The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Bella climbed back into bed taking a drink from the bottle she brought up with her. "You're welcome hun. " She stated smiling watching as Krys took a bite of it. "I'm glad you like it, that old house elf has nothing on me." She stated proudly, Bella could cook quite well, but her sister being paranoid since Bella's been out of Azkaban and her love of fire won't let her cook without supervision. "I may be good to you, but you're even better to me..." she softly stated,it made her both happy and sad, Krys took great care of her but Bella has hardly taken care of Krys, or so she feels."I love you too...propably ploting against us, or Rudolphus is either crying or drunk or with a whore, Cissy and Lucius may be together, or Lucius may have another late night..." She stated they were a few options.
Krys rolled her eyes when Bellatrix said Krys was better to her, "Nonsense love you do plenty for me and I appreciate every bit of it" ,Krys said right before kissing her again. "Probably are plotting against us, wouldn't be a surprise to me". Krys took the bottle out of Bellatrix's hand and took a sip of it then handed it back. "I don't care though let them plot and plan all they want because they won't break us apart EVER" ,Krys told Bellatrix. She would fight through anything to be with Bellatrix even if it meant standing against her own family, The Dark Lord approved and that was all that mattered to Krys, as long as he was ok with it then the hell with what anyone else thought.
Bella looked over to her, "You know it's true, I'm not stable enough to have a relationship, or give one in return." She stated she was in one of her thoughts she's not as bad as she once was with them, they came and went. Ever since Azkaban she wasn't sure about things anymore. "What have I done, besides make you that sandwich?" Bella questioned her, being lost in her mind for a moment. "No not after what just happend...That's probably what they are doing." Once Krys gave the bottle back Bella took a sip. "No only death until reunited."
Krys kissed Bellatrix deeply, she pulled away and looked into the older witch's eyes, "You know what you do for me? You show me love that I never received before meeting you, you make me feel needed and wanted before we got together I thought I was useless, you make me feel amazing and I couldn't ask for more" ,Krys said quietly. She grabbed the bottle from Bellatrix again this time setting it on the table and kissing Bellatrix passionately, laying her down on her back as she kissed her.
Bellatrix sighed into Krys' kiss, not expecting it. She listened to what Krys was saying that was true she did do that. Bella nodded slightly, she still didn't think she did enough for Krys or maybe it was just her sister talking in her ear. Bella followed the bottle as Krys took it away from her. Bellatrix moaned into their passionate kiss as she was placed flat on her back, wrapping her arms around Krys.
Krys pulled away from the kiss to pull the blankets onto the both of them, she laid on top of Bellatrix and continued to kiss her. She had no intentions of having sex with the baby in the room but she did like to kiss Bellatrix and the closer they were the better. "I love you so much and I'm going to marry you and spoil you everyday" ,Krys said kissing Bellatrix between words. She pressed her lips back onto Bellatrix's and kissed her while she held her close.
Bellatrix held onto Krys tightly as the blankets were placed on top of them, while they kissed. Bellatrix giggled slightly as they kissed, she loved the feeling of it. Bella loved being so close to Krys in bed, it was fantastic, she couldn't believe it was nearly a year since the two stopped hating each other, but started to love one another. Krys' words made her smile, she couldn't wait to remarry, and this time it would be for love, not because of a contract.
Krys kissed Bellatrix for a little while longer then laid down next to her and held her close. After a few moments she drifted off to sleep holding her fiance in her arms.

Krys was getting ready for the night ahead she put on an all black tux with a silver tie and spiked her hair. She always dressed nicely when going on missions. Tonight was probably one of the biggest missions yet, the vanishing cabinets were finally repaired and everything was set and ready for them to go into Hogwarts. Krys made her way out the door and apparated to Knockturn alley and walked into Borgin and Burkes where the rest of the death eaters who were put on this mission waited. Krys was of course told to go first since she was the one who helped fix the passageway, confident in her work she stepped inside and within seconds she was inside Hogwarts, she stood and waited for the rest to come through, she played with her knife while she waited.
Bellatrix fell straight to sleep once Krys rolled off of her, nested in her loves arms.

Bellatrix put on her favorite dress, the intricate black which was always worn on missions, with her corset and tie on arm warmers, plus her boots. Bella pinned her hair into it's normal shape. Finally, they would be entering Hogwarts, the night Draco would prove himself, to everyone. Her dagger was tucked into her corset like always and she held onto her wand, apperating to Borgin and Burkes, meeting up with Krys and the others. Krys was to go in first, and Bellatrix watched closely as Krys went in and vanished through the cabinet. After a few minutes Bella was to lead the rest of them through to the other side, made it through followed by the others. Nodding to Krys leading the way to the tower. Bellatrix cursed a student as they walked through Hogwarts, her face was cold and she looked completely bokers. She walked in seeing Draco holding Dumbledore at wand point. "Well, Well, well...look what we have here." She stated Draco had made it that far, she approached her Nephew, "Well done Draco." Bellatrix stated softly, blowing a kiss. 'Good evening Bellatrix, Krys, I think introductions are in order.' The headmaster spoke, looking at the Death eaters in the room, but more focused on Bellatrix, Draco, and Krys. "hmm..Love to Albus..but we're on a bit of a tight Schuedule." She spoke sweetly then snapped a bit. "Come on it..NOW!" She stated getting impatient, with her nephew, watching Dumbledores face.
Krys watched as Bellatrix snapped at Draco, the boy looked absolutely petrified. "Draco just do it mate, you were chosen to remember" ,Krys said coldly. She leaned against a wooden pole that was in the room with the usual calm but sadistic look on her face. Draco continued to hesitate and Krys was getting impatient and she could tell Bellatrix was as well. After a few moments Krys' father showed up a few words were exchanged then, "Avada Kedavra" ,Snape said coldly. Krys watched as Dumbledore fell from the tower dead. An evil smirk came across her face and she let out a cold laugh. She led the way back out of the school and down through the courtyard, she looked over and noticed Draco crying. Krys was just about to say something to Draco to calm him down when she heard the voice of Harry Potter, the little bastard was sending curses at her father. Krys spun around and seen her father waving every hex off with ease. Krys laughed, "You stupid son of a bitch do you know who you're dealing with"? Krys said as she started walking towards Harry, her father put his arm out and prevented her from doing anything and Krys sighed and stepped away. She walked over to Bellatrix and grabbed her around the waist and kissed her hard on the lips, "We fucking did it love" ,Krys said happily. "You look so fucking sexy when your on the job".
Bellatrix was becoming angry and even more impatient then before, why wasn't he doing it, this was a shame on her familly, first her late husband then her young nephew. Bella even started to get fearful she didn't want to be out of the Dark Lords favor. Bellatrix looked curiously at Severus as he approached then smiled as Dumbledore begged slightly. Bella's smile widend and brightend as Snape cursed him, watching him fall from the tower. Bellatrix ran to the balcoy ledge, and cast the Dark mark as she screamed in victory. Then she caught up with the others passing through the great hall, she hopped up and walked on the table smashing things, once at the end she blew a heavy gust of wind smashing the windows or anything breakable, blowing out the hanging candles. Bellatrix followed them out then still in her world or her little facade she skiped and jumped through, around, and over the trees. Bella then set fire to Hargids hut, she loved to play with fire, she was having a grand time. Hearing Harry Potter behind them yelling Bellatrix knocked him off his feet, and cackled, then was annoyed because Severus wasn't letting her have fun, Tha boy for the Dark Lord and all...Bellatrix saw Draco crying she was too annoyed and heart broken with him, he had backed out of his task. By the look of it, Severus wasn't letting his daughter have fun either, "Woah..." Bellatrix wasn't expecting it, as Krys grabbed her and issed her deepl, she held on and kissed Krys back. Bella's breathing was slightly heavy from running around, then being kissed, she smiled brightly. "Yes we did baby...No more Dumbledore..." She cackled, she still had her crazy wild look in her eyes. "Do I?" She asked suductively, never realizing or hearing things besides how crazy she is. Bella light dug her nails into Krys' back as she held her, she was playing around, still in her playing and teasing mood.
"Yes you do love" ,Krys said in response to Bellatrix, when the older witch dug her nails into Krys' back Krys growled and smiled at her. Snape was still fighting with Potter and Krys watched as Hagrid's hut burned to the ground. She still had a hold of Bellatrix when her father and Potter stopped fighting. "Krys have the decency to at least try and keep professional while on the job" ,Snape hissed. "I am being professional dad just celebrating a bit is that so bad, we're winning and it's exciting" ,Krys said back knowing the only reason her father said anything was because he hated the sight of her and Bellatrix doing anything together if it wasn't a mission, he was more quiet about his feelings then everyone else but Krys knew he hated the fact that his daughter was engaged to Bellatrix. When they got back to the manor Krys went straight to the kitchen and grabbed the bottle of fire whiskey. Narcissa came in and seen the bottle in Krys' hand and smirked, "Celebrating"? Narcissa asked. Krys turned and smiled widely, "Yes there is, he's dead, Dumbledore is dead and we are one step closer to Harry Potter" ,Krys said excitedly. Narcissa smiled widely and ran over and hugged Krys tightly, for a moment it felt as if things were back to normal between the two but then Krys thought back at everything the woman had done. Krys cleared her throat which made Narcissa let go of her, Krys silently walked away and went to go find the others involved with the mission.
Bella giggled slightlyas Krys confurmed that she looked sexy, smiling as Krys growled. Bellatrix was transfixed by the fire she had started, consuming Hargrids hut. She was still in Krys' embrace and she held on, removing her nails. Bellatrix just looked at Severus, she could careless anymore, she loved Krys and Krys loved her they were a perfect match, Plus Bella figured he was jealous. Bellatrix was in the sitting room with the others, the Dark Lord would be there soon enough. Draco still looked frazaled, from eariler, Bella stood and went into the kitchen, passing by Krys as she went. Smiling at her seeing her with the bottle of Whiskey, "I'll be out in a minute." She stated she was heading to see her sister. "Happy news isn't Bella? How's Draco did he do it?" Narcissa asked. Bellatrix looked at her sister, "Fantastic news, No he couldn't bring himselfto do it, Severus did it, Draco still looks like a mess you should go speak with him." Bella stated then stood and walked back to the sitting room, with the others, and her fiance. Bellatrix hadn't forgiven her sister yet and nor had Narcissa, there was still tenion between the two. Bellatrix went back into the room with her head held high, still looking cold and crazy.
Krys smiled when she seen Bellatrix come back into the room, she summoned an elf and told it to grab a glass for everyone. When the elf returned Krys checked the glass she was given and noticed it looked a little different then the rest, the elf looked nervous and shaky. "I told you I had to watch out, I'm lucky to have the father I do" ,Krys threw the glass toward the wall and the elf ran off whimpering. "That's it I know Narcissa wouldn't try and poison me so that only leaves one other person". Narcissa may not be happy with Krys and Bellatrix but Krys knew damn well that the woman could never bring herself to kill Krys, she still cared about her like she was family even if she was pissed at her. Krys stomped toward the kitchen and busted through the door. "You son of a bitch" ,she said through gritted teeth as she grabbed Rodolphus by the collar of the shirt and pointed her wand at his throat, "Did you think I wouldn't notice the lining in the bottom of the cup? You tried to fucking poison me, you think me being dead will bring Bellatrix back to you she fucking hates you, you're a traitor, you left her to die" ,Krys snapped. She wanted to kill him right then and there but she had her orders and had to hold back. Narcissa had already left the kitchen and it was just the two of them. "What could you possibly gain from killing me"? Krys asked. Rodolphus looked at her and shook his head, "I didn't try to kill you Narcissa poisoned that cup, not that I was going to stop her, she knows what's best for Bellatrix and it's not you she figured if she couldn't fool you two into breaking up she'd just kill one of you and Bellatrix is her sister so you know she would never hurt her in anyway, physically that is" ,Rodolphus told Krys. The worse part about what he was saying was that it was the truth, Krys knew when the man lied and this time he wasn't. Krys let him go and began to walk off, he stared laughing and Krys spun around and knocked him out of his chair by sending a hex directly at his chest. When she got back out to where everybody was she looked at Narcissa with a hurt look on her face, "So how were you going to explain my death to my father Narcissa, he would've watched me die right in this very room in front of everyone and what were you going to tell the dark lord when he came asking you what happened"? Krys asked hotly. Snape's eyes widened, "What is she talking about"? He asked sternly. Narcissa didn't answer him she just put her head down not wanting to say anything in front of everyone. Krys shook her head and the tears started to build up in her eyes, "Guess there's no point in me being here I'll be off to my room now, I can't believe you could be so damn cold, let me know when the dark lord gets here" ,Krys said right before heading up to her room.

She took off her suit jacket and tie, then her vest and button up shirt. She sat with just the pants and a tank top on, playing with her knife. Krys looked down at her arms then at the knife she was holding, she was thinking of attempting suicide again but something held her back this time. She cleared her mind of everything then pressed the blade to her skin but again was held back, she started crying again and tried to clear her head of everything. She took a deep breath and pressed the blade to her skin again this time harder.
Belatrix was smiling as they spoke of the victory, trying to push everything else away. Bellatrix heard parts of Krys' mumbling but didn't catch it all. She watched as the cup was thrown, and as Krys went toward the kitchen, Bella ran after the house elf. Once she caught up with it she interogated the creature. He told her what her sister had done, amoung feeling hurt, and betrayed she was angry, and Bella was never the one to be made angry. She had a horrible temper. She saw Krys run up the stairs and that wild and crazy look returned to her. Bellatrix stormed out into the room glaring at her sister, who was looking down, Quickly she approached her. Kneeling down she looked into her sister's face, "Say it isn't so...Cissy....Say it isn't so.." Bella looked into her eyes pleading slightly then saw what she had done. "What were you thinking...? Remember if something happens to her...something will happen to you and then me, You're supposed to be my sister....Watch your back Cissy." Bella's hand went up to caress her sisters face, and as she did she quickly scratched her. leaving three claw marks on her cheek, which started to fill with blood. Narcissa looked at Bellatrix in shock, her eyes were wet she was going to cry.
Bellatrix turned on her heel and left, heading up stairs, she cheaked her room first seeing only the sleeping baby. Then Bella went and opened Krys' door seeing the knife pressed against her arm. "KRYS!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING...?" Bella screamed in shock. Bella quickly walked over to her kneeling down. "Please, Baby, put the knife down." Bella's eyes were wide with fear, but she wasn't about to force the knife away from her.
Krys was about to drag the blade down, she had decided to do it but then her voice of reason came booming into the room. She jumped a little when Bellatrix yelled, her heart started beating faster and she snapped out of the crazed mindset she had been in. Krys dropped the knife when Bellatrix asked her to, "I-I"m sorry" ,Krys said looking into Bellatrix's eyes. She flung her arms around her and squeezed her tightly. "She tried to kill me I trusted her and she tried to kill me" ,Krys cried, she started shaking. Krys was not only pissed but she was heartbroken as well.
"Shh..shhh It's okay Baby, I'm here, I know she did...It's okay, it'll be okay. The Dark Lord will handle her, I will tell him presonally. Sister or not, she tryied to kill my fiance that can't happen. I love you more than anything." Bellatrix stated, she would remove her sister from the family tree if she needed too. Bella held her tightly rocking her gently trying to sooth her.
Krys laid in the older witch's arms and closed her eyes as Bellatrix rocked her, "I love you too Bella, don't ever go away no matter what happens I'll always be here for you" ,Krys told her. It was obvious the two were going to have to fight for their relationship but Krys didn't care, when she was with Bellatrix she was happy. "Stay up here with me until the dark lord comes"?
Tears fell from Bellatrix's eyes, they had both been betrayed by a woman they both loved. Bella's sister wouldn't hear the end of this one. "I'm not going anywhere love, I know you'll come back if you stray. I'm here and you're here thats all that matters." Bella stated still holding Krys close. "Of course I will it's not much of a victory without you." She smiled warmly.
Krys smiled back at Bellatrix after she opened her eyes and noticed the older witch smiling at her. "We're in this together love and always will be" ,Krys said right before kissing Bellatrix softly. "So when do you think he'll arrive? I'm excited and proud of my father honestly" ,Krys was proud of her father he had done well tonight it was just a shame that Draco couldn't pull off the task.
"Yes, Yes we are...and besides the Dark Lord and Iracebeth we are in this alone." Bella petterd the top of Krys' head gently. "Soon I hope...That's good love, he proved where he stands so it's all good, Draco shoulld have done it, I can't believe he froze, he couldn't do it..." She stated she was glad in a sense that Snape was with them but her nephew was a bummer.
"Draco probably just got cold feet, he is still fairly new to all of this he'll warm up eventually" ,Krys told Bellatrix reassuringly. Draco was Krys' best friend but the two had their differences, Draco talked a big game but he was really a scared child on the inside where Krys just didn't give a shit and would crucio someone for speaking out of line.
"Let's hope so your father can't always be there to protect him, when Ciisy and Lucius are not." Bellatrix stated the Dark Lord wouldn't let it slide all the time. "We should check if he's here, he may already be downstairs." She stated, then her eyes went wide a minute, "If everyone is downstairs who's watching the baby?" She stated and paniced a bit.
Krys immediately jumped up and went to Bellatrix's room the baby was still sound asleep and judging by the pup's reaction when Krys came in the door the baby was protected. "Calm down pup I just came to check on the baby" ,Krys said calmly as the dog growled and showed his teeth. The pup calmed down when he finally noticed it was Krys and that no one was there to harm the baby. "Bella love the baby is ok the pup nearly fucking killed me, we need to enter the room slowly from now on their bond is getting stronger as they grow and he's more alert now" ,Krys told Bellatrix. "Let's go down stairs".
Bellatrix stood and wait for Krys to return from cheaking on the baby. When she returned, and informed her that the babe was fine, she sighed. "Thank Merlin, What? Oh right remind enter the room slowly." She stated she didn't like the idea that the pup may attack them if they weren't too careful. She was relieved that the baby was safe and sound though. "Yes let's go, Oh don't mind Cissy's face...." She stated walking, not wanting to alarm Krys if she saw the marks.
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