The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Krys felt Bellatrix's arms around her and smiled, she had never been happier in her life, she had the most wonderful fiance anyone could ask for, a beautiful baby girl, a great pet and a wonderful friend. Draco looked at the two, "Well I'll go get the pup and after that I'll be off I've got some things to do today with my father and I'm sure you two are gonna want to break in the new place" ,Draco winked after the last remark and Krys' eyes widened, "Draco you perv that's your aunt" ,Krys said trying not to laugh. "So she's not yours" ,he said in response. Draco turned to leave but before he could go Krys stopped him, "Listen mate it would be an honor for you to be my witness at the wedding" ,Krys said, Draco smiled, "Of course mate I wouldn't miss the opportunity for the world". With that Draco made his way down the ramp and back up to the manor.
Bellatrix rested her head on Krys' shoulder, as they stood talking to Draco. Bellatrix nodded her head then glared at her nephew, "Watch your tongue Draco, you don't know how valuable one it until it's gone. No I'm not her Aunt, I'm her wife, big difference." Bella stated. She smiled as Dracoi said he'd be a witness to their wedding. She watched as Draco left to fetch the pup, "Now what?" Bella had tslked about moving out but to do it was different.
Krys kissed Bellatrix on the cheek, "Well now I cook you some breakfast" ,she said making her way over to the kitchen. "Iracebeth's got a bouncy chair in her room if you want I can grab it and she can sit in it and play for a little while it might take her mind off of her teeth" ,Krys continued grabbing a frying pan and placing it on the stove. She went into the fridge and like Draco said it was stocked, she grabbed some eggs and ham and placed it all on the counter. She walked over to Bellatrix and kissed her again, "So love what would you like for breakfast"?
Bellatrix smiled but didn't say anything about breakfast. "Good idea, it'll keep her busy." She stated she felt bad her baby was in pain because of teeth. Bellatrix kissed Krys softly, as she approached her. "Don't worry about it love. I'm not that hungry." She stated she was in one of her eating moods, meaning she thought she was too fat to wanna eat. Plus she was excited about all of this.
Krys sighed and gave Bellatrix a boo boo lip, "Aww babe just eat a little bit so I don't feel like a pig" ,Krys said in an almost pleading tone. She knew Bellatrix had her moments where she thought she shouldn't eat because of her weight but Krys thought she was beautiful and would always think that no matter what. Krys went into the baby's room and grabbed her chair and set it up in the sitting room, "Here we go Racey let's get you into the fun seat" ,Krys said smiling at the baby.
Bellatrix pouted, "Fine I'll eat a bit, an egg should do it, so you're not eating alone." Bella stated she wasn't hungry so she didn't want to eat, but she would at least nibble on something.  Bellatrix watched as Krys went for the chair, then come back with it for the baby. Keys seemed to have things under control, so Bellatrix went to sit down for a minute. Watching as Krys spoke to the baby. 
Krys put the baby in the chair and strapped her in then bounced it gently, "You having fun" ,Krys said in a baby voice that she had never used before until now. When Krys knew that Iracebeth had the hang of it and she started moving herself to bounce Krys got up and walked into the kitchen. As she pulled the rest of the stuff out she heard a yelp and scratching at the door, after a few seconds Draco opened the door and let the dog in. "Hey Draco are you hungry"? Krys asked as she turned the stove on. "Yeah a bit actually" ,he replied. Krys looked over to Bellatrix, "If you really don't feel like eating love I'm not going to force you but only if you're really truly not hungry" ,Krys told her, she didn't want to make Bellatrix eat if she didn't want to. "Want a cup of tea though love"?
Bellatrix heard Krys's baby voice it was adorable, maybe she was around her too much. She watched as the baby started to bounce herself in the chair, smiling, she was destracted scratching and a yelp. "I'm not hungry right now, I'll eat later. A cup of tea would be lovely though. Thanks." Bella stated looking at Krys, sming softly. Bellatrix stood and walked over to the couch she was still tired, but couldn't imagine why. So she figured she shut her eyes for a bit.
Krys noticed Bellatrix looked tired, she made her a cup of tea then set it on the table beside her. "Her you go love" ,Krys said quietly. "If you need to go lay down for a bit, me and Draco can watch the baby for a while, go get some rest love if she gets hungry I'll let you know". Krys kissed Bellatrix on the head softly then made her way back to the kitchen to finish making breakfast. When she finished she set the plates on the table then poured orange juice into cups and sat down. "Food's done Draco" ,she said and Draco came and sat down at the table with her.
Bellatrix opened her eyes, then smiled softly, "Thank you baby." she stated as Krys placed the tea beside her. She took a hold of it and took a sip, sighing softly as the warm liquid flowed down her throat. "Alright I should get some rest I just feel so tired," Bella whispered and took her tea to the bed room. Bellatrix looked around the room a minute, it was beautiful, they out did themselves. Bella put her tea down and snuggled into the bed which was almost like being on a cloud. She drank a little more tea and was out like a light.
Krys watched as Bellatrix went into the room she noticed something was off but didn't know what, she hoped it wasn't her. Krys and Draco sat and ate their breakfast, having a conversation about quidditch like usual. When they finished Draco left to do the stuff he needed to and Krys made her way over to the baby, she sat on the floor next to Racey and summoned some toys and a children's book. "We're gonna have a little bit of fun while mum's asleep, sound good"? Krys said smiling at the baby who looked at her with wide eyes. Krys grabbed one of the toys that was on the floor next to her and handed it to the baby who threw it at Krys' head, the toy was soft so it didn't hurt it made Krys laugh a little bit. "You've got quite an arm on ya". Krys tried with another toy but got the same result, this time when Krys laughed she heard the baby squeak and looked at her scared that she may be getting ready to cry but noticed a huge smile on her face, "Now you are definitely going to have to do that when your mommy comes back out here" ,Krys said handing the baby another toy, which she threw at Krys' head and laughed again, which made Krys laugh with her.
Bellatrix slept soundlessly for awhile getting some much needed rest. Bellatrix jolted awake and listened a bit she heard the baby squeak...she waited to see if it would happen again, sure enough it did. Bellatrix jumped out of bed, and went over to where the baby was. Seeing the two together made her smile a bit. "What happened ? What's wrong?" She asked nervously, the baby didn't look like she had cried, or was going to cry, but she knew she heard her.
Krys jumped a bit at the sound of Bellatrix's voice, she was having so much fun she didn't hear Bella come out of the room. "Nothing's wrong love, come here you've got to see this it's the cutest thing" ,Krys said. She handed the toy back to Iracebeth and let her throw it at her head again, Krys made a funny noise when the toy hit and the baby laughed again. "We've come up with a game, she can throw we've been at it for a good hour now" ,Krys told Bellatrix. "Are you feeling hungry yet love? Just let me know when you need something and I'll get it for you".
Bellatrix looked at Krys curiously, "What is it?" She asked. Bellatrix smiled as she saw and heard her baby laugh, she was so cute. "I'm not sure I like the idea of her throwing things at your head..." Bellatrix stated calmly, one she didn't want the baby to have a habit of throwing things, they'd have to deal with that for a few years, though she had a good arm. "As long as it's not hurting you I guess it's okay." Bella stated, approving slightly of their game. "No dear I'm alright, I'm not hungry, I will, but I'm good for now, thanks." She stated smiling warmly.
"You're right love she shouldn't be throwing stuff but....." ,Krys got up and walked over to Bellatrix and leaned in to whisper in her ear, "It was the only way I knew to keep her calm....I'm rubbish at this stuff but I'm trying, I'm sorry" ,Krys whispered quietly, she felt like she wasn't doing her best with the baby and didn't want to mess up. "I'll make you another cup of tea sit down and relax love" ,Krys told her. She made her way to the kitchen and got to work on boiling the water, she went into the fridge and grabbed a soda for herself then leaned against the counter and waited for the water to boil.
"Why are you whispering?" She whispered back, "It's fine, you're trying that's all I can ask, I never had to fully raise a child on my own, I always had help, I did little things to help with my sister's, and then with Draco, until I was taken away...So I don't know much either but we'll make it work." She stated trying to make Krys feel better, she knew she was trying. "Krys..really I'm...alright tea's fine." She smiled taking a seat, as Krys had told her too, looking at her baby.
Krys had forgotten she didn't have to whisper about her flaws anymore, the water boiled for a few seconds before Krys made Bellatrix her tea. She walked over to Bellatrix and set the cup on the table next to her, she then sat down in a chair near Bellatrix. "So did you sleep well love? How are you feeling"? Krys asked, she had a feeling something may be wrong so she figured she ask.
"Thank you love." She said as the tea was placed on the table. Taking it in her hand she took a sip from it. "Yes, I still can't explain why I feel so tired. Maybe I'm getting a cold or something...other than that I'm fine. How are you?" Bellatrix spoke then took another sip of tea.
Krys pouted, "Aw love if you need anything let me know ok, I hate to see you not feeling well" ,Krys said, she reached over and rubbed Bellatrix's leg and smiled at her. "I'm going to grab a book, maybe later we can go sit outside on the deck if you feel up to it"? Krys asked. She got up and walked over to the book case and grabbed something to read, she made her way back over to her chair and sat down opening the book.
Bellatrix nodded, "I'll tell you if I need something." She smiled and looked at her leg as Krys rubbed it, then back up to her. "Alright, going out to the deck shouldn't be too much. It'll be nice, fresh air may even do me good." She stated, watching as Krys went to get a book. Bellatrix didn't feel like going into the other room, so she curled herself onto the couch, relaxing.
"I can make you some soup later as well if you'd like, well I'd have to start on it soon if you want it by later" ,Krys said. Not too many people knew that Krys could cook and that she actually enjoyed doing it. "I figure if you're coming down with a cold soup will help you a bit, we can eat out on the deck, Racey can sit in her chair out there with us, it's up to you love" ,Krys smiled softly over her book.
"That sounds lovely dear. If you'd like to, I don't have any objections, I'll probably be hungry later. If you don't want to you don't have too." She looked at Krys smiling softly, not wanting to be a burden on the girl, her girl, her love.
"Nonsense love I'll get to it right now" ,Krys smiled then stood up closing her book. She walked over to Bellatrix and kissed her before making her way to the kitchen. She pulled out all the ingredients she would need then started making the soup. When everything was in the pot Krys put a lid on it then turned it to a simmer. She went into the bedroom to change into something a little bit cooler, she had worked up a sweat while cooking. Krys put on a tank top and a pair of jeans with her work boots then made her way back into the sitting room and sat down with Bellatrix. "You look so tired love would you like some more tea? Maybe the caffeine will wake you up a bit".
"Okay love." She smiled as Krys kis/sed her. Bellatrix continued to lay there, just resting, after a bit she was able to smell the soup cooking, it smelt fantastic. "Comfy" Bella asked as she noticed Krys had changed. "I've drinken a cup and a half already,I never finished my first cup. Shoot it's in the bedroom, I should go and get that before I forget." She stated getting up, her body started to ache in several places, but she ignored it sighing slightly then walking to the bed room to get the half finished cup of tea, heating it up with her wand. Figuring she should finish it, She made her way back to the sitting room and with a smile and sat back down gently..
"Alright love" ,Krys said. She was about to tell Bellatrix that she would grab her cup but Bella was already up and walking towards the room. Krys noticed Bellatrix sigh and figured it was just because she was still a bit tired. She walked over to the baby who was falling asleep in her chair and unbuckled the belt and took her out gently, Racey laid her head on Krys' shoulder and Krys rubbed her back as she walked her to her room. When Krys got the baby into her room she laid her down in her crib then silently left the room. "Iracebeth is napping, she was tired poor thing was falling asleep in her chair" ,Krys told Bellatrix as she sat back down in her seat.
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