The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Krys continued to tickle Bellatrix for a few more minutes then leaned down and kissed her. "I love being with you" ,Krys told her before pulling her into a tight hug. "We should probably get the baby now love, she probably wants to sleep". Krys kissed Bellatrix again and smiled after she pulled away. "I've never been this happy in my life you know, you make me feel so amazing" ,Krys stood up and grabbed her wand, she removed the silencing charm from the room then sat back down.
Bella continued to laugh and squirm as Krys tickled her, kissing her back as she kissed. Bella was still laughing softly a bit though Krys had stopped. "I love you too, babe." She stated she loved Krys and everything about her. Wrapping her arms around Krys as they hugged. Bella pouted a bit then smiled, "Alright lets go retrieve Racey, wait the baby wants to sleep or Narcissa?" She joked now that the baby was getting a bit bigger she seemed to like to be up, her sister on the other hand loved going to sleep early. "You how hard it is for me to recall being happy? I'm sure that I've never been happier." Bella smiled brightly. Bellatrix streched then sat up on the bed watching krys.
Krys laughed at Bellatrix's joke, "You're right Narcissa is probably the one who wants to sleep" ,she said in response. Krys stood up again, "I'll grab the pup while you get Racey love" ,Krys opened the door to the bedroom and walked out and headed down the hall, she patted her leg and whistled. The sound of scratching on the floor came from Narcissa's room and the puppy came zooming out of the door. He ran up to Krys and jumped up and down waiting to be picked up, Krys picked him up and looked at him, "You know I'm not going to be able to pick you up in a few months buddy you'll be too big" ,Krys said as she carried him back to the room. The puppy was small now but he was a rottweiler pup so he was definitely going to get bigger, a lot bigger.
"Alright then," She stated before rolling off of the bed, standing up she walked out of her room and down to her sister's passing a speeding puppy along the way. Bella knocked lightly before going into her sisters room, "Hey Cissy?" She asked softly hoping she didn't fall asleep. She saw Narcissa cradling her daughter, "Shh...she just went to sleep." Narcissa stated, Bellatrix walked closer to her sister. "So how was your night with Krys?" Narcissa asked her making small talk while Iracebeth slept in her arms, "It was wonderful, thanks." Bellatrix replied. "You should have another child, you're so good with her, and Draco." Bella commented, Narcissa looked to her sister,"Thanks, but one plus yours is enough. You know I still don't fully approve of what you're doing." Narcissa excepted her sisters complement, but had a few words of her own. Bella's face went cold, "I know you don't, but there's nothing you can do about it." Bella stated coldly and factually. "It's my house my rules," Narcissa bit back just as coldly. "Kick me out then...The Dark Lord wouldn't be too pleased with you now would he? Kicking out the mother of his child." Bella stated becoming defensive. "I can't one you're family, you have no where to go..." she stated but was interupted by Bella,"That's not true I have a place..." Bella stated until she was interupted. "Second, you have a child, I'm not letting you go anywhere with for saftey reasons, three the Dark Lord would be pissed." Narcissa finished, their whole conversation was done in a whisper as to not wake the baby. Bella held her arms out to take her baby, "Goodnight Cissy." She stated once she had the Baby and walked out back to her room, her face was still cold forget to remove her mask.
Krys sat on the bed and waited for Bellatrix to return with the baby, when Bellatrix walked back into the room Krys knew something was off. She looked over at Bellatrix directly into her eyes, Krys' eyes widened she was reading Bellatrix like an open book, for once Bellatrix's walls were down. Krys seen everything and a single tear fell from her eye, she stood up and quietly walked over to Bellatrix and kissed her deeply then leaned down and kissed the baby, "I'll come back for you" ,Krys said beginning to cry harder. She left the room without another word and made her way down to her room, she put on a pair of black loose fitting jeans, a black shirt and a pair of black work boots, it wasn't her typical kind of outfit but she didn't want to go through putting on a tux right now. Krys put on a black hoodie and a baseball cap and grabbed her knife and wand, then made her way out of her room. While she was walking toward the stairs Narcissa stopped her, "Where are you going hun"? Narcissa asked sweetly, a disgusted look came across Krys' face, "I'm going where you want me to, away from your sister" ,Krys snapped coldly. "What are you talking about Krys?" ,Narcissa asked acting like she had no clue. "Don't fucking play dumb I can read you or have you forgot my father is a master at legimens hmm? I read Bellatrix when she came into the room and I know exactly what fucking happened Narcissa" ,Krys said raising her voice a little. Narcissa cowered back alittle bit but still kept her composure, "You're 18 years old Krys and Bellatrix is STRAIGHT she needs a man in her life not some little girl" ,Narcissa yelled. Krys' face twisted into a look of utter hatred, "FUCK YOU NARCISSA, FUCK EVERYONE ELSE TOO BELLATRIX WASN'T STRAIGHT JUST A FEW HOURS AGO, WHY DOES EVERYONE HAVE TO BE SO FUCKING BLIND I'VE BEEN THE ONE THAT TAKES CARE OF HER, THAT LOVES HER AND THAT BABY MORE THEN ANYTHING YET YOU PEOPLE KEEP FUCKING DOWNING IT BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE A DICK" ,Krys yelled. "Krys you know I don't have a problem with your orientation I---" Narcissa began but was cut off. "No you never did but when it comes to your sister it's different right, goodbye Narcissa" ,Krys turned on her heel and left, she apparated to an alleyway in a muggle town. She looked around for a helpless victim to let some anger out on.
Bellatrix forgot to put her defenses back up, no she purposely left them down for Krys to see, it would be easier to show her then to try and explain. She should have no secrets with Krys, but certian things weren't ment to be seen from her past which she hid very well. Bellatrix kissed her back, whimpering slightly wanting to cry but she was too annoyed too. "What...? Krys? WHere are you going?" Bellatrix stated but she had already walked out the door. Bellatrix eyes were wide and wild, sinking back to being unstable, trying to make sense of things. She walked over to the bed and sat down, rocking with the baby. Bellatrix heard Krys' voice she was speakly loudly with her sister. Bella held the baby closer to her, having her next to her chest so the baby could take comfort in her heartbeat. Bellatrix jumped as her sister started yelling, and began shaking as Krys started to yell. It hurt her that her sister and Krys were fighting...about her. They were fine before Bella was here, Krys looked to Narcissa like a mother, but now that Narcissa's sister was dating Krys everything changed. As Bellatrix heard the pop, her breathing statred to increase, continuing to rock she spoke softly to her baby. "It's okay, she'll be back she promised she'd be back..." she was also convincing herself that Krys would return to her and the baby, Bellatrix didn't know what she would do without her. She stood and put the baby in her crib before Bella woke her accidentily, then returned to her bed, tears lightly falling from her eyes.Once Krys was gone, Narcissa calmed herself and walked to Bellatrix's room, knock lightly though the door was open. Bella's head snapped to look at the door, seeing her sister both made her relax and angered her. Narcissa entered and Bella watched her like a hawk. Narcissa walked over to Bellatrix wrapping her arms around her sister, "Krys is gone...Bella. I don't think she's coming back." Narcissa stated sadly. Bella wrapped her arms around her sister, "No she'll be back, she promised..." Bella snapped hopefully. Narcissa ran her hands through Bella's hair, she knew how to play games as well, and with her sisters current state it would be easy. "No, Bella..She's not, She's an 18 year old lesbain, and she has gone to find a new life unable to bare this one anymore, with you and the baby or with us." Narcissa stated softly. Bellatrix started to cry harder, "No it's a's all a're lying..."Bella's grip tightened on her sister as she cried not wanting to believe her sister. "It's all true Bella, she really doesn't want you...she sick of you, she also told me that you were the worst she ever had." Narcissa stated messing with her sister to no ends. "No..she didn't...she said I was the best...she loves me..." Bellatrix stated whimpering slightly, in her state of mind she didn't think to check if her sister was actually lying or not. "Yes Bella she did, but we can fix everything, you need a man who loves and cares for need your husband." Narcissa stated,though she couldn't stand Rudolphus at times, she figured the best thing for everyone was to Bella back to her husband. Bellatrix shook her head 'no' "NO he left me...he left me with the Aurors." She stated. "Trixie he's really sorry and upset about it please go back to him. Renew your vows." Narcissa cooed, Bellatrix thought and she melted as she was told this. "Alright Cissy...I'll go back to are certain Krys isn't returning?" Bella asked as if she were a child. "Yes I'm certian Trixie, I'll go find Rudy and you go get the papers in my room okay, they are in the cabinet, okay?" Narcissa asked giving her sister a squeeze. Bella nodded slowly and stood up walking to her sisters room looking for the papers which she found, taking them in hand she went to find her husband. Once Narcissa and Rudolphus relocated Bellatrix, everything seemed fine. "Rudy, I'm sorry...I wasn't a good wife...I forgive you for leaving me with the Aurors...I wanna renew our vows, we just have to sign the paper." She stated a little shakily looking at her younger sister who was nodding at her. "I've already sighed it, all we need is your's" Bella stated smiling slightly hurting horribly on the inside. "Of course love. I forgive you as well, I love you." Rudolphus stated and without reading signed the paper. Narcissa smiled, "Finally everything will be as it should." Bellatrix's smile grew quickly grabing the paper. "ha I" Bella began to cackle and the other two's smile faded. "Cissy you can't think me that dumb, I wanted a divorce, I've been asking for one for years not including Azkaban..." She states unrolling the parchment, "...and you just gave it to me finally. I win and she will come back i trust her and love her, there's nothing you can do about it." Bellatrix stated then quickly ran up the stairs in her night gown. "Rudy hurry get that paper or you'll lose you're wife if she sends that paper you're life is doomed." She stated then Rudolphus ran after Bellatrix not thinking about disaporating. Bellatrix nearly ran into her husband but quickly slipped into her room and locked her door, calling for an owl. The daily prohit will have something to write about A black owl appeared and then was off with the letter, by the time Rudy and Cissy came in it was too late. "I'm no longer your's That paper was special all it needed was to be signed an everything was taken care off so we have no hearing, they won't be able to trace the owl." She cackled lightly, the baby was still sleeping.
Krys watched the people in from the alleyway until she finally found the perfect target a young man no older then 25, he was trying to buy a hooker. "Filthy fucking muggle" ,Krys muttered to herself before casting Imperio on the man and making him walk directly into the alleyway where she stood waiting to torture and kill him. When the man was in front of her she let the curse up then crucioed him, a look of pain and confusion spread across his face. Krys tortured the man for at least 5 minutes before she heard a pop from behind her. "Krys you're supposed to be with Bellatrix and the baby" ,she heard the dark lord's voice and panicked a little bit. "I apologize my lord, there has been some problems I-I needed to vent" ,Krys told him. "I deserve to be punished I'll take my punishment then I'll go back to be with them". Voldemort looked at Krys, "Avada Kedavra" ,the man that Krys was torturing was now laying dead on the ground. "There now that we have privacy I can speak with you, when the war is over Krys I want you to kill Rodolphus, he is a traitor and has been unloyal and reckless. You and him hate each other and I can tell, right now he is trying to renew his vows with your fiance" ,Krys' eyes widened at the mention of Rodolphus trying to steal Bellatrix back from her. "The man thinks with his dick and doesn't care about the cause but I still need him he is an extra wand when it comes time to fight" ,Voldemort continued. Krys stood there listening intently the anger rising inside her, she wanted to kill Rodolphus that very second but she would wait for the dark lord to tell her when to do it. "Krys you have been loyal and you've worked hard and accomplished so many things since becoming a death eater, you remind me so much like Bellatrix when she was younger and first joined the cause, you two make a good team and I need you to stay together make sure she doesn't stray away from you" ,with a pop the dark lord was gone and Krys was shocked as well as angry. She was shocked at how open the dark lord was with her and how he accepted the two, it was odd but she was happy about it. Krys apparated back to the manor, as soon as she got there Narcissa pulled her into her bedroom, "Krys you have to leave Bellatrix and her husband are working things out and there's no room for you anymore" ,Narcissa snapped. Krys looked at her and wanted to slap her in the face, the woman she grew to care for as a mother had stabbed her in the back and was now trying to kick her out into the streets. "The dark lord has informed me of this and he doesn't approve, so step aside and let me go see my fiance" ,Krys snapped. Narcissa glared at Krys, "What do you see in her Krys, there are so many women out there to chose from why would you pick her? She's not stable you know" ,Narcissa's tone calmed down a bit. She took a step closer to Krys and grabbed her hand, "You can do so much better, be with someone who is sane and can take care of you. You've been taking care of Bellatrix for so long and the baby you have been doing too much for someone your age" ,Narcissa continued Krys was listening but her words were only making Krys angrier. "I love Bellatrix and I choose to take care of her, she takes care of me in return and I won't let you try and convince me to leave her, I know what you're playing at Narcissa and I don't like it" ,Krys said through gritted teeth. A smirk came across Narcissa's face and she moved herself closer to Krys, "Well if I can't convince you with words I have no choice" ,Narcissa leaned in and forcefully kissed Krys. She pushed Narcissa away so hard that the woman landed on her bed, "WHAT THE FUCK"?! Krys shouted. She walked out the door and went to Bellatrix's room, when she got in there she grabbed Bellatrix and kissed her deeply, she wanted to get the taste of Narcissa's lips off of her. Krys grabbed the sides of Bellatrix's face and looked her straight in the eyes to show her everything that had just happened and the conversation with Voldemort. Tears filled Krys' eyes, she was confused with what Narcissa was doing and became a little scared, her emotions were going crazy. "I love you Bellatrix" ,was all that came out of the young Snape's mouth.
Once the commotion died down, Bella checked the baby, who was sound asleep. Bellatrix really didn't know it Krys would return but she hoped that she would. Bella sat at her place in the windowsil looking out into the night sky. She eard her door swing open, she stood, seeing Krys coming toward her quickly, something seemed off. Bellatrix closed her eyes as Krys held her face kissing her deeply, Bella wrapped her arms around Krys.As the kiss was broken, bella spoke, "You came back..." she smiled softly. Bellatrix opened her eyes, looking deeply into Krys reading her very well. Her eyes grew wide to what Krys was showing her. The conversation with the Dark Lord, to what her sister said which really hit and hurt Bellatrix, and then Her sister forced herself onto Krys. Bellatrix's breathing became heavy, she looked so hurt how could her sister do such a thing to her? Tears fell from her own eyes happy that Krys was back, upset and angry with her sister, but also happy that she would be Krys' and only hers. Bella started to even herself out a bit, "Krys....I did it....I'm...I'm no longer married. We can be together now, just like we planned." She stated happily but still hurt, she wanted to remove her arms from Krys to strangle her sister, Bellatrix would never be able to forgive her, what did Narcissa have to gain or lose from Bella being with Krys? Bellatrix didn't understand it. "I love you so much, Krys."
"Of course I came back love why wouldn't I? I promise whatever you were told about me is not true, I love you Bellatrix Black and I intend to marry you as soon as possible" ,Krys told her before she kissed her again. "I will never leave you again.....EVER people are getting out of hand with the things they will do to tear us apart". Krys wiped Bellatrix's tears away and grabbed her by the hands and brought her over to the bed and laid her down next to her, Krys wrapped her arms around Bellatrix and snuggled into her not ever wanting to let her go.
"Cissy...Cissy said you weren't coming back..." Bellatrix stated, crying harder, Bella trusted her sister but she was being a bitch. "I believe you...I love you..." She stated shakily, through her tears, until Krys' lips met hers. Bella nodded her head in response to her statement. She smiled softly as Krys wiped her tears away, following her over to the bed. Bellatrix cuddled into Krys, as she tried to calm herself.
"Bellatrix whatever you do don't listen to anyone when they tell you I'm not coming back no matter who tells you, I will always come back unless something happens to me that's out of my control" ,Krys told her as she laid there cuddling with the woman she loved. "When the war is over and Potter is dead we're going to leave here and get a place of our own, we'll get married and raise Racey together, there's nothing I want more then that". Krys rubbed Bellatrix's back trying to comfort her further, she then kissed her softly on the forehead. "I love you".
Bellatrix nodded, "Alright, what if the Dark Lord is the one to tell me? Same, I'm not going anywhere, unless something that's out of my control happens, but I doubt it. Bella's eyes grew wide, "What? Leave the manor? Where will we go? What about the Dark Lord? He may still need us, plus Racey's half his...I want it too Krys, A nice little home, with you and the baby." She stated there was so much that needed to be worked out. Bella smiled at Krys, as they kissed again, "I love you more." She teased cuddling closer.
"If he needs us we won't be far away, just need to be on our own that's all" ,Krys stated. She wanted more then anything to be with Bellatrix on their own in their own place with no boundaries. "We'll get a place with a huge yard so Racey and the pup can play and run around". Krys smiled at the thought she leaned in and kissed Bellatrix deeply and held her close.
"Okay, I know we'll be happy on our own." She stated softly the tears finally stopped. "Somewhere succluded, where we can have privacy. With a yard, for them, we'll need house elves and furniture, there's a lot to think about." She stated thinking of their home. Bella sighed into Krys kiss, not wanting to let go finding comfort in her, she hardly ever cried to someone before, besides her family. Even then it was rare, but Bella had her reasons for crying, which she found that tears are less painful then holding everything in.
Krys deepened the kiss and held Bellatrix even closer, she loved the woman and loved kissing her. Krys looked into Bellatrix's eyes after breaking the kiss. "We have time to plan everything out love and I'm not exactly poor ya know" ,Krys stated. She wasn't her father had a decent amount of money and so did she. "Don't you worry about a thing let me take care of you". Krys kissed Bellatrix again with passion and love.
Bellatrix hugged Krys tightly as she held her close kissing passionately. Krys always seemed to steal Bella's breath, I know, I'm just excited. I know you're not and neither am I, I have tons of stuff in my vault." She stated she was a Black, she was basically a noble and she had money that wasn't a problem, everything will be fine. Bellatrix heard her comment and instead of her normal saying that 'she doesn't need anyone to care for her. "YOu need to be taken care of too, you know?" Bella stated softly before kissing Krys passionately.
"You take care of me perfectly love, and I appreciate everything you do" ,Krys said in response to Bellatrix's statement. Krys moaned a little bit when Bellatrix kissed her again, no woman had ever made Krys feel so good with just a kiss. Krys ran her hand up Bellatrix's thigh as the two kissed again. She bit on Bellatrix's bottom lip playfully and giggled quietly careful not to wake the baby. "You're so beautiful Bellatrix" ,Krys told her, she poked her in the nose playfully then kissed her again.
"I'll be there to take care of you for as long as I can." She smiled. As they kissed she continued to smile as Krys moaned softly, she still had it. Bella moaned softly in return, as Krys' hand ran up Bella's thigh, she smiled as Krys giggled biting Bella's lip. Bellatrix giggled as Krys called her beautiful, poking her nose. She then noticed what Krys was wearing, "This isn't your normal wear....why don't you change into something more comfortable." She whispered, having a feeling the jeans weren't really that comfortable. Kissing Krys once again.
"I was in a rush to get away I'm sorry I left you here it was wrong of me" ,Krys said pouting a bit. "I'll make it up to you right now". Krys bit her bottom lip then got up of the bed. She looked at Bellatrix with a seductive look and began to slowly take her hoodie off, Krys proceeded to do the same with the rest of her clothes, she laughed as she did it playing around. Krys reached her hands down to her boxers and bit her lip then smirked, "Too bad we already did stuff eh no point int taking ALL my clothes off now is there" ,Krys teased. She climbed back into bed with Bellatrix and laid next to her again.
"Don't worry about it....You came back, everything is fine. No more pouting....Now?" Bellatrix stated attempting to make Krys feel better. Bellatrix watched her then gave Krys a curious look, as Krys looked at her suductively. watching as Krys started to strip down to her boxers. Once Bella realized what she was doing she began to laugh with Krys. Bella pouted slightly, " Iracebeth's here now, we wouldn't be able too." She teased back, for if the baby girl woke up, she'd probably cry. Bellatrix wrapped her arms around Krys as she laid back down.
Krys smiled, "You are very right I wouldn't feel comfortable doing stuff with the baby in the room" ,she said in response to Bellatrix. She snuggled up to the older witch pulling the blankets up over the two of them. Krys was always comfortable whenever she laid with Bellatrix, it just felt so right. "I'm hungry.....again" ,Krys said she let out a small laugh and looked at Bellatrix. "I'm starting to think I eat too much". Krys kissed Bellatrix on the cheek and continued to cuddle with her.
"Exactly..." Bella stated nodding her head. Bella smiled snuggling into Krys. Though a wonderful night turned horrible, everything seemed right as if it didn't happen, and the Dark Lord even seemed to approve of them together. Bellatrix looked at her and laughed, "Again?...If you want you can get something to eat, I'll be here, Or I could go fetch you something." She smiled at her, "No once you hit 20--21 then you're eating too much, you are still growing."
"I would just have an elf get me something to eat but with the way things have been I'd probably be poisoned if I do that" ,Krys said coldly. She didn't mean to sound so bitter but she was angry. "I really don't want to go anywhere near anyone out there love so I'll wait until tomorrow to eat, you don't have to get me anything" ,Krys told her. She hated having people do stuff for her she was more of a giving person then a taker.
Bellatrix reached up and gently caressed Krys' face. That was a horrible thought thinking that someone would posion Krys purposely, she could see someone doing it, but she didn't want to think about it. "I won't have that...." She stated softly refereing that Krys would wait until morning. Bella kissed krys softly then rolled away from her climbing out of bed. "I'll be right back...I know I don't have too I want too." She stated slipping out the door, She wanted to get something for Kry to at least munch on.She didn't care who was out there they were her family, all but Rudy now. She made her way to the kitchen, it was strange the halls and the rooms she passed were empty. Bellatrix made Krys a sandwich, being bothered by a house elf, because they were told that no one in the house should lift a finger when it came to chores or cooking."Shut up and leave me be," She stated, leaving the kitchen with the sandwich, what remained of their champagne bottle, and went back upstairs to her room. "Here you are, love." She stated holding up the sandwich on the plate, shutting her door. "No one was out and about besides the house elves. Either thay are sleepy or Merlin only knows where they are..."
Krys attempted to argue the fact Bellatrix was going to make her food but Bellatrix had already made it out the door. When she returned with a sandwich Krys' stomach growled at the sight of the food. She took the plate and picked up the sandwich, "Thank you love" ,Krys said smiling before taking a bite out of her sandwich, "MMMMM that's so good" ,she said enjoying it very much. Krys finished her food quickly as usual then laid back down and pulled Bellatrix closer to her, "You're good to me love, I love you" ,Krys kissed Bellatrix quickly. "So what do you think everyone's doing"?
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