The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Krys kissed Bellatrix's neck as she thrusted deep into her, "I love the way you moan" ,Krys whispered. That was the best part of the sex for Krys it was knowing that Bellatrix felt good that drove her wild. Krys grabbed Bellatrix's breast again and squeezed it a little harder then she did before as she continued to pound into Bellatrix.
Bellatrix whimpered as her neck was kissed as she was pounded. Bella blushed as Krys said that she liked her moaning. Bellatrix helped as Krys squeezed her breast harder, digging her nails hard into Krys's back, as she continued to be rammed. She was coming close to her orgasm, as they continued to make live to eachother.
Krys moved her lips to Bellatrix's and kissed her deeply as she continued to make love to her. Krys loved Bellatrix and every time they made love it was amazing, she had never felt this way with anyone in her life. "I love you....I love you so much Bellatrix" ,Krys said breathlessly as she moved even faster pushing into Bellatrix as deep as she could.
Bellatrix's whines and moans we're muffled, by Krys' deep and passionate kiss. Bellatrix's nails dragged down Krys' back. Krys was the only one she enjoyed having sex with, her and Severus never got that far, she detested Rudilphus so anything he did to her she also hated he was a lousy love maker, The Dark Lord couldn't love so there was nothing really there it was rough and just for one purpose, but Krys, Krys was perfect, she loved her and was loved in return they could actually make love but not just have sex they did everything. "I love you too....Krys." Bella stated breathlessly in return, bellatrix moaned as Krys became faster and went deeper into her. Her body finally giving in she came hard for Krys.
Krys knew when Bellatrix came, she felt her legs tremble and her body go limp. Krys held Bellatrix close as she had her orgasm, after she came Krys moved slowly for a few minutes before sliding the toy out of her and muttering the spell to make it go away. She laid down and cuddled up to Bellatrix, her love. "You're amazing in every way my love" ,Krys whispered right before kissing her softly.
Bellatrix lay breathlessly on the bed, as Krys pushed into her a few more times before cuddling with. After that she should have perked up a bit, but she felt weaker than she had before. "As are you love." Bellatrix stated smiling at her, cuddling even more.
Krys pulled Bellatrix closer to her then pulled the blankets onto both of them so that Bellatrix wouldn't get cold. Just as Krys was about to say something she heard the baby cry, "I'll go get her, she probably needs a change by now and she's probably hungry" ,Krys said. She knew Bellatrix was tired and didn't want her to have to do too much. Krys went and got Iracebeth out of her crib and changed her then brought her to Bellatrix, "I don't have the stuff to feed her love" ,Krys said jokingly. "I have to go check on the soup I'll be right back".
As the blanket went over them, she cuddled further into Krys. Bellatrix closed her eyes, she was tired enough just to pass out where she lay. Bella's eyes opened slowly as she heard the baby cry, she let out a sigh and went to get up until Krys offered to get her. Bella stayed wrapped in the warmth of the blanket. As Krys went to get her Bella laid her head back down closeing her eyes. When Krys returned her eyes opened smiling at her joke, though Krys was a woman she didn't have the milk that comes with pregnancy. "True, you don't." Bellatrix stated then sat up to take Iracebeth, starting to feed her. "Alright, We'll be here." she stated as the baby suckled from her.
Krys made her way to the kitchen and over to the stove, she took the lid of the pot and gave it a quick stir before turning the heat off. She made her way back into the bedroom and sat down gently on the bed. "Food's done if you still wanted to sit outside I'll go set everything up" ,Krys said, she smiled softly at Bellatrix she felt bad, she wasn't used to seeing Bellatrix so tired and weak.
Once Iracebeth was finished feeding bellatrix cuddled under the blanket, with the baby. As Krys returned Bellatrix sat up holding iracebeth again. "Okay, yeah I'm still not hungry, but I should eat something." Bella stated with a soft smile. "Just let me get dressed, and her back to sleep, I'll meet you out there." she stated smiling reasurringly.
"Alright I'll make you a small bowl and if you can't eat it don't worry" ,Krys said, she smiled again before turning to leave the room. She went out onto the deck to get everything set up and clean off the table outside. Krys made her way back into the kitchen and grabbed the food then brought it outside and put it onto the table. She walked back into the house and into the bedroom, "It's all set love whenever you're ready".
"Sounds good love, be ready in a few." she stated with a smile. Standing up with the baby in her arms she gathered her clothing, put Iracebeth down and dressed herself which was a little difficult. Once dressed she grabbed her baby and craddled her back to sleep. "As ready as I'll ever be," Bellatrix stood and walked over to the crib, placing Iracebeth in it. She looked at Krys with her hand held out so they could hold hands as they walked out.
Krys took Bellatrix's hand and walked her out to the deck and pulled out a chair for her, "I've got a pot of tea ready as well I'll go grab it" ,she told Bellatrix. Krys went inside and grabbed the tea and brought it out to Bellatrix, she sat down and looked at her, "How are you feeling? You seem ill and I'm a bit worried".
"Thank you love." she stated as her chair was pulled out for her. "Okay I'll be here." Bellatrix said watching Krys go fetch the tea. Bellatrix looked up at Krys as she returned, "I'm ill, definitely ill. I'm fine. I'll be better come tomorrow after I've eaten some soup and some rest I'll be as good as new, I promise." she stated with a light smile.
"Alright love I'm here if you need anything" ,Krys said smiling back at her. She ate her food fast like usual and sat with Bellatrix as she ate hers. Krys looked out into the night sky at the stars then back to Bellatrix, "I'm so happy that we can finally relax without everybody hassling us, this....this is what we needed" ,Krys said as she leaned back and let out a sigh of content.
Bellatrix nodded her head, and began to eat some of the soup. It was fantastic, the hot liquid ran down her throat. "It's delicious love." Bella commented. Bella looked up, "Yes we did we'll be happier over here." she stated taking another bite. She still had half a bowl left, she couldn't finish it it wasn't like her, she'd normally finish a meal.
Krys grabbed Bellatrix's hand and rubbed it gently with her thumb, "Come on love let me bring you to bed, you look exhausted" ,Krys said. She knew Bellatrix was tired and didn't want to keep her up for too long, Krys hoped that Bellatrix would feel better soon so that she could fully enjoy the new situation being in their own place with their own rules.
"I I really look that bad? I'm sorry...I've ruined our first evening alone..." Bellatrix said she felt bad that she had come down with something. "Okay...I should get some rest." She stated, a soft smile played on her lips.
"You could never look bad and you didn't ruin anything I had a lovely time with you, I always do no matter how tired you are" ,Krys said smiling, she took Bellatrix's hand and walked her into the bedroom. Krys had Bellatrix lay down then she covered her with the blankets, "I'll be right back to lay with you I just have to clean up" ,Krys told her, she kissed Bella's head softly before leaving the room.
Bellatrix smiled softly at Krys. She she said how she had a wonderful time with her. Bella followed her to the bedroom hand in hand. Once in their room Bella laid down on the bed. Cuddling into the blanket Krys put on her, "Okay love, I'm not going anywhere. " She stated watching Krys leave. Bellatrix closed her eyes and in minutes she was out.
When Krys finished cleaning up she went back into the house and poured a glass of milk and drank it before going back to the bedroom. When she got into the bedroom she laid on the bed and got under the covers, she noticed Bellatrix was already asleep so she gently cuddled up to her making sure she didn't wake her up. Even though Krys wasn't really tired she fell asleep rather quickly.
Bellatrix slept through the night, nit even feeling Krys come into bed. She unwrapped herself gently from Krys as not to wake her. Getting up to go to the restroom. Once there she began havinging a coughing fit. Taking some toilet paper she coughed into it once she settled again she looked at the paper in her hand, it was covered in blood. Her eyes grew wide and looked into the mirror. Bellatrix's skin was paler than normal and dark heavy rings were around her eyes looking as if she were bruised. She began to cry and even her tears were strange, they were thick and red, blood was falling from her eyes. Bellatrix screamed bloody murder and curled up into a ball hugging her knees, resting her head on them, hiding her face. She sat their shaking and rocking in the corner.
Krys jumped and fell out of the bed when she heard Bellatrix scream, she got up quickly and ran to the bathroom. When she opened the door and seen Bellatrix she knew exactly why she was ill now, "They've poisoned you love" ,Krys said shakily. "Come on into the sitting room you need to stay awake until I get back ok, the effects of this particular poison work best when the drinker sleeps, I need to see my father to get the antidote there is a pot of tea on the stove drink a cup if you get drowsy and I will be back as soon as possible" ,Krys told her right before apparating to the manor. Krys bursted through her fathers bedroom door and he was awake almost instantly. "Dad come quick please Bellatrix has been poisoned" ,Krys said with tears forming in her eyes. Snape took one look at his daughter and decided it best not to argue, he got up and grabbed a black bag and the two apparated back to the tree house. Krys led him to where Bellatrix was and he quickly got to work to heal her, Krys' fist were clenched and her teeth were grinding against each other as tears began to fall from her eyes. She was mad and she was going to hurt whoever did this to her love.
Bellatrix looked up at Krys, "I'm dying...." She stated shakily, still crying blood. She shook her head vigorouosly then nodded her head,she was in shock and she was confused. "I'll try hurry back, I'm so tired Krys." she stated, holding her hand out until Krys left for the manor. Bella started to drift until she began digging her nails into her palms, her vision became blurry seeing two figures walk in one she figured was Krys and the other was most likely Severus. Bella's breathing began to increase as the poison started to effect her heart and lungs.
Krys bit her nails as her father mixed up the antidote, he finished it as quick as he could and poured it down Bellatrix's throat. "How long will it take to work"? Krys asked. Severus looked up at her, "It should work instantly about five to ten minutes, you may want to get her something to drink other then tea she will be very thirsty" ,he replied. Krys went into the kitchen quickly and grabbed a glass and filled it with some juice and ice, she brought it back to the sitting room and set it on the table next to Bellatrix, "Everything's going to be alright love, my father knows what he's doing" ,Krys said grabbing Bellatrix's hand. She looked over at her father, "Thank you" ,she said and he nodded his head then left.
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