated Krys would drive Bellatrix up the walls but Bella hardly ever got to do anything about it, because of Narcissa. "I'm happy too love I wouldn't change anything."
"Was I really worse then him"? Krys asked in a worried tone, she hated the thought of being as bad as Rodolphus. "Well......I hope I'm better now then I was then" ,Krys took another sip from her glass and set it down so she could wrap both of her arms around the older witch. "If I ever act like an ass again feel free to use whatever measures you need to" ,Krys told Bellatrix, she turned the older witch's head so that they were facing each other then planted a soft kiss on her lips.
"You weren't...yeah you were. I wanted to kill you most of the time granted I wanted to kill Rudy for the past 27 years. But I couldn't because of the contract. You drove me to want to kill, up and over the edge, just lucky Cissy talked me out of it. A year ago before you really started the Dark Lord wouldn't have cared if I had done so until after you started to prove yourself then I would gave been in trouble." Bellatrix explained, if Narcissa was never around Bellatrix would have probably killed the girl. "Much better love if you weren't I wouldn't be in your arms, saying I love you. Oh if you do and I realize it you'll know."She smiled brightly. Bella put her glass aside as Krys wrapped her arms around her pulling Bella into a soft kiss.
When Krys broke away from the kiss she sighed, "I'm sorry for everything" ,Krys was a bit hurt by what Bellatrix said but she wasn't going to say anything, she didn't want to ruin the moment so she just kept it to herself. "I'll be right back I'm gonna go grab a snack really quick" ,Krys stood up and made her way back to the kitchen, she grabbed a pack of crackers and walked back over to Bellatrix and sat down. She didn't really know what to say at the moment so she just opened the pack of crackers and ate one.
Bellatrix looked at Krys confused, "Don't worry about it love, it was awhile ago, you were doing what every child does, you were playing just most children don't know when to stop playing. That's all." She stated, Bellatrix nodded "Alright dear...." she said watching Krys go. Bellatrix figured she had hurt Krys, with something she had said, she bit her lip softly. Once Krys was sitting down again, Bella looked at her. "I sorry if I hurt your feelings love, but better you hear it from me then see it or hear from another." she said then looked at her lap.
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