The Dark Witch and The Blue Eyed Snake (Krys Snape and Shani)

Krys nodded then stopped for a moment, "Wait what? What's wrong with her face"? Krys asked sounding a little concerned. The two made their way downstairs and Krys stood and waited for the dark lord, he hadn't arrived yet. She looked around the room and her eyes fell on Narcissa, Krys quickly looked away still hurt by what she had done. Rodolphus was glaring at her and Krys bit her tongue knowing it wouldn't be wise to start a fight with him before Voldemort showed up, Krys simply put her arm around Bellatrix's waist and pulled her in close to her and kissed her neck playfully. "Let's piss them off a bit love" ,Krys whispered in Bellatrix's ear.
"She may still be bleeding, a bit not claws caught her." Bellatrix sated trying to say what happened in not so many words. Bellatrix looked around the Dark Lord wasn't there yet, she knew he'd come. Bellatrix held her head up high with her cold face, she glared at her sister. Bella looked to her ex-husband, rolling her eyes. As she was pulled close Bella wrapped her arm around Krys, she giggled softly as Krys kissed at her neck. Bellatrix gave a playful suductive smile, "Alright..." she purred arching her neck some.
Krys giggled quietly and bit her lip then moved so that her and Bellatrix were face to face, she started kissing Bellatrix's neck while holding her hips. Krys knew how to piss someone off and she was definitely aiming to piss some people in the room off, unfortunately her father had to be witness to it. Snape just shook his head and sat down facing away from the two he was to pissed off at Narcissa to even care about what Krys and Bella were doing. Krys stopped kissing Bellatrix's neck and looked over to Rodolphus and Narcissa and reached her hand down to grab Bellatrix's ass, "We're gonna have some fun later ay love"? Krys asked out loud even if they weren't planning on doing anything Krys was going to make everyone think they were.
Bellatrix wrapped her arms around Krys' neck as Krys held her hips kissing her neck. Bellatrix arched her back slightly, sighing. Bellatrix looked at Krys then at the other two smirking, knowing where her hand was going. Bella jumped slightly and giggled as Krys grabbed her ass. Bellatrix purred, "Of course we are, why wouldn't we, have fun, well have a little rough housing." She stated playing along with Krys.
"Hmmm I like it rough baby" ,Krys growled right before kissing her then moving back to her neck. She could hear Rodolphus grit his teeth in anger and knew damn well he was going to do anything. Krys ran her tongue up Bellatrix's neck and looked at Rodolphus straight in the face as she did it. The man was pissed but not because he loved Bellatrix but because Krys had won and he knew the young Snape treated Bellatrix better then he ever could and that pissed him off he knew he could never have Bellatrix back. Krys bit down on Bellatrix's ear when she got to it, a few of the other death eaters in the room were staring at the two but not with a glare they were more interested in watching the two fondle each other Krys found it amusing.
Bella giggled darkly, "Hmm I know you do love." her purred again, before feeling Krys' lips on hers. Bellatrix arched her back even more as Krys ran her tongue up Bella's neck, she sighed kneading her claws into Krys back. Bellatrix belonged to Krys and vise versa, She normally wouldn't do things like this infront of anyone, being the "noble" lady she is. Bellatrix squeaked lightly as Krys bit her ear. Bella hadn't noticed the other waatching them focusing on Rudy and her sister.
Krys and Bellatrix messed around for a little while longer until the door of the manor opened and the dark lord stepped in. Krys let go of Bellatrix and turned her focus to the dark lord and for the first time in her life she seen him smiling, it was quite odd. "He has been defeated" ,Voldemort began. "Dumbledore is dead and it's all thanks to you Severus". A smirk came across Krys' face when the dark lord mentioned her father. Voldemort's smile faded quickly when he looked over to Draco, "You.......You couldn't finish the task, you need to learn my boy that when you disobey me there is punishments......stand up" ,he snapped toward Draco, Narcissa grabbed onto the couch and Krys knew she was afraid for her son. Draco stood before the dark lord and Krys knew damn well what was next, Draco was about to be cruciod and there was nothing anyone could do, almost everyone in that room had probably suffered this punishment at least once for failing a mission. Even though Krys and Narcissa didn't necessarily see eye to eye at the moment they both cared for Draco and neither wanted to see him get hurt, Krys motioned for Narcissa to come over to her and Bellatrix, Lucius was on the opposite side of the room from her and Rudolphus sure as hell wasn't going to comfort her.
Bellatrix removed herself from Krys as the door opened, paying attention to the Dark Lord, smiling as she saw the look on his face. She had seen him smile before, so it wasn't too strange to her. Bella's smile faded, Severus wasn't supposed to come, it was Krys and her who lead the others there, Draco was ordered by him and her to do it, but was a coward not like Rudolphus but still. Bellatrix looked from Voldemort, to Severus, and then to Draco. Bellatrix looked at Draco with sympathy she didn't want to see him hurt, not her nephew. Bella bit her bottom lip, She looked to her sister, also motioning for her to come over. She swallowed hard before stepping forward, looking at him. "My Lord...He's just a boy, not even 18 yet...." She stated looking down then looked back up, "I'll take his punishment." Bella stated with her head high, not wanting to be Crucioed, but not wanting Draco to go through it, it hurt like hell and the older witch was used to it, she was sure heads had turned to look at her in shock but she didn't care she loved her nephew she'd do the same for Krys, her sister unless she deserved it, which if she told Voldemort what happened she'd be in for it. She knew what Narcissa was feeling now having a child, she could picture Iracebeth in Draco's place and couldn't bare to see it.
When Bellatrix offered herself up to be punished for Draco Krys cringed and her heart sank and before she knew it she was stepping forward, "Bellatrix d-don't do it I'll take the punishment" ,Krys whispered, she turned her attention to Voldemort. "She has the baby to take care of tonight if Iracebeth wakes up I don't want her to be to weak to take care of her, your curses are powerful my lord and tend to weaken so let me receive this punishment". Krys looked over at Bellatrix and Draco, "I love you" she mouthed and looked at her fiance with pleading eyes begging Bellatrix to just let this happen. Krys didn't want to see either of them hurt she loved Draco and Bellatrix and was willing to suffer a few minutes pain to make sure they wouldn't have to feel it.
Bellatrix held her head up high as she stood waiting for the Dark Lord to see if he'd even except her offer. Then after hearing Krys say not to do it, she slowly turned her head looking at her. Her face was cold, but her eyes were soft, Bella shook her head slightly this was Bella's doing he was her nephew she offered her neck, she didn't want Krys to get involved She didn't want to see Krys hurt again, Bella knew how this curse worked, and she was quite used to it. Bella's eyes grew crazed and wide as Krys mentioned the baby as a reason not to curse her, it was true though she couldn't afford to be weak with Iracebeth especially if she was hungry.  Bellatrix swallowed and her eyes softend as Krys mouthed I love you. She looked to the Dark Lord to see what he'd say. He was silent a minute, "Very noble of you two to want to take his place...."He said coldly and calmly, he then looked to Draco. "But I have a better idea, Draco you will choose who will receive your punishment. Make your choice," he hissed seeing what the boy would do. Bellatrix looked at him seeing what he'd say. 
Krys was in shock with everything that was going on, Draco looked at both her and Bellatrix he didn't want either of them to think that he liked one more then the other, he also didn't want to see either of them get hurt. Krys looked at him and then to Bellatrix, she didn't say a word the dark lord left the decision in Draco's hands and he was to choose who would take the punishment. Draco then turned his attention to Rodolphus who was sitting in a chair laughing to himself about the whole situation, Draco knew Rudolphus was itching to see either of them cursed. Draco looked back to the dark lord, "I pick Rodolphus, I mean the man didn't even bow down to you when you walked in, hell he didn't even show up to the tower when he was supposed to he stayed here with my mother the whole time, while I do deserve to be punished I feel he deserves it more at least I gave an effort to carry out my mission, Rodolphus just sat on his ass like he usually does" ,Draco said shooting a glare at Rodolphus. The dark lord had an angry look on his face but it quickly turned into a twisted smirk, "He is right Rodolphus, you were supposed to be on that tower tonight and you weren't" ,Voldemort hissed. Krys looked at Draco, the guy still had it he could talk his way out of almost anything and to do it with the dark lord was impressive.
Bellatrix was starting to get nervous, she didn't care if she was cursed, she would however care if it was Krys. Bella kept her eyes on Draco, she saw Krys looking at her, but she still looked to Draco. Bella's eyes grew wide, Rudy wasn't one of the options. Bellatrix became slightly frightend as the Dark Lord became angry, though she didn't show it.Bellatrix then smiled as everything was turned on Rudolphus who was babbling like an idiot. Bellatrix watched the Dark Lord intentl, as he was about to curse Rudolphus.
Krys watched as the dark lord's attention was placed on Rodolphus, "Crucio" ,Voldemort shouted with anger. Rodolphus squirmed and gritted his teeth, he was fighting back a scream but it came out eventually. Draco looked over at Krys and Bellatrix a sigh of relief escaped his mouth and he looked as if he could faint. He too was surprised that he had talked his way out of a punishment with the dark lord.
Bellatrix watched as Rudolphus flopped around like a dying fish, it was entertaining, she began to smile when he started to scream, he deserved to scream and be tortured yet again she couldn't wait until he was dead. Bellatrix smiled softly at Draco, he made the right choice. Just then Bellatrix heard the baby start crying probably from the screams of Rudolphus. She quickly turned and ran upstairs to the baby, remember to go in slowly, not st startle the pup, she walked over and scooped up her baby, cradling her.
Voldemort looked at Krys who was unsure whether she should stay and witness Rodolphus' punishment or if she should go help Bellatrix. He nodded his head toward the stairs motioning for her to go and she bowed down and ran after her fiance. She made sure to go into the room quietly as well. When she got in there she walked up behind Bellatrix and put her hand on the small of her back, "Is she alright love"? Krys whispered quietly not wanted to startle the baby.
"'s alright hunnie, Shh....hush now.." She stated craddling the sobbing child. Bellatrix hadn't heard Krys come in or follow her, she jumped slightly as Krys laid her hand on her. "Merlin you gave me a fright," She sighed, "Yeah she's alright, I don't think she likes loud noises, and with him yelling to wake the dead, she must have gotten spooked." Bellatrix stated quietly still looking at the baby you was nestling in her arms.
"Sorry love I didn't mean to scare you" ,Krys whispered. She looked at the baby who was still crying, "Hey little one, everything's ok" ,Krys looked over at Bellatrix again, "Do you think she may be hungry as well or need a change"? Krys asked curiously. She became familiar with the list of things a baby may need when they cried and every time Iracebeth cried Krys went down the list. "I'll get anything you need, just let me know".
Bellatrix nodded slightly she knew it wasn't Krys' intent especially since she was holding the baby. Bellatrix bonuced with the child gently trying to calm hungry. Bellatrix lifted Iracebeth and sniffed at her diper, she wasn't stinky, but then Bella touched the diaper it was slightly damp, she needed to be changed and probably fed. Bella reached for a diaper, pulling on out, "Do you mind running to the store for more diapers, and wipes?" Bellatrix asked, as she laid the baby down, changing her drity diaper. Bella had her cleaned up, still fussy she was hundry as well. Bellatrix undid her dress a bit, for the baby to suckle from her, soon shed have to wean Iracebeth from her and get babt food and such. Iracebeth calmed as she drank from her mother's bosom. Another reason for her fussing was she was starting to get teeth in, Bella found that out to hard way. Iracebeth bit down hard onto Bella's breast causing her to blled slightly, Bella screamed not expecting it, after getting Racey to let go she pulled her away looking in her mouth, where several shaarp little teeth were.
"Yeah I'll go, I'll make it quick I'll take Draco along as well he'll probably need it" ,Krys said. She walked over to the dresser and grabbed a t-shirt and put it on then put her black hoodie on. When she heard Bellatrix scream she spun around and looked at her, realizing what happened she held back a laugh, "She get you, she bit my finger the other day when I was playing with her" ,Krys told Bellatrix. She always had clean hands and knew that Iracebeth was teething so she would let her chew on her finger every now and then to relieve some of the pain in her gums. Krys walked over to Bellatrix and kissed her on the cheek before walking out of the room to go find Draco. Everyone had left the house and Draco was sitting on the couch, Krys walked up to him, "Hey mate wanna go for a walk, I'll buy you a butterbeer, then when we get back you can come up and say hello to your aunt and cousin" ,Krys said. Draco stood up almost immediately, he left the manor with Krys and the two went off to Diagon Alley. While there Krys picked up the diapers and wipes and then went to another store and bought Draco a butterbeer and a few other things. When they returned home they made their way up to Bellatrix's room and Krys placed the stuff on top of the dresser, she handed Draco his stuff then looked over at Bellatrix, "I bought dinner figured we can all eat in here and Draco can catch up on things if that's alright with you love" ,Krys said in a whisper.
"Alright Thank you, no rush, we still have some stuff but better to be safe than sorry. Draco will probably need some air." Bellatrix stated, he's been through a lot lately. "Thanks for the warning..." Bella stated glaring at Krys, evily/playfully it was a mix of the two, she knew Krys wanted to laugh. Bellatrix tried to keep her hands away from Iracebeth's face, since Bella was afraid to cut her. Bellatrix stayed in her room, while Krys took Draco out with her. She continued to feed her daughter until the child was full and Bella's breast was sore from the biting. Iracebeth fell asleep in her mother's arms, she was such a little sweety. Bella returned her baby to her crib, then laid on her bed dozing off a bit, thinking she'd rest her eyes. The puppy, jumped up and curled up with Bellatrix laying his head on her belly. Hearing footsteps then the door, they woke up looking over at them. Bellatrix's face was slightly cold, but she loved Draco, so it wouldn't last long, she was still upset he couldn't complete his mission. "Mmm great...Sure, fine by me, Draco knows he's always welcome in my room, he always has been." She stated talking softly now that the babe was asleep again. The puppy began to growl a bit seeing Draco who normally wasn't there or at least hadn't been there since Iracebeth was born.
Krys looked at the dog, "Calm down boy he's alright" ,she stated looking at the dog who laid his head back down. Krys brought the food over to the bed and handed everybody their food. The puppy quickly perked up and made his way over to Krys, he sniffed the container her food was in then gave her those pleading eyes he always did. "I know, I know I'm gonna share" ,Krys told the pup. Draco laughed a little, "Looks like you've got a kid as well" ,he said referring to the dog. Krys laughed, "I hope did alright with what I got you love" ,Krys said looking at Bellatrix. "I bought dessert too". Krys smiled after saying that she was like a kid with sweets and everyone could tell.
Bellatrix started to pet the puppy to get him to calm down,"Thank you love, Yes it's just fine." Bella stated happily/ "We should get food out more often, as I hate to say it, I don't trust how the food or drink is prepared anymore..." Then it turned sour, refering to earlier when Krys was almost poisioned. "You're mother is very lucky I didn't tell the Dark Lord. She'd be skrewed, worse then Rudy...' Bellatrix stated, she wanted to rat her sister out for what she had done but she loved her sister too much. Bellatrix smiled when the puppy, started to beg and and Krys assured him that she'd share, "Yes that's her baby." She smiled playfully at Krys. Bellatrix sighed, "You are going to make me fat, stop feeding me...What did you get for dessert?" She stated both seriously and playfully, Bella had a problem she was afraid to gain weight and afraid to lose weight.
Krys laughed at the remark made about the puppy being her baby, "Yes he is" ,she said playfully as she scratched him underneath his chin. She really did like the pup he made her laugh on more then one occasion. "Yeah sadly it'll cost us more but at least I'll still be alive" ,Krys said bitterly. Draco had a look of confusion on his face until Bellatrix mentioned not telling the dark lord something, he shook his head and sighed, "I dunno why she just can't accept it you guys were made for each other from how my father describes it in his letters" ,Draco said. Krys looked at Bellatrix when she asked what she got for dessert, "I got a few different things, there's cheesecake, cookies, chocolate cake, and a few danishes, I picked up a little bit of everything" ,Krys told Bellatrix.
"Oh right you weren't mentally here as that happend, Your mother tried to poision Krys, before the Dark Lord got here right infront of everyone. Not smart on her part I must say..." She stated, Draco had a right to know that his mother had a death wish for Krys. "I think that's our safest bet..." Bella stated sadly when you couldn't trust your family who else is there? Bellatrix looked at Draco curiously, "What does your father say, about us?" She hadn't really talked to him in a while not that he'd really tell her how he felt but just to maybe know if Lucius was with them or against them. "I don't know, dear I haven't a clue...she never acted like this before to me or to Krys, she loved Krys and now she wants her dead." Bella stated filling Draco in a bit he had a right to know wht was going on. Bellatrix then smiled and glared at Krys, Bella had a sweet tooth and loved the treats Krys would bring back, but that was her problem, she was always tempted. "Sounds wonderful dear."
Draco shook his head, "I can't believe she's acting like this it's not like her" ,he said quietly. "My father just told me he's never seen either of you more happy and that he thinks you guys work well together, he also told me him and my mum argued a bit about it". Krys sighed she put her plate down and let the dog eat her food. It was unusual to see Krys not eating, she was upset about the whole situation and wished it wasn't such a problem she loved Bellatrix and they were happy so why couldn't everyone else be happy for them. She folded her arms and leaned up against the headboard.
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