The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

"I know, I have no clue what's hit Narcissa on the head....Something snapped." Bella stated dully, and annoyed. Bella smiled slightly "Awe good ol' Lucius...At least he see's reason." Bella relpied, she thought it would be the opposite way around. Bella saw what Krys did and she just stared at her, "Krys...Love...Why did you do that? Aren't you hungry, if here take the rest of mine, I can't finish it." Bellatrix stated, she really wasn't hungry and she could see Krys was upset. "Talk to me...Don't make me come ove there and force it from you." She stated with a playful, suductive, and concerned tone, and look.
"Nothing's wrong love I'm just not hungry" ,Krys said. She had lost her appetite but knew it would probably return later. "No love you eat your food" ,Krys didn't want to take Bellatrix's food from her she would feel to bad about it. "I'm gonna head to bed" ,Draco said as he finished his food, he seen the playful seductive look in Bellatrix's eyes and smirked before leaving the room and shutting the door behind him. "You're gonna force it out of me.....How"? Krys said quietly back trying to be serious but a huge grin spread across her face after a few seconds.
"You're lying to me love..." Bella pouted, she knew her better than that, Krys was always hungry, and she could tell the young witch was down. Bellatrix wrapped up her food and pushed it aside, if Krys was going to be stubborn so was she. "Bellatrix smiled at Draco, "Goodnight Dear." She stated watching as he left the room. Bellatrix stood up and removed the stuff from the bed, not wanting to have a mess. Standing at the foot of the bed, "Oh...? I have my ways..." She stated then she leaned onto her bed crawling up to Krys like a tiger about to pounce on her prey. She straddled Krys, having one leg on each side of Krys. Kissing her softly, biting her bottom lip gently. She then moved down to Krys' neck kissing it, sucking upon her flesh gently biting here and there. Bella then strolled he tongue along Krys' flesh up to her ear, taking it between her teerth gently nibbing it.
"Good night Draco" ,Krys said as he left. She watched as Bellatrix picked everything up and put it away, when the older witch finished Krys smiled when Bellatrix crawled towards her, any problem Krys had quickly faded as Bellatrix straddled her. Feeling Bellatrix's tongue on her neck made Krys moan softly, " baby.....we can't do anything with her in here, you're such a tease" ,Krys whimpered as Bellatrix bit down on her ear.
Bellatrix let go of Krys' ear, and sighed. For a brief moment once again, forgetting the baby, she was getting better with it. "Right...the baby..." She pouted, she was annoyed, and it was a buzz kill. "Yes, I be good at that...teasing.." she stated dully, sitting up to face Krys. "So what bothering you then? You didn't finish eating and you always do, way before I do." Bellatrix asked, she wanted to know what Krys was thinking without reading her thoughts. Though she wanted to play around Krys was right not while the baby was there.
"Nothing love I just hate that a lot of people are against us, I wish they could see how much we love each other, then maybe they wouldn't be so harsh" ,Krys told Bellatrix. "You make me happy love and that should be all that matters". Krys pulled Bellatrix down and held her for a little bit. "Why don't you go get changed love, into something more comfortable, I think I may want a shower I got a bit sweaty today and I feel a bit icky" ,Krys told her. "You can join me if you'd like the bathroom's right there we can leave the door open and the pup won't let nobody in the room so the baby will be safe for a little bit".
"Whether they do or don't we'll still be together. I wish they weren't so harsh either but it's how they are." She stated cuddling into Krys as she pulled her close. "Alright...No thanks love I'm not in the mood for a shower,maybe later. Plus I should stay with the baby for if she wakes up." She stated and removed herself from Krys to grab something to change into. Iracebeth had been fussy lately because of her teeth so she was up variously.
"Alright love you're right she has been up a lot more lately, I'll be back in a few" ,Krys said before standing up, she kissed Bellatrix quickly before going into the bathroom. Krys took a relatively quick shower then got out and got dressed, when she was finished she walked back into the room and grabbed a cookie from the bag of sweets she bought. "OK you were right I'm freaking hungry....again" ,Krys said joking. She made her way back over to the bed and sat down with the bag and looked through it like a child would with their Halloween candy.
"Okay, she stated then kissed Krys as she stood and watched her go into the bathroom. Bellatrix went into her closet and pulled out a black nighty to wear to bed. Her normal sleep attire was either a nighty or it was a night gown, it was what she wcomfortable in. Iracebeth started to cry again, Bellatrix cradled her, she wasn't hungry, or wet, or stinky so her teeth were probably bothering her. Bellatrix congured a teething ring to hopefully sooth her a bit. "I told you you would be, the rest of my meal's over there if you want it." Bella stated pointing to her food, still cuddling Racey she walked over to the bed and sat down. "You and your sweets." bella giggled.
Krys pulled out a piece of cake and opened the container and summoned a fork, she noticed the baby in Bellatrix's arms and the teething ring. "Can I see this for a second"? Krys asked Iracebeth referring to the teething ring. Krys knew the baby didn't understand a word she was saying but she didn't cry when Krys took the teething ring away, Iracebeth just looked at her wide eyed. Krys dipped the teething ring into the frosting that was on her cake then handed it back to the baby who put it in her mouth and continued to chew on it. The little girl looked completely content and she was smacking her lips together as she ate the frosting, this made Krys giggle cutely. "Is that good, watch your mum's gonna probably hit me for that one".
Bella looked to Krys curiously, when she wanted to take the teething ring. What was the young witch up to this time? She looked to the baby who was staring wide eyed at Krys. Looking back to Krys she saw the ring go into the frosting, and her eyes grew wide, and as the yougest there took the ring back and started eating it, she looked as happy as a clam. Bella then tilted her head and looked over glaring at Krys. "Don't push your luck, you going to destroy the teeth she doesn't even have yet..." She stated she didn't want the baby hyped up on sugar, she didn't want to be up with her and she was still young being a couple months old.
"Relax love she'll be fine it's not like I'm giving her a whole lot my father used to do this all the time with me" ,Krys said jokingly. She smiled at Bellatrix then began to eat the cake she had opened. Krys thought the baby was adorable and she looked even cuter when she was happy. Krys finished her cake then moved closer to Bellatrix and put her arm around her, she looked at the baby in the older witch's arms and smiled, "You are the cutest little thing now aren't you".
"And now I know why you like sugar so much..." She stated. Bella had to admit the child was happpy and she was so cute whenever she was. Bellatrix leaned into Krys as she wrapped her arm around her. Bella smiled at Krys' complement toward the baby, her baby.
"Your daughter takes after you ya know, she has your beauty" ,Krys said to Bellatrix. She meant it Bellatrix was beautiful and she had made a beautiful little girl. It wasn't long before Krys dozed off while laying on Bellatrix, the woman was so comfortable to lay with that Krys became so relaxed when she laid with her and it was easy to fall asleep.
Bellatrix tilted her head slightly, "Oh Thank you Love.." She stated with a smile, Though Bella still had a hard time seeing it, she could see her own beauty coming back to her, slowly. After a few minutes, Bella noticed Krys sleeping and then the baby was out both of them had fallen asleep. Bellatrix slowly stood up careful not to wake either of them, bring her daughter back to her bed before cuddling into her own with Krys. Bellatrix was still tired and needed rest.
Krys slept well throughout the night, when she woke up she made her way to the bathroom, on her way back she was stopped by Draco. "Krys would you and Bellatrix like to go out side for a little while today, we can all walk through the garden for a while, it's nice out so the baby should be alright, plus there's something I wanted to show you" ,Draco said. Krys nodded and went into Bellatrix's room and shook her lightly to wake her up, "Bellatrix love Draco wants to show us something in the garden he was wondering if we wanted to go out there with him".
Bellatrix was fast asleep, she made it through the night, and into the morning light, still sleeping. She didn't stir until Krys started to shake her. "Hm?'s watching Iracebeth?" She asked groggily. She was curious to what Draco needed to show them. She stayed laying in the same postion as she asked the question, not wanting to move yet.
"Yeah now and we're taking the baby with us" ,Draco said. Krys grabbed her clothes and changed quickly, she gave Bellatrix a kiss and hugged her. She then got up and grabbed the baby some clothes, it was summer so it was pretty warm out but Krys still bought a blanket for the baby just in case. "Me and Draco are going to put the stroller together while you get ready ok love" ,Krys stated before her and Draco left the room they went down into the sitting room and began to work on the stroller, it was confusing as hell. Narcissa was watching them from the top of the stairs, she let out a laugh as she watched the two, her face then turned into a frown she started to cry a little she felt bad about trying to kill Krys even though she still didn't approve of Krys and Bellatrix's relationship she started to feel bad about how she was acting. Krys and Draco kept looking at pieces to the stroller like they were from another planet.
Bellatrix sat up and streched, looking at the two of them. "Okay I'm up..." She huuged and kissed Krys then watched as the two left to fix the stroller. She stood up and went to the dresser changing into a light weight dress, so she wouldn't over heat. She then took the baby's clothes and dreed the Iracebeth in them. Bella grabbed a hold of the baby and carried her in her arms as she walked out, to join the other two seeing her sister, who she planned to ignore until she saw her sisters tears. "Cissy? What's a matter...Why are you crying?" Bella asked concerned, though her sister was being a bitch, she was still her sister.
Narcissa turned to look at her sister, "I feel terrible, what if Krys hadn't noticed the poison in her cup she would be dead, murdered by me. Now don't take this as me accepting your relationship with her but seeing as you two love each other I may as well back down and be quiet with my disapproval" ,Narcissa said in response. "Who knows maybe I'll fully accept it one day but I don't see it happening anytime soon Bella".

Krys picked up a piece to the stroller and looked at it, "What the fuck is this thing"? She said making both her and Draco laugh. The two hadn't changed a bit when they were together, they still joked around and made each other laugh it was as if Draco hadn't been away for the whole year. The two finally got the stroller together and looked at each other, "Well that took forever" ,Krys said sarcastically. She made sure everything was safe before Iracebeth was put in it.
Bellatrix tilted her head slightly," Then she would be dead and she wouldn't be the only one, you would have lost two people that evening, Cissy." Bellatrix stated it was true if Krys had died, Bella wouldn't be too far behind her. "You can disapprove all you want Cissy, as long as you don't try to kill us, As you said, we love eachother and nothing's going to change that. Maybe you will, and maybe you wont. Excuse us." She stated walking past her sister to meet up with the other two still holding the baby. Bellatrix saw the stroller and looked at them, smiling lightly, she was annoyed but glad that her sister was going to back down some though Bella still wouldn't eat whatever they gave her.
They got the baby into the stroller and walked out the door, Draco led the way into the garden and toward the tree house. When they got to the tree house Krys noticed it looked a bit different, it was bigger for one and instead of stairs it had a ramp going up into it. "Well here's what I wanted to show you, the best part is the inside though" ,Draco said. "C'mon guys". Draco motioned for them to walk inside with him. When they got inside Krys' jaw dropped, the inside was completely redone and it was at least 10 times bigger. Draco showed them everything there were two bedrooms one for Bellatrix and Krys and one for the baby and both rooms were completely furnished, there was a full kitchen and bathroom along with a huge sitting room. "I had my dad help me rebuild it he figured you guys would want to be on your own and it would be less stress on you, of course you can come to the manor anytime that is still your home but we wanted you to have your own home if you get what I mean" ,Draco told them he laughed knowing he stumbled on his words a bit.
Bella's mind was elsewhere, where it often was, as they walked, she pushed Iracebeth in the stroller through the garden. When they stopped Bella looked around realizing they were at the tree house, but it seemed different though she had only seen it once. She tilted her head a bit and followed Draco inside. Bellatrix's eyes had opened wide as she looked about, it was bigger and redone. Bellatrix looked at Draco in shock and awe, just blinking her eyes, she didn't know what to say. Bella left Iracebeth's stroller, and walked over to Draco, once face to face with him, she wrapped her arms tightly around him.
"So I take it you like it Auntie Bella"? Draco asked with a small laugh, When Bellatrix let go of Draco Krys walked over to him and gave him a hug as well, "You didn't have to do this mate, you know that right"? Krys said, Draco just gave her a look, "Listen guys you have te baby to worry about, you don't need everyone on your case and you definitely don't need people trying to kill you" ,Draco continued. "The fridge and cabinets are fully stocked, don't worry I did it myself so everything in there is safe" ,Krys was smiling widely Draco had really out done himself this time. "Thank you Draco this means a lot" ,Krys told him.
Bellatrix still couldn't find her words, she tried but her mind wouldn't process them. "It's wonderful, Thank you..." She was finally able to muster. Bellatrix nodded there was so much stress on them it was sick, plus they couldn't countinue eating the way they were, living in fear of their loved ones. Bella smiled softly, this was amazing Draco and Lucius went all out for them. Bella walked over to Krys and wrapped her arms around her, just holding her.
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